51 -
Luckily I was leveling through Striga with my scrapper alt at the same time as my friend was with his warshade. We teamed through most of the Striga missions and ended up with the Hess contact at the same time. So one night I RSKed his level 50 down for it and lead the TF. The next night he RSKed my level 50 down for it and lead the TF. Great times both times. Best TF/Trial/Missions/Enemies/anything in this game. That TF is exactly what I hope all future TFs and maybe someday what all past TFs redone become.
When did they add the timer? I know a few patches back they added the hurl boulder power to the wolves that had a much higher chance to disorientate you.
Step one: get a team of eight female heroes in schoolgirl outfits in the arena.
Step two: have them face off against someone who can use Tenebrous Tentacles.
Step three: Get some screenshots. Amusing captions are optional.
Step four: Profit!
Surely I'm not the only one thinking this. I will be sorely disappointed if I am.
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I'm taking it the other way. My dark melee scrapper with midnight grasp and tenebrous tentacles (soon) will be running around unleashing tentacles everywhere in a schoolgirl uniform. I'll fight evil with irony, I will. -
Though really, they need to nerf just Iron Vixen.
That costume could be quite distracting in combat. -
If it's wrapped around between the legs, it's a loin clout.
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A loin clout sounds painful. -
I laughed. I cried. I learned a lot about Hami drops. I cringed because of all the emotions
I'm going to go out on a limb and say that many skuls will be killed.
Oh, and that tankers will decide once against that they are unplayable after a small change that's not all that significant. -
No. I'm not a whiney player complaining I can't take on plus 5 minions and bosses.
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Keep posting! It'll make my snarky anti-tanker comments seem almost mundane. -
Why in gods good name would you still complain about rage. Having a 400-500 hit knockout blow with two recharge SO's in it, is amazing. Also there is like LITTLE penalty.
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Because of the universial forum WillyW quote, sir:
"But Wither, don't you understand that ANY change to ANY tank power EVER will immediately cause instant death to ANY and ALL teammates including the tanker himself upon use, regardless of preparation, information, strategy, or intelligence?"
Seriously, I was in a group of 8 heroes last night fighting the Madam of Mystery. They called in my hero after failing repeatedly because I must have taken her down 10-20 times in the past. Since I had the experience, I entered the mission, info'd everyone, and instructed them at will. I told the SS/Invul tanker point break: "Before we aggro her, go Rage."
The battle lasted for 10 minutes. Every member of the team (including 4 blasters and a defender) were in melee range. The tanker used Rage everytime it was available. No one noticed the 10 second penalty. He still kept aggro. NO ONE DIED.
This afternoon I'll be testing Rage's penalty with Iron Vixen. Though I already know that, if we come back with positive results, we'll get the same "Well it's different for every other tanker out there! Statesman screwed us!" reply. -
If only we organized like this and actually tested the changes before the patch went live...instead of arguing about how little damage SS tankers do compared to other builds.
Iron Vixen: While I've been a very vocal opponent of Tanker Attitude since pre-issue 3 days, I'll be willing to sacrifice myself to test your Rage and Aggro management with Rage 3.0 on Test. Even if I don't agree with how some of your AT has responded to these changes, I do think you've gone about working with what you were dealt very professionally as a single tanker. Give me a day and time and I'll bring the level 50 squishiness to die repeatedly for your amusement.
I'm sorry. I'll be sure to start posting all responses that are supposed to be ironic/lighthearted in delicious pink text
I really think Tankers feeling that we have poo-poo damage is more of a misconception then truth. Without Rage my damage is pretty nice (I posted the numbers in 2 spots for the number-crunchers). Rage is pretty nice though, and if I can keep aggro in the 10 second "duh" period, I like this a ton more then Rage 2.0. I do less then my BS/Regen Scrapper friend that is 50 like me, but he is supposed to do more anyway.
SS damage.
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Even the thread you linked post is in has a strong hint of "SS Tankers do weak damage, let's complain about that, too." You might think you do significant damage, but I know there's other tankers out there that just happen to be vocal on this board that won't be happy until Rage has no negative effect and SS moves do fire tanker damage. -
What did the five fingers say to the face?
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Of course, since you're a tanker, that barely hurt. You could use Rage to maybe possibly leave a mark for a short amount of time, but in the 10-15 seconds you are standing there doing nothing tired, I can run away or send you and your teammates to the hospital.
Pink text = just kidding!
...or am I? Perhaps something to think about next time you are stuck in the middle of your 10 seconds of downtime. -
Just some informal research about the claims that the "devs are ignoring tankers."
Since the 1st of this year, Statesman has posted about tankers over 14 different times. Many of those about this rage change either in this thread or in threads on the test server.
Statesman has posted about Blasters once. At the beginning of the Blasters and Burn thread in this forum.
He posted a half dozen or so times in the controller issue thread before it was locked. There have been zero posts specifically about scrappers and defenders. Kheldians got the second most posts, mostly about upcoming changes and how Statesman himself saw the Kheldian AT being played.
So if Statesman and the devs were ignoring Tankers, I guess they just completely forgot that 3 other ATs in the game existed. -
just a question, but if taunting ability would remain, would that help?
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No, because then there would be complaints that it still does less damage than axe or fire tankers.
"But Wither, don't you understand that ANY change to ANY tank power EVER will immediately cause instant death to ANY and ALL teammates including the tanker himself upon use, regardless of preparation, information, strategy, or intelligence?"
Also, no "You all keep drinking the kool aid" comment, which is nice.
I'm still a bit miffed that my "Use the FOCE" campaign didn't usurp "Kill Skuls."
But, yeah, they can't replace other ATs, but by level 32, they become an AT onto themselves that'll be perfect for any team. -
I've posted here many times as a friend and teammate to many kheldians, so I'll keep that up.
Last night I decided to take a break from missions to streetsweep Brickstown for my last 1.5 bars until 37. I sent out a message to my SG asking anyone if they wanted to join me, since soloing gets lonely, even for scrappers. Another scrapper and an elec blaster joined me, soon followed by a level 36 Warshade.
We tore Brickstown a new one.
What was the Warshade's role? Destruction. At that point he had his human form pretty well slotted, so he was running around blasting, extracting pets, and blowing things up. Even when we moved to Crey's Folley and somehow got seperated, I noticed he was killing just as much solo and the scrapper and I were killing duo.
So what's the role of a well slotted Warshade on a team? A damage deal with range, defense, and pets. And quite a good one at that. If you got to 50 with your main to unlock kheldians, you should have access to supergroups and tons of friends. Use them, since they won't decide to pick some random idiot off the street over you just because they happen to be an actual tanker, especially with WL kids out there. -
I've decided to leave Skulls to the Americans.
The wave of the future is the DARK SIDE OF THE FOCE (of nature). -
I'd imagine a whole enemy group of humans who mutantgenically transformed into animals would make more sense, since they can legally skurk around the fact that it's not animal violence.
And, no, I don't mean "Let's all beat on furries." -
Letting the creator of the SG have the ability to demote the top-level commanders of the SG or possible kick inactive ones would be nice. I have 3 leaders in my SG now who haven't played in 2-3 months and, with new members rolling in, I could use the space.
Bodyscaling is the only thing this game was missing to truly make this like my favorite of all games: WWF No Mercy for N64. All we really need is more faces and it's the same exact create-a-builder. Great for me, since I spent my high school years doing nothing but making memory card upon memory card of my own wrestlers, so now I can do the same in CoH.
Combined with this information about PvP and I think Issue 4 is pretty decent. The only thing I would add is a new Hollows-like Hazard Zones with contacts and new TFs for level 30s, unless they consider the 30s pretty set with the Calvin Scott TF, Sewer and Eden Trials. If they do, that'll make me a sad mayor since my contacts just won't give up story arcs right now no matter what I do. -
I don't even have an active SS tanker anymore and this delay is starting to get to me.
Please put the new Rage on test so we can move on to fixing the other broken powers please.