18 -
And as for hanging up the cape... you'll still be able to take it down and brush it off for a bit right?
[/ QUOTE ]
Of couse Ill still take it down every now and then. It's sooo pretty and its the only thing I have that matches those shoes!
-Vyv -
So as in all things it is time for me to move on. I will be leaving City of Heroes in order to take a position of Quality Assurance Lead for Lineage II. While this is an exciting promotion for me and I am looking forward to it, after working on City of Heroes for a year and a half it is hard to say goodbye.
I can honestly say that I have never been as proud of a game I have worked on as much as I am of this one. Getting to be a part of the birth of City of Heroes and watching it and its community grow over the last year has been on of the most satisfying experiences of my life and I am certain that the great people that still work on this game will make sure that it only gets better from here.
I want to thank all of you who have played this game and supported it with passion and spandex, especially those who have helped us in dedicating some of their time to the test server. I know that many of you feel that your bug submittals and reports from that server go unnoticed, but I can tell you that they do not. My job has been to read through all of those and try my best to reproduce them and report them so that they can be repaired by the dev team. Sometimes they are hard to reproduce and other times they simply dont make it into the next patch, but every bug you send is read and tested, my new prescription for glasses can attest to that  I could not have found many of the more tricky bugs that I have were it not for the dedicated testers who send in the issues that they have found. Some of you are very creative and have shown me ways to look at City of Heroes that I never would have thought of, and I thank you, because by broadening my vision of how to get into the cracks of a game, you have made me a better tester as well as observer of the world. City of Heroes is a better game because of you.
Valdermic will still be here in capacity of Quality Assurance Community Coordinator (QACC) and doing his best to make sure that Paragon City keeps running smoothly. My PMs on these boards will be turned off on Friday so please send any further feedback, bug reports, etc. to him.
As I hang up my cape, strap my swords to my sides, and look out across the skyline of Paragon City, I realize how much I will miss her, but I know that while she stays in my heart, she does not need me, for this is certainly one city that has no shortage of heroes!
Keep Fighting the Good Fight!
Athena Z Vyvyanne Peters
Making games better one bug at a time. -
Sorry all, I was in untargetable mode for most of the fight (I turned it off occasionally so that someone would get the joy of killing me
) I wanted to tell ya'll that but dialog in the arena is not usually seen.
I needed to be invincible so that I could see what was going on. Not much chance of that when I am kissing dirt...LOL. (secret: I am not very good at staying alive in PvP)
My powers are that way because I made this character back when we first opened the server for testing purposes and it is easier to test with all the powers. Most of the other staff that was there had just made their characters for the event and/ or don't use them for testing purposes.
Thank you all again for the help though. The repeated unsuccessful matches that my team had were actually very helpful in finding/ solving some problems with the Arena. -
Not a change. Storyarcs always worked this way, it just wasn't noticeable until the reward screen was added.
Storyarcs work the same way as villains when it comes to the reward vs. difficulty issue.
You only get enhancements for killing a villain if they con Yellow or higher to you. (sometimes white)
The same is true for storyarcs, if you complete them within one to two levels of recieving them you are rewarded with an enhancement, if you wait until it is easier to complete you will not recieve the enhancement, as the storyarc is no longer considered to be of higher difficulty (yellow con). -
Thank you.
I am now looking further into this issue and the extent of the fix.
P.S. Feedback from any who have tried this TF since the most recent patch, starting fresh or not and whether this is working for you currently or not will be very helpful. Thank you again. -
Even without restarting, has anyone that was stopped at this point, logged in and talked to Ms. Liberty and seen if she will now advance the mission, since this morning's patch?
-Vyvyanne -
Ok so it is not in the patch notes (we are aware of that, it didnt make it in and we are discussing the reasons why on our end.) However, this should be fixed with the patch this morning.
Has anyone tried this since this morning's patch? Is it working for you?
Thank you,
Vyvyannne -
Did you restart the Task Force with this new patch or were you still on a pre-patch version of the mission? In order to get the "fix" you have to have a fresh version of the mission. Meaning you have to quit the Task Force and start over again.
Thank you,
Vyvyanne -
Thank you for this wonderfully written bug report!
I actually found this yesterday and it has been logged as a bug to be fixed.
I just wanted to say that I truely appreciate how well written and indepth this post was!
Thank you,
Vyvyanne -
I am not saying you need to test things on Test server before bugging them, what I am saying is that if you are going to post something as a bug on the Training Room forums, please make sure that it is something that is a bug on the Training Room Server. These forums are to report things that are on the Training Room and being tested on the Training room.
Posting bugs that have only been seen on the Live servers in the Training Room forums, makes it very hard for us to see if the fixes being tested on the Training Room are working or not. -
There is a running list of the issues addressed in all the patches we have on the Training room under the Sticky "Currently Testing in Training Room".
I appoligize that the Task Force fixes did not actually make it to this list for some reason, and I will look into why.
Thank you,
Vyvyanne -
We are aware that this is a problem on Live server. The point of the Training Room however is that it is not the same version as Live.
If this is truely a bug you are concerned about, please test it on the Training Room and see if it is still bugged for you. We have been unable to reproduce this bug Internally with the most recent version, but the point of the Training Room is to see if things will break for the players that will not break for us.
I appreciate those of you who wish to post bugs on this forum, but before you do so, please copy your character over to the Test Server and see if it occurs there also, and if so then post the bug here. Many of the bugs that you find on Live, we are trying to fix on Test and trying it on Test first will let us know if we need to continue looking at it.
Thank you for your assistance,
Vyvyanne -
Just to clear this up: The warping/ disappearing villains bug is a Known Issue on LIVE servers and should be fixed in the build currently on the Trainning Room. So, please only post these issues in this forum if you are seeing them on the TEST server. This will let us know if the fix on the Training room truely solved the problem or not.
Thank you,
Vyvyanne -
Problem is, Bug report system in game can't let me type so many words to describe what happen. That's why I post here. Is there another way to report bug?
[/ QUOTE ]
When you type /bug also enter a brief description of the problem and type enter. Then a box will pop up on your screen where you can add more detail to the issue. You should be able to sum up most issues in this area. The /bug tells us what missions you are currently on and what map and location you are in so it is not neccesary to put that information in the summary.
Thank you,
Vyvyanne -
Did this happen on the Test Server? If so please do a /bug in game while still in the mission. This will provide us with the map that this error is occuring on. You will then also need to do a /petition in order to get the mission cleared for you.
If this is something you are running into on Live Servers, there should be a fix currently being tested on the Training Room that should fix most of these map problems, this is why it is highly improtant to /bug them if you find them in the Training Room.
Thank you,
Vyvyanne -
This is a known bug and should be fixed in a future patch
Thank you,
Vyvyanne -
The ability to retroactively award badges for Task Forces, has not yet been implemented. This is still being looked into.
Thank you,
Vyvyanne -
I feel the presence of many enemies, more than I can count.
Heros prepare yourselves! Rest and hold your defenses we may need to reserve our energies and rotate patrols on this one. No one knows the extent of the enemy's resources, it could be a siege!