VIP Badge: Debunking the Myth




I recently read in an advertisement that the VIP Badge would grant some special privileges to its holders in Paragon City.

Is the just sugar-coated wording to entice people into buying the CoH DVD Limited Edition, or will the VIP Badge do something more than other badges in a hero's collection?



Yes, if you have the V.I.P badge, the cars will no longer run you over in the streets, and the ped's will move around you

(this is just a rumor, had it been an actual rumor I would of started my own thread )



Wow, thanks for the info! Not being pushed around by pedestrians is worth $50 alone!

Where iss it, where iss it? My Precious, my Precious VIP Badge? It's ours, it is, and we wants it.



i have a power that does that for me.. its called "phase shift"... i dont need no stinking badges!



As far as i could tell the V.I.P. bagde let you put that below your name as a title nothing more . It seems purley for looks.



I heard it gives you 30% resistance to untyped and psionic damage. Also, it makes pie.



mmmmmmmm, pie.....



I heard it gives you 30% resistance to untyped and psionic damage. Also, it makes pie.

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As an Invulnerability Scrapper with no psi-damage protection, I would actually pay $50 for that badge. This time I am not joking!



Holy crap yeah $50 is cettainly worth not having your a** handed to you when you fight Rikti and AV's like Malaise and Mother Mayhem!



I heard it gives you 30% resistance to untyped and psionic damage. Also, it makes pie.

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Holy crap, before this starts any rumors, I posted that AS A JOKE. Please please please don't believe that it actually does that. The VIP badge does nothing.



I heard it gives you 30% resistance to untyped and psionic damage. Also, it makes pie.

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Holy crap, before this starts any rumors, I posted that AS A JOKE. Please please please don't believe that it actually does that. The VIP badge does nothing.

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You can't take it back now! Now, now we have hopes! Dreams! Hopes and dreams centered around resistances! And oh so glorious pie! It's the Age of Aquarius!
(strips clothes off and runs away to dance and sing in the park)



Holy crap, before this starts any rumors, I posted that AS A JOKE. Please please please don't believe that it actually does that. The VIP badge does nothing.

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Haha I know it was a joke, something like that would take a nerf bat to the crotch if it ever did make it live



My friend told me in game that his sister read on the boards that the VIP badge gives 50% resistance to untyped and psionic damage. Did any of you hear this?

Sorry I didn't have time to read this thread and have to get back in game so I can spread the word!



My friend told me in game that his sister read on the boards that the VIP badge gives 50% resistance to untyped and psionic damage. Did any of you hear this?

Sorry I didn't have time to read this thread and have to get back in game so I can spread the word!

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Your friends sister read wrong, it's 75% Psionic and 90% Untyped resist, at least that's what my cousins friends daughter told my brother.



VIP Badge does nothing.

It isn't an Accomplishment, so I couldn't put it there.
It isn't an Achievement, so I couldn't put it there.
It has nothing to do with Exploration, so I couldn't put it there.
It has nothing to do with History, so I couldn't put it there.

That left Accolade. I couldn't give it an effect, or the playerbase would be upset that we are "charging money to give some Heroes an advantage over others", and rightly so.

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I couldn't give it an effect, or the playerbase would be upset that we are "charging money to give some Heroes an advantage over others", and rightly so.

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I've a hard time describing how proud I am to be subscribed to a game whose developers publicly state the fact it'd be bad to give uberness in exchange for money.

I know it wasn't so for games I had been subscribed in the past. Which is why I'm not there anymore. /em clap




That left Accolade. I couldn't give it an effect, or the playerbase would be upset that we are "charging money to give some Heroes an advantage over others", and rightly so.

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This power forms a frictionless field of energy beneath the user that allows rapid transit while close to the ground.

A free travel power for those willing to spend the money is an advantage over the other players. I've been very disappointed about the DVD release because I feel that if I do not purchase this expensive "extra" then my characters will not have the same options for customization as everyone else.

No longer concerned with travel powers, many of my characters could free up two power pool slots that could be used on other abilities. Perhaps I don't understand the usefulness of this ability, but as written it seems to be a worthwhile travel power similar to super speed.

It is not my desire to pick a fight Statesman, but to point out that there do appear to be in game advantages to purchasing this upgrade. I will not be buying it, as I do not feel that it's appropriate for MMORPG companies to provide small but useful advantages solely to those that can afford it.

If player affluence determines the power of the avatar, this creates a real problem by allowing players to show off their superior financial status to others in game. One of the great aspects of City of Heros is that we're all superheros, working together to help protect the city. No matter who you are in your day to day life, when you log on you're a superhero just like the other players. I encourage all MMO developers to move away from this trend of charging players more for in game perks to show off the fact that they're willing to spend more money on the game.

Thanks for your time.





This power forms a frictionless field of energy beneath the user that allows rapid transit while close to the ground.

A free travel power for those willing to spend the money is an advantage over the other players.

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No no no no.

Apart from the surfing animation, it's a sprint clone. Same speed boost as sprint, can't be used at the same time as sprint, seemingly the same endurance cost as sprint.

No advantage gained whatsoever. Some people will think it's cool, some won't, but there's absolutely no difference between it and Sprint in effect.



similar to super speed.

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Eh? I seemed to hear it did stack with Superspeed. But otherwise, sorry. Not even close. Seemed like a glorified Sprint with a glowie to me...

The thing you don't seem to be getting is that the devs do agree with you in that paying more won't make you more uber. That's why you don't get a Crey Pistol with the DVD Pack, you get a translucent cape, a no-effect badge, and a glowing slide prestige sprint.

However, if anybody thinks that it's oh-so-wrong that they can't get the cape/badge/slide for free, I'm afraid they'll have to deal with it.. sorry to say guys. IMHO it's no big deal but to each its own.



VIP Badge does nothing.

It isn't an Accomplishment, so I couldn't put it there.
It isn't an Achievement, so I couldn't put it there.
It has nothing to do with Exploration, so I couldn't put it there.
It has nothing to do with History, so I couldn't put it there.

That left Accolade. I couldn't give it an effect, or the playerbase would be upset that we are "charging money to give some Heroes an advantage over others", and rightly so.

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You should change the wording on it, then. While it certainly can be read as not conferring anything, when I first read it my assumption was that it would unlock something at some point. Since some badges do convey increases in abilities, this might be considered misleading.

Here's a screenshot, to let others decide how they'd interpret the phrasing: VIP Badge

I would suggest something along these lines: "V.I.P. -- You are regarded with great esteem in Paragon City."

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



similar to super speed.

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Eh? I seemed to hear it did stack with Superspeed. But otherwise, sorry. Not even close. Seemed like a glorified Sprint with a glowie to me...

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Sprint stacks with superspeed too.

Culex's resistance guide




That left Accolade. I couldn't give it an effect, or the playerbase would be upset that we are "charging money to give some Heroes an advantage over others", and rightly so.

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This power forms a frictionless field of energy beneath the user that allows rapid transit while close to the ground.

A free travel power for those willing to spend the money is an advantage over the other players. I've been very disappointed about the DVD release because I feel that if I do not purchase this expensive "extra" then my characters will not have the same options for customization as everyone else.

No longer concerned with travel powers, many of my characters could free up two power pool slots that could be used on other abilities. Perhaps I don't understand the usefulness of this ability, but as written it seems to be a worthwhile travel power similar to super speed.

It is not my desire to pick a fight Statesman, but to point out that there do appear to be in game advantages to purchasing this upgrade. I will not be buying it, as I do not feel that it's appropriate for MMORPG companies to provide small but useful advantages solely to those that can afford it.

If player affluence determines the power of the avatar, this creates a real problem by allowing players to show off their superior financial status to others in game. One of the great aspects of City of Heros is that we're all superheros, working together to help protect the city. No matter who you are in your day to day life, when you log on you're a superhero just like the other players. I encourage all MMO developers to move away from this trend of charging players more for in game perks to show off the fact that they're willing to spend more money on the game.

Thanks for your time.

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So....are you gonna complain about the Prestige Power Quick also because of the fact that you MUST have pre-ordered the game to get it and thus it forces people to have to buy the game?

It's a special little thing that doesn't give any major advantages in the game except the different animation. That's it. Nothing else.

This space is intentionally left blank.



It is not my desire to pick a fight Statesman, but to point out that there do appear to be in game advantages to purchasing this upgrade.

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No there isn't, it's just a different animation. It's exactly like sprint in every other way. Animations do not give advantages. It's exactly like the first prestige powers like Rush for pre-orders: exactly like sprint, new visual effect. If anything it's a DISAdvantage because now you have one more power to slot out.



VIP Badge does nothing.

It isn't an Accomplishment, so I couldn't put it there.
It isn't an Achievement, so I couldn't put it there.
It has nothing to do with Exploration, so I couldn't put it there.
It has nothing to do with History, so I couldn't put it there.

That left Accolade. I couldn't give it an effect, or the playerbase would be upset that we are "charging money to give some Heroes an advantage over others", and rightly so.

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Wow... Maybe you could make another tab called special. Not only could the V.I.P. badge sit there, but so could the Halloween badges.



The way I figure, the VIPbadge is an accolade that bestows "powerglide" on you. Powerglide is not superspeed. If you don't already have SS on your character, Powerglide is as fast as Sprint. It does have some uses, aside from cosmetic, for starting characters.

I'm one of the people who pre-ordered the game and got Prestige Power Quick (the sprint with bright streaks). What I wound up doing for a while, until I could get to level 14, was I slotted normal Sprint with endurance reduction and Prestige Quick with run speed enhancements. This gave me quicker running around the zones, but let me a quick way to run around in missions without using up too much endurance and without wasting a second slot on sprint.

So, the VIP is an accolade. The Crey accolade gives you a gun. VIP gives you powerglide.

Live arcs: 517377 and 517381
Virtue: Quickshot. Swiftwind. Aliuneidis. Gizmodeus. Dasher. Fiver. Inuit Acer. Daniel Darke. Cerebral Flame. El Halcon.
Intel Core2Duo 2.4 Ghz 4 GB RAM**NVIDIA Geforce 9600 GT set to 1280 x 1024**Windows Vista 32 bit