VIP Badge: Debunking the Myth




odd, when i checked that screenshot of the V.I.P badge it said something different to me.. or am i crazy




Edit: Ehh... i needed to refresh before i posted... there were like 4 ppl that beat me to it. Sorry.



Wow... Maybe you could make another tab called special. Not only could the V.I.P. badge sit there, but so could the Halloween badges.

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I second this idea. This way, people who want to collect all of the badges could disregard this section, as it is only available for money or under special circumstances. These badges probably won't have any effect on accolades or other stuff anyway, so they should have the same section. It seems to me that this would also make it easier to give some of these 'special' badges progress bars which would be cleared after the short-term event is over.

~ Essence



odd, when i checked that screenshot of the V.I.P badge it said something different to me.. or am i crazy


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Now THAT is broken, unfair, and Im quiting the game if they don't change it...or give me pie too



Reply to thread in general.. Boys and Girls this is not new nor is it out of line.. Fact is you get what you pay for.. These featureas are a part of the dvd... Simplely pay for dvd and you get it. It is jsut tha simple. You do not have to get it. If you feel that you have to keep up with the jones then buy it... Ncsoft is a company. This is a tried and true method being used by nearly all of the major game companies. Thats it there is no more. Don't like it ... Great Say so, its your right to disagree. Its not your right to expect anything more then that. If your opinion makes them change their mind hey more power to ya.. I am all for it.

nuff said.



VIP Badge does nothing.

It isn't an Accomplishment, so I couldn't put it there.
It isn't an Achievement, so I couldn't put it there.
It has nothing to do with Exploration, so I couldn't put it there.
It has nothing to do with History, so I couldn't put it there.

That left Accolade. I couldn't give it an effect, or the playerbase would be upset that we are "charging money to give some Heroes an advantage over others", and rightly so.

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You should change the wording on it, then. While it certainly can be read as not conferring anything, when I first read it my assumption was that it would unlock something at some point. Since some badges do convey increases in abilities, this might be considered misleading.

Here's a screenshot, to let others decide how they'd interpret the phrasing: VIP Badge

I would suggest something along these lines: "V.I.P. -- You are regarded with great esteem in Paragon City."

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I have the Isolator Badge on a couple of my characters, read the description on that. According to the description:

You began your career on a high note, by personally ending the riots of contaminated thugs in the Outbreak Zone.

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Meaning I Stopped the Riots in Outbreak. So if I stopped the riots in Outbreak how come everytime I go in with a new alt the Riots are still going on?




Well just cause you stop 'em doesn't mean they can't start up again, right?

Dang Contaminated are MAD!




That left Accolade. I couldn't give it an effect, or the playerbase would be upset that we are "charging money to give some Heroes an advantage over others", and rightly so.

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This power forms a frictionless field of energy beneath the user that allows rapid transit while close to the ground.

A free travel power for those willing to spend the money is an advantage over the other players. I've been very disappointed about the DVD release because I feel that if I do not purchase this expensive "extra" then my characters will not have the same options for customization as everyone else.

No longer concerned with travel powers, many of my characters could free up two power pool slots that could be used on other abilities. Perhaps I don't understand the usefulness of this ability, but as written it seems to be a worthwhile travel power similar to super speed.

It is not my desire to pick a fight Statesman, but to point out that there do appear to be in game advantages to purchasing this upgrade. I will not be buying it, as I do not feel that it's appropriate for MMORPG companies to provide small but useful advantages solely to those that can afford it.

If player affluence determines the power of the avatar, this creates a real problem by allowing players to show off their superior financial status to others in game. One of the great aspects of City of Heros is that we're all superheros, working together to help protect the city. No matter who you are in your day to day life, when you log on you're a superhero just like the other players. I encourage all MMO developers to move away from this trend of charging players more for in game perks to show off the fact that they're willing to spend more money on the game.

Thanks for your time.

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Try the power out before you make dumb assumptions... Powerslide is nothing but Sprint with the a different animation...



OMG All the whiney babies who are out in force are making me want to hurt small animals in my sheer frustration. You people need to grow up. The "We are Entitled" crowd need a reality check. If a company wants to charge more for perks they can its perfectly legal and ethical and NORMAL.

For example I buy the collectors edition of LOTR and I get massive extras, I still get the core movie and can enjoy it just fine but I add in the perks for the collectors edition and now I enjoy it even more, I still get the core movie and not having the extras does not detract from my enjoyment of the movie. Nor will some guy powersliding around ruin my enjoyment of CoH even if its a SS comparable power I don't care! I am glad they are charging for it, I dont want to see hundreds of min maxers gimps with their power builds all powersliding around.



VIP Badge does nothing.

It isn't an Accomplishment, so I couldn't put it there.
It isn't an Achievement, so I couldn't put it there.
It has nothing to do with Exploration, so I couldn't put it there.
It has nothing to do with History, so I couldn't put it there.

That left Accolade. I couldn't give it an effect, or the playerbase would be upset that we are "charging money to give some Heroes an advantage over others", and rightly so.

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VIP is a status given to people whom A) Buy a way in, B) will have the potential of spending lots of money C) given to people who have spent constant money over a period of time. D) Earned respect from the establishment. Apparently the Devs have never been to a fine establishment or earned VIP status by any means in RL or Paragon City is doing the "It's our world, our rules". Yes in RL, VIP can be an acheivement. When I was premoted to Manager at an old Job the club that I always partied at gave me VIP status and from that point forward I never paid a cover charge again! RL is a reason why the Badge is getting flamed so bad. Do I want VIP? Yes! Do I want powerslide to augement my prestige power dash? Yes! Why? Flair! What is a Super Hero without his 9 pieces of flair? With several Dashes I can change my Movement Axis effects, Powerslide Left and Right, Dash Forward and Back... Do I want to buy a whole new account and start Avatars from scratch to do this? No. Stick me with a way to earn the items (Vets), offer store bought DVD as an Upgrade, or payable download key. And give the VIP powers to get hidden things (Infront Steakhouse, After hours Dance club, Pinnacle Apartments ) entice us to spend the $$$$$!!

ArchRex Dojhrom x ?
* Sidus Loricatus: B-NRG2, S-BS/Reg, T-Fire/Ice, MM-Bots/FF, St-NRG2, Dom-Psi/NRG, Cor-Son/Traps, Cor-Ice/Kin, Ctrl-Fire/Kin, PB-LB/LA
* Arachnos Loricatus: Soldier, Widow
* Praetoria Loricatus: B-DP/Dev, Cor-Elec/Elec



Do I want to buy a whole new account and start Avatars from scratch to do this? No. Stick me with a way to earn the items (Vets), offer store bought DVD as an Upgrade, or payable download key.

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Uh, yeah, they're already doing that. You can buy the DVD in stores and use the key to enhance your CURRENT account with the new perks. Or you can wait and just buy JUST the new perks for less money and apply them to your account.



Cool, this is from the Press release:

City of Heroes players who currently have an account, can purchase the City of Heroes Collectors DVD Edition and receive 30-days of free play credited to their account.

ArchRex Dojhrom x ?
* Sidus Loricatus: B-NRG2, S-BS/Reg, T-Fire/Ice, MM-Bots/FF, St-NRG2, Dom-Psi/NRG, Cor-Son/Traps, Cor-Ice/Kin, Ctrl-Fire/Kin, PB-LB/LA
* Arachnos Loricatus: Soldier, Widow
* Praetoria Loricatus: B-DP/Dev, Cor-Elec/Elec



I sure hope all the folks that think powerslide and a badge, are some kind of great boon, get pissed and quit the game.

Why? Because people that make it a habit to jump to conclusions with absolutely no facts, and then post all matter of factly... really irritate me, and honestly IMO the forums and the game are better off without them.

1) Powerslide is sprint. End of story. It's sprint with a different animation. That's it. There's nothing more to it. At BEST it's a piece of flair as stated by another poster above. And before the cape comes up... It's a cape, just a cape, nothing more except a little flair.

2) The VIP badge is a badge. End of story. It's yet another badge that gives you a little title. No special abilities, no bonuses. Just a badge.

3) ALL of these items will be purchasable in the future WITHOUT needing to buy the DVD set. CuppaJo has already said as much, quite a while ago, and honestly I'm surprised more people haven't seen it yet. Maybe the dev's should sticky that for the uninformed.



odd, when i checked that screenshot of the V.I.P badge it said something different to me.. or am i crazy


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VIP Badge does nothing.

It isn't an Accomplishment, so I couldn't put it there.

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It is - you set out to buy it and accomplished it!


It isn't an Achievement, so I couldn't put it there.

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It is an achievement you managed to buy it


It has nothing to do with Exploration, so I couldn't put it there.

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It might be exploration if it the shop is in an unknown part of town.


It has nothing to do with History, so I couldn't put it there.

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It becomes history as soon as you buy it "Ah, more money to the devs so they can nerf us even more"


That left Accolade. I couldn't give it an effect, or the playerbase would be upset that we are "charging money to give some Heroes an advantage over others", and rightly so.

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Wow - a socialist programmer - how differnet from the real world where there are haves and have not.

300 bucks if you elevate me to level 50 tomorrow




Eh? I seemed to hear it did stack with Superspeed. But otherwise, sorry. Not even close. Seemed like a glorified Sprint with a glowie to me...

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But a cool glowie (now you can't see anything *G*)

And it did stack on the test server.



Ok, some Dvd questions...

If I purcahse the dvd version, can my current characters on my current account get the new effects?

Can I buy the dvd and get the effects if my computer doesnt have a dvd drive? IE is it an account number? or do I actually need to reinstall CoH completely over from the dvd?



All of these questions have been answered numerous times all over these boards.

Look up CuppaJo's post in the Dev Digest.



It's exactly like the first prestige powers like Rush for pre-orders: exactly like sprint, new visual effect. If anything it's a DISAdvantage because now you have one more power to slot out.

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I wouldn't go that far. You just replace Sprint with it. I don't know anyone who uses a Prestige power replacement for Sprint AND Sprint, for one thing. For another thing, I don't know anyone who's slotted anything into Sprint, much less any of the other Prestige powers.

And having 6-slotted Sprint on Test, it's not worth the slots, in my opinion.



Ok, some Dvd questions...
If I purcahse the dvd version, can my current characters on my current account get the new effects?
Can I buy the dvd and get the effects if my computer doesnt have a dvd drive? IE is it an account number? or do I actually need to reinstall CoH completely over from the dvd?

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The short answer is that there is a serial number that you input on your current account, making the new effects apply to existing and new characters.

But Flux is right, Dev Digest is a place you should check every couple of days for a few minutes. It would have taken less time to type your questions to get your answers.



You should change the wording on it, then. While it certainly can be read as not conferring anything, when I first read it my assumption was that it would unlock something at some point. Since some badges do convey increases in abilities, this might be considered misleading.

Here's a screenshot, to let others decide how they'd interpret the phrasing: VIP Badge

I would suggest something along these lines: "V.I.P. -- You are regarded with great esteem in Paragon City."

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The VIP badge lets you get into the Paragon Dance Party without waiting in line. THAT's VIP, baby!



Because I had a respec unused on my level 47 hero, I was able to respec and take all travel powers to test with Powerslide.

But guess what? it's just sprint... with different animations. So... just like sprint it'll stack with superspeed, and you can have it on while jumping or teleporting or flying...

You can't have it on with sprint... or prestige sprint from the pre-release... but that's okay.

So, for a while, people who buy the special boxed edition get to slide, instead of running with a dust cloud, if they so desire. Of course, CuppaJo was talking about a Hero Gear Pack that would be provided at some point in the future, which would include powerslide, gradient transparent capes, and other stuff...

So.. even though I'd love to have my ice tanker sliding all over maps, I'm gonna wait for the Gear Pack and see what's what, before buying another copy of the entire game. (Although, if you wanna suck your friends in, I suspect the boxed set would make a great Christmas/Holiday gift.)



I have to say one thing. I don't know about anyone else but i think we deserve to be GIVEN this add-on stuff. I have been playing since open beta. We pay to play as it is no matter if we paided a year. 6 months or even the time card. People who have been playing should not have to pay for new things /UNLESS/ it's an expansion pack or like City of Villans.

Learn the play your fire tank without using Burn.

I made mine work. NOOB!

They work. figure out how to use them the right way.