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I must need to sharpen my teeth. I didn't find any tool, but a can opener worked just fine.
I've been looking online, and I can't find any specific information; I also can't find any kind of manual that may have come with the tablet.
How the heck do I change the nib? -
My old illustration professor used to say that the only thing standing between you and a good illustrator is 1000 bad drawings.
But once you get those out of the way... -
In the dropdown menu, it's greyed out, meaning I can't click on it. The difference between this and this...
Ah, ok. I'll try that. Thanks, Aaron!
[/ QUOTE ]
Try deselecting the path, then using the black arrow selection tool to reselect -- it should not only be highlighted, but have the bounding box around it. Sometimes this is what happens when I try to stroke or fill a path. -
Okay, I don't think it can be done in Photoshop quite the same way. There's a similar way, but it takes a long time and requires lots and lots of brush size changing constantly and doesn't look as good.
All right. I just spent about forty minutes going over this technique that looks great and can be done with the mouse just as easily as a tablet. Takes a little more time than if you had a tablet (isn't X-mas coming soon?), but it works just fine.
I'll post a tutorial with pics this weekend or thereabouts.
EDIT: Okay, this snazzy technique was actually in Illustrator. I didn't read close enough. Do you have Illustrator? -
I could never make heads or tails of the 'live trace' function -- it never seemed to meet any sane definition of accuracy.
If I have time this weekend, I'll try to whip up some sort of tutorial for what I've found useful. -
If you're inking with the tablet, use Illustrator and the brush tool. I know some people use Photoshop for inkin', but I don't know why. Illustrator gives nice, clean, vectorized lines, and you can make things mighty perty with the right settings on the stylus.
If I can find this one tutorial that I came across the other night, I'll post it here. It was a really helpful comic artist's tutorial blog. Now if I could just remember his name... -
I don't think I'll ever try to 'pencil' on the tablet. As far as I'm concerned, it's only for inking and coloring.
Now that I've tried to ink in Illustrator, I have no idea why anyone would ever, ever, ever use Photoshop for inks. EVER. -
I know, I know, I'm a little late. I got a little sidetracked by work illustration and my shiny new Wacom tablet. So sidetracked that I decided to try my hand at digital inking with this, instead of just the pencils that I said I would.
It's a little rough around the edges, but I was a lot more concerned with figuring out how to use the stylus with Illustrator than I was with stuff like, you know, rendering.
Anyway, here it is.
I've still got Juggertha and... heck, I don't think I ever got screenshots for the third one I promised. Bradders? I forget. Regardless, the others are still coming.
(And if you've got any tips for digi-inking with Illustrator, I'd like to hear them.) -
Trick Arrow has no Heals, Rez, or Team Resistance/Recovery Buffing, and really does nothing more than Radiation Emission, it just uses more powers to achieve less effect. I can't tell you how many teams have added me as a teammate and then complain about not getting any Heals from you, you are useless, get a real defender please. Getting booted off a team is rare, but one was a Synapse TF.
[/ QUOTE ]
why not get rid of entangling arrow and replace it with a heal?
the heal could be like Healing aura, but you would be able to shoot it onto any point on the ground. Give it a little bit better"healage" then healing aura ( say the same as heal friend in defender empathy powerset?) because it would be the only heal. just a thought, but a good one as far as I am concerned.
[/ QUOTE ]
A healing arrow would only be cool if it looked like a really long syringe. -
My recommendation is to ink the old way, scan the black and white, and color it digitally. IMO, digital inking is way more trouble than it's worth.
[/ QUOTE ]
Were you digital-inking with the brush or the pen tool?
After having done one pic for practice a couple times, I'm not sure which way to go. On one hand, it just doesn't look as good as regular inking; the lines are imprecise and shaky when I use the brush, and I don't think I have the patience for the pen tool. On the other hand, it didn't look bad, and I improved immensely between my first and second tries -- I think I could get the brush thing working well. It gave the pencils a softer look somehow.
I resist scanning regular inks, because they never, ever come out well -- full of microscopic dots and white spaces and when it's blown up to a larger size at a high res EVERYTHING is all jittery and dirty. I just figure that if I'm going to have to go over everything again, I may as well just ink it digitally the first time. Plus, it's fun.
Although it makes me eyes want to explode.
QUICK QUESTION: How come when I use the pen tool to get a line, the eraser won't work on it? -
I'm having the worst time going back and forth between mouse/keyboard and pen/tablet. My brain can't process the relative/absolute positioning change fast enough.
Yeah, but just think about how much art is forthcoming.
I just got my Wacom in the mail today, and after playing around with it for a few hours, the verdict is:
It's kinda like learning to walk again.
Anyway, does anyone know of any good digi-ink tutorials? -
Try Pagecomputers.com. I got mine from there, for about $250 -- for a 6x8 Wacom Intuos3, which generally run for much more.
I like superspeed. Sure, it may not have vertical, but it's damn fast, and I like getting to know Paragon from the ground, learning the paths and streets. A few jump enhancements here and there -- and now the jumpjet -- and the vertical isn't an issue.
TP is all right, but my computer isn't top-shelf so I lag and fall quite a bit. The sound effect also drives me batty during long jaunts to missions.
I take Fly on most of my toons, because it's flying, perhaps the most comic-booky of all powers. Plus, when the new animations come in, it'll be the prettiest, and with a few speed enhancements it's as fast as base superspeed. (I think.)
Superjump, for me, is pretty 'meh.' Don't get me wrong -- it's probably the most technically useful of all of them, having great speed, great maneuverability, and low cost -- but conceptually it doesn't interest me as it's implemented in the game. It almost seems too good. I'd be far more interested in it if it were more like an actual giant leap, where you basically launch yourself in a certain direction with less control. The fact that I can change directions several times back and forth in mid-leap breaks the illusion that it's a leap. It's just a personal concept irk, to be sure, but that's what I think.
I really hope that the rest of the travel powers get alternate animation choices like flight. -
Um... this weekend? I had to finish up a much larger illustration for work.
/thumbnails already done -
Hell, even if they did... it's only saving me a ten-spot. I can manage that on top of the other 25 ten-spots I'm paying.
So far, they have yet to ask me for a school ID or anything.
/fingers crossed