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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
    Mine worked perfectly.
    Mine did not. I deleted a character from my favorite server (Victory) in the hopes of making a Praet. I was disappointed when that slot was suddenly gone after deletion.
    Instead of a showing an open character slot i got another UNAVAILABLE icon.
  2. Harker_NA

    CoH Beta memory

    Yeah, that was a very fun day. Everything was so shiny and new!

    I found all my old screenies from that day recently and it was interesting to stroll down memory lane.

    The game is so dramatically different now...
  3. All I hear is a strange low hum...


    At least the echo is gone.
  4. Harker_NA

    Issue 13: BUGS


    Server: Victory
    Zone: all
    Character name: all toons
    Time: n/a
    Location: all
    Mission: n/a
    Mission Contact: n/a
    Bug Description: Friends list window pops open at random when "broken" from the frame. The work around is to relink to the frame and it does not pop open randomly, but this is definitely a bug... albeit a rather low priority one.
    Link to Forum Discussions: n/a
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    No thanks, new TF...actually NEW SF PLEASE!

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    Like 5 new ones plz.

    Number of Hero TF/Trials- 23
    Number of Villain SF/Trials-9

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    That's actually incredibly sad... I had never seen the numbers next to each other.

  6. [ QUOTE ]
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    Ok, so here is the problem with this change.

    Synapse. 8 people. I know all of them and love them, 1 of them is my husband, 1 of them me.

    About 30 minutes in, hubby and I start mapserving occasionally. Nothing big, haven't dropped, but we're getting a little annoyed.

    2 hours in. We both drop - cable's out.

    Now there's a team of 6 (Synapse requires 4). Because we went link-dead, we're still on the team. But the cable's out - who knows when it'll get back on, and hell, maybe we're so annoyed with the mapserving we say screw it, and rent a movie.


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    If you understand it is your connection when you start dropping (like say resetting the cable modem fixes it), then realize you may hard drop and tell your friends you'll bow out rather than risk it (or at least discuss it with them to see what they want to do, maybe they think, given the team make up, they could brute force it even if you two do drop).

    At least this way, their is your ability to control it. For an example, what if the Task Force was one with a 6 person minimum and you started it with 6. Under what's currently on live, you'd have no recourse and the team would be doing the mission with 4 people with spawns of 6. With the change, you can at least realize what is going on and preemptively quit and allow the spawn size to scale.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    How could they know it was their cable until it actually dropped? It's not like they were pulling up the command prompt and running tracerts the whole time. Average player won't realize it's their connection until the game drops them and then they can't get anything up with IE/FF/Whatever.

    So assuming someone goes "gee, it's kind of laggy tonight, stupid mapservs". And then they disconnect for whatever reason, you give the team no way to control if they player stays in the TF while offline, or can be kicked.

    But you can't tell me you honestly believe that someone would know it's their connection and not the server (cause it's never the server, right?) until it's already too late.

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    I understand your argument. I play a lot of online games and sometimes when my team mates have a poor connection, we won't run stuff because we don't want to deal with them dropping.

    If someone's not that savvy to realize what's going on, ok, sure I can see that. As I said above, we acknowledge that there is more we can do. However, for those people who do understand how their connectivity works and what's going on when they have a poor connection can deal with that by quitting.

    Additionally, a team leader can take the step to tell the person who's dc'ing a lot that they are just going to kick them rather than dealing with the disconnecting player. Hopefully they do it in such a manner that doesn't bend feelings and they can group again another day. I myself have been in similar situations and done just that. The joys of running PUGs.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Really Lighthouse?
    You are trying to rationalize the pending changes in relation to one of many, MANY scenarios... one in which I'm sure many of us are scratching our heads about why we're being dictated on possible procedure.
    You can't predict connectivity, power outages, system failures, etc.

    I think most people are getting to is this: the changes are incomplete/not thought through from what many can tell. The were incomplete when the first round of changes were introduced, proven by this new change.
    If you guys simply rolled back the changes to how TF/SF system worked a month ago, R&D a REAL and IMPROVED solution based on feedback and suggestions here, roll that out ... well I think you guys would have met with a better dialog on the matter. Dialog on the matter... that actually might have been good to initiate from the get go actually.

    I'm just curious, but really HOW much of the playerbase was being effected by soft-loading and in what ways? PVP losses because of less powerful build via recipes?
    Positron pointed at "FAIRNESS" in his initial statement on why TF/SF changes were coming. Fairness? Why? How can fairness even be ascertained when competition isn't even involved here?

    I get that the exploit brought to light a series of issues... but the public appearance with this is that, true to form, the fix was rushed, incomplete, and not exactly favored by the vocal playerbase. Now this would be trivial if in fact there were NO OTHER OPTIONS... but as we ca see, plenty of options seems to available, but not given due consideration/implementation.

    You site scheduling as part of the reason this was a rushed job... i12 is coming. Well... wasn't it always coming? How long has this exploit been around... since CoV launched??? Did inventions/recipes serve to create a priority over this exploit, because SURELY some redname had encountered soft-loading prior to inventions... if any of them play on Live as much as we left to infer.
    So why the sudden NEED to fix it? Why couldn't this wait till after i12 and been given more time, consideration and with a dialog established with the playerbase before anything was implemented?
    Oh you didn't want to expose the exploit? So don't. Don't even mention the WHY of the change... or come up with another WHY to the change. If the change was going to be better for the game, we'd be on board for the most part. But this route you guys went doesn't necessarily make the game better, gameplay experience better, or improve player interest in TF/SFs.

    So if we analyze what all this hub-bub is about, we left with a rather negative taste and an exploit only partially patched... for the time being.

    Sometimes I'm left with big fat questions for the thought process that goes on in the redname corner.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
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    This change and the previous one is bad because it still allows for some teammates to grief your team should they choose to log off and not quit. I have had it to happen twice since the first change on a few tfs I have done. Once on Katie hannon and once Sara Moore TFs. We need a way to be able to kick people from the team that are not currently logged in. Secondly neither of these changes have done anything to address the reason why this softloading of tf/sfs happens in the first place. If the recipes that people can actually use were more readily accessable we would not be going thru this now in the first place. Either address the issue with the drop pools or you are doing all this for nothing and all it is doing is punishing the rest of the playerbase instead of farmers.

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    Understandable and thanks for the feedback. However, I would have to advise you to better get to know the people you are grouping with. Simply put, if someone has a reputation for such, don't engage in a task / strike force or trial with them. You would be well advised to only take your most trusted allies with you to tackle such challenging and dangerous missions!

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    Server population coupled with TF/SF minimums make what you are suggesting here good on paper but hard to pull-off in game. To my knowledge, the only way to gauge reputation is by experience with people. There is no way to track rep (ala something like Ebay or Xbox live) and since sometimes you simply CANNOT fill those last 2 spots needed to form TF/SF with trusted friends... you must turn to randoms. OR, you don't do the TF/SF. And don't you want to make TF/SF MORE attractive rather than less? You are nearly to the point of having Rare drops being THE only incentive to do these things... especially if you have done them all already.

    If you rednames are going to be tinkering with TF/SF ANYWAY, you may as well address the real issues here: 1) minimum team size 2)pool drop reconsiderations 3)ability to kick logged-off members from a TF/SF
    These changes should be looked into before further fussing about with the current system. If it involves altering tech directly relating the TF/SF, i'm sure the playerbase wouldn't mind waiting for a fix to actually fix all the issues. As it stands now, you guys are robbing Peter to pay Paul.
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    Hey DJ got a fast question for you

    On Power Aide gloves I noticed he has the Justice style plate on top of what appears to regualr gloves? Is that just artistic design or do his gloves actually look like that in game?

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    It seems he has Justice Gloves. I guess I overlooked that detail =)

    Here he is in game;

    POWER AIDE - Reference shot

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    It happens, and many times I yield to the side of "artistic interpretation/licensing" by the artist.
  9. A complaint about one of the missions in the RWZ:
    Please revisit the mission where you need to rescue diplomats and negotiators in the cave. You end up getting a Rikti Mind dude and a human General (General Arkins?) that join you in the fight... however, if either of them DIE during the fight- FAILURE.

    No big deal except that they apparently have a death wish. The Rikti is manageable, but the General is a complete moron. He has no powers except a pistol... but for some reason, REALLY has to get right up into the faces of his foes to shoot at them. Even with his would be killers taunted, he dies thanks to the massive AoEs from the Nemesis.

    No fun.

    Who made this man a general if he doesn't understand the basic concept behind ranged weaponry?

    1- drop the idea of failing if they die. they are stupid NPCs, and having a base human with no powers and beserker mentatlity will only lead to frustration.
    2- Beef up the hostages to actually be able to take a few punches (99% resist to AoE?)
    3- eliminate melee from their option list. make them stay back at range.
    4- drop the idea of them following you, like all the other people you rescue in the mission and let them FLEE!
    5- allow non healing classes to give these fools inspirations

    It was real frustrating to do this mission carefully KNOWING that it is easily failable, getting all the way to the very end with 1 Fake Nem at half health left, and his last AoE shot drops General Stupid. We had a moderate healer too and he just could not keep up (rad corruptor.) But if ol' Blodd n Guts General there would have just stayed BACK and shot his gun, he would have likely lived.

    Or new suggestion:
    Have the NPC dialogs for these types of missions with crazy beserker mentality say the following: "Hey man, thanks for rescueing me from unlikely doom. But now I'm afraid I'm going to make your trip a waste and spoil your reward, SEE YA!" As he runs off into an entire 8 man spawn... ALONE. WITH A PISTOL. AND A CIGAR.
  10. good stuff from our friend Outpost!
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    After numerous PMs, I figure I should address this.

    First, we know about this. It was noted as happening during Beta. At that time, we decided to watch the PvP data and see if it proved a problem. Stalkers are not doing poorly in PvP at any level range.

    Second, I discussed this with our QA and programmer and have filed it as a bug. It is low priority, however, since Stalkers are still the best in PvP according to our data. As such, there is no ETA for a fix.

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    So this was observed in beta- that would have covered Bloody Bay, a little in Siren's, and a probably a small few in Warburg. But have you guys looked at PVP and Stalkers in Recluse's Victory where the tables are certainly more different than Siren's or Warburg? I mean, PVP in RV didn't exist in beta, and it also wasn't on the test server for very long.

    Maybe this is more of a Stalkers being better at PVP in general at lower levels, issue rather than this placate thing.

    But more than anything, I'm curious to know what data you guys are looking at when you say you are watching PVP data.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    Filling up an otherwise useful guide with pointless banter is a good way for the guide to lose credibility.

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    Pardon me captain forum cop.

    Yui did a fine job on the guide and it is effective. You think "banter" will cause the guide to loose effectiveness then you are just a troll.
  13. Thanks Yui, glad you posted this. Sorry I missed the last couple of attempts. Hopefully you guys haven't found a better replacement for me! :P
  14. Talk about potential to be unbalanced for a team of 8 level 50 villains, versus a team of level 50 Heroes. At the very least, the villains have the ability to ALL spawn pets, thus essentially doubling their team size and power. Throw an MM in there that's level 50 and you are looking at a small army versus 8 heroes.

    The closest you could come to that kind of team on the hero side is having a team of 8 controllers!

    I am a bit disappointed that there appears to be little love for the melee classes. I can't speak for others, but I'd sooner be elated with self heals, self power ups, self end savers for my brute and stalker, over a hold and a pet. In fact, a pet and a hold for a brute seem counter-intuitive for what the Brute is all about.

    I can see the benefit of a hold and a pet for a stalker, but as I have a stalker, that lacks a self heal- I was hoping for something along those lines.

    I get that the Patron Powers are not meant to be Ancillary Power Sets like the heroes have. But it seems the heroes get the opportunity to improve on what they are good at while also augmenting a something they are not good at or have nothing to begin with. While the Patron powers appear to be roughly all the same from set to set per AT, just with different visuals. I would think, if I were to be a BETTER brute and I choose Ghost Widow, that she would also want me to be a better brute... not a brute with a hold and a pet, that can reduce Fury effectiveness.

    Just some thoughts. I know we are not obligated to take the Patron Powers. And as I look at them, I leaning that my 40 brute won't be touching them.
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    Castle challanged Chuck Norris to a duel - He WON!

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    I met Chuck Norris once.


    (Thanks, folks!)

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    Johnny Dangerously reference FTW!
  16. [ QUOTE ]
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    First...I confirm that we're working on right now (as in pohsyb in the next room) to add CoV costume parts into CoH if you own both games....

    Then we repeal the hated stealth nerf. The reason why: many well reasoned posts. It's that simple. You guys pointed out the problems.

    AND now...we're changing the way Archvillains spawn. A ton of forum goers disliked adding so many AV's into missions a while back...so we've come up with a solution. If the team size and mission difficulty are ABOVE a certain level, an Archvillain spawns. Below that, players will face only an Elite Boss. If the mission is set on the first two levels of difficulty, it takes 4 heroes or more to spawn an Arch Villain. On the third level, 3 heroes or more. On the fourth level, 2 heroes. On the highest (Invincible), a solo hero will spawn an AV. Note this works in BOTH City of Heroes and Villains.

    In order to incentivize larger teams, Positron is going to add a bonus to AV rewards!

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    Just to calrify: The Archvillain thing is ONLY for Mission AV's, Archvillains in Task Forces/Strike Forces and World Spawns will not be changed.

    In City of Villains, Archvillain-class enemies are called "Heroes" and this change applies to them as well. (With the exception of Strike Forces and World Spawns of course).

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    Ok, for clarification, this change will STILL effect the Archvillains in CoV that are NOT classified as Heroes, and also NOT part of SFs?
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    Longbow Nullifiers do not have any such power. They do not have any attacks that remove buffs or any detoggle effects.

    High level Longbow Spec Ops have EMP Grenade that drains a lot of Endurance which might have been what you experienced. They've killed me by draining my remaining Endurance which turned off Granite Armor. They're minions though so they're easily killed and should be dealt with immediately.

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    Are there supposed to be spawn groups with 2 spec-ops in them? Because typically, on a sizeable team, that's what you see. They are more of a threat than sappers. Nulllifiers AND Spec-Ops in a spawn (2 of each or more) is pretty much worse than a spawn of 2 bosses and 2 lts. You can't take them ALL down at once, and you certainly can't ALWAYS have a dominator or corruptor with holds available to you.

    There was a reason that sappers were limited , I thought... maybe the same logic should be applied here? And furthermore, unless they DO get dropped before the meleers engage, they generally hit 100% of the time (in my experience.)
  18. I think the problem isn't them in small groups (i.e. small team missions,) it's that when you have a team of 6-8, the level of difficutly ramps up a lot steeper than what we are used to with other foe groups. I mean, letp's face it- if I were looking at a group of 10 council at level 40, and 10 longbow at level 40... i"m taking the council 6 ways till Sunday! But lower that amount to say 3-5 foes in the spawn... then really they are equal on challenge.

    Arachnos tends to do the same thing.

    I do think having multiple spec ops and nullifers in groups is a bit much and SHOULD be looked at, regardless of "XP incentive." Frankly, a 10% boost in XP (I'm guessing) just isn't worth the risk.

    Also, another problem is that they are the only foe group in either game (IMO) that suddenly is badd-asss. They are pretty crappy for 38 levels and easy to take down. Then at 39+ they suddenly have their crap together and are very tough to deal with. This is against what we are all used to. Any foe group that we're accustomed to throughout our villain/hero career never had a dramatic jump like that. Usually, the groups slowly scale like you do (COuncil,) or you get a whole new, fresh group to deal with (Rikti, Malta Carnies.)

    Needless to say, the Longbow were the first thing to humble my 40 brute in quite sometime. I felt like a scrapper who forgot to turn on his toggles ad accidentally closed his power tray in the heat of battle.
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    I am tired of doing bank missions with full teams only to have my AS interupted because the damn headless chicken npcs that run thru the bank push me out the way. Is there a way to change it to where only mobs can push us around. I remember at one point a red name said that they were working on this but nothing has come to the light yet. It is bad enough during those missions that we get doors blocked by them but now they can interupt the AS too? Its almost like they be trying to grief us on purpose. I have had a few team wipeouts from this where I could not take out the boss due to the interuptions from the npcs and we had a few situations where we could retreat because the npcs blocked the doors.

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    In CoH Beta, players were able to push NPCs rather than the other way around. Quite reliably, players would then herd the NPCs all into a small area, causing AI issues and horrible server lag.

    I hate being pushed around, too, but I don't believe it will change any time soon. (NOTE: I could be wrong!)

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    Then maybe look at the way WoW deals with this crap... make them all phaseable, like they aren't even there!! Yeah, I know it might take away from the "emersion" of the game, but it would certainly solve a lot of headaches and make many people with interruptable powers, melee powers, etc. happy.
  20. 18+months in the making and it's finally here!!!


    Good read.
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    The badge counts the number of Thorn specific missions completed not the number of CoT in general defeated. So, street hunting for Thorns won't help.

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    Ok, but the question was if this badge was bugged.
    Our SG has also experienced this. We've had our bar filled for over a week and nothing has been awarded.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    My favorite moment in CoV (think I was around level 10 at the time):

    25% Health, very low Endurance, high Fury, only a single Inspiration left (Defense), spawn of 3 minions in front of me. Rest is recharge and I'm about to hit it when I think screw it, I'm going in. Luckily the first guy dropped a Heal Inspiration. Not sure if I wouldn't made it without it. Fury makes you do dumb things.

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    Fury Lock... even Achilles had a weakness.
  23. Also, can we get more info for this? I don't recall even seeing the ghost pirates yet... and I'm level 25.

    If this is something that's only happening in a higher level zone, then how does it help the mid-level infamy whoes?