A Hero hangs up her cape
I'd like to be the first one to say..
Can I have your stuff?
Good luck Vyvyanne! We'll miss you!
I'd like to be the first one to say..
Can I have your stuff?
Good luck Vyvyanne! We'll miss you!
[/ QUOTE ]
Heck no - those uber powers are MINE!! Mine I say!
Thanks Vyvyanne for always being there to answer questions and test things out. Most of the time when I told a player I was "checking with QA" that meant I was checking with you.
Paragon will miss you, the PCC will miss you, and I will miss you on my team.
You have truly made this a better game, one bug at a time.
And, of course - DING! Gratz!
And >sniff<
Your hard work was much appreciated. Sad to see you go but congratulations on your promotion! Good luck and if you get a chance over there, point some of those Dark Elven women are way
May I be the first to say...
*ahem* ok...now that thats out of the way, I will really miss the personal touch you brought to the game and these boards Vyv. I remember my shock when I saw that I had a PM from you thanking me for one of my board comments...I was stunned. That kind of personal attention connected me to this game and these boards more than any other game or message board I've ever been a part of.
I hope the players in L2 treat you as well as we tried to. :0)
I thought "I'm Leaving" posts were banned?
Hehe Good luck and much fun in your next position!
Bye Vy...sad to see ya go but I hope you enjoy Lineage II
Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991
Ah I was on Vy's team for one of those large Super Group Battles. You will be missed.
Congrats! And you will be missed. We love you. At least most of us do.
Don't be a stranger. Please drop in to say hi on the boards, if that is permitted.
And good luck to you.
Congrats on the promotion and thank you so much for your tireless efforts on CoH!!
My PMs on these boards will be turned off on Friday.
As I hang up my cape...
[/ QUOTE ]
Just cuz your no longer gonna be a red name doesn't mean you are not welcome to post. I mean look at all the other non red names who just won't give up
And as for hanging up the cape... you'll still be able to take it down and brush it off for a bit right?
Good Luck!! and hopefully see ya soon.
Ignorance is being untaught. Stupidity is being unwilling to learn.
I'm sure she could spare one or two of those dozens of powers she's got....
We'll miss you Vyvyanne. As the saying goes: "May the road rise to meet you, and may the sun be always at your back."
*sniffle* *sad Prince*
So you don't care much for PvP either eh?
You'll be back.........they all come back.
Thanks for help in making this game what it is. Hope you can do the same for your next endeavor!
I've already forgotten about most of you

Grats on lvling up.. I mean the promotion.
(no Dreck mission here. Move along.)
I would have thought that being moved from CoH to Lineage II was a demotion
Sad to see you leave the best MMO currently in existence Vyv.
Thanks for all your hard work. I wish you the best in your future position, but you will be missed.
Although he is no longer around, I think "Spanky" Rabinowitz left some keys to the city in his old safe. Be sure to grab one if you make your way back to Paragon.
The Dark Blade
"I've felt your mouse on me before, you perv...." - Troy Hickman
Paragon Wiki
Well first thing I have to say is it is ultra cool your first name is Athena . You will truly be missed your kind heart and dedication has always shown through in your interactions with the community. Your one of the very special people that bring such joy to the hearts of the community and it saddens me that you are departing. But I will say that Lineage 2 will have a special extra shine with you on board and I hope the realize what a prize you are. I have no doubt they will very quickly though if they dont already. I wish you all the best in your new position and am very proud of you for your promotion which is well deserved. Dont be afraid to through a cape on now and then and come fly with us in your free time your always welcome to visit
. Best wishes to you and know that this hero though sad at your parting our city is very proud of you and wishes you well.
Most of the time when I told a player I was "checking with QA" that meant I was checking with you.
[/ QUOTE ]
I always suspected this... *tear*
/e salute
So long Vy, you're services were always much appreciated
Good luck and godspeed, Vyvyanne! The rest of us may play at being super, but you were truly a hero to us all.
If there were fox tails in the game, I'd gladly wear one for a week in your honour.
And, of course - DING! Gratz!
[/ QUOTE ]
Haha, too funny.
Good luck at the new job Vyv.
Looking for a a new QA peep with some rational toolset exp?
Since others have already asked for your stuff let me just say
Good luck Vyv ! We will miss you, especially in the arena
Sad to see ya go, V. Hope your promotion works out for you!
So as in all things it is time for me to move on. I will be leaving City of Heroes in order to take a position of Quality Assurance Lead for Lineage II. While this is an exciting promotion for me and I am looking forward to it, after working on City of Heroes for a year and a half it is hard to say goodbye.
I can honestly say that I have never been as proud of a game I have worked on as much as I am of this one. Getting to be a part of the birth of City of Heroes and watching it and its community grow over the last year has been on of the most satisfying experiences of my life and I am certain that the great people that still work on this game will make sure that it only gets better from here.
I want to thank all of you who have played this game and supported it with passion and spandex, especially those who have helped us in dedicating some of their time to the test server. I know that many of you feel that your bug submittals and reports from that server go unnoticed, but I can tell you that they do not. My job has been to read through all of those and try my best to reproduce them and report them so that they can be repaired by the dev team. Sometimes they are hard to reproduce and other times they simply dont make it into the next patch, but every bug you send is read and tested, my new prescription for glasses can attest to that &#61514; I could not have found many of the more tricky bugs that I have were it not for the dedicated testers who send in the issues that they have found. Some of you are very creative and have shown me ways to look at City of Heroes that I never would have thought of, and I thank you, because by broadening my vision of how to get into the cracks of a game, you have made me a better tester as well as observer of the world. City of Heroes is a better game because of you.
Valdermic will still be here in capacity of Quality Assurance Community Coordinator (QACC) and doing his best to make sure that Paragon City keeps running smoothly. My PMs on these boards will be turned off on Friday so please send any further feedback, bug reports, etc. to him.
As I hang up my cape, strap my swords to my sides, and look out across the skyline of Paragon City, I realize how much I will miss her, but I know that while she stays in my heart, she does not need me, for this is certainly one city that has no shortage of heroes!
Keep Fighting the Good Fight!
Athena Z Vyvyanne Peters
Making games better one bug at a time.