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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    What.....Power Boost will double the duration of....say....Blizzard?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Power Boost increases the strength of your secondary effects. For things like holds that means it increases the duration. It won't increase the duration of your pets, but in this example it could increase the run speed debuff of your Blizzard.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Blizzard and then Fulcrum Shift

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The buff copy is performed when the pet is created. New buffs you get while the pet is already out and about are not copied.

    [ QUOTE ]
    what that will do to controller pets, if anything

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    Probably nothing, since they're already normally buffable, but in the end it's up to the designers to specify which "pets" get this bonus and which don't.

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    Fulcrum Shift

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    Fulcrum Shift is a little nutty, I probably shouldn't have used it as an example. The buffs and debuffs you end up with are just that, but they are applied to you and your targets by invisible temporary pets. Now that I look at it, the strength of your Fulcrum Shift won't be affected by this change (so I definitely shouldn't have used it as an example), but the buff (or debuff) you get from Fulcrum Shift can now be copied to things like Blizzard, Lightning Storm, Rain of Fire, and so on. Sorry for the confusion.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
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    We just received tech that will allow players to pass buffs onto certain powers (such as Blizzard).

    [/ QUOTE ] Um...what does this mean exactly?

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    I second this question!

    EDIT: I trust the posters who have already answered this but I wouldn't mind an amen from a dev.

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    It's pretty much what other posters already suggested. Many effects in the game are actually temporary pets (Blizzard, Fulcrum Shift, Caltrops, Burn, Ice Patch, etc). Since they are distinct entities, they are spawned fresh and buffless. This change allows the designers specify that a pet should get copies of buffs on the creator (Damage and To-Hit inspirations, Power Boost, Build Up/Aim, Accelerate Metabolism, Fulcrum Shift, etc). So yes, you could potentially Power Boost an Ice Storm, and having Fortitude could increase your Burn damage.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    I'm also curious to know how it was fixed. Not that we're trying to double-check your work. Some of us are just geeky and like to know how every little thing functions.

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    SuperMartin put in some code, ages past, to allow the whole "hitting fleeing targets" thing to take place. That works great, but unfortunately somewhere around the implementation of bases (where I had to make a bunch of changes to targeting), the code to set up that process broke specifically for the primary target of AE attacks. Long story short, it thought the primary target had managed to get out of the effect area. We fixed it, but that fix broke some time later. It should be fixed for good, assuming we stop adding code...

    [ QUOTE ]
    How weird is that beard? It's so weird that it was decreed a Wonder of the World, shaving punishable by mass fines or death.

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    Ain't that the truth.
  4. It's fixed internally. Should arrive on the test server "Soon" (aka hopefully the patch after next).
  5. I fixed it today, so it should be in the next patch or two (not the one currently on the test server). Should be an obvious patch note about it when it finally arrives.
  6. WeirdBeard


    Couple clarifications.

    By critter, I mean anything run by the AI. Your pets, Skuls, exploding crates and everything in between. If it can activate a power, the streak breaker will help make it a tad more accurate.

    In the note about AE attacks, I forgot to specify that the hit guarantee is only in the case that you don't have an existing miss steak with a lower to-hit. That should have been clear from the rest of the post, but I wanted to make sure no one was confused by that omission.

    I did locate a small bug, which is now fixed internally. Essentially the streak breaker would not become active until you landed your first hit (so you have to do it yourself, no freebies). Pretty minor in the grand scheme of all things accuracy-related, but it's fixed now regardless. Note that this bug affected players and non-players alike.
  7. WeirdBeard


    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    This was PM'd to me by a user who got the info from Pohsyb.
    The streakbreaker will force a hit if there has been a long series of misses (only for heroes)
    ACC / Length of miss streak before we force a hit
    >90 / 1
    80-90 / 2
    60-80 / 3
    30-50 / 4
    20-30 / 6
    10-20 / 8
    1-10 / 100
    The random number is calculated simply by the C stdlib rand().

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Of course if you examine that chart closely then what you said originally would be accurate for even cons with no special defense.

    If the allowable number of misses for a 60-80% accuracy is 3 then that certainly fits the original comment, since the chance to hit an even-con is a base 75% for players. I assume the chart was purposely made simplistic for convenience. Obviously it can't be referring technically to the player's "accuracy" in a vacuum, but to the players final chance "to hit" after all of the variables are accounted for such as force fields, bonus defense, buffs, level differences, and so on.

    So, if you for example were fighting a +3 Rikti Drone or Death Mage (both of which have notoriously high defense), then it is quite probable that you would have to miss more than the 1-3 times it would be if it was purely based on your power's beginning accuracy before the streak breaker forced a hit. Apparently he said "accuracy" meaning "final chance to hit".

    That makes perfect sense, is a reasonable way to do it, and seems to line-up with my own arguably subjective experience.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That chart isn't quite correct either (missed the 50-60 range). It's actually:

    Final to-hit : misses allowed
    >.9 : 1
    .8-.9 : 2
    .6-.8 : 3
    .4-.6 : 4
    .3-.4 : 6
    .2-.3 : 8
    0 -.2 : 100

    You're correct, it's the final to-hit chance (in the range [0.05 .. 0.95]) of an actual executed attack against a specific target.

    Auto-hit powers are not included in the system.

    Critters get the benefits of the system as well.

    The system does not track each power individually; instead it tracks every miss you make in a row, regardless of power (or target). Otherwise you could have nine different powers, each with a 0.95 to-hit, and if you executed them all in a row you could miss each attack (note a caveat at the bottom of the post regarding this).

    AE attacks are considered distinct sequential attacks on indivudual targets for the purpose of the system (so if you AEd two targets and had 0.95 to-hit for both, you be guaranteed to hit one of them).

    To determine the to-hit used in the table above, you take either the current to-hit, or the worst to-hit in your current miss series, whichever is lower.

    As an example, imagine that your first attack of the day had a final to-hit chance of 0.91, but missed. Therefore you are currently in a miss series of length 1, with a minimum to-hit of 0.91.

    For your next attack you choose to use an auto-hit power. It is ignored for the purposes of the system, so you are still considered in a miss series of length 1 with min to-hit of 0.91.

    For your next attack, you use a normal attack with a final to-hit chance of 0.95. Since the worst to-hit of the entire series is 0.91, and 0.91 (miss series) < 0.95 (current attack), you find 0.91 in the table. The table states you are only allowed one miss, and so this attack is forced to be successful. The attack lands, and your miss series tracking is reset.

    However, imagine that instead your last attack was less accurate, or you attack a different target which has more defense; lets say the final to-hit is 0.89 instead of 0.95. In this case, 0.89 (current attack) < 0.91 (miss series), so you have to use 0.89 when you look at the table. In this case, you are allowed two misses in a row, and therefore the attack is NOT forced to hit.

    If you hit anyway, your miss tracking is reset.

    If you do in fact miss (unlucky you), you are now in a miss series of length 2, with a min to-hit of 0.89. If your next attack has a final to-hit of 0.80 or higher, it will be forced to hit (because you're only allowed two misses). If the next attack has a to-hit less than 0.80, then it hits or misses like normal, and so on and so forth.

    Something to note, for those inclined to note such things. Because we do the lookup based on your worst to-hit in the series, the streak breaker is a bit less aggressive about breaking streaks than it might initially appear from the table. If you miss an ill-advised attack with a final to-hit of 0.15, you would in fact be allowed to continue the miss series for another 99 attacks, even if all the followup attacks are of capped to-hit, should you be unlucky enough.
  8. Unfortunately, no, it hasn't been fixed yet. It's actually been a surprisingly difficult bug to solve, but progress is being made. I can't tell you when it'll be fixed, but it's not being ignored. It'll be in the patch notes when it's fixed, and I'll probably post something about it on the boards as well.
  9. WeirdBeard

    PvP rep

    Reputation is intended to decay at a rate of 2.0 per day, though I should mention it's calculated continuously, not at a set period.

    It's not supposed to reset to 0 (unless of course you logged out long enough for it to decay to 0 naturally), but I've only managed to reproduce it once (out of many, many attempts). I've made some changes for the next patch that may prevent it from happening, but I still haven't nailed down the exact problem. All of your reports help quite a bit, folks, much appreciated.
  10. WeirdBeard

    PvP rep

    If you're having problems with your Reputation resetting to 0, please PM me as much info as you can about it. Character name and server at a minimum, but if you recall dates and times, zones, how much you had, online or offline, etc that will all help as well. Thanks.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Q4: Do I start with any Prestige?
    A4: All supergroups get a "kicker" of 20,000 Prestige per member up to 15, for a total of 300,000 possible "free" Prestige. If you have gotten this free Prestige and your supergroup membership drops BELOW 15, you will lose 20,000 Prestige for each member that departs. If your membership increases again, you regain the 20,000.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Apparently there is a bug that makes this not happen. I have 4 SG afilliates and none of the mstarted with any prestige, while a friend's SG had 300K. I have bugged it several times, nor am I the only one this is happening to.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yes, there is a bug. It'll automatically fix itself and grant you the kicker in the next patch.

    Edit: And by next patch I apparently mean the patch after the next patch.
  12. I'm just doing retroactive TF badges, so if you did TFs before the launch of Issue 2 then they'll come from me over the next couple days. If you're having problems with receiving post-release TF badges (or the respec badge, or other badges in general), please make sure to /bug it and we'll try to figure out what the problem is.
  13. Due to all the server issues, the distribution of TF badges has slowed somewhat. The distribution will continue over the next few days, and hopefully everything should be done by Monday.
  14. Task Force Badges are actually being distributed right now. The process will take several hours, but don't be surprised if you're running around and a TF Badge just magically appears. Badges for very recent TF completions will be awarded in another day or so.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    Of course, it probably says something like ... "History Badges are not in yet"

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I don't even know what the code says, but I have to nominate this as the best answer yet