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  1. How will level scaling work? Will every mission automatically scale to your current level (+ difficulty, team size, etc.) or will it be predetermined by the "architect"?
  2. I just tried out the "alternate build" on a lvl 50 I had on the test server. The crazy thing is it started the other build at lvl 1. I'm not sure if this is a bug or intentional, but I really don't want to lvl my guy all the way up again unless I get to repick my primary and secondary power types. I was hoping to be greated with a respec screen that would let me re select my powers then choose if I wanted to keep IO's that I had already purchased.

    Anyone else having this same problem?
  3. Yeah, I would love to make my Protector Bot's heal come up quicker.
  4. Posi, how hard would it be to add in tracking/badge counts from this point forward. Then when and if you want to make a badge, you could get a graphic, come up with a name, and voila insta-badge. Or would that put a lot of load on your database and our character file?
  5. Don't give in devs. This set should not have a heal. There are some bugs (ice says it does damage), but overall I love the set.

    As for this being a controller secondary. I say it's great since the holds are all single target and require a bit of thinking. I would much rather have this as a secondary to increase the number of my holds. The devs just didn't want controllers to use the AoE holds so offten.

    Great set. Can't wait to make a TA/Arrow Defender on live.
  6. Like many on this thread I didn't like the AoE Wormhole when I tried it out on test. I was losing the functionality that made me use it so much. Then when I4 went live and I started playing in large groups again, I gave it another shot. What I found is in a balanced team the tank and/or scrapper will be in the middle of a few baddies. (no, duh). A lot of times there are 2-3 stragglers off to the side shooting away. I'll WH them right next to the melee guys, then use Fulcrum Shift to give a nice damage boost . Of couse I then also have the option of Transfusion or Transference to help out also.

    All in all, I have gotten used to the new WH and have been using it with great success. My current slotting is 1 acc and 2 disorients. I run 6-slottted tatics, so that helps out where others are seeing the power miss too much.

    Now if only Propel had an AoE disorent added to it. :P
  7. Good luck at the new job Vyv.
  8. I noticed that the enhancements aren't working also. That makes it kind of hard to use on higher level mobs who have more resistance.

    I've been using the new wormhole the past week and I'm finding that it works pretty well. That's not saying I don't miss having a way to move single targets. But when I'm street hunting and there is a small group that doesn't require wasting GDF I'll use WH 2.0 to feed them right to the Sigs. The one major problem I'm having with it now is the alpha strike before the disorent hits them.
  9. After reading the ideas again here are the ones I agree with that need to happen to fix several issues.

    New damage is good, but make it have the new 12 second AoE disorent that WH 2.0 has. For younger Grav controllers it will help the problem of not being able to lock down large groups until 18. Since Crushing Field is the next power you could a workable lock down by level 8.

    Dimensional Shift:
    This is a hard one since players basiclly don't like having downtime which DS creates. Without re-thinking the whole intangibility thing, I have one suggestion. Make targets that are intangible not targetable until 2-3 seconds before they come back. This way pets won't keep trying to hit them and miss the guys that are free.

    Go back to the single target, faster recharging version. Increase the disorent base to 12 seconds and try to cut down the activation time (I know other powers in our set need it too).

    I sure hope the devs consider our ideas here.
  10. Yeah, Lift is one of my staple powers. I have it so it's recharge comes up just before the villian can pick himself off the ground. So I now have a ghetto single target hold in between GD's and GDF. Would more damage be nice? Sure, but I can live without it. I would rather for lift to get through KB resistance easier than the MC version.
  11. I agree with all of your suggestions. The only problem would be that the gravity well would most likely take some time to code.

    Something easier might be the AoE lift, but what if unlike the ice slick it would actually be a one time hit. Then one could place several recharges and knockbacks into it to potentially lock down a group. The draw back would be that the controller would have to keep using the power to lock down the group.

    There is one thing to think about. If propel gets an AoE disorent then any enemy mobs with propel will also get this. Think how this might impact those in their 20's fighting the family.
  12. I really like this idea since it gives someone the choice to slot propel with damage or disorient.

    I first liked WH 2.0 and how I could move whole groups around. But the truth is I miss the 1.0 version and how much I use it during combat. All 1.0 really needs is a faster activation time and optional knockback to make it killer.

    Here is an off idea for DS. What if those who are shifted are unable to regenerate health or endurance. Basicly when they came back from being shifted they would still be at the same point in the battle that they left.
  13. The idea of using the new wormhole to bring a group on top of a field of tripmines is awesome. I know there are some great uses for the new wormhole, and I'll end up using many of them. Fulcrum Shift will probably work well with it, but I'm a couple levels away from trying it.

    I would like to have the new wormhole but keep the old one with a faster casting time. I typically use the old one to bring a mob closer so I can Transfusion/Transference them. I would just love it if I could do that much faster than before. Currently I would enjoy the speed increase and removal of knockback more than the AoE.

    Heck, make Dimensional shift a fast acting single target power and you might find people using it more.
  14. After playing with it a bit I found some enemies would get knocked back and some didn't when they came out of the wormhole. I'm finding that I can clump two groups together before using GDF. But a lot of the times there is one or two guys that are throw out of the area and don't get held because the are out of range.

    My original hope for wormhole was a really fast casting (ala lift) with no knockback. Then I could have been moving enemies all the time.

    For now I think the AoE wormhole is a good start. This is the only group foe tp in so far. There is great potential for this.
    They just need to give it a longer disorient duration and make knockback optional.
  15. I can't wait to do some real testing. The server is too slow to get a good feel. Now with syphon speed adding onto perma-hasten I might be able to throw out GDF more than once per battle. Has anyone tried coming up on two groups, wormholing the first in the midde of the second. While wormhole is activating start gdf and then capture both groups at the same time? Could make for some awesome setups for an AOE blaster.

    Also I want to throw out a question. Do we know if siphon speed stacks? If so there is potential for some super fast stuff.
  16. Yeah and it sounds like you could slow down your opponent with siphon speed, that's almost as good as increasing your speed.

    TP Foe and Wormhole work, but what about Recall Friend?
  17. What if instead of an icon to inform the player that they are confused you just add a header and footer to the text to the combat logs.

    "While CONFUSED $normal_combat_text insead of what you meant to do!"

    where $normal combat_text could = "You crush JusticeAvenger236 for 4 points of damage"

    This way someone would have to be watching their combat logs to see that they are confused. This might make it more challenging to see that you are confused, but those that are observent will notice it.
  18. Gravo_Matic

    Observer Mode

    I want my Arena-TV

    Thanks for the good news Positron.
  19. An added power for the SG leaders.

    When a SG leader is grouped with 4 or more SG mates he/she will have a minor version of all 4 leadership powers that will only affect the SG members. This will add a bit of realism since the leader should know how his team should work, but not the random other person.

    This power would be always on and wouldn't cost any endurance, but would only have a fraction of effectiveness of the leadership power pool. Maybe make it an allocade that has to be earned, but can be obtained by level 30.
  20. Just thought I should add my 2 cents on my Grav/Kin pre 32 (only 13 right now) strategy. Here are the powers avalible:




    When I solo, I can can take on 2 even mobs with ease. I know that isn't a lot, but I don't usually get hit at all. I'll start with a GD on one, which will agro the other. Then I'll SP the loose one to get some extra damage potential and then run what I like to call my triple combo. Lift->Propel->Lift. I can do those three in row with out the mob getting up. After the final Lift I'll GD him and start the combo on the first GD'd mob. I don't know if this is something everyone knows, but it's just how I like to play and seems to work great at the moment.

    In a group I'll use CF and then GD the boss as it looks like most people do. Can't wait for GDF to use instead. Lift is great for stoping a running mob and to get the attention of the team mates to say, Hit This One. Obviously SP and Transfusion are good buff/heal/debuffs and when in a tight situation, repel sure does come in handy to knock that boss away.
