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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    While I also am not a big fan of I5 and share some of your concerns, your comment is incorrect. The CoH subscription base has held steady or increased each month since early 2005 (post WoW

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I am sorry the chart you pointed out shows basically a flat line maybe a slight increase in subscribers for first 3 months of this year... Which coincides with the european servers opening up and some free trial giveaways happening... the other post you use in your statement also reflects these two items when asked dirrectly whether the free trials were taken into account for that post to be accurate the red names became awfully silent on the subject.

    You don't need charts and forum posts to see the dwindling numbers. Look at server status, always green for all servers,
    travel around the city looking for heroes, hell just use the find team utility and look at the number of players on each server.

    Sorry but until I see multiple instances of zones like I used to I won't believe the player base has increased in numbers.
  2. Yes, but Jack also seems to be un concerned with the dwindling user base of COH as it stands now. Otherwise why would you nerf the hell outta almost every players characters and offer it up as an update.

    In other words just cause Jack is unconcerned does not mean there is not and will not be a problem.

    When COV is released and most of the coh fans join in (as I am sure cryptic and ncsoft hope they will) who will still be playing COH Paragon city will be a ghost town of waterdowned nerfed ex-heroes. Hell if they sent out more beta invites and expanded the testing times this would already be the case without the ridiculous I5 changes.
  3. Statesman,

    Why is controllers superior invisibility, and group invisibility loaded in with the generic stealth changes and not with the primary stealth changes?

    I mean they are both in our primary Illusion set? I consider these some of my primary powers much like in the defense sets you state in fact even moreso then some like for storm and dark miasma. Once again you have lowered the overall defense buff these powers provide...then when I use these powers in a way as a defense buff during conbat i lose half their effect. I again have to say [censored] in the differentiating between general and primary categories you listed why not just say that since illusion controllers can stack their superior invis and group invis powers. The defense bonus these powers can stack is above where we feel it is balanced.

    lets see since you have taken away our ability to control (aoe hold nerf) and our ability to have more than 1 level 32 pet...I think the biggest benefit my illusion controller has is his defense which you have gone the route of over nerfing much like the aoe hold nerf. lets compare:

    Aoe hold nerf- 1/2 duration + double recharge= 1/4 effectiveness

    superior +group invis- 1/2 defense bonus+ 1/2 supression when attacking= 1/4 effectiveness.

    In fact if ya look at some auxilliary powers you could stack with these changes. I would put the decrease in effectiveness closer to around 90%. This is just overkill.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    Devs if your reading these posts on PvP, please look closely and you'll start to see a consensus amongst most of us in regards to the affects of holds,taunts and fear.They simply arent any fun at all and are a BIG part of whats keeping many of us from going to the arenas.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    So basically what you are saying is controller please be the coat check guy for the real heroes in the arena. You hate to be held or feared or debuffed in the arena I hate to be 2 shotted by any other AT outside of a controller (Or some team oriented defenders)

    Complaining about powers that they give you a 50 influence inspiration to break is in my mind just rediculous. I mean they already give you 15 secs of pure freedom after you use the chicklet mean now my controller is a low damage low health bot that just had his best defense dropped totally because you spent 50 influence before the fight, and you want to nerf it further? There are heroes in the arena that are very nearly impervious to holds and using some tactics and power combinations can basically go into the arena without fear of most staus effects. these include most tanker sets kheldians in dwarf form most scrapper sets...some controllers. the only heroes that have no protection from holds can pretty much kill a controller from range with superior tactics. Its just sad to me when players basically call for there own nerf bat upside the head.
  5. Atomic_Dynamo

    Spectral Terror

    Well I was wondering when they were going to make this power worthless again and with the new update we have our answer

    the cloak of fear effect (the initial auto hit fear) will now only target 50% of available targets and will have an accuracy of 50% So basically they made this a choking cloud fear effect that is immobile (and we all know how many rads pick up chocking cloud) I really fail to see why this change was made fix the supression and this power would have been fine. Oh well at least they didn't send it live good and nerf it into oblivion after everyone respeced into it....this time.
  6. Atomic_Dynamo

    Spectral Terror

    but if they make it targetable they should make it mobile and buffable as well to keep snipers from just killing it with no effect
  7. Yes there is reason to believe this... the way it currently workes is that an SO gives yo a 33% boost in that ability a hammy o will boost by 50% if a SO would normally buff by 20% then the HO buffs by 30% Or anothe way of looking at it is it is like slotting a SO and a DO in the same slot for howerever many things it affects.
  8. But thats the point they shouldn't have a choice they are confused they don't know what todo so they just do what most blasters do and blast away...
  9. Atomic_Dynamo

    Spectral Terror

    No this is not true...only certain powers have crits.... Like blind is a Mag 3 hold it also has a mag 1 hold that hits 20% of the time so you can say it is mag 3 hold that is mag 4 20% of the time. There are others like this. But it is by no means in all sets and all AT's.

    The above statement was not meant to say that only mez powers have crits I was just using a particular mez power as an example.
  10. Atomic_Dynamo

    Kheldian changes

    The problem with what you say in the above post is the lack of slots sure kheldians can dwarf form nearly as well as true tanks if slotted.... sure novas are high damage output fragile blasters if slotted.... sure our human powers are slightly weaker the defender powers if slotted. Where am I going with this is that to get the versatility we have to slot all three forms If we fail to slot dwarf it is a horrible tanker and not worth taking if you don't slot nova you have a very weak blaster with extremely weak defenses and no status protection.
    If you don't slot human powers your attacks and defenses both suck.

    It appears the only effective way to play these AT's is via respec. play human (mandatory) till level 6... Play nova till level 25 (when the start of the every group has a status effect attacker in it) Play Dwarf from 25- 35ish start at 25 cause thats when ya can have resists slotted and maybe an attack or two so you can actually defeat a villain instead of boring him to death. At 35 you can go back to human form and slot up your human attacks and defenses at the expense of the forms.

    The getting the forms later then level 1 is also a big negative as we can't start to slot our tank till level 20 it takes until late 20's to get slotted to be effective for only a couple of levels before it is better to just start slotting the human form as you can get resistances up to acceptable levels at that time with more attacks and more auxilliary powers available to you.

    My proposal would not be more slots as this would somehow not seem fair to non epic AT's. But to assume each sub power of the form is slotted with 3 of the level appropriate enhancements throughout your leveling (1-15 TO 15-25 DO 25+ SO) This would give the form a big benefit right out of the box and also at the same time keep them from becoming overpowered. You could still slot the base form power with to hit buffs and end recovery or resist buff in dwarf. I think this alone would make the alternate forms good enough to use at high levels and for the base form to be worth putting slots in.

    As it is now at higher levels people are skipping the forms totally( respeccing out of them or just not selecting them at all) due to the cost in slots to make them anywhere near effective.
  11. Not taking blind is a huge error IMO early on it does good damage for a controller early on its a good hold and it has a small chance to do aoe control (small aoe sleep) I respecced out of lingering radiation and mutation, both are actually good powers I just found other powers more useful (although with the spectral terror changes I would take either over it now) If you take teleport I highly recommend hover from fly pool as well. The teleport foe although it seems like cool thing to do in theory it just isn't practical in game its too slow for your normal kill speed. At high levels I recommend the primal pool ancilliary powerpool. It makes the holds last 3 times as long as normal. this means you can reduce hold duration slotting on these powers. As for the slotting of Phantom army I didn't change the slotting after getting phantasm I think the reason to reslot them is more based on playstyle then other powers if ya mostly solo I recommend damage slotting if ya group mostly recharge slotting.
  12. Well after the pre-mature release of the last 2 issues as well as the neutering of existing AT's and the underwhelming excitement of the new epic AT's... and the exodus of players to WOW I think issue fours title should be issue

    Issue 4: Ghosttown

    where you are forced to team cause solo play is not fun but there is no one on to team with.

    I love teaming up with my supergroup and other friends when I am on. I also like tochallenge my toon to solo things every once in a while (even though I am level 50 and get no real benefit from it) I like the way combat is done in this game better then WOW I have an account with WOW and two with COH I will cancel one of my accounts with COH and start joining alot of my SG in WOW I was hoping that the epic AT's would keep me in COH until COV came out but they just are not fun. well thanks for 7 months of fun cryptic I hope to return when COV comes out I may come in for a peek when issue 4 comes out.

    I just remembered a thread that was a couple months back where the gist was that issue 3 was going to suck... and then Statesman came on and something like issue three was nearly ready and the reviews so far were far from sucktastic...well looking at the part of the player base from these boards and my own experience let me just say i am very underwhelmed by issue three.
  13. Please confirm (or denounce) fear changes for spectral terror.
  14. From my understanding of what one of the developers posted a while back the epic AT will be an additional slot for charachter on the server you have the level 50 on inother words instead of 8 character slots you now have 9. I also feel the shapeshifting of a sort will take the form of being able to use teammates powers... maybe the difference between the AT's is that peace uses teammates powers and warshades uses villains powers...just a thought.

    (I sure am glad I got my main to 50)