19 -
Well, I can tell you from painful experience, they are lost. Don't delete your teleport pad unless you have tech power or mystic foci in quantities of 6 to spare.
[/ QUOTE ]
Actually with Any crafted items you loose the item but regain the placement price.. so what you loose is the salvage that was used to make the materials / components..
I think we should be able to salvage "components / materials" from crafted items we sell maybe not 100% but still -
Not positive on weekly or monthly but I think its monthly.. However you do have to go to the VG registrar at least I sure had to. (unless i missed something heh)
My post is to the thread subject not some one else's post..
Why no red servers?
Server farm capacity increased.
Hero's who switched to play villains = no loss no gain.
Server loads do not = # of subscribers.. the bottom line is not how many on at one time or how much they play. Its who is still paying the monthly fee. I my self play and pay for 2 mmo's like many do ... as long as the cash is flowing all may not be where they wanted it but it in no way is a reflection of success or failure.
As long as subscriptions keep climbing its going the way the should be,,, -
Why should a crafted item cost anything to place at all? We found the parts for it and made it ourselves.
[/ QUOTE ]
I have to agree 100% here if we have the power and control placement should not cost anything.. At best a minor and I mean minor adjustment to rent maybe..
Now I am fully behind risk verses reward with base IoP raids.. But I suggest that items should all most never be destroyed in a IoP raid..
For example, firstly items attacked by villains take damage at x damage (where x= 100%) an item becomes disabled...
then based on item type control, energy, defense and others they each have a very low chance to be destroyed (my example would be 3%, 2%,10%,and 5% chances accordingly).. otherwise it takes a varying degree of damage which can be repaired by investing x amount of salvage (of the appropriate type) or prestige..
There has to be risk vs reward with out this everyone will have multiple IoPs This risk has to be proportionate to how many IoP you have (use this to increase destroyed possibility some) But if weeks of work go down the tubes just because you finally got one IoP and a sg /vg with 5 comes in whomps you very soon base raids will become no better then the DAOC relic wars of old where one realm dominated the other and many of the other realms lost heart or switched to the other side this can take what should be a fun and challenging PvP event and trun it into nothing but a Hard Core Whizzing Contest. -
Here positives thoughts for your brother while he is in Iraq.. As to your posting.. I for one am glad we get the real feelings. Since with typed text it is near impossible to read the intent behind the words anyone who does not allow for missing the feelings behind the words is jsut plain silly..
I have not always liked the respoce as to why something has gone down a path I did not like in CoH.. But I have never felt I was bieng lied to and chuckle every time some one does..
Honesty is not always painless but at least its an open expression of vision, goals, and thoughts.. So for my part no need to apoligise.. Just next time do it the way I want (heh heh) -
Thoughts on the new events:
Fires Great Idea Needs to be random zones and villain grps.. (Warehouse and dock fires in IP set by family, factory fires set by skulls , and lost in kr, merchant buildings , bout fires in founders, university fires in croatoa and so on).
Rave event again could be used similar events in different zones with different groups. Skulls, outcasts..
New event suggestions:
Riots sparked by soaring tensions between rival gangs (Lost vs Clock Work). Or tensions when Council Have an unscheduled recruitment march/ protest to city hall
Simply gang wars / disputes ..
Rogue Super Powered freak escaping from custody near jails, Hospitals (mental ward) needing to be hunted down..
Misc villain grp launch attacks on City NPC heroes like Back ally Brawler, Positron, Synapse etc .
Carnivals with games of skill or chance (accuracy, speed, Strength) With random factor modified my skill enhancements to cover lucky shot vs skilled player (thest should be along the talos board walk
Oh and dispite my recommendations so far (heh heh) we still have no giant insect attacks ??? whats up with that? If we cant have an evil insect controlling AV at least toss out giant spider ,ant or wasp some where Throw us a freakin carapace here..
And where are the mole men heh heh
The person that suggested the word of mouth idea where npcs might mention hearing about a fire on the radio in x zone y section , had a great idea as well.. This would be cool and give some an opportunity to come help.. or to locate the event faster (for those with out large clouds of smoke)
All in all dang fine job.. NOW GIVE US MORE dang it heh heh -
Outstanding... the new zone events and mission customization is going to help bring a more immersive and less same old same old feel...
Awesome. -
Reply to thread in general.. Boys and Girls this is not new nor is it out of line.. Fact is you get what you pay for.. These featureas are a part of the dvd... Simplely pay for dvd and you get it. It is jsut tha simple. You do not have to get it. If you feel that you have to keep up with the jones then buy it... Ncsoft is a company. This is a tried and true method being used by nearly all of the major game companies. Thats it there is no more. Don't like it ... Great Say so, its your right to disagree. Its not your right to expect anything more then that. If your opinion makes them change their mind hey more power to ya.. I am all for it.
nuff said. -
The intresting thing I see here is at one point it was mentioned and verified that CoH and CoV will be 2 diffrent games. It is entirely possible that you will playing either CoH (as is no pvp but the forth coming arena) Cov ( which is CoH with pvp (the first 2 i dont expect but is possible)) or CoH/CoV where thre charecter you play is either a hero or a villain and never both hence why the rate wont go up you jsut have to by the expansion for an as of yet undetermined price)
But thats my thoughts... -
it was a blast guys... Good job an a intresting way to cebelrate the holiday
OK got to go along with the yes I know controllers solo slower i mean duh.. An that does not bother me.. As I said above... Its not hard to get a grp to help when I need one, its just some times I perfer to solo and I have no trouble doing it with my conteoller... My error was not realsing I could out level the special reward offered for Story Arcs heh heh.
OK well I did not know this.. But thanks for the answer.. I do suggest you make is of mob is white we get the reward as I an many other controllers can tell you we have a whale of a time defeating oj bosses let along oj Archvillian heh heh... But this is my take on it again thans all for the informaiton..
It was after all jsut me LOL -
but we still do not get anything and tech support is telling me the error is that we see the reward screen.. According to them all we should see is the mission complete and no DO/SO/reward selection. Now I know I completed the arcs before and I got my rewards (granted this was a while ago on my first hero.. ) So again when did it change that if we outleveled these mission (mind you I was 22 whn I did the Dr Vhaz and 23 whn I did the MR. Po so I am not sure how I out leved the missions..
Is it just me? Ok I am not one to cry wolf so I bring this to the experts The Players I play a fire / storm controller we all know these solo slow. No problems (for me anyway). Now to my question.. I recently finished 2 story arcs. One was DR Vhaz One was TSoo Chain with Mr. Po in it I got the reward screen so I seleted a r3eward each time but got no DO. So I petition them.
Tech support tells me:
Thank you for contacting the City of Heroes in-game support team. There is a known bug that will allow a player to select a reward after completing a Story Arc that they have already out leveled. The bug allows the reward selection screen to appear, but the Enhancement is not rewarded. Because the Story Arc was out leveled by the character, the reward selection screen should not be appearing and no reward should be delivered. We apologize for this inconvenience.
Please let us know if you have any further issue.
To which I responded
Ok so when did this change go in I was not aware I could out level an reward for a mission I have accepted. For one I am a controller and some of these missions are impossible to solo. So I was leveling up to beat them..
this seems hardly fair at all.
Response from them was:
Thank you for contacting us. My apologies for the confusion. The reason why reward is not given is the level of that enhancement would not be in the correct level range for that player to use. All enhancement levels are respective to the level of the mission
I sent back:
Oh I understood that what I want to know is why / when we were warned that we could in fact out level these and then loose the enhancement.. Heck I could have still sold it or adder to one I had that was yellow.. again once we have the mission it does not seem fair we can out level it.. only do it once yes and you could the choose reward as a trigger for that so it is not needed as exploit defeat...
Latest response:
These features were added during Update 2. Before, when you would out level contacts, you would not get an reward. The only difference is that now you will get a reward menu and the reward will not be received. This will change soon to not show the reward menu when the Story Arc is out leveled. Please let us know if you have any more questions regarding this issue.
Now I looked all over the issue 2 notes and did not see this mentioned..
Did I miss something?
Has this been the way it has always been and I am nutz?
Was this a undocumented change?
I can live with out the DOs thats not my point. My point is had I known I could out level the reward I would have made sure to do the missions sooner so as not to miss out on a free DO / SO.. -
reply to post in general..
End drain is secondary effect of ele attactks. For a Defender thats a secondary effect on a secondary power.. By design it will not be as effective as a blasters. I have both and ele blaster and an ele def and on both againt most leuits and Boss mobs once their end is low I have no trouble keeping it low to 0 and neither of them have endreduce slotted.. I have tracted this effect by the fact they either only use their lesser attacks and / or stand waiting for end to use their bigger which does not happen once in low end and I keep them their..
Maybe some mobs need to be looked at (I recall MR.Taxi saying no effect on fake nem. and I know for a fact its very effective on tsoo sorcs)
As far as AV jsut as no single controler can effectively hold an AV and no one single damage dealer can effectively take done an AV. A lone ele balster is not going to see major end drain... firstly i wager since they are AV they recover faster the average bosses.. Second States has already said this.. I am not saying it does not need to be looked at.. I am saying anyone who thinks their single lone hero should be able to the single crux of taking down and AV better have a hell of a team backing him / her up debuffing , buffing, damaging, holding etc et al... else they need a reality check.. At least in with the current AV model.. What this game needs is AV for the soloist.. Call them Villains toss out some solo arcs that wont allow you to take a team have option at contact to set the contact as s team contact or solo contact (else when offered contacts choose team contact and solo contact) then if single at is useless against the Villian we got a complaint.. -
Well said Lord Recluse, well said.
Most of my concerns about were put to rest with that one simple statement...
if the CoV Lead Designer and staff keep this in mind this promisies to be an intresting aspect of the game.. I hated PvP in UO, Loved it in DAOC, and No longer fear it in CoH. -
LOL you Go Positron heh heh..
Like other have said a few days / week or so and it will solve its self. -
LOL /em rushes home to wire money ... Umm whats his account number heh heh
Just a few points to posters (all).
It has always been against the tos. Cuppa did mention they were unable to mod the boards like they wanted to because of time constraints.
Editing the legitimit binds does not interfere with the tos in any way as long as you follow the guidelines as posted by Cryptic because this is an intended feature and in fact there are in game docs to help with this..
Cuppa was hired to do this job and was nice enough to give us a heads up that what transpired before she was here to do a job was not going to go on.
Don't hate the messenger. She's got a job to do and folks she answers to not happy with how she does things let her bosses know politely and don't take it personal as I really doubt she does.
I am not saying I agree with every things she does nor that I like or dislike it. I do understand that there is a new sheriff in town and she is trying to let us know she will do what her job description outlines her to do. In the end most of us do the same daily as we do our jobs as we interpret our job descriptions.