Infamy Rewards...




Infamy (and influence) rewards need to be increased at low levels, significantly increased. And given the new desire to earn Prestige, I highly doubt much needs to be done at high levels to reduce inf rewards. I think infamy will be a continuing problem for villains of all levels.

My villain is almost level 20, and after buying a grand total of 10 DOs, I have only 100k infamy. No costume changes, very few inspirations. That's just ridiculous.

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Here's your solution:


I thought I had spelled it out in my earlier post, but apparently I need to be more clear. If you're fighting red-con foes, you get a lot more XP per foe. Since the chance to drop is the same regardless of the level of your foe, you get less Enhancements to sell before you hit the next level. Fight green-con foes, and it's just the opposite. Actually, I've found that the best return is level -2 lieutenants (blue-con), since the enhancements drop more frequently and you can take them out about as fast as a yellow-con minion.

You really don't level all that much slower on green-cons, since you make up the XP by quantity instead of quality. And you get more enhacements dropped, which you sell at the correct stores to make Infamy. The only time it is worthwhile to play up is if you hit a level breakpoint where higher-grade enhancements drop much more frequently.

For those complaining about a lack of civilians to save...those civilians give an equal amount of XP and Infamy, with no enhancement drops. What would you rather have - 10 XP and Infamy from saving (or mugging) some civilian, or a 5% chance for a foe to drop an enhancement worth 500 to 1000 Infamy?



My villain is almost level 20, and after buying a grand total of 10 DOs, I have only 100k infamy. No costume changes, very few inspirations. That's just ridiculous.

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Here's your solution:


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So your "solution" is to somehow outlevel my missions by a level or two before doing them? And street-sweep in the decidely sweeping-unfriendly CoV zones? Sure.

There's a bigger problem with low-level rewards. Infamy and influence are too low, enhancement drops are too rare, and store prices are too high.

Picking only certain targets isn't a good solution.



The entire enhancement scheme is odd. Why, as I increase in ability, would I experience waves in effectiveness? When my enhancements are all green at 17 I'm experiencing big performance boosts, but 4 levels of experience later, when I'm presumably more seasoned and capable, my enhancements are yellow and, relative to my experience 4 levels back, I'm struggling. As I get more experienced I get relatively weaker, then suddenly spring up to great effectiveness, only to gradually weaken again? It's a rather strange paradigm, and always has been.

That out of the way, I too feel dead broke all the time in CoV. But that doesn't particularly bother me in and of itself (save for the fact that it amplifies the impact of the weird "effectiveness waves"). It does bother me that these heists I feel are supposed to be something big (I have to do five newspaper missions to qualify for one heist, then bother to meet with my broker in person just to get the "sensitive" information) turn out just to be another humdrum mission. Shouldn't there be a higher reward? Extra infamy? Or maybe a guaranteed DO (if you're in training levels) or SO (if your in DO or higher levels) as a payoff? Something for me to look forward to and make these big dramatic build-ups worthwhile? Shouldn't my broker be a little grateful?

As it stands, the only response a heist elicits from me is "Ah crap, the newspaper won't give me a mission again. Better get moving. Why doesn't that idiot broker get a cell phone like every other contact?"

--Doc Q



Just for reference, on hitting level 23 I have 14 green SOs (mix of accuracy, end redux, damage and dam res) and 12 yellow DOs slotted. I have a whole 2 primary power slots without an enhancement (could put a training, but saving to combine a DO if one drops), along with none in fitness, travel powers or rest/brawl/sprint.

So that's around 50% of my slots with green SOs and the rest with serviceable DOs one level after SOs are available. How much more is a reasonable amount?



Another thing to make infamy manegement a ton easier is to not deck try to deck out your toon with SOs the second you hit 22.

I specifically didn't buy DOs for my brute until I started getting them as drops on a regular basis, and I still haven't made the transfer over to SOs at level 26. I've bought a few for some critical slots, and used the few I've gotten from story arcs/task force rewards, but mostly I'm still using DOs. I sell the DOs I get as drops to the appropriate origin 'store', and upgrade or replace them when they turn red.

When I'm getting SOs dropped regularly, then I'll be slotting SOs in my powers.

Formerly "Back Alley Brawler"



The reward tables for CoV are the exact same ones as CoH.

The store definitions for CoV are the exact same ones as CoH.

You don't start giving up Inf. for Prestige until level 24.

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I have no doubt that they are on the same

But how does this compare to pre-I6/CoV tables?

The reason I ask is that my level 30 blaster has yet to have a problem with this. Every level X2 or X7 he has been able to fully refit himself with Trainings, DO's or SO's without any influence help from a benefactor. Now in CoV, I'm slotting only drops and saving my inf for level 22 (only 18 right now). There is a definite difference in the 2. And my blaster is sonic, so he was only created post-I5.



There's no way I'm zerging mobs that have 0% chance of killing me just to make more money. The Statesman I know would never encourage that.

Risk v. Reward. Green mobs or blue Lts. are no risk... why should the reward be better?

I vote they just fix the darn reward system.



The reward tables for CoV are the exact same ones as CoH.

The store definitions for CoV are the exact same ones as CoH.

You don't start giving up Inf. for Prestige until level 24.

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Mission rewards are pretty lackluster in CoH/CoV. A little bit of Inf that won't even buy an even-level Training enhancement is not much of a reward. Missions should give out decent enhancements as a general reward. From level 2-15, you should get a level -1 Training Enhancement for each successful mission. From 16-25 you should get a random level -1 DO that matches your Origin so that you can use it. From 26-45 you should get a random level -1 SO that matches your Origin so that you can use it. From Level 46 up, you should get a +1 SO that matches your Origin so that you can use it.

This isn't a huge boost but being able to reliably get a possibly useful enhancement would be a really nice touch.

Villains also need a way to get more Inf. Heroes trade on their reputation, their Influence. Why should a Villain do the same? Villains buy, cheat or steal what they need. If you're going to still have an Inf system, there needs to be a way for Villains to pad their Inf.



You don't start giving up Inf. for Prestige until level 24.

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More like don't start giving up Influency/Infamy for Prestige until level 51! HECK!! Who is this character who earned 1 Million Influence at level 24 anyway that is the minimun amount you are allowed to convert to Prestige?! I would Like to know there secret.

Lets see, for 1,000,000 Influence/Infamy I can get a whole lot of Single Origins to outfit my character with OR exchange it for enough Prestige to by two realy nice light fixtures to decorate my Entrance Room with. I mean they really make that little 3x3 room look so nice. Maybe I will splurge and get a wall painting to go with it.

I think I will stick with keeping the Influence/Infamy, Thank You. If the conversion rate was bumped up a decimal placement then I'll actually think about it, but as now its a very bad joke and no one is laughing at it on this side.

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I think Positron is referring to the fact that if you are in SG mode, starting at level 24 and increasing with level, you start to earn less and less infamy, and more prestige. Eventually (assuming you are in SG mode), you'll be earning not much infamy at higher levels: most of it will come from selling drops.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



There's no way I'm zerging mobs that have 0% chance of killing me just to make more money. The Statesman I know would never encourage that.

Risk v. Reward. Green mobs or blue Lts. are no risk... why should the reward be better?

I vote they just fix the darn reward system.

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The Statesman you know doesn't think its broken that you can't afford everything you want, whenever you want. If you could, there'd be no real point in forcing you to go through the hassle of actually running to the store to buy them. He *wants* it to be hard, and expensive, to force you to decide what to enhance, and how, and he absolutely *doesn't* want you to be able to fully outfit with all SOs everywhere for an extended period of time.

Whether thats a good thing or not is debatable, but I doubt the devs see it as "broken."

The problem isn't necessarily with the reward system, the problem is with enhancement expiration. If enhancements didn't expire, they simply got lower and lower in effectiveness, then making them scarce would be more palatable: the pressing "need" to suddenly enhance everything because all your enhancements went dark would be lessened.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



I think two things have led to the infamy decline (compared to influence). First, no debt until level 10 (instead of 4). This means that there are 6 more debt free levels. Debt actually creates more influence/infamy. And people often die at those levels (for lots of reasons). Second, player skill is increasing. Less deaths = less debt = less infamy/influence.




I disagree with the pre level 10 debt thing. I think it's a non-issue. Why? I rarely teamed prior to level 10 simply because I've found that until then, I can level faster solo. Too much time is wasted in teams at those levels waiting for people to get from point A to point B, sell, etc.

That being said, I have taken somewhere around eleventybillion alts to level 10 to see if I liked the sets. Rarely have I been defeated during that time. I also was never hurting for infl to get what I needed. So I really don't think debt, pre-10, is enough of a factor to make this big of a difference.



Wow, my thread blew up after Posi posted in it!

Perhaps its due to me soloing missions on the Rugged equivalent... do the Infamy rewards line up as they should for the increased level?

Say you kill an Even Boss, and get 300 XP, 300 Infamy.

If for fighting a +1 Boss, you get double XP at 600, is the Infamy adjusted accordingly, and rewarding you 600 Infamy?

I'm just seeing if the ratio of XP:Infamy rewards are constant. If not, I could be levelling faster from the increased XP, while not gaining the same amount of Infamy if I would only fight Evens.

So... it's intended for us only to be able to afford like 5 SOs at level 22 before going broke? And I can't even get my new costume!

Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.



The reward tables for CoV are the exact same ones as CoH.

The store definitions for CoV are the exact same ones as CoH.

You don't start giving up Inf. for Prestige until level 24.

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You don't get all the rewards that are available in COH as you do in COV. No drug bust or mugging rescues to gain extra infamy in COV like there is in COH so no it is not the same rewards.

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Yeah, but there's no ghost-pirate spawns burying treasure chests in CoH.

We couldn't POSSIBLY put extra rewards on those... could we?

Follow me on Twitter



The reward tables for CoV are the exact same ones as CoH.

The store definitions for CoV are the exact same ones as CoH.

You don't start giving up Inf. for Prestige until level 24.

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You don't get all the rewards that are available in COH as you do in COV. No drug bust or mugging rescues to gain extra infamy in COV like there is in COH so no it is not the same rewards.

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Yeah, but there's no ghost-pirate spawns burying treasure chests in CoH.

We couldn't POSSIBLY put extra rewards on those... could we?

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If you can do that... then you are kind of acknowledging that currency in CoV IS Infamy. Thus, why the same ol' infamy rewards for heist missions where you are supposedly robbing a bank,casino, etc. ???

I'd rather see Hesit missions be bumped up substantially in infamy payout over hunting buried treasure. Hell, I'd sacrifice XP for triple infamy bonuses for heists!!! They are short enough as it is that I won't see the XP hit... plus since you have to BUILD your broker to a new heist, it makes it more worthwhile.

Think about this Positron.




Hell, I'd sacrifice XP for triple infamy bonuses for heists!!!

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I like this idea.

But,l I think the whole point, is they want us having to rely on the random drop system, and they NEVER want players playing at their full capacity... even with ED.

Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.



Also, can we get more info for this? I don't recall even seeing the ghost pirates yet... and I'm level 25.

If this is something that's only happening in a higher level zone, then how does it help the mid-level infamy whoes?



On a related question, why when you complete a story arc in SG mode do you get neither prestige nor inf post level 25 when you finally call your contact. I now exit SG mode, collect my SO/ inf and then go back in. (Apologies if this has recently been fixed) I would suggest having foiled/completed a major diabolical scheme there should be a mega prestige bonus.

Mr Minotaur 50 stone/axe tank Freedom

It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba



here's what i've seen so far in my playing. by selling all the way to 12 when my tray got aboyut half full i had enuf infamy for 6 DO's. by 15 i had the major ones covered (acc, res). by 17 i was only short 6 DO's total. As for SG mode my SG has tested it and there doesn't seem to be a infamy drop untill u reach lvl 25




Hell, I'd sacrifice XP for triple infamy bonuses for heists!!!

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I like this idea.

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As do I. We should have the ability to customize our own missions. Maybe someone doesn't need money, let them earn extra XP (although this could be a problem later in the game when a person has a maxed character and can just transfer money to the lower level). Perhaps making it available pre-LVL 25?

I would definitly do a few missions earning just infamy and no XP. That would help tremendously in the early levels. Let's face it, you can barely hit the ED starting cap with DO's. Why limit a players ability to purchase them?

While I'm on the topic of mission customization, I would also like to be able to choose what kind of spawns are in the mission. Groups in my missions are generally either 3 minions, a minion and LT or just a boss. I would rather fight just a boss, it's more of a challenge, hence higher risk, higher reward.

CoH - Paladin of The Knights of Justice - Without Justice, courage is weak.
CoV - Overlord of the Menagerie. Screw Justice, we're gonna eat your children!




Yeah, but there's no ghost-pirate spawns burying treasure chests in CoH.

We couldn't POSSIBLY put extra rewards on those... could we?

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OMG.. POSITRON...WHERE???????????????



The reward tables for CoV are the exact same ones as CoH.

The store definitions for CoV are the exact same ones as CoH.

You don't start giving up Inf. for Prestige until level 24.

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You don't get all the rewards that are available in COH as you do in COV. No drug bust or mugging rescues to gain extra infamy in COV like there is in COH so no it is not the same rewards.

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Yeah, but there's no ghost-pirate spawns burying treasure chests in CoH.

We couldn't POSSIBLY put extra rewards on those... could we?

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The difference, Positron, is that the first set of influence rewards occur during the normal play of the game. While you are going about your regular interactions you earn those rewards. The 'buried treasure' idea requires you to take irregular steps and actively go pursue the extra infamy.

These are not the same thing and they don't balance out. I can save someone from a mugging or bust up a drug deal on the way to a mission. This 'buried treasure' idea doesn't work that way. I have to go looking for the opportunity to find it.




Yeah, but there's no ghost-pirate spawns burying treasure chests in CoH.

We couldn't POSSIBLY put extra rewards on those... could we?

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You know.. Maybe I just didn't catch it when I defeated all the pirates, but I never noticed any extra rewards for the treasure chests. Do they have pirates in all the zones? I've only seen them in Port Oaks.



I think you are all spoiled with being financed by your SG or alts in CoH. Prices are the same as is the drop rate and mission rewards.

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No, this is a REAL problem. I've played a lot of CoH, and I can tell you we are very cash poor in CoV.

And it is now serious. Apparently level 19, is the breaking point. I'm now at level 18, and DREADING getting to 19. That's because almost all my enhancements will turn red, and i won't have anywhere near enough infamy to get enhancements, And with most of my enhancements going red, i won't have the power to get the infamy.

Thus, I hate to say it, but I think it is best if I stop playing till I hear there is some remedy here. Otherwise I'll level myself into an inability to continue...



I think you are all spoiled with being financed by your SG or alts in CoH. Prices are the same as is the drop rate and mission rewards.

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No, this is a REAL problem. I've played a lot of CoH, and I can tell you we are very cash poor in CoV.

And it is now serious. Apparently level 19, is the breaking point. I'm now at level 18, and DREADING getting to 19. That's because almost all my enhancements will turn red, and i won't have anywhere near enough infamy to get enhancements, And with most of my enhancements going red, i won't have the power to get the infamy.

Thus, I hate to say it, but I think it is best if I stop playing till I hear there is some remedy here. Otherwise I'll level myself into an inability to continue...

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You could always go find a lvl 2 newb and exemplar.. malifictor down.