RP Apart from Virtue




I hear everyone talk about all the RP on Virtue. What other servers are prominent role-playing ones? Also, what good SGs are there in that server? I maybe looking to start afresh in a new home, just not sure where to go. Thanks in advance.



This time I was smart and just copied Red Djinni's recent post:

...the RP Congress is based out of Pinnacle and has branches now on other servers. Check us out on www.rpcongress.com

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RP Congress is a multi-SG roleplaying group started on Pinnacle. Though I am not personally involved, they seem to be a great group from what I have seen/heard in game and read on their forums.

"Shut up Mr. Burton, you are not brought upon this world to get it!" - Lo Pan



Freedom has the recently founded FreedomRP channel. If you happen to be on freedom and want to RP, please do buzz us. We're doing Saturday afternoon RP events, and many of us are happy to do casual RP teams, anytime. Just recruit from the channel.

Recently founded, like I say. But it's not true that Freedom has no RPers.

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Being a Healer | The word Necessary | Natural Concept Characters



There is also a roleplaying community based on Champion server. Like the RP Congress, our 'Alliance of Champions' is primarily based around a core set of supergroups (currently eight, with a ninth possibly about to join) that have access to a Coalition Chat channel that is treated like a secure alliance-wide communications network.

We roleplay just as much on our forums as we do ingame. That said, participating with both is not mandatory for involvement (it is certainly encouraged though!). We also as a general rule ask that everyone stay in-character as much as possible, prefacing their necessary out-of-character comments with 'ooc:' or putting them in (( )) or both.

You can check us out at our forums linked in my signature or by clicking through the forum link at http://www.freedomphalanx.com. We'll soon be moving the main Alliance of Champions forums and subsites to a new domain at http://www.allianceofchampions.net too.