Known bug... we are looking into why this is happening.
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Excellent, glad to hear this
No datamining was done on any of the DefeatX badges (which Babbage is one).
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As an aside on Babbage, is he supposed to spawn in Boomtown in addition to for the TF, or is that just really old design information that is lingering, but no longer true?
FYI: There are NO story arc badges. None. Never were. Never will be. You have Souvenirs for that.
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I noticed that post-Issue #2, TFs are giving souvenirs (yay! thank you, thank you devs!). Any plans to give these souvenirs retroactively? It doesn't seem like it'd be hard ( if(has_tf_badge(n)) award souvenir(n) ), but then maybe the souvenir code is rather complicated. Its no biggie, it would just be nice to be able to go back and read the story on my character.
Completing a Badge-giving mission post-Expansion 2: Mission badges are awarded upon Mission Complete to every member on the team.
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If someone is on your team when there is a mission complete, and does not get the badge (happened to my friend on my Alexander mission), should it be /petitioned, or is there nothing the GMs can do, and it should just be /bugged?
Anyway, I've been impressed with the work you guys have been doing, keep it up.