Infamy Rewards...




Does this just seem off to anyone else? Its either the rewarding, or the prices, but DOs and SOs are nigh impossible to come by in CoV.

On my 22 Robo/Trap MM, I could afford 5 SOs... Leading up to that point, I had only bought about 4 DOs at 12, and 5 DOs at 18, while selling every single time I got filled,a nd living on my weak Training enhancement drops.

If they want the drops to mean something, perhaps they need to recode the dropping system. Make sure you're rewarded enhancemetns of your Origin at least 50% of the time, and perhaps a sliding system as you advance in level...

Tranings are 100% of the drops until level 14 or so. Then its Trainging 75%, DO 25% until level 20, and then the roles reverse. After 25, we get DOs 60%, SOs 20%, and TOs 20%. After 30, it becomes SOs 60%, DOs 30%, and TOs 10% (Althought DO and TO drops are not generally necessary post-30, I don't see them getting rid of them).

Any thoughts?

Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.



The short answer is that the Devs don't want us using SO's right at level 22. It's supposed to be, and was, that way in CoH during the first 6 months that game was out.

Lady Thor: Level 50 Invul/War Mace/Pyre Mastery Tanker

Miss Microblast: Level 27 Energy/Energy Blaster

Teresa Thorensen: Level 17 Peacebringer



LadyThor huh?

Lady Thor: Level 50 Invul/War Mace/Pyre Mastery Tanker

Miss Microblast: Level 27 Energy/Energy Blaster

Teresa Thorensen: Level 17 Peacebringer




Lady Thor: Level 50 Invul/War Mace/Pyre Mastery Tanker

Miss Microblast: Level 27 Energy/Energy Blaster

Teresa Thorensen: Level 17 Peacebringer



Something in the influence/infamy reward system seems off at this point. In CoH I can't remember having any big problem with enhancements turning red with my main. Now with my main villain I just turned 19 and 75% of my enhancements turned red without me having the infamy to upgrade them. Let me tell you it sucks bigtime.

Do villains really get as much infamy as heroes gain influence? One thought I had was that when you as a hero rescue people on the street they thank you by giving you insps and inf. That just isn't there in CoV. Well at least I haven't seen it yet. Of course it's not a big amount each time, but doesn't it add up? Well I don't know, but it just seems like a lot harder for a villain.



dude, just be patient, and sell your dropped enhancements to the corresponding stores and you'll be ok, besides you don't have to have them all ++ seeing as you'll be shelling out like 20k for a .5 percent increase, I'm at 35 right now with over a million infamy and I probably won't be buying anymore until I hit 37, don't freak out because this isn't coh and you can't just conduct a transfer

- CaptainFoamerang

Silverspar on Kelly Hu: A face that could melt paint off the wall *shivers*
Someone play my AE arc! "The Heart of Statesman" ID: 343405



No one was "Freaking out", ha.

And, I don't have a one of my enhancements ++ slotted. At 22, I could afford 5 SOs with 190K or so. Everything else is shoddy TOs and DOs, and within 2 levels, they will be red.

And, I posted that I sell every oppurtunity.

I do not remember being this short on funds in CoH. I know I couldn't buy EVERY needed enhancement at the Upgrade levels, but I could afford way more than 5.

Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.



Well, maybe i'm just lucky, but i haven't had any more problem here than in CoH.
At 22 i had 350k infamy and was able to afford 12 SOs with some left over. (12 was all i needed to cover the basics)



350K? How? Did you do the first Strike Force? Level mostly in debt? I don't die a lot, and generally solo. I've done most of the story arcs to this point.

So, what are your money making secrets?

Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.



I think you are all spoiled with being financed by your SG or alts in CoH. Prices are the same as is the drop rate and mission rewards.



Haven't done any SF, just missions - mostly solo.
Happily i only died twice before 20.

Only thing I've done that might have mad e a diff is on the missions where someone other than my contact offers to pay me if I let the mission fail. I alway let those fail as they give more inf, but less exp.



I think you are all spoiled with being financed by your SG or alts in CoH. Prices are the same as is the drop rate and mission rewards.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, store enhancement prices were actually raised in Issue 4, I believe. This post is to get some opinions on if people see the new prices as a detriment. Only being able to buy 5 SOs out of a needed 15 (at the least) is harsh, in my opinion.

And, I've been here since CoH Day 1. I did the financing, not the leeching.

Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.



This is, if not exactly, then real close to exactly the same as it was for me running my first character in CoH. Only able to afford a small handful of SOs when you hit 22, gradually add a few more as you level up, but it's not til you're into your 30s that you can start affording a full set.

Always been that way afaik. I was under the impression that enhancement prices had changed at some point, but it was a case of some got more expensive while others got cheaper, for a net change of not much at all?



I think a big part of it is not having a suger daddy or a suger momma to finance your alts is the biggest thing, with that said,
Drops do seem less frequent
And if you go around in SG mode all the time, at some point,
you will collect less infamy, in order to get prestige. With that said, Exemping is a wonderful thing, or keep yourself in debt for a while, assuming your not in SG mode, you still collect full infamy while in debt.



I think you are all spoiled with being financed by your SG or alts in CoH. Prices are the same as is the drop rate and mission rewards.

[/ QUOTE ]

While that could be true for my alts in CoH I was personally referring to my main. As I said, I never had 75% of my enhancements go red without being able to upgrade them (even if it was just with the same kind of enhancement) there. Maybe 1-3 tops. Never 3/4 of them.

Now I'm 19 and a few bubs and I've been able to upgrade a few more, but I still estimate that I've got about 1/2 of my enhancements red. And to downgrade to training is in my opinion a waste of existing inf. At least when I do get to upgrade there's a 75% chance I get a 20+ enhancement for each. Then I may wait until 25 until it goes red again. But then again, with how it works atm I'll have just as much reds then.

I guess I'll just have to go get me some debt just to be able to fund this. Is that really the way it's supposed to work? Having to suicide all the time to get the inf needed just to not have red enhancements? Bah...



I think you are all spoiled with being financed by your SG or alts in CoH. Prices are the same as is the drop rate and mission rewards.

[/ QUOTE ]

No they aren't, he's right...the drop rate is pathetic.. I only had 190k at lvl22 and there was NO SG mode and I did all my missions and sold at all the correct stores. And I didn't even use ANY enhancements until I hit 17, and at 17 I only bought generics.... There is a problem...



Prices for enhancements are the same for both CoV and CoH, the only difference is that people got used to passing INF down to their lower level characters from their level 50s.



I totally agree with the OP here. Infamy is scarce. Perhaps some of you are used to having a sugardaddy and project your "wisdom" onto others but I call BS.

I'm having a very difficult time keeping enhancements from going red in most of my powers....and I've been VERY frugal with my buying and selling. Didn't buy anything until I could get DOs...and could only get a few when I finally strarted buying. Always sell enhancements when my tray is full or close to it etc....

Not to mention I finally did my cape and costume mishes only to realize I cant afford a whole new costume at lvl 20. That stinks. Its been a real struggle in COV with infamy and I NEVER remember it being this bad in COH. And I'm not talking about keeping things ++, I'm talking about trying to keep MOST of my enhances from going red.

This needs to be looked into IMHO.



People have been complaining the drop rate on enhancements "was nerfed" since Issue 1. They have not changed, your perception/noticing has changed, with one caveat.

If you ever raise your reputation level past the second level, you have reduced your overall influence/infamy. Inf is a constant from enemy kills, but you give yourself less chances at drops per level.

I could afford 7 SOs when I hit level 22. In CoH, my first character to hit level 22 bought 8 SOs. Seems the same to me.



As mentioned by others, I think it's just a matter of perception and not hving scores of 50's around to pass out INF like candy to lower levels. Having started up one of the new Sonics with I5, the CoV rate of drops and INF earning seems to be the same.

Personally, I skipped Training and DO's and waited to buy SO's in CoV. Even then, it was a very small amount possible to buy and forced me to make choices in what I wanted. Looks to be the same for the next few cycles of SO buying as well. Unlike CoH where SG mates, costume contests, alts, etc, can just 'fill in the blanks' for new characters.

Give it a few months and it will balance out, once high level characters get established.

Also to consider is now players will have to choose between Prestige or Infamy once they hit level 25. Seems to be an increasing 10% drop in Infamy with each level in VG mode past level 25. Something players haven't had to do before, make a choice.



the reason for more influence in coh is that you get them for helping the civilains on the street. Cov does not have that perk.



I agree with you about that. Usually when you rescued someone on the street you got a nice influence bonus.

Theres nothing like that here and the bank jobs they should atleast give you double or triple the mish end infamy.



What I've done is stick with training enhancements for the time being and skipped the DO's. At level 17 my MM has about 50k or so. Not that much but I see myself getting what I need at 22.



As has been mentioned, there's no one around with infamy to spare and help out your leveling villain. What you earn is what you've got.

Knowing this, I chose to bite the bullet and forego the joyous DO upgrade at 12 and the all-powerful SO upgrade at 22. I used TOs until level 22 at which time I bought DOs, not SOs. Being an endurance hungry Brute, I splurged and bought one SO for Stamina. I bought a few more important-to-my-build SOs at level 27. It was not until level 32 that I finally bought all SOs for all of my slots.

Now, at 34, I'm finding the drops to be far better and it keeps me from having to buy every slot's SO. Infamy seems much better too as I have about 1.6 mil saved up. It's painful I know, but my advice would be to use what you can more than afford for much longer than you would in CoH. *shrug* Take it or leave it.



Yah know, thats a good idea too. Maybe I'll leave off on the SO's for abit as well.