Takeing Bets on when the update goes live!!!




i'm betting on tuesday the 14th when it will go live



I say very late Wednesay, the 15th.

I've already forgotten about most of you



I'd go with Tuesday the 14th. I associate Tuesdays with new releases seeing as how new dvds and music cds are released on Tuesdays.



id say sept 31.



i've said it before and i'll say it again... September 22nd.
i'll go one step further and say that the update will go live sometime in the evening (EST) possibly around 5ish.

now if i'm on the money how much influence will i get???



Feb 29th 2005.



I'll toss my money on Weds. Why? Because most people seem to be counting on Tuesday, which happened with it going on test, and it ended up being Weds



I hope its not the 14th! Thats when Fable comes out. I don't want to hvae to decide between the two.



Tuesday 28th Sept.



Hopefully not until October 3rd. Anytime before then, I'll just have to read about it



They still have at least 1 more patch on test (Fathim the Kind TF fixes, Exampler'd down to do other TF's (and dev's wanting people to try to exploit it every way possible on TF and let them know, like I will do).

So at the very earliest a week-2 weeks depending on how much time is spent on the last patch before the devs put it out (hopefully not rushed)

This space is intentionally left blank.



As I said in another post. Make it live Tuesday or the kitten gets it.



I hope its not the 14th! Thats when Fable comes out. I don't want to hvae to decide between the two.

[/ QUOTE ]

Same here, although I'd have to pry my fiance off the XBox to get to Fable, since she wants it even more than I do. So Tuesday would be okay since she probably won't let me near my XBox for at least a week.

Wednesday would be my guess, because that's when the next [expletive deleted] hurricane is going to hit if it comes my way. I can see just finishing the patch download and then losing power for a week.



Tooomorrow! Tomorrow! it'll go live, tomorrow, it's only a daaaaay aaaaawaaaaaaaaay!


40 Elec/Fire



Now that it's up for pre-download on the live servers, my money is either on the 15th or 20th.



September 30th. Because I'm leaving for a three-week, no-CoH-access vacation on October 1st.



I'll first say the 15th, this gives them time for 1 last minute test server fix / patch.

Or if they do go with 1 more large patch on test server, I'll guess the 20th giving them time again to make sure the last patch is in good working condition, yadayada ...



September 31

What? Why is everyone staring at me?



I will guess tuesday September 21st. I doubt it will be ready by early next week (and since I am going to be out of town, I kind of hope it isn't ready).



If it does come out the same day as fable playing both is gonna make my noggin melt....



I'm leaning toward next Wednesday, late afternoon. That will be exactly 2 weeks after it came to the Training Room.



September 17th - Because it would be a neat birthday present for me to fly in a cape - is that asking for much?!?



Tue, Oct 5th.

After the start of the next billing cycle.

Unless the bill date is really the end of the month, then I say Sept 28th.



I'm guessing about 1-3 days after a stable build goes up on TC.


Jeremy Gaffney
VP Product Development, NCsoft



which i predict is 1-2 weeks out... given the amount of broken things, bug fixes, and balance changes on going on the TR.