Accomplishment Badges




I thought it was said that with the patch you'd get badges for Task Forces that you'd completed even before the patch. I've done Synapse Task Force atleast six times before the patch, but I don't have a badge for it. I can't do it again because I'm too high of level...



I think they have done it for the story arcs, but not the task forces yet.



I think they have done it for the story arcs, but not the task forces yet.

[/ QUOTE ]
Ahh. Damn...



There was another post on this. I thought the TF badges showed up on the test server (??). Badges for TFs are supposed to show up if you've done them. Sounds like a bug. I hope people are logging it formally.



The ability to retroactively award badges for Task Forces, has not yet been implemented. This is still being looked into.

Thank you,



This process is taking several hours.

Send money to WeirdBeard to speed things up.

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This process is taking several hours.

Send money to WeirdBeard to speed things up.

[/ QUOTE ]

Is that paypal



This process is taking several hours.

Send money to WeirdBeard to speed things up.

[/ QUOTE ]

You do realize that sets a very bad precident. However, since you just set it: Who do I send the check to to permanently give my main the Undead Slaying Axe?

CatMan - some form on every server

Always here, there, and there again.



It has been stated before that you will definately get credit for task forces but it might not be today. It may take a day or two before all the datamining is done for all the different types of badges you may have earned already. Give it some time and you will find that you have it.



Task Force Badges are actually being distributed right now. The process will take several hours, but don't be surprised if you're running around and a TF Badge just magically appears. Badges for very recent TF completions will be awarded in another day or so.



Task Force Badges are actually being distributed right now. The process will take several hours, but don't be surprised if you're running around and a TF Badge just magically appears. Badges for very recent TF completions will be awarded in another day or so.

[/ QUOTE ]

Friend: how did you die?
Me: Well I just got 4 badges for all the TF's I did, I couldn's see a think as the NEW BADGE OBTAINED message blinded me for 30 seconds
Friend: Awesome I want that power



I logged in, got alot of recieved badge massages. I have 4 task force missions with question marks as unknown. I never did any Task Force missions yet



This process is taking several hours.

Send money to WeirdBeard to speed things up.

[/ QUOTE ]

I am setting up direct deposit at work here, can you give me the routing number for his checkign account I am going to deisgnate 50% of my check to his account to fund a unique and specialized AT for me and me only I am thinking a blaster with tanker primaries for his secondaries and about 300 hp to start at level 1, also I want a for me only power pool EXP Gain at level 1 2x the exp at level 2 4x the exp 3 8x the exp and at level 4 16x the exp per kill. Thank you have a nice day and enjoy the new company Porsche I am having delivered.

That or a case of good ol Belgian beer, I forget what I sent, oh well. Either way you will enjoy it .



This process is taking several hours.

Send money to WeirdBeard to speed things up.

[/ QUOTE ]

I've got some left over Flooze...will that do?



The task force badges never did show up on test, but it's awesome that they're going in. At least doing the old Numina TF gets me some kind of reward >_>



Task Force Badges are actually being distributed right now. The process will take several hours, but don't be surprised if you're running around and a TF Badge just magically appears. Badges for very recent TF completions will be awarded in another day or so.

[/ QUOTE ]

Friend: how did you die?
Me: Well I just got 4 badges for all the TF's I did, I couldn's see a think as the NEW BADGE OBTAINED message blinded me for 30 seconds
Friend: Awesome I want that power

[/ QUOTE ]

I am in Alaska, an additional hour behind Pacific Time, this actually wiped the frown off my face.

Thanks, Faithless.



Any idea if we'll ever be able to get the badges for the trials/task force/mission we didn't do when we we lower lvl?

Will the the examplar system ever allow you to take missions from lower lvl mission and will it ever give you a badge for an low lvl trials/tf?

Example : I never did the Numina TF and now I'm lvl 43. Will I ever be able to get the badge? In next update maybe?



LOL /em rushes home to wire money ... Umm whats his account number heh heh



Is there a problem/bug if we log on and receive NO mini-arc mission badges, when the same character on test received 5? OR is the datamining for the mission badges not complete either?

If it means anything, my character is in the middle of a TF when I logged off last night.



That's great news. Thanks for the input Positron and Weirdbeard. Can't wait to get home and see my other badges.

You guys rock.

Captain Zombo - DM/Reg Scrapper (Freedom)
Hazard Zone - Rad/Rad Defender (Guardian)

Intel Pentium 2.4GHz
1 GB Ram DDR
Ati Radeon 9800 Pro 128 mb
Windows XP profesional Edition



I played most of the evening tonight on Champion and my badges for completing the Positron and Synapse task forces still haven't showed up. Is this an automated thing that will happen over the next few days?



Due to all the server issues, the distribution of TF badges has slowed somewhat. The distribution will continue over the next few days, and hopefully everything should be done by Monday.



Are badges for TFs done now (post Issue 2) in the same boat? I ran through the Numina TF last night with two others (other guy quit) and we didn't get a badge upon completing it.

~Virtue Server~
Naomi Lynx - lvl 50 Claws/Super Reflexes Scrapper
-Paradox - lvl 21 Empathy/Dark Defender
Callous Jane - lvl 10 Ice/Energy Blaster
Wander Wraith - lvl 12 Dark/Dark Defender



What about the Terra Volta Trial badge? I've finished it twice already and still haven't gotten the badge for completing it. Or do I get it after finishing the Rikti version? (Which I can't do yet)



I'm just doing retroactive TF badges, so if you did TFs before the launch of Issue 2 then they'll come from me over the next couple days. If you're having problems with receiving post-release TF badges (or the respec badge, or other badges in general), please make sure to /bug it and we'll try to figure out what the problem is.