Devs: Missing Badges




My main character is missing several badges (I'm sure my alts are missing some too but i only really care about my main getting his cool badges... . The badges I'm missing are:

* I recently completed the Terra Volta Trial. I have the Accolade for the completion of the Trial, but I do not have the Accomplishment Badge for it that badge is still greyed out.

* Prior to Update 2, I completed the Numina Task Force. I have been assigned all of the other Task Force Badges (having completed all of them) but still lack Numina's.

* I have not gained the badge for defeating Babbage (which occured during Synapse's TF).

* There are numerous story arc/mission-related badges that I'm missing. I've received 4 so far and I've certainly completed a lot more than four of the requisite missions/arcs. I don't know exactly which ones are missing, but I'm certain there are several missing.

It is my understanding that the devs want us to /bug the missing badges, which I have been doing each and every time I log in with my main character but the badges have still not arrived in the mail.

I wanted to check, should I continue /bugging the issue or should I lay off and just be patient? Are the badges going to arrive, eventually or is the retroactive assignment of badges finished?

Syphon Strike
Prophet of The Ancients Returned
50 Kinetics/Psychic Defender - Virtue
Back after two years of WoW!



Yea I'm missing the Posi, and the TV trial badge as well..didn't know I was supposed to /bug em though. Well if someone could confirm that I'd be happy.



My character is also missing the terra volta badge, which I bugged yesterday and a GM said they were still working on those. I also have yet to get my badges for Bastion's TF and Manticores Tf that I had done previously to the new update.



I wish they could also datamine for foes previously defeated. You know, like defeating umpteen Tsoo Sorcerers, Family Bosses and Freak Tanks? My main is level 31, I'm fairly certain that I would already qualify for many of these badges. I REALLY don't want to spend days upon days going back and farming hundreds of these foes that I won't even get xp for...

I don't mean to sound like I'm whining, I don't intend it that way. I'll be fine if they can't make these ones retro, but it would be nice.



I actually exemplared to a friend to run the Alexander mission last night to get the Reedemer badge, and he got the badge while I did not! That was pretty frustrating after running all those missions with him for no xp and then miss out on the badge. I /petitioned and /bugged but only got some canned email response like "we are working on your issue", but I never heard from a GM. *shrug*



Nobody has gotten the TV trial badge because it doesn't exist, at least not fully. The placeholder for it is there but the actual badge isn't in the pigg files. Only 4 of the 5 trials have existing badges. On test there wasn't even a placeholder for the TV trial badge so we never realized there was supposed to be a trial badge or it probably would have been fixed before Issue #2 went live.

Babbage won't be retroactive, just as no other defeat badges will be. For Babbage its also not required to defeat him to complete the Synapse TF, just funner.

Story Arcs don't award badges, ever. this post lists all the mission badges and the known requirements for them (level range and specific mission). Here's a brief Summary of how many mission badges you should have if you did all the missions at each level range:

1-4 = 0
5-9 = 1
10-14 = 2
15-19 = 3
20-24 = 5
25-29 = 7
30-34 = 9
35-39 = 11
40-44 = 13
45-50 =15

Apparently they are STILL datamining the TF badges and I've heard that those still missing badges are mostly missing ones done within a week or two of Issue #2 going live so they probably started at the oldest and are working their way to the present time.

You generally will not see any response about a /bug submission. If you want an email and to hear from a GM you will need to use /petition instead.



You generally will not see any response about a /bug submission. If you want an email and to hear from a GM you will need to use /petition instead.

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Thanks for all the info (it seems I'm probably missing about 5 badges as my main is level 36). Also, I'm not looking for a response to he /bug reports - I just wanted to confirm if the devs do, in fact, want me to continue /bugging the fact that I am missing badges or if I should just lay off. Like I said, it's my understanding that's what they want us to do but I'm not certain of that... I might be being a pest when all I want to do is help them out...

Syphon Strike
Prophet of The Ancients Returned
50 Kinetics/Psychic Defender - Virtue
Back after two years of WoW!




Apparently they are STILL datamining the TF badges and I've heard that those still missing badges are mostly missing ones done within a week or two of Issue #2 going live so they probably started at the oldest and are working their way to the present time.

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I received all of my recent TF badges very quickly. I am still, however, missing the the TF badges from the ones that I did directly after the original TF fix. A lot of my SGmates that were on said TFs haven't received them either.



* I recently completed the Terra Volta Trial. I have the Accolade for the completion of the Trial, but I do not have the Accomplishment Badge for it that badge is still greyed out.

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Known bug... we are looking into why this is happening.

* Prior to Update 2, I completed the Numina Task Force. I have been assigned all of the other Task Force Badges (having completed all of them) but still lack Numina's.

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Were you part of the team when Jurrasik was defeated? Did you recieve a reward when Jurrasik was defeated?

* I have not gained the badge for defeating Babbage (which occured during Synapse's TF).

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No datamining was done on any of the DefeatX badges (which Babbage is one). Just because you completed Synapse's TF does not mean you defeated Babbage, many groups skip Babbage all together. If you thought datamining for Task Forces was slow, it would probably be a year or two to get every kill task badge retro'ed.

* There are numerous story arc/mission-related badges that I'm missing. I've received 4 so far and I've certainly completed a lot more than four of the requisite missions/arcs. I don't know exactly which ones are missing, but I'm certain there are several missing.

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FYI: There are NO story arc badges. None. Never were. Never will be. You have Souvenirs for that.

Completing a Badge-giving mission post-Expansion 2: Mission badges are awarded upon Mission Complete to every member on the team.

Completing a Badge-giving mission pre-Expansion 2: We look at your character and see if they have done a mission that gives a badge. If the answer is yes, assign the badge upon log in.

If you did not get a badge, then your character never did the mission.

We investigated several characters who claimed to have done badge-missions yet didn't recieve the badges retroactively. Upon examination, all of them had never done said badge-missions, usually because they outlevelled their contact before that mission was issued.

We ARE working on a system that will allow you to go back and do content you missed, but for the meantime you can Exemplar to a character that has a badge-giving mission and help them complete it. You will both get the badge.

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Nice theory Pos, but doesn't work. I have reversed SK'd on TWO missions that gave badges, and I didn't recieve the badge for. This is Post Expansion 2. I bugged them both in the event this was how it was supposed to work.

In one of the missions ONLY the mission holder recieved a badge. In another ONLY the non-exemplared players recieved a badge.

This system still needs work apparently.


That's not debt, those are my "fury bonus points"--Stahlkopf

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Completing a Badge-giving mission pre-Expansion 2: We look at your character and see if they have done a mission that gives a badge. If the answer is yes, assign the badge upon log in.

If you did not get a badge, then your character never did the mission.

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So if in fact you DID the mission as part of a team, but the mission was not YOURS... do we not get credit for that mission as far as a badge is concerned?

Because I've gotten ZERO mission badges, and since I'm level 44 and focused mainly on helping others do missions, I'm certain I've done some of the missions that have badges, that in fact belonged to someone else.

Check my toon out: Power Aide - Victory server - level 44 defender.

I'm going off the many sites that display what missions give badges and since they all seem to be saying the same thing, I'm assuming they have some credability.



* Prior to Update 2, I completed the Numina Task Force. I have been assigned all of the other Task Force Badges (having completed all of them) but still lack Numina's.

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Were you part of the team when Jurrasik was defeated? Did you recieve a reward when Jurrasik was defeated?

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I have *POST ISSUE 2* completed the Numina task force. I have this bugged, and updated a few times, but have gotten only canned responses so far from support. I understand the workload right now, and hope that Positron visits this thread again.

My whole team (7 people by the time of the final mission) defeated Jurassic together, and received our badge for doing so. When we called in outside of the mission, the TF broke up, but nobody received the badge for Numinas TF. We all have the Jurassic badge, none of us have Numina's, and some of us have even outleveled Numina during the TF.

If you PM me, I'll provide my case ID from support, if the time/place/etc is helpful, as I assume that is included in the internal bug report logs.




Nice theory Pos, but doesn't work. I have reversed SK'd on TWO missions that gave badges, and I didn't recieve the badge for. This is Post Expansion 2. I bugged them both in the event this was how it was supposed to work.

In one of the missions ONLY the mission holder recieved a badge. In another ONLY the non-exemplared players recieved a badge.

This system still needs work apparently.


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Couple things to consider:

The Exemplar system has a "reward buffer" of about 1 minute to prevent exploiting it.

If the person you Exemplared to completed part of the mission without you (or while you were in the reward buffer), then the Mission Complete reward may ignore you (again, to prevent exploiting).

So basically this WON'T work:

Lowbie: (Broadcasts) "I am about to complete the Rescue Fortune Teller mission, send me a tell for an invite or Exemplar"

Lowbie then walks in with his newly formed group and takes out the final villain on the map. Only Lowbie will get the reward in this case.

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Were you part of the team when Jurrasik was defeated? Did you recieve a reward when Jurrasik was defeated?

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I did Numina's TF mission about a week or so before Update 2 went live. I was part of the team when Jurrasik was defeated. As for the reward, it is possible all my enhancement slots were full and thus did not get the reward... Thinking about it, it's actually very probable that happened and thus I didn't get the reward despite being a part of the team and present from beginning to end.

Is there another way to track completion of a TF? It may be a non-issue in the end - I might just do the TF again and solve the problem that way... Unlike Bastion's TF, Numina's was quite enjoyable (even if there's a long stretch in the middle where I felt like a school-yard bully beating up on lowbies... so I don't mind doing it a second time.

No datamining was done on any of the DefeatX badges (which Babbage is one). Just because you completed Synapse's TF does not mean you defeated Babbage, many groups skip Babbage all together. If you thought datamining for Task Forces was slow, it would probably be a year or two to get every kill task badge retro'ed.

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I'm not worried about the "defeat X" badges - I completely understand the headache datamining that would create and you guys have a lot more important stuff to do. I just figured that the Babbage portion would be a given though I can understand how that belief is also mistaken.... No worries - I'll find him and kick his butt again.

FYI: There are NO story arc badges. None. Never were. Never will be. You have Souvenirs for that.

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My misunderstanding. It has been pointed out to me, since making this post, that the above is the case. It is entirely possible, then, that I managed to miss the Badge-giving missions en route to level 36. I will have to go back and correct that problem.

Thanks for the reply.

Syphon Strike
Prophet of The Ancients Returned
50 Kinetics/Psychic Defender - Virtue
Back after two years of WoW!




Known bug... we are looking into why this is happening.

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Excellent, glad to hear this


No datamining was done on any of the DefeatX badges (which Babbage is one).

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As an aside on Babbage, is he supposed to spawn in Boomtown in addition to for the TF, or is that just really old design information that is lingering, but no longer true?


FYI: There are NO story arc badges. None. Never were. Never will be. You have Souvenirs for that.

[/ QUOTE ]
I noticed that post-Issue #2, TFs are giving souvenirs (yay! thank you, thank you devs!). Any plans to give these souvenirs retroactively? It doesn't seem like it'd be hard ( if(has_tf_badge(n)) award souvenir(n) ), but then maybe the souvenir code is rather complicated. Its no biggie, it would just be nice to be able to go back and read the story on my character.


Completing a Badge-giving mission post-Expansion 2: Mission badges are awarded upon Mission Complete to every member on the team.

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If someone is on your team when there is a mission complete, and does not get the badge (happened to my friend on my Alexander mission), should it be /petitioned, or is there nothing the GMs can do, and it should just be /bugged?

Anyway, I've been impressed with the work you guys have been doing, keep it up.



When you called in for the completion did everyone get an SO reward for the TF? I remember there being an issue with the TF not fully completing (though it would break up) and giving rewards if the leader didn't go back and talk to the NPC rather than call in and if people weren't in the same zone as the NPC. The badge is tied into the same code that gives the SO reward from what I can tell.




I completely understand the Babbage issue. However, mine is a little more obvious. I received the Numina TF badge retroactively, but I did no receive the Jurassik badge. Now one would assume, that I would get the badge since defeating Jurassik is how you beat the TF, right?

Any insight would be appreciated.



Were you helping them do the missions before Issue #2 went live? If so that wasn't tracked, what is happening is anyone on a team with a badge mission gets the badge (if they don't already have it) when the team gets the 'Mission Complete' notification. I'm fairly certain that the mission completion is still only logged and trackable for the person who was assigned the mission, otherwise someone on the team would not be able to get the mission themselves afterwards.



The same thing happened to me. I spent weeks avoiding my missions or helping my lower level SG mates because I didn't want to level to 39. I was waiting for Issue 2 to hit so I could do the Numina TF before outleveling it. I did the TF the day after Issue 2 went live and the same thing happened to me and my group. We all beat Jurassik together and got the badge, we got the "Task Force Complete" message while still inside the mission and picked out SOs. No badge. Exited the mission and phoned it in. TF broke up, still no badge. I dinged 39 while on that TF, so I can't go back for it now. I bugged it when it happened as well.

~Virtue Server~
Naomi Lynx - lvl 50 Claws/Super Reflexes Scrapper
-Paradox - lvl 21 Empathy/Dark Defender
Callous Jane - lvl 10 Ice/Energy Blaster
Wander Wraith - lvl 12 Dark/Dark Defender



Positron, I did the ENTIRE Alexander mission as an exemplar with a friend last night. I was exemplared 30 minutes before he got his badge. I did not receive the badge upon completion.

Here are a few things I noticed that were unusual:

1. The badge was awarded upon returning to the contact after mission complete. I exemplared one other mission with the same guy and we both our badges upon objective completion (he didn't have to return to his contact). Maybe there is some issue with a badge that is awarded by the contact.

2. I was zoning at the time he talked to the contact and got the badge. Maybe that was somehow related to me not getting the badge.

I petitioned but have still got no real human response other than email that says "we are working on your issue", which is frustrating because I am becoming a real badge fiend and I have no more friends left in that level range. Even if I did, I am not remotely confident that I would receive the badge, at this point.



So if in fact you DID the mission as part of a team, but the mission was not YOURS... do we not get credit for that mission as far as a badge is concerned?

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If (pre-Expansion 2) the mission was from a different Hero's contact, you will not get the badge, even if you helped them.

Why? Because we keep no record of that on your character. We only track what missions your character did for your OWN contacts (so you don't get asked to do the same mission twice by your contacts). This is what we use to go back and retroactively give badges. The fact that you did something for another player's character is not recorded anywhere.

Now POST-Expansion 2 I made sure that the badge given for the Mission goes to everyone on the team who qualifies for the End-Of-Mission reward. Still, no record of "help" is recorded, its just that since we are doing the reward right then and there, we can make sure that the whole team gets it.

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As an aside on Babbage, is he supposed to spawn in Boomtown in addition to for the TF, or is that just really old design information that is lingering, but no longer true?

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Babbage should be appearing in Boomtown, but he's apparently off getting an oil change (which he's having difficulty actually completing because the Clockwork King keeps getting back out of jail and screaming for help because a few dozen heroes are hot on his mechanical heels!)



On the subject of badges, how's the data-mining coming along?

We heard that we'd be getting old TF badges over the weekend, but I still have characters who are missing them. My main has participated in 2 TFs (was raised too high while they were bugged to complete the early ones), but has only received a badge for one.

While I'd like the badge, I'm not asking for someone to go give it to me, just curious if they should still be trickling in.

My main is Forar, on Virtue server, level 39 Blaster. He's completed Manticore and Numina, but only has the badge for Manticore.

On my alts, I believe all 5 completed Synapse, Sister Psyche, and at least one has completed Bastion, but I'm not sure they have all their badges either. I'll have to check on that tonight, and submit bug reports, but while I'm at work I thought it was worth asking.



Positron, I did the ENTIRE Alexander mission as an exemplar with a friend last night. I was exemplared 30 minutes before he got his badge. I did not receive the badge upon completion.

Here are a few things I noticed that were unusual:

1. The badge was awarded upon returning to the contact after mission complete. I exemplared one other mission with the same guy and we both our badges upon objective completion (he didn't have to return to his contact). Maybe there is some issue with a badge that is awarded by the contact.

2. I was zoning at the time he talked to the contact and got the badge. Maybe that was somehow related to me not getting the badge.

I petitioned but have still got no real human response other than email that says "we are working on your issue", which is frustrating because I am becoming a real badge fiend and I have no more friends left in that level range. Even if I did, I am not remotely confident that I would receive the badge, at this point.

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Excellent post.

This helped me find a bug in Alexander's mission where only the Mission Owner gets the reward. I have fixed this... it will be a while before the fix makes it to Live however.

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As an aside on Babbage, is he supposed to spawn in Boomtown in addition to for the TF, or is that just really old design information that is lingering, but no longer true?

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Babbage should be appearing in Boomtown, but he's apparently off getting an oil change (which he's having difficulty actually completing because the Clockwork King keeps getting back out of jail and screaming for help because a few dozen heroes are hot on his mechanical heels!)

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That is my question as well. All past information points that Babbage belongs here as well but when Update 2 was on the Training Center we had 8 man teams scouring Boomtown for plauques and badges and we never and i mean never saw Babbage at all. In the past it was reported people saw him there so Positron I ask you. Was Babbage removed from Boomtown?