Devs: Missing Badges




We got a full group of 8 and did it about 2 days befoer patch 2 went live, so I'd expect to be oneo f the last to hear back, but I would in fact expect to hear -something-, at some point.

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Positron has said in another thread that if you did a TF BEFORE update 2 only the LEADER would get the TF badge. Its a limitation on datamining.

NO kill badges will be awarded pre-update 2.

Post update 2 everyone in the TF should get all the appropriate badges.



We got a full group of 8 and did it about 2 days befoer patch 2 went live, so I'd expect to be oneo f the last to hear back, but I would in fact expect to hear -something-, at some point.

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Positron has said in another thread that if you did a TF BEFORE update 2 only the LEADER would get the TF badge. Its a limitation on datamining.

NO kill badges will be awarded pre-update 2.

Post update 2 everyone in the TF should get all the appropriate badges.

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But that seems to be erroneous because I got all the TF badges except for the Manticore and Numina which i still have not received, and I'm certain that I was never the leader for the Positron nor Bastion TF, and I did every TF except for Numina pre-Issue 2. Numina is the only TF i did after Issue 2. Also, I led the Manticore TF at least 3 times to victory.



If you did not get a badge, then your character never did the mission.

We investigated several characters who claimed to have done badge-missions yet didn't recieve the badges retroactively. Upon examination, all of them had never done said badge-missions, usually because they outlevelled their contact before that mission was issued.

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Is there some reason why on live im not getting the frontline badge, but if I copy my character over to test he recieves it? And will i recieve it once the patch on test goes live?



I did the Numina tf tonight on Freedom server, I wasn't leader. Received The Solution for Jurassik, but no badge for the tf.



We got a full group of 8 and did it about 2 days befoer patch 2 went live, so I'd expect to be oneo f the last to hear back, but I would in fact expect to hear -something-, at some point.

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Positron has said in another thread that if you did a TF BEFORE update 2 only the LEADER would get the TF badge. Its a limitation on datamining.

NO kill badges will be awarded pre-update 2.

Post update 2 everyone in the TF should get all the appropriate badges.

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I'm sorry, you're incorrect.

If you do a door mission that would normally reward iwth a badge, you do not get it unles it was your mission, pre-Issue 2. now if you are doing said mission, you will get it (save the Alexander Warrior mission, bugged).

This does not apply to TFs. They indicated they would be fully data mining for TFs, in numerous posts, irrespective of who is the leader.

RE: the kill badge, it is a -requirement- to complete the TF to kill Jurassik. Anyone who has done this TF must have killed him- unlike the Synapse/skyway one where killing babbage is optional. Since there is no way to do the TF and not get a badge, I odn't think its' unreasonable to request the kill badge with it- but if its' a no, I'll understand, I'd just like a dev to realize the above is in fact true (and the stated reason for not retroactively giving kill badges does not apply here).

No offense intended, I think you just got some wires crossed.

Also- I didn't have frontline on Live, but I took the mission- and I have it on test. I think it's because it's a mission they reworked and added new stuff to, so they flagged it as 'not done' so the contact would offer it. Obviously they still have the data for it, so I suspect that'll be patched when we get the new stuff from Test.



I PMed you last night (early this morning) with my case.

I ran through the mini-arc to stop Nemisis from forming a non-agression pact with CoT. I was the team leader and the mission owner. At the end of the mini-arc, my teammate scored the final hit to defeat that last mob. We both got the mission complete message, but only she got the Corruptor badge. I called the conact back and he said "Good job, no badge"

Also, it's worth mentioning that she was given the mission XP/inf bonus and I was not.

I just want to mention this in the public forum so that everyone can know there'a potential bug with this mission, and we can all get confirmation when it's found/fixed.




Any updates Positron?
Actually, any word on this issue from any dev would be very welcomed.

As for the Test server, I tried it out yesterday, unfortunately did not receive my missing TF badges.




I ran through the mini-arc to stop Nemisis from forming a non-agression pact with CoT. I was the team leader and the mission owner. At the end of the mini-arc, my teammate scored the final hit to defeat that last mob. We both got the mission complete message, but only she got the Corruptor badge. I called the conact back and he said "Good job, no badge"

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Something seems odd with the rewards code for some missions. I duo'd the Frontline badge mission set - my compatriot got an immediate XP reward and the badge, I got no message at all. I may have received mission XP but there was no way to really check - 8k isn't really a noticable blip at level 35. I didn't get any messages (the green text in the chat window for rewards) when I went back to the contact, either, but when I checked my badges list, I had received the badge, even though there was no system message telling me that I had.

One thing - I went back to the contact physically instead of calling. Maybe that old bug has reared its head again?

I know it didn't have anything to do with damage to mobs, since, well, Mind Controller.





I ran through the mini-arc to stop Nemisis from forming a non-agression pact with CoT. I was the team leader and the mission owner. At the end of the mini-arc, my teammate scored the final hit to defeat that last mob. We both got the mission complete message, but only she got the Corruptor badge. I called the conact back and he said "Good job, no badge"

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Something seems odd with the rewards code for some missions. I duo'd the Frontline badge mission set - my compatriot got an immediate XP reward and the badge, I got no message at all. I may have received mission XP but there was no way to really check - 8k isn't really a noticable blip at level 35. I didn't get any messages (the green text in the chat window for rewards) when I went back to the contact, either, but when I checked my badges list, I had received the badge, even though there was no system message telling me that I had.

One thing - I went back to the contact physically instead of calling. Maybe that old bug has reared its head again?

I know it didn't have anything to do with damage to mobs, since, well, Mind Controller.

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Actually got a (possible) answer for this one, but it's kinda wierd.

I noticed the same behavior with the nemisis weather controll mini-arc. We completed th mission and everyone -else- said 'woo-hoo, badge!'. I, as team lead and mission owner, got nothin.

That is, untill everyone -exited- the misison. Not untill it was reset, or cleared, or completed, but when everyone left the mission suddenly I got the xp, the reward So, and a shiny new badge.

As to the how/why, I've no idea, but it happened.



Positron, I was grouped with 4 other players and we completed the Sister Psyche task force before the patch went live. As of today (9/29/04) none of us have received this badge. I have posted bug reports and I received a notice saying that it has been three days and that it is now considered closed. I reopened it and again 3 days later it is again considered closed. Could you please look into this?

Lucy Furr, L25, Pinnacle



I have still not received many of my TF badges for TF missions that I have completed. The Numina’s TF I have completed a few days ago and not received that badge as well. Also, have not received the Terra Volta Trial badge… Why is this taking so long?



I have also not received my Bastion TF badge (pre-issue 2) and Numina TF badge (post-Issue 2) even though I did get my Jurassik badge from the Numina TF.

I don't have the TV trial badge either but I'm not sure what the deal with that one is.



I was not the leader on the Positron TF, but I completed it pre Issue 2. Is that going to work the same way as Mission Types, where I will not get Credit when it's Datamined?

I got the SO and got the "Task Force Completed" across the screen. I /buged already, and got told it was a known issue, but reading this post about the pre Issue 2 Mission badges, I got confused.

Will I get it eventually, or do I need to trot and out and try to tackle it again with the random kiddie pick up team before I get my last 16 bubble.



In my case, it's a tale of two tankers...
(Protector server)

Black Diamond - Inv/SS, my original primary. Completed Positron and Synapse TFs, as leader both times, got credit for both.

Pyroxene - Inv/Fire Melee, replacement tanker (knockback frustrations). He's led our SG alts through the Positron and Synapse TFs, and the primaries through the Sister Psyche TF. Received credit for none of the three as of night before last.

Will file a bug report in game tonight, I guess.



I have every badge except for Posi's. I DID Posi's, I even remeber the SO that I got for it and where I put it.

Any chance that I'll actually get a badge for it eventually, or am I out of luck?



Good news everyone, check out what Vivyanne just said here:
"Ok, just got word back from the Devs on this. The Sewer and Eden Trials will be added into the data mining for retroactive badges.
So, this means if you did a Task Force or the Sewer or Eden Trials post September 9th (end date of the last data mining) and did not get a badge, you should when this is done within the next week or so."

This is really good news, and looking at the date of my Manticore TF demo which says I created it on the 12th of september, I now have good hopes that I'll get the badge.
As for Numina TF, I have the demo of me killing Jurrasic, plus the Jurrasic badge, so I have no doubt I will be getting this badge in time.

I'm surprised that the devs posted about it elsewhere, when this is supposedly the official thread for missing badges, but lets just focus on the good news



If I understand this correctly, and I would appreciate an official answer, if;
1. I completed a TF prior 9/9
2. I was not the leader of the TF and completed it prior to Issue 2's releas.
3. I do not have the badge already.
4. There is no way to gain the badge now.

Is this correct?

I'm basing this on the following items:
1. Last data mining was 9/9. All badges from prior to 9/9 that will be awarded, have been handed out.
2. Data was not recorded prior to Issue 2 regarding members of TF's, only leaders.
3. It is not currently possible to Exemplar into a TF, and there are no plans in the future to make this possible.



If I understand this correctly, and I would appreciate an official answer, if;
1. I completed a TF prior 9/9
2. I was not the leader of the TF.
3. I do not have the badge already.
4. There is no way to gain the badge now.

Is this correct?

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Yeah, it looks like we're out of luck. I can't really get upset about it cause I could care less about collecting badges. They add little or nothing to the game for me.



As it happens, I like the badges. I think it's a great idea. They do add a lot to the game for me.

However, I think it's a collosal error to create new content and not allow your long term subscribers any way to access that content. There are several badges that I'd have to exemplar to get, and I don't mind that. I probably can't ever get the defeat Contaminated badge, but that only modestly bugs me. However, I had more than one TF bail on me in the past before finishing. After spending 6 hours of my day stomping on clockworks the first time, I think someone should at least provide a way for me to get that badge if I go through the whole effort again.

I play a Tank. I've got patience and determination. But I already started my tank caracter over once before Respec came along. While I may be willing to start again if I I really want a full set of TF badges...I will not do this a third time. As a semi-casual player, I ought to be able to get a character past SL 28 in five months.




1) They did track non-leaders (I was never a leader on Positron's TF with my main but he got the badge)

2) Datamining still seems incomplete and all I can say is petition it and hopefully your character gets flagged for a closer check to see if they were somehow overlooked.

3) On test currently is the ability to exemplar down and join or start a task force.



i didnt read this whole thread, but was the hollows trial badge mentioned?

i completed the hollows trial- it was my mission and i was the leader. no one on the team got the badge.

is this a known issue that will be fixed or should i /bug it?

has anyone recieved this badge?



It is currently bugged and a fix is in test to take care of it. It should award retroactively for those who did the trial.

As of this time any badges broken on live seem to be fixed on test.

The only thing left up in the air is the level of datamining completion for retroactive badges.



What about the Terra Volta one? I did that twice with my main, taking the SO once and the Respec reward once. I've seen people running around with the non-respec badge now, but my char still lacks it. Am I screwed?



Not sure, they may have fixed it now and be datamining. If not you should be able to just redo the mission, take a non-respec reward and get the trial badge.



I noticed earlier this week that I now have the Manticore and Numina TF badges. I did not redo these TFs, so I know for sure that I was awarded these badges retroactively, and that I must have received them within the past two weeks.
Thanks goes out to Positron and anyone else that helped, having these two badges means a lot to me.