Have they fixed Reputation so it doesn't reset?




Just curious if anyone knows if they've fixed reputation so that it doesn't reset back to zero.

Thanks for any input



I see that they haven't. That's mildly irritating. Not that rep means anything in the grand scheme of things.

My rep just dropped from 80 to 1. All I did was go from Bloody Bay to buy some BF, and then return to Bloody Bay. I know you don't lose it every time you zone, but all 3 times this characters rep has reset it's been associated with leaving the zone and returning.



Unfortunately, no, it hasn't been fixed yet. It's actually been a surprisingly difficult bug to solve, but progress is being made. I can't tell you when it'll be fixed, but it's not being ignored. It'll be in the patch notes when it's fixed, and I'll probably post something about it on the boards as well.



Im gonna assume that no datamining will be done to reset everyones rep according to how much they have earned?

-- Currently Playing --
Dexter Labrynth (SS/FA Brute)

Former member of Tribute and Victory Reborn



hehe you can dream lab

but yeah that would be nice



Well.. considering that it hasn't even been a month since CoV launched, there wouldn't be as much datamining needed for Rep earned as for, say, time spent in SG mode...



The defeat list still doesnt work either and doesnt bother me any lol. Sooner of later you are going to kill soandso. And sooner or later soandso is going to get ya back.



Eh, by my own count, I'm up around 300, but it's not like I can't earn it again fairly easily. Nice QoL issue, but not a big deal.

- Ping (@iltat, @Pinghole)

Don't take it personally if you think I was mean to you. I'm an ******* to everyone.

It's a penguin thing. Pingu FTW.



Big Thanks to WeirdBeard for the response! We appreciate it.



i have an idea on the reputation resetting, i havent tested it much but so far everytime i log or disconnect outside a pvp zone, it resets, and everytime i log off inside a pvp zone it stays, just a theory right now, might test more later



I tested it. I lost it when I went to Sharkhead to level. I haven't logged elsewhere than Siren's in about two weeks.

- Ping (@iltat, @Pinghole)

Don't take it personally if you think I was mean to you. I'm an ******* to everyone.

It's a penguin thing. Pingu FTW.



Last night I logged out of Siren's call with a 30 something Rep rating. About 2 hours later I logged back on the same character, still in Siren's, with a Rep rating around 5.

I hadn't lost Rep ratings like that before. Was a little annoying.

I've already forgotten about most of you



The defeat list still doesnt work either and doesnt bother me any lol. Sooner of later you are going to kill soandso. And sooner or later soandso is going to get ya back.

[/ QUOTE ]
I'm pretty sure the defeat list is a list of players who've defeated you recently, along with a timer for how long you have to defeat them back and get a bonus bounty for the defeat. I think it does, in fact, work.

Issue 16 made me feel like this.
Warning: This poster likes to play Devil's Advocate.



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Cryptic Studios Programmer whoa, dont mess with this