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  1. Thanks to the both of you; this oldtimer (been playing almost since the game came out in the US) gets lost with all these new features sometimes.
  2. Good evening Heroes, Villains and Rogues,

    Does anyone know how to enter First Ward from the Hero side? I play off and on (more off than on) and just picked up a new contact located in First Ward; the problem is, I don't know how to get there.
  3. Yep. And why didn't people believe the Devs when they said that ED would diversify things?
  4. Wonderful research Scrapulous. It just goes to prove the point that the Devs were trying to make when ED got put in. There may not have been much diversity added at that point, but now we are truly seeing it.
  5. I notice you didn't mention anything about Overclocking the CPU or Video Card, so I thought I'd point folks in the direction of a good site to learn about that subject. Extreme Overclocking

    The nice folks there can help a great deal with numerous topics that you touched on such as case modding and other subjects related to PCs. Feel free to register and ask questions; they may all have their personal preferences in hardware, but they will generally steer you in the right direction.
  6. The short answer is that the Devs don't want us using SO's right at level 22. It's supposed to be, and was, that way in CoH during the first 6 months that game was out.
  7. It's been at least 10 years since I played any PnP games, but I had even started on a D&D variant of my own. Same rules, totally different settings.