A Guide to Hamidon Enhancements




This guide is meant to clear up most confusion on Hamidon Enhancements and other various things you may or may not have known.

There are 11 varieties of Hamidon Enhancements. I am going to provide a small run down of what a Hamidon Enhancement (for the rest of the guide referred to as Hammy O’s) is, how to obtain one, and their effectiveness. I will also give a brief rundown of what Hamidon is for anyone who doesn’t know who this amoeba, or commonly referred to as Jello is and basic info. on The Hive.

Hamidon is an amoeba that has 34 mitochondria around him. These mitochondria vary from Yellow, which are the “damage dealers”, Blue which do stuns with a little damage, and Green which are the healers. Hamidon is in the center of this primordial soup.

Where is Hamidon located? Well, he is in a zone called The Hive. To access it, you have to be at least Security Level 45. To get to The Hive, if you start at Atlas Park, hop on the tram to Steel Canyon, then go to Talos. Next go to Founder’s Falls, then head into Eden. At the far western edge of Eden is the entrance to The Hive.

The Hive is full of level 48-level 50 Monsters. They range from Quarry to Thorn to Lattice to Mushrooms. These beasts are not solo friendly anymore and the XP given by them is, as I say worthless. Devouring Swarms also exist in the zone if you fly really high but awhile back the developers made it so they don’t “insta aggro” on you like they previously did. They have a –fly and –teleport component to them if you do get hit by any, so be careful!

What is a Hammy O? Well, they are a special enhancement that enhance 2 parts (ie: Damage/Accuracy) or 3 parts and are given by Hamidon buds. These buds spawn 1 for each hero in his “shell”. You obtain an enhancement by defeating a Hamidon bud. If you defeat more then 1, you get more enhancements but can only obtain 10 because of the obvious limitations of only holding 10 enhancements at a time.

How “special” or effective are these enhancements? Well, the ones that buff 2 parts are a 50% buff to each. So you get a 50% buff to damage and a 50% buff to accuracy. For the ones that buff 3 parts, its rumored to be 30% and seems to be true.

Now, you’re probably wondering, what kind of enhancements are given. As said above, there are 11 varieties.

Nucleolus Exposure - Damage and Accuracy: This enhancement can be used in a variety of powers. Pretty self explanatory

Centriole Exposure - Damage and Range: This enhancement is a big thing for Blasters. If you 6 slot your snipe for it, you get some really sick range on your snipe. Also helps quite a bit for anything that uses the range portion but not damage portion. Also is great to stick into teleport

Peroxisome Exposure - Damage and Mez: This is a common thing used in a power like Total focus or any powers that have a mez attached to them (ie: Hold, sleep, stun, etc..but NOT knockback)

Endoplasm Exposure - Accuracy and Mez: This is very helpful for Controllers and a lot of Defenders. Self explanatory.

Golgi Exposure - Heal and Endurance Reduction: This is something a lot of Regen scrappers can use in things like Instant Healing or Integration. Also, very helpful to Empathy Defenders and Controllers.

Ribosome Exposure - Increase Damage Resistance and Endurance Reduction: This is very helpful to a majority of Tankers and some Scrapper secondaries.

Microfilament Exposure – Travel Speed Increase (Run, Fly, and Jump) plus Endurance Reduction: This is helpful in most travel powers. The Travel portion does not affect Teleport, only the endurance reduction port.

Lysosome Exposure - Increase ToHit and Defense Debuffs, and Increases Accuracy: This one can be used in a variety of powers. If it does any of the 3 mentioned, it can be slotted. This is the MOST effective in Smoke Grenade

Enzyme Exposure - Increase ToHit and Defense Debuffs, and Endurance Reduction: This can be used in any powers that do either of the 3. MOST effective in Radiation Infection

Membrane Exposure - Increase ToHit and Defense Buffs, and Increase Attack Rate: This can be used on powers that either increase the tohit buff, defense buff, or take recharge enhancements. This is VERY awesome in Elude (trust me )

Cytoskeleton Exposure - Increase ToHit and Defense Buffs, and Endurance Reduction: Same as above. Very useful for Ice Tanks and other various things that enhance defense in the form of a toggle and reduce the endurance cost.

These Hammy O’s can be slotted even if it can only use 1 part of the power. Example as said above: Damage & Range. You can slot it in Teleport just for the range portion or you could slot it into a scrapper attack like Hack on Broadsword just for the damage portion.

I hope this guide has helped clear up any confusion on Hammy O’s and other various questions you may have been wondering but never bothered to ask. If there are any errors/mistakes in this small guide, please feel free to make a post and I’ll look it over and make the change if needed.

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I laughed. I cried. I learned a lot about Hami drops. I cringed because of all the emotions



Thank you so much for this post.. Wish us luck on our raid tomorow that all goes well..

the raid is on Guardian..

Gamina lvl50 EMP/DRK Defender

**You have been weighed, measured and found wanting.. welcome to a brave new world.. OURS**



Good luck

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Thank you SO much. I've been trying to figure out these babies.

I'm working on the baby versions -- those that come off of the Hydra and Eden trials (which are called Titans). There is a version of each of the above (with a different name) in both Hydra and Titan versions.

My understanding from the boards is that the Hydra and Titan versions give a 25% bonus to two things. Don't know if they give 25% or less than that if they boost three things. If it's less, it's possible three power Hydra and Titan Enhancements may often not be as useful as an SO if your not taking advantage of all three boosts. Any ideas?

Thank you for the listing of powers things are useful in. I'm still not convinced that there is anything that can really use all three powers in Membrane Exposure (ToHit, DEF, Recharge). You list Elude, but I don't think that benefits from ToHit. Invincibility can use all three, but the Recharge on Invincibility is already pretty fast. In any case, the Hamidon benefits of 30% make it worth it for just two of the three boosts.

It's worth noting that the Cytoskeleton (ToHit, DEF, END) is amazing in Invincibility.

- Jeremy White



Here's a chart of the names of the Hydra and Titan versions, to the best of my knowledge.

Remember that the Hamidon versions give either a 50%+50% or a 30%+30%+30% bonus, whereas the Hydra and Titan versions are reputed to give a 25%+25% bonus. (and unknown by me for the three-way versions.) Also, it's likely that DEF, RES, Range & Cone give less of a bonus, as the SO versions also give less of a bonus.

<ul type="square">

Nucleolus......Neutrino....Diamond........DAM + ACC
Centriole.......Neutron....Quartz...........DAM + Range
Peroxisome....Gluon........Amethyst.......DAM + "Mez"
Endoplasm.....Graviton....Calcite...........ACC + "Mez"
Golgi.............Positron....Kyanite..........HEA L + END
Ribosome.......Electron....Peridont.........RES + END
Microfilament..Theta.......Selenite.........Travel + END
Lysosome.......Delta........Gypsum.........-ToHit + -Def + ACC
Enzyme.........AntiProton..Zeolite..........-ToHit + -Def + END
Membrane......Quark (?)...Citrine...........ToHit + DEF + RCH
Cytoskeleton..Proton.......Tanzanite......ToHit + DEF + END[/list]

Note: The Hydra Quark is listed in the in-game text as ToHit + DEF + END (which is likely wrong) and right below that as ToHit + DEF + RCH. The +END version already exists as the Proton.

- Jeremy White



Thank you for the listing of powers things are useful in. I'm still not convinced that there is anything that can really use all three powers in Membrane Exposure (ToHit, DEF, Recharge). You list Elude, but I don't think that benefits from ToHit.

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Well, you have to remember it has 3 parts for a reason. You can put it in any power that affects either all 3, 2 parts, or just 1 part (like recharge). I listed Elude as a big benefit because not only do you get a big defense boost but it will recharge faster too. I think right now with 5 Hammy tohit+defensebuff/atk rates it recharges in 70 seconds (100 second duration) and gives me roughly 160% defense. Monsters? AV's? /em laugh

So not every power has to use all 3 parts. If you get ahold of 4 Hammy recharges, put them in Hasten and its perma easily without needing 2 extra slots, plus you get a pretty decent defense bonus.

The tohit portion of that power isn't used as often because of the fact that the tohit defbuff+reduce ends's work much better in things like Tactics or Invincibility or SR toggles/Ice Tank toggles, etc..

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ToHit buff and Defense buff got paired together since they are similar effects and percentage values (20% for SOs)

Do we have a confirmation that the range component is 50% or could it be less since normally Range SOs only offer 20%?

Its a shame recharge isn't paired up with more options but still offers a sizable benefit but they seem harder to come by than the Damage/X flavors



I listed Elude as a big benefit because not only do you get a big defense boost but it will recharge faster too. I think right now with 5 Hammy tohit+defensebuff/atk rates it recharges in 70 seconds (100 second duration) and gives me roughly 160% defense.

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Now I want 5 of these.



Do we have a confirmation that the range component is 50% or could it be less since normally Range SOs only offer 20%?

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If the normal range buff is 20% then it would be a 30% buff for the range portion of Damage/Range. I seriously could be wrong though but I dont have a toon to effecitvely test this on.

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Are these only for defeeating Hamidon or are they for defeating anyone in the green goo?Another questiono you only get these for killing them?

TW/Elec Optimization



You get them for killing the buds that appear after Hamidon is defeated



Thank you for the listing of powers things are useful in. I'm still not convinced that there is anything that can really use all three powers in Membrane Exposure (ToHit, DEF, Recharge).

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Well, let's see. What power do you know of that buffs Accuracy and Defense?

I'll give you a hint...it's in the Empathy set...



Awesome Thread

ArchRex Dojhrom x ?
* Sidus Loricatus: B-NRG2, S-BS/Reg, T-Fire/Ice, MM-Bots/FF, St-NRG2, Dom-Psi/NRG, Cor-Son/Traps, Cor-Ice/Kin, Ctrl-Fire/Kin, PB-LB/LA
* Arachnos Loricatus: Soldier, Widow
* Praetoria Loricatus: B-DP/Dev, Cor-Elec/Elec



Thank you for the listing of powers things are useful in. I'm still not convinced that there is anything that can really use all three powers in Membrane Exposure (ToHit, DEF, Recharge).

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Well, let's see. What power do you know of that buffs Accuracy and Defense?

I'll give you a hint...it's in the Empathy set...

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Fortitude it is! Membrane is the bomb-diggity in ... Fortitude.




Ran some tests on Test, to see what percentage Hydra enhancements give.

Tested Damage on a Neutrino (DAM + ACC), and Recharge on a Quark (ToHit + DEF + RCH). Both were my level (40). I only tested Damage and Recharge, because those are much easier to test than some of the other bonuses.

The damage test was easy, and came up with a number of 25.002%. Confirms the 25% bonus previously reported.

The Recharge test was a bit more complicated. Tested with Build Up (Activation of 1.2, Recharge of 90), Whirling Hands (Act: 3, RCH: 14) and Total Focus (Act: 3.3, RCH: 20). Made sure to subtract the Activation time before calculating the RCH benefit. Particularly with Build Up and Whirling Hands, I was able to put them on autoattack, and time when they went off. I recorded both the second they autofired again, and averaged over all the results. The manual timings had a few seconds variance, likely due to human error, but it all looked good, and jived with the Hero Planner numbers (when unenhanced). In any case, in my two long really good Build Up tests, the Enhancement gave a Recharge benefit of 24.5% and 25.2%.

That seems close enough to 25% to decree that the Hydra Quark Enhancement gives a 25% Recharge bonus. Note that this is a THREE Enhancement (ToHit + DEF + RCH), which implies that Hydra and Titan that enhance 3 things give 25% to each one.

So it appears to me that the special enhancements enhance as such:

Hamidon TWOs:______ 50% + 50%
Hamidon THREEs:_____ 33% + 33% + 33% (or possibly 30%)
Hydra/Titan TWOs:___ 25% + 25%
Hydra/Titan THREEs:__ 25% + 25% + 25%

It is presumed that those things that normal SOs give only 20% instead of 33.3% (DEF, RES, Range, Cone) will also give only .60 of the benefits listed above as well. Therefore, a Hammy O Ribosome probably actually gives 30% RES + 50% END.

- Jeremy White



Vengeance uses all three of those components as well.



Did some tests on range portion of the Damage Enhancer and can confirm that it offers a 30% bonus compared to 33% (its a small difference but enough to make the difference of 2 yds.

So if the SO is normally 33% it will be 50%
and if the SO is normally 20% it will be 30%

also it means the boost is the same ratio for each type



Interesting/Good tests there Blue One. So basically those 3 part enhancements are actually GOOD to have since a regular 20% enhancement like defense ones but yet Hydra/Titan ones are 25%

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Interesting/Good tests there Blue One. So basically those 3 part enhancements are actually GOOD to have since a regular 20% enhancement like defense ones but yet Hydra/Titan ones are 25%

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They're good, but I doubt they're good for THAT reason. The Hydra Quark (ToHit + DEF + RCH) gave a 25% Recharge boost -- which is possibly higher than I would have expected for a triple. However, my guess it that it's Defense boost would be only 15% (.6 of 25%) -- as DEF enhancements are at lower levels. I haven't tested this, as testing DEF bonuses is hard.

My prediction is that the Hydra Quark gives:
25% ToHit + 15% DEF + 25% RCH

which is a lot better to put into one slot of your Fortitude than merely a 20% DEF SO or a 33% RCH SO.

I've personally only confirmed the Recharge 25% bonus of the Hydra Quark.

- Jeremy



This post explains me the humi raid MADNES.

This is somehow nice to give L50s smth to deal with.

I was just imagining an energy blaster 6 slot of these sloted to Nova at future PvP. Weird huh? Or a tanker caped resists and def.. almost god.

Tnx for the helpful posts...



I dont know if tanks can cap defense since technically there is no cap

As for resists, its not hard for a tank to cap them anyways

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I really love the idea of dual or triple purpose enhancements imagine how it would change the mid game if we could get a hold of them when it mattered. I cant help but wonder though, when your level 50 what good are they? You maxed levels, you killed hami and now what? The only thing where I can see they would make any difference is if your into PvP or to help you PL your friends easier.



It offers a way to advance your character further with hard work and teamwork. If 50 is your only goal then there isn't much point but if you like to play your character or make them better then offers a very reasonable reward.