232 -
It would be nice if the store showed what items we purchased... I can still attempt to buy a 1 of # on an item and go all the way through check out before the server gives an error that I already own it, thus going to a 2 of #, etc...
Once you upgrade to the new issue 21 client you will need to reset your forum password and then wait 15 minutes for the server to replicate the new information to your account.
Quote:I agree with this.It reminds me that I wish the developers would take bases and player housing more seriously. It has been ages since they have thrown the base community a bone while Champions has instituted a fun, albeit basic, player housing system.
The time and effort to manipulate objects to get the dance club above is just insane.
I don't think they have a developer that can do base stuff anymore :S.
Hopefully with Freedom being launched a greater demand will require action. -
Thanks Devs!
Any way we can get that poster in the Bases? -
These should be put in the store ... 2 or 3 bucks a code, this way we can cherry pick what we want and buy it.
An option is add them to the costume drop table but make them ultra rare and non trade-able.
Another option is have the codes go into random civilian chat .. "Did you hear about the PPD supply surplus? A few boxes of unfinished PPD armor have been auctioned off. The box had the listing ID - - - - - - - - - - -. Perhaps you could get one.
A final option is use those nice in game billboards.
Rewards those who pay and play not the ones with the fastest twitter fingers... -
This is an interesting topic, a character who is unfit and experiences the same exact combat will need to rest more than a one who is fit. Those who hit hard versus soft will need to rest more as well. Forcing everyone to pace themselves the same way is nonsense. Some fighters explode in a fight and normally win by a quick KO. Others go the slow route and go for the long decision.
Rest is a strategic component in the game. I designed my Energy/Energy stalker with a Bruce Lee/ Mike Tyson mentality. Hit Very Hard Very Fast to conquer them and then rest after the fight. That character rests as soon as the mini area is clear so that bar is always full for the next fight. If I need to handle a tough boss or greater threat, I pick which toggles to use and start slugging it out. If I get tired, I placate run around the corner, hide and rest. Works great.
Many years ago in a game long ago called EQ, abusing rest after every mob fight when other enemies were nearby was handled by increasing mobs aggro detection of those using rest, perhaps this could be added to COH while removing the recharge timer.
If you are in Line of Sight of a Mob and Resting versus Standing, those Mobs would and should chase you down to defeat you.
The numbers guys would have to determine if resting near another player in combat would force the MOB to break aggro and to what distance would be safe versus dangerous.
Let everyone rest when they want to and attach consequences to it! -
As mentioned earlier in the thread, a hero or villain / loyalist or resistance is a matter of perception isn't it? How the majority of the players in the VG/SG act towards others outside the group is the what the base alignment should be.
A good idea would be that a base alignment would change via it's membership and what the leader decides it is and thus lose and gain support from the city based factions.
A base could be viewed as:
Hero / Villain / Mercenary on Primal Earth
Power Division / Resistance Cell / Corporation on Praetorian Earth
(IE. base could be a Villainous Resistance Cell that gets support from Arachnos and the Resistance or a base could be a Mercenary Corporation which only gets support via the markets)
Much of the concepts in the GR story line is spying on the other factions and fits into unified bases well. I won't go into detail because that would be a spoiler.
If a base leader is a wants a base pure hero, then they could set alignment based restrictions directly against other alignments and thus the base will be reported as Hero. This base can earn full prestige as before by Blues, and restricted prestige by Grays, an no prestige by Reds.
If a base leader is a wants a base pure villain, then they could set alignment based restrictions directly against other alignments and thus the base will be reported as Villain.
This base can earn full prestige as before by Reds, and restricted prestige by Grays, an no prestige by Blues.
If a base leader is a wants a base pure Mercenary, then they could set NO alignment based restrictions and thus the base will be reported as Mercenary. This base can earn full prestige by Greys, and restricted prestige by Blue and Reds. Base rent would be double the cost and only paid for via a market contact. [something like Syndicate or Crey]
Base alignments can only be changed once per rent cycle. When rent is paid an email message could be sent to the base leader. This message could tell them of the bases suggested alignment thus if they should perhaps change alignments.
How could base alignments play deeper into the game? Here are some ideas!
A villain using a hero transporter would be recognized by the Medical transport system as a foe and would be broken from a team then pulled right to a jail in the Zig. That player would have to do a updated version of Break Out and beam back to base or go back to the isles.
A Hero base could have extra paragon city support like stronger rezzing in the base in hero zones, call longbow reinforcement temp power, and other goodies -
The are all walking along the wall in Independence Port. :-/
I'd suggest bugging it on the spot and those reading this thread DO NOT attempt to replicate it in any way. A while back PVP confuse would some how carry over to Atlas Park. A bunch of us were just relaxing under the Atlas statue were chained confused to the point that it turned into a mess and and everyone could target allies. The admins did a global ban to everyone who was confused even if you only attacked someone accidentally. It was pretty messed up and many innocent players got marks on accounts because of an admin's poor judgment and laziness to investigate the issue. I later found out that a griefer did this on purpose and gladly that person's account was fully banned.
So if you discover that you can harm another player in a NON-PVP zone. STOP IMMEDIATELY. BUG. Wait for a GM. -
Happy Six Years Everyone!!!
Quote:I would rather have a bonus to AE mission memory capacity, this way a vet has a nice reward and a way to give back to the player base :-)
I dealt with that problem by droning the Winter Lord, getting his present solo and mopping up in the Winter Realm. To be Honest December until Feb is the coldest times of the Year and access to the winter realm -could- last until then. I'm hoping for a Spring and Summer Event Myself :-)
I like much of what is said here. I'm for increasing Team AND Solo Play. My thoughts are:
-Remove KB and Change to KD, less chasing of foes will increase damage and team popularity.
-Change Light Form to Crash Like One With Sheild [decrease recharge time a little and pull out the ability to add recharges.] This will make human solo builds very viable.
-Photon seekers could be changed to a mid ranged sniper attack with 3 heavy AOE hits.
-Return the Fitness pool to work directly in the forms. -
Quote:I completely agree, I've been to some Bizzaro-trap bases as well as really cool bases during the raids... quantum flight with stealth and recall friend was something I used quite often in a raid as it activated fast and was able to move key players to hammer empty positions ... people always forgot you could win by placing pylons. I hope for it to be back in a nice way and I'm willing to give the devs help and ideas when they need it.A lot of people would say, "In a Real Raid, anything goes" (since literally your base could be completely trashed by attackers), but a certain level of etiquette applied in Instant Base Raids (where nothing was at risk). For example, techniques such as the above (Spawn Camping) were really frowned upon, and an SG that engaged in them would soon find no one interested in raiding them.
While you might become aware of the enemy's spawn point fairly soon on in a fight, the defenders in most Instant Base Raids usually wouldn't stand there and shoot people as they zoned in. They'd let them Zone in, and then engage them as they spread out from that point.
It was a lot more fun for everyone, and heart-pounding fun is what Instant Base Raids were all about!
Not to mention it helped SG's new to Base Raids get their feet under them. What a tragic loss it was to the Base Raiding Community for every "green" SG who ran into a defender who had their base arranged like the above!
Beaten down, unable to zone in, suffering from lag lag lag then dead, or stuck in a caltrop pit, or any of a hundred other things, why would they ever want to Raid again? A whole SG of players, lost.
Our SG always made Instant Raids as exciting and fun as possible for everyone involved, focusing more on PVP and Sweeping the Base to prevent Pylon set-ups or Anchorpoint attacks, less so on traps, mazes or the like.
Consequently, we had a pretty vibrant Raiding Community on Guardian that had been steadily growing for the past few years, until Base Raids were shut off in Issue 13. -
Quote:Account in good standing + magic 8-ballI want to know what the requirements are to get into closed betas? I've been playing this game since about a year after it launched. My account is a 51 veteran awarded account with just a few downtimes due to other financial commentments. Whenever I see a problem, I utilize the petition system to report it.... But I have yet to be invited to any closed betas. I know this thread will be read by less than average intelligent people and they will no doubt choose to insult me about this post, or nag about it. But I would like to know. My whole family are CoH players. My main toon is Kravist, my wifes toon is Agent Monroe, and my daughter plays various characters as she is still learning to play. So we are avid players who want to contribute.
Anyway, What are the requirements or guidelines you put in place to judge someone qualified for closed beta? -
Quote:The COP trial was apparently highly XP exploitable, think a level 1 in a Mito AE mission...Base Raids were turned off (disabled) very soon after they were released due to major problems with the Cathedral of Pain Trial and Item-of-Power system (I have heard all sorts of rumors, ranging from exploits to major crash issues to people getting REALLY upset that actual items were getting destroyed in their Bases during raids in exchange for a measly +1% damage buff, etc).
. -
Quote:I think I can help on this ... a small trick I learned Which I was just told is used on Eve Online, is that you could put a whole bunch of items to lag someone out... I used floor torches near all the spawn points to keep folks with older computers to a crawl. A base owner would already have the base loaded into memory so they can just pound the other player while loading or lagging. Destructable items just amplified this problem. Mind you our base is on the largest plot so there is allot to load. Experienced base builders would then make prisons out of light fixtures and hide anchors and such with objects, this was a nightmare to those trying a raid for the first time but an advantage to those who been to the base before and had experience.tsk
don't get yer panties in a bunch... didn't you see my next post?
As far as destructible items go.... I believe that it was attempted, unsuccessfully. Don't ask me to explain the whys and wherefores, Cende might have a better explanation on that front. -
Quote:Ditto on everything, same on: location, provider, problem. I have other friends not on the forums experiencing the same.So its come to my attention a lot of people are getting lag on the East Coast servers:
* Freedom
* Infinity
* Liberty
* Pinnacle
* Victory
* Triumph
If you notice lag, you can type /netgraph 1 and it will display the netgraph. If it has a lot of red spikes, there is a problem. So here's the format and maybe we can determine what is going on, support blames the ISPs as a problem... yet my other games run just fine and the west coast servers do too.
LOCATION: Phoenix, Arizona
ISP Provider: Cox Cable Internet
Problem: Lots of red spikes, delays in animations, etc. -
Quote:Playing other games, other servers, streaming video, etc.. I only notice the problem is related to Freedom as well, I just think the hardware on thier side is degrading or the local ISP in the area is having growing pains. You can pretty much tell when a UFO, Hammi, or Event weekend is happening .... bottle necks all to heck.Ever since the patch, patch retraction, patch reapplication, I've been having problems in-game. I rubberband a LOT. I hit a keystroke and it's either not recognized, or it activates seconds later. Moving across a zone is difficult (though it smooths out a little about halfway during my trip). I also have all those little glitches you experience when you're about to get a mapserver error (lag, screen not updating, etc.).
I really don't know if it's the server, my computer, or my internet connection. I tried running the speedtest.net site and it's showing great ping times and transfer rates, and it shows them consistently. But I'm still having problems. If many other users are having difficulties, I will probably chalk it up to the server or client. But if everyone's playing normally, then I'll have to do some heavy troubleshooting to see what's wrong. -
You will cap if you have 9999 Tickets in your inventory.
Quote:here is a snap shot of my groups base below .. I had a super awesome base but it was eaten by the I14 bug and had to be rebuilt: http://img197.imageshack.us/img197/7...052519123e.jpg*grins*
You sort of got your hints based on the type of bases I'm looking for.
*mutters* Granted, I just about got shafted on what the licensing fees for the cue I wanted to use would cost.
Samuraiko/Dark_Respite -
BABs I did notice that when I get close to a building where players are entering I actually can see TWO sets of doors.. They open the door...and go inside and I can see another closed door behind it ... it could be something with the draw distance of items overlapping ....sorta like if I am at the right distance from a Rogue Isles ferry they look exactly like the clean ones in Paragon City ... is this purely graphics or actually two items stacking depending on settings?