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  1. Actually, the way I played rad was more from a distance with only occasional visits to the middle of the fight to buff/heal.

    Though for a more up close and personal play style I can see your point.
  2. Capt_Neem

    The Core Being

    Thanks, I'll check it out.
  3. Take your time man. You will probably want to wait until the nerf actually goes live before you post anything.
  4. Capt_Neem

    The New Empire

    I lived a good ways out of it in a little slum called Bay City. But I have driven through and to houston a couple of times. There are nice places but they are far from consituting the majority of the metroplex.

    Just my opinion.
  5. Capt_Neem

    The New Empire

    Just a joke, I lived down near Houston all through my childhood... Not the nicest of cities, or the cleanest, and it stunk. Mostly though just some good natured ribbing.
  6. Capt_Neem

    The New Empire

    [ QUOTE ]
    No place like Houston.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Thank God for that.
  7. Capt_Neem

    The New Empire

    [ QUOTE ]
    but I am not writing a book.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Umm... lets see... 19 chapters, 119 pages in Microsoft word, 43,151 words, 1,801 paragraphs, and 5,402 lines.

    I don't know what you call a book but thats pretty fraggin close I think. ;-)
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    Well..I must say I'm sooooo overjoyed to find out about the lack of speed boost from travel/end. I just used my last respec and then watch my friend fly past me. And here I thought the HO's would provide an actual boost. :'( Don't suppose I can get my respec back so I can be at the fly cap again...


    [/ QUOTE ]

    Sorry... It isn't that much less than an SO though. (30% rather than 33% at even level)

    As for the travel/ends buffing the recharge 50%, I doubt it. It would be the travel buff that would likely be doing it and it is only 30%, however it probably WILL be better than a recharge reducer because you get diminishing returns the more recharge reducers you slot but this, being an increase instead of a decrease, will be just as good at the fifth one as the first one.

    One problem though, you can't slot the travel/end hamios in hasten. Hasten does not accept either buff normally.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    It's been done before and it is SLIGHTLY less then an SO. I did a race with someone who had a 1 slotted swift (same enhancement level) and he had 2 SO run speeds in SS and I had 2 Travel/Ends in SS. He beat me by a small bit (Forum Troll I believe) in a run around of a building

    [/ QUOTE ]

    No not the speed test, the recharge test. Read the previous post. I know about the speed problem but someone is saying that they enhance what is normally completely unenhanceable. The recharge boost.

    Thats what I want to see tested by another party. I'm not sure I'm willing to believe this one one person's say so but if two independant people on the forums support this claim, that would be good enough for me.
  10. Capt_Neem

    The New Empire

    Mutate, Radiant aura, Accelerate Metabolism, repeat.

    Oh, by the way Bloodwolffe, if you ever need a scout for the good guys. The Core Being is uniquely suited to that duty, since she has a habit of going out of phase with reality and being undetectable by any physical means. ;-)
  11. If anyone has any travel/ends I would greatly appreciate them testing this. Shouldn't be too hard to test.

    Once again, I would but I have none of these enhancers.
  12. Ok, hot news.
    In a triumph forum thread this was said.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Microfilament Exposure: Travel Speed/End reduce- great for travel powers, speed boost, and accelarate metabolism....the benefit to travel powers is self explanatory....i will explain the gains to speed boost and slotting one of these in SB and AM you will boost the recharge speed of all those buffed by 10-25 seconds.....also applicable for any buff that takes a run speed enhancement.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Can anyone verify. If Travel/end enhancers can actually increace recharge buffs that would shoot this up from a bottom of the barrel crappyO to a top notch ValueO.

    I would test this myself but I have none of these enhancers seeing as my hami raider is a TPer.
  13. Capt_Neem

    The New Empire

    Uh oh.... when the GM laughs maniacally you know your in for some PC deaths.

    Or a bad pun.

    Or .... both
  14. Capt_Neem

    The New Empire

    [ QUOTE ]
    Neem, i noticed you were from dallas, im from houston. Texas, representin'.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    you have my sympathy

    Good to see another Texan though ;-)
  15. Capt_Neem

    The New Empire

    Sending out a happy birthday greeting to our good friend Blood Woolfe.

    Have a good one and many more to come!
  16. Yeah, slotting TG with one or two lysos would be a good idea.

    Though you would want to slot most of it up with heal/ends and recharge HOs.

    The main problem with the Lysos is how few powers benefit from it more than other HOs and the frequency of the drops.

    Lysos are probably the most frequently dropped HO and the least useful.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    In a comment on an LJ post in the City of Heroes forum, someone complained that the Lysosome Exposure Enhancement was useless and unwanted, because nobody except a Dark/Dark Def could really use it. Inspired, I went to the powers FAQ at Warcry and ran down the list to see which powers could benefit. I've probably missed a few, but here's my survey of people who can use a Lysosome, which is apparently widely regarded as one of the "most useless" Hami-Os in the game.

    These are all the powers I could find that can benefit from two out of the three factors enhanced by a Lysosome Exposure (To-Hit Debuff/Defense Debuff/Accuracy):
    <ul type="square">[*]Assault Rifle Blasters (Burst)[*]/Device Blasters (Smoke Grenade)[*]Earth Controllers (Stone Prison, Stone Cages)[*]Dark Miasma Defenders (Twilight Grasp, Fearsome Stare, Petrifying Gaze, Dark Servant)[*]/Dark Blast Defenders (most Blast attacks debuff Accuracy)[*]Radiation Emission Defenders (Radiation Infection&amp;#8212;though, granted, the Debuff/End Reduc Hami-O is a better choice for this)[*]/Radiation Blast Defenders (most Blast attacks debuff Defense)[*]Storm Summoning Defenders (possibly; I'm not sure if Tornado takes Acc or not)[*]Broadsword Scrappers (Hack, Slash, Whirling Sword, Disembowel, Head Splitter)[*]Claws Scrappers (Slash)[*]Dark Melee Scrappers (most attacks debuff Accuracy)[*]Katana Scrappers (the same attacks as Broadsword, by whatever names they're called now; the guide I'm looking at isn't updated with the new names)[/list]
    [/ QUOTE ]

    nice post and great thread! I just wanted to add that lysos are good for storm defenders or controllers, in freezing rain (which now takes accuracy enhancements too)


    [/ QUOTE ]

    I've said it before and I'll say it again. In almost all if not every case listed there is a better hami O for that slot.

    Usually in attacks that debuff acc or defense the debuff is so unbelievably minor as to not be worth slotting and has such a short duration that you have to be lucky for it to even benefit you for one attack. Pointless to slot for that when you could have slotted for dam/range, Dam/mez, acc/mez, or dam/acc.

    Slotting most debuffs for accuracy is a waste in comparison to Debuffs/end redux.

    That said, out of your list the only power that I think Lysosome is ideal for would be smoke grenade.

    Smoke grenade isn't even used very much anymore and often goes unslotted. Couple that with the incredible frequency of lysosome drops and you have a pretty worthless enhancement in comparison to every other HO that could have dropped.

    I will say that travel HOs are pretty crappy as well but most people don't realize that and therefore it can be traded fairly easily. Also being able to slot SS for end redux without giving up on most of the speed enhancement is nice. Same goes for flight now too.
  18. Capt_Neem

    The New Empire


    Looks like the good Captain will start to curse that monster's name as well.

    Looking forward to more. Definitely.
  19. Capt_Neem

    The New Empire

    Ahh more of the good stuff.

    As always waiting for more. ;-)

    You are a phenomenal writer and can always depict a scene beautifully with appropriate use of dialogue or summary as the mood and situation demands. Thats something I always have a hard time with.

    Keep it up.
  20. Just watched all your videos. Great stuff indeed.

    My favorites were the Phantom Soldier preview and the Thank You video. But the hellions one was inspired as well ;-)
  21. Well you can always respec and move them around. Dam/Acc are worth more in trade than Dam/range so is should be an easy matter to slot up everything optimally by just going to a single hami raid and trading.
  22. Capt_Neem

    The New Empire

    Hmm, that conversation ended badly. That is an issue that will be sure to be revisited. Anger that deep doesn't put up and shut up when its been aired so recently.

    Good to see some more fleshing out ;-)
  23. Well my point with the bubbles offender was that it was nowhere near as effective at either improving its own damage, or protecting itself as other offender builds. Not really that it was impossible but that it was not quite as practical.

    Kin can heal itself and ramp up its own damage while decreasing the damage opponents do.

    Rad and dark can debuff enemies into complete submission and increase the damage output they can do through those debuffs.

    Storm can keep all the enemies from standing, hurt them lots, increase their damge through debuffs, and have pretty darned good defenses with their hurricaine.

    The best bubbles can do is try to keep the enemies on their backs and resort to their PFF when things get out of hand. They can't ramp up their damage and their personal defenses are quite frankly weak by comparison to the other defenders. They can't even heal themselves without inspirations or medicine.

    Empaths can heal themselves, increase their regen, and increase their end recovery but they can't increase their damage or decrease incoming damage.

    As a result I would say if you are looking to make an offender and don't already have a concept in mind, Rad, dark, kin, and storm would be where you would want to look. If you do already have a concept in mind, by all means go for it. You can make it work, but it won't be as easy or as effective.