3 points to your char...




Much like SailorMeffs post of your character inspirations, let the people now simpiler facts about your characters design, style a.k.a fighting style and personality (how do you act as your char, and normally will be the longest to explain but thats okay)

Ill start off

Char Name: Tribal Steel
Design: Tribal patterns and armor
Style: Iron Man style
Personality: I act like Deadpool, a bit cocky, but clumsy I make mistakes quite a few too. Ill act goofy or silly for a few laughs and sometimes i wont even try. I will get down to business when it comes time, but i like jokeing around.

There not so tuff, so let 'er rip RPers!!



Much like SailorMeffs post of your character inspirations, let the people now simpiler facts about your characters design, style a.k.a fighting style and personality

[/ QUOTE ]

Char Name: Hololad
Design: Black with yellow hilights
Style: Superboy and Plastic Man
Personality: Hololad is a young pup like Superboy with his wise-cracks and attitude, but has the distinct trait of being a coward when things get hinky. His mutant control of illusions is best when supporting a team, but often finds himself way over his head because of a smart remark towards a Boss or Lt. He's the kind of guy that uses Superior Invisibilty before entering an elevator, or hovering just above the action to get a better view of the action below (thanks to his grav-belt).

Hololad - Mutant Ill/Kin Controller
Stormy Satyr - Grav/Storm Controller
Lt. MacReady - AR/Dev Blaster
Holobad - Mind/Psi Dominator