A Guide to Hamidon Enhancements




I hit 44th level, and was able to test the level 47 Membrane I have. It boosts ToHit, DEF and Recharge.

Tested the Recharge portion in Build Up, which is reported to have a 1 second activation, and a 90 second recharge.

Did lots of very detailed testing, which I'm too lazy to type out here now.

My results show that a regular SO gives a 33.44% Enhancement boost -- right next to the actual 33.33% boost.

My testing showed the Hamidon Enhancement giving a 49% boost -- much higher than the SO, and very likely to actually be 50%.

The raw numbers from my testing:
Build Up with no Enh: 91 seconds (Consistent with 1 sec act, 90 sec recharge)
Build Up with +3 SO: 66 seconds
Build Up with +3 HO: 58.5 seconds

You can do the math now if you like: Subtract 1 second for activation time. The formula is Original / (1 + Enh) = New. Then, divide New by 1.15 to change it from a +3 Enh to a typical Enh.

At least for Recharge, Hamidon Triples give 50%. And there is no reason to believe they aren't ALL 50% -- there is no reason to believe that Recharge would be more Enhanced than other attributes.

On this one detail, Stateman was wrong.

- Jeremy White



Yes there is reason to believe this... the way it currently workes is that an SO gives yo a 33% boost in that ability a hammy o will boost by 50% if a SO would normally buff by 20% then the HO buffs by 30% Or anothe way of looking at it is it is like slotting a SO and a DO in the same slot for howerever many things it affects.



Yes there is reason to believe this... the way it currently workes is that an SO gives yo a 33% boost in that ability a hammy o will boost by 50% if a SO would normally buff by 20% then the HO buffs by 30% Or anothe way of looking at it is it is like slotting a SO and a DO in the same slot for howerever many things it affects.

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But that doesn't explain why flight speed is reduced with the speed/end Hamio. I didn't test it but things certainly seem to take longer. I went from 3 ++so's to 3 hamio's and I seem to have slowed down a lot. could this be a bug?



all folks are reporting a decrease in using the travel portion of HOs.

Likely a bug and should be submitted and put in the technical section so the devs can see it.

i have Teleport so I can't test the numbers myself



all folks are reporting a decrease in using the travel portion of HOs.

Likely a bug and should be submitted and put in the technical section so the devs can see it.

i have Teleport so I can't test the numbers myself

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Thanks Mal, Ill do that.



Good job again Blue One

But I to think there has been a travel speed enhancement bug since AT LEAST Issue 3. I want to think its been there sooner and its been /bugged but considering bug reports seem to never be looked at, I never bothered ot think it would be fixed.

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Quick question Re: the levels of HOs. I was told by several people in game that they have a 5 level 'stretch' period, as opposed to the normal SO's 3. In other words, a level 45 could equip a level 50 HO, thus letting them use whatever reward they get for participating in a raid. Is there any truth to this, or is it utter fabrication? I'm not quite a level to find out myself, I'm afraid.



This is not true. I was just level 46 a couple of days ago on my peacebringer and could not equip the HO that I had from this character's first hami raid. However, immediately upon turning 47 I was able to equip it.



That is completely false, I have no idea where it came from except for possibly wild speculation repeated as fact. Pay it no heed.



That is completely false, I have no idea where it came from except for possibly wild speculation repeated as fact. Pay it no heed.

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Excellent. Many thanks to both of you.



You can't SLOT them at 45/46 but it does have a 5 level 'spread'. ie: When level cap is raids to 60, from 50-55, Hami's are still useful but after 55, they turn red.

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You can't SLOT them at 45/46 but it does have a 5 level 'spread'. ie: When level cap is raids to 60, from 50-55, Hami's are still useful but after 55, they turn red.

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Umm, not to be contradictary, but how the blazes would you know this? If you can't slot them before 47 you can't test 5 levels below and it is a moot point, if you can't get above level 50 it would be pretty hard to test the upper limit.

I've never seen a dev post to this effect and with the Crystal titan and sewer trial enhancements, they went red at -4.

If you have any information to support this let me know, but I've seen nothing to lead me to believe this is true.



Actually, HOs can vary in level. I know this because I have a lvl 48 HO slotted. So *if* HOs can go as low as 45, (or perhaps somehow even lower) it would be possible to test how far negative a HO can go. This assumes of course such a HO could be procured and tested by a lvl 50. I have no idea if such testing has actually been done though. Just my 2 inf.

It is known that there are an infinite number of worlds, simply because there is an infinite amount of space for them to be in. However, not every one of them is inhabited. Therefore, there must be a finite number of inhabited worlds. Any finite number divided by infinity is as near to nothing as makes no odds, so the average population of all the planets in the Universe can be said to be zero. From this it follows that the population of the whole Universe is also zero, and that any people you may meet from time to time are merely the products of a deranged imagination.



Ahh yes, I have seen them as low as 47. Happens when someone is sked when the HO drops on them.

I would like to see that someone has actually done some testing though. I have yet to see any support at all for this. No tests, no dev posts, no nothing.



My info seems to be wrong. I couldve sworn someone mentioned it being a 5 level 'spread' but after a vigorous denying by an SG mate, I'll take his word for it as I cant really test it

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most of it is a moot point but HOs last for 5 levels. The trial ones do not.

Only way this would have happened is those that had some prior to the level cap raise of 50 so they were effective until 45 as Hamidon and the hive was increased in Issue 1 as well. Like I said so few had them that its a moot point but they go backwards 5 levels but only above by 3 levels. Also can't combine like enhancements (can't combine two Nucleous types) to get 50+ or 50++ versions.

it was stated in old patch notes about the change but that's way back in Issue 1 stuff so good luck finding it.



So not every power has to use all 3 parts. If you get ahold of 4 Hammy recharges, put them in Hasten and its perma easily without needing 2 extra slots, plus you get a pretty decent defense bonus.

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This is exactly what Statesman is talking about in his Post about Hamidon enhancements. (look it up) :P



A silly question, but:
Will an Endurance Reduction/Trave Speed Hammy-O affect the speed of TK'd enemies?



don't think so since you can't modify repel speed that I know of



My info seems to be wrong. I couldve sworn someone mentioned it being a 5 level 'spread' but after a vigorous denying by an SG mate, I'll take his word for it as I cant really test it

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I believe the misinformation came from the old Prima strategy guide - and we all know how accurate *those* are.

Seriously... in-game, *hard evidence* is pointing to dual enhancers being good at +/- 3, same as TO/DO/SO - why do people continue to insist this is not so?




the info from the Prima guide is Pre-issue one info and it was never a 5 level spread until a patch after Issue 1.

so you can't use them until the normal 3 level range but they last 5 levels rather than the standard three. Only applies to HOs as they never said all trial enhancements. Also doesn't matter much now since most HOs out there are 47-50 so you'd never encounter a need for the 5 level hindrange.



So it is a 5 level spread then? Is this confirmed as 100% true? I know States mentioned about how Hami's will work only auto-exemp'd to 45 which lead to the belief/notion that Hami's work ina 5 level gap but cant be slotted unless in the 3 level range.

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Assuming that it is a level 5 spread, and assuming that the level cap might someday be increased to 60, will the effectiveness of a hamidon enhancement stay consistent through that level range? In other words, will a level 50 hamidon enhancement that gives a 50% boost to a power's effect on a level 50 character continue to give a 50% boost on said power when the character reaches level 55? Or will the hamidon enhancement's effectiveness begin to lower as you level up?



the info from the Prima guide is Pre-issue one info and it was never a 5 level spread until a patch after Issue 1.

so you can't use them until the normal 3 level range but they last 5 levels rather than the standard three. Only applies to HOs as they never said all trial enhancements. Also doesn't matter much now since most HOs out there are 47-50 so you'd never encounter a need for the 5 level hindrange.

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Show me patch notes with this change. Show me a redname statement on it. Otherwise, I'll continue to believe *actual in-game experience* versus rumors.




this information dates back to before august so there is no way to verify it with a redname or post as it has been removed by the boards when they do monthly cleaning.

if they show past patch notes look there.

just trying to help with what i've seen in patch notes, personal experience and testing. I guess I'll just keep my mouth shut and let the blind continue to lead the blind.