Suggest no confusion icon on player's screen




Given that confusion is going to randomly switch a confused player's targets, I suggest that, unlike other powers, confusion have no icon on that player's rack.

For instance, when you get held or debuffed, a small icon appears on the upper right of your screen showing you you've been held.

But for confusion to be effective, the confused player should not immediately realize he's been confused. He might realize it after he's blasted a few teammates, but he shouldn't get a warning beforehand. He should continue to think that everything is normal until he actually sees his buddy get hurt.

So no icon for confusion powers on the confused person's screen. Sound reasonable?



interesting idea



I would prefer if it did have an icon since it allows people to decide if they want to attack and take the risk of hitting themselves or others.



And they will have the choice as soon as they realize they're ocnfused.



But thats the point they shouldn't have a choice they are confused they don't know what todo so they just do what most blasters do and blast away...



Hmmm I think I like it.

And my interpretation was not that your targets would randomly be switched, but when you fired off an attack, the damage would be done to a random teammate rather than your current target.



Problem with this is that most players won't think they are Confused.

They will think they are the victim of a bug or some sort of exploit.

Letting the player know when they are Confused is the easiest way to prevent Customer Service from recieving tons of false bug and exploit tickets.

We tried to implement a system where we can let the player know they are Confused, but give them the opportunity to "act normally", just occassionally changing their actions server side. Once Issue 4 hits test, try it out and give us your feedback.

Follow me on Twitter



Would love to Positron, how about a when?

Yeah I know /soon/



I think players will realize soon enough that it's not a bug. Word will spread, and most of it will probably be contained to in-game channels and players filling i nthe uninformed.

By the way, how are AoEs going to work with confuse? Will each character in the radius get a random roll to see if they get damaged? Will it work the same way for buffs and debuffs?




Problem with this is that most players won't think they are Confused.

They will think they are the victim of a bug or some sort of exploit.

Letting the player know when they are Confused is the easiest way to prevent Customer Service from recieving tons of false bug and exploit tickets.

We tried to implement a system where we can let the player know they are Confused, but give them the opportunity to "act normally", just occassionally changing their actions server side. Once Issue 4 hits test, try it out and give us your feedback.

[/ QUOTE ]
As a Mind Controller, I just want to say I am so psyched to try this out. Mass Confusing an opposing team sounds like a lot more fun than Mass Confusing a horde of Hellions on Perez.



By the way, how are AoEs going to work with confuse? Will each character in the radius get a random roll to see if they get damaged? Will it work the same way for buffs and debuffs?

[/ QUOTE ]

Heh, I can imagine some blaster setting off a full powered nova/inferno/misc nuke and wiping both teams at once. New form of griefing. I would hope they lean toward the acc check for effected players in the area to avoid that.



Gosh, Posi jumped on this thread quick, didn't he?

I agree with him, btw. If you were actually confused, you'd know it. One second, your teammates were to your left and the bad guys were 20 feet ahead, and suddenly they're all in different places? You'd realize your perceptions were messed up, or that everyone had suddenly been relocated.



I think players will realize soon enough that it's not a bug. Word will spread, and most of it will probably be contained to in-game channels and players filling i nthe uninformed.

By the way, how are AoEs going to work with confuse? Will each character in the radius get a random roll to see if they get damaged? Will it work the same way for buffs and debuffs?


[/ QUOTE ]

Never worked in a support department, have you?




As a Mind Controller, I just want to say I am so psyched to try this out. Mass Confusing an opposing team sounds like a lot more fun than Mass Confusing a horde of Hellions on Perez.

[/ QUOTE ]

Seriously... Mind controllers are going to be a very mischeivious PvP build... just my kind of fun.

Now if only I could get myself psyched about playing a controller...



I don't get it.

If I stand next to Enemy Guy and try to hit him with a melee attack (while confused) and the server aims my melee attack at Ally Guy 30 yards away, won't it just not go off? I doubt there's actual AI movement to the target when you're confused.

Now I'm confused in real life!



oh, just thought of something wicked, say you confuse a tank. Said tank then uses provoke and it hits his team mates. What will happen.

ohhh, anxiously awaiting arena!



I think players will realize soon enough that it's not a bug. Word will spread, and most of it will probably be contained to in-game channels and players filling i nthe uninformed.

[/ QUOTE ]
However, the initial 75% of the population that doesn't check the boards will send falls /petitions and CSR will get swamp even more than they usually do when a new Issue goes live.



What if instead of an icon to inform the player that they are confused you just add a header and footer to the text to the combat logs.

"While CONFUSED $normal_combat_text insead of what you meant to do!"

where $normal combat_text could = "You crush JusticeAvenger236 for 4 points of damage"

This way someone would have to be watching their combat logs to see that they are confused. This might make it more challenging to see that you are confused, but those that are observent will notice it.



They probably should do both, have the icon and have that line of text. We'll have to wait and see.



Hm, how irritating would it be to fight a full team of Mind Controllers? Does the confuses stack?



How about if confused character get the graphics juxtaposed randomly so enemies and allies look like each other in a random pattern [ QUOTE ]
Eat My Plazma fist, Dr. Evil - oh wait its you Ms Misty no! you blasted me with Black tentacles... how can it be...

[/ QUOTE ] .



They said that once you are confused, held, sleeped, disorintated or otherwise succesfully controlled you become immune to that effect for a time.
But does the timer start when you recovcer from that effect or when the effect is landed?

The Legendary Cosmological Prince Reigar 53rd Illusion Control/Storm Summoning/Primal Forces Mastery/Incarnate

It's a dark and story night. That means something bad is happening out there



It would have to be from when you are affected, since otherwise the immunity is useless due to perma-holds and such.

I would immagine that once you are held / slept / whatever, no NEW holds / sleeps / whatevers can affect you until the immunity runs out. You'll still be affected by the old ones though, and since you lost all your toggles they'll probably last a while...

Controllers will still be nasty: hold the enemy, deploy pets, disorient the enemy before the hold wears off, immobilize them before the disorient wears off, etc...

Cascade, level 50 Blaster (NRG/NRG since before it was cool)
Mechmeister, level 50 Bots / Traps MM
FAR too many non-50 alts to name

The Scavenger Hunt: 187076
The Instant Lair Delivery Service: 206636



Problem with this is that most players won't think they are Confused.

They will think they are the victim of a bug or some sort of exploit.

Letting the player know when they are Confused is the easiest way to prevent Customer Service from recieving tons of false bug and exploit tickets....

[/ QUOTE ]

Wow, didn't expect a quick reply from the devs on this. Thanks for the info, Poz!

Yeah, I can see your point about players, especially ones who don't read the boards, etc, thinking "confusion" is a bug. Darn, might have been a neat special effect (or lack thereof).



Gosh, Posi jumped on this thread quick, didn't he?

I agree with him, btw. If you were actually confused, you'd know it. One second, your teammates were to your left and the bad guys were 20 feet ahead, and suddenly they're all in different places? You'd realize your perceptions were messed up, or that everyone had suddenly been relocated.

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Actually, that's not what Poz said. He said the reason you need to visibly show confusion is that, if you don't, customer service would get deluged by players who think it's a bug. His post didn't say anything to the effect of "if you were confused, you'd know it".

In fact, if you were confused, you WOULDN'T know it! A good analogy is that if you're dreaming, or hallucinating on drugs, you don't know it. Sure, you'll realize after you wake up or sober up that you were hallucinating and, in fact, that penguins can't talk. But during the hallucination you honestly don't realize anything is wrong.

So, realistically, confusion would work the same way. You wouldn't realize your perception of reality is screwed up until after you start blasting your teammates.

Poz's point about customer service complaints from people who think it's a bug is valid, though, so unfortunately this is an instance where what might otherwise be a neat idea can't get in due to practical issues.