Discussion: Seven Years of Super Rewards
What is the Vanguard Pack?
The Vanguard Pack is a City of Heroes Booster Pack that is available for a limited time during the Seven Years of Super celebration. All City of Heroes customers who maintain an active City of Heroes account from February 1st, 2011 to April 18th, 2011 will unlock the Vanguard Pack for free on their account by April 28th, 2011.
The Vanguard Pack includes all Vanguard costume pieces including:
- Vanguard Hat, Chest, Belt, Gloves, Shoulders, Pants, Boots.
- It also includes the following weapons customizations:
- Assault Rifle, Axe, Bow, Claws, Dual Blades, Katana, Swords.
- Finally, the Vanguard Costume change emote is also included.
These are all normally purchasable in-game with Vanguard Merits on a per-character basis. However, the Vanguard Pack unlocks these features account-wide on all of your characters.
The Vanguard Pack also comes with a unique in-game, non-combat pet, the Vanguard MVAS (Miniature Vanguard Assault Suit), a miniature, non-combat replica of the Vanguard HVAS (Heavy Vanguard Assault Suit).
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Nice, sounds like a great idea. Love to see a booster pack available for free, especially something that people have been asking for for a while, in a way. Totally awesome to be able to unlock the Vanguard weapons accountwide.
SWEET! I really like the fact that this is an account related reward, rather than a per-character reward. If only the other anniversary badges had been this way.
Nice way to celebrate 7 years!
Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.
Lucky number 7, baby!
These are awesome rewards. Thank you. I look forward to the Vanguard one most of all.
P.S: Will it be able to be purchasable after the time for getting it free?
P.S.S: Will the Shield come with it?
I have a character who'll be so using the mini-pet.
Nice reward pack.
Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.
Woohoo, global costume unlock is a highly popular request.
Very nice!
I wouldn't want to be anywhere else!
Pre-Congratulations on 7 years!
Oh and that chest emblem is really nice, especially combined with the concept behind it. Excellent design and nice to have new options!
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"-Dylan
MVAS sounds cute.
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.

Awww... eway allay akemay istakesmay, Avatea!

*offers Avatea some chocolate*
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"-Dylan
Cheeta head! I want that animal pack!
EDIT: Also those dragon feet look new as well.
See? and that's why you're the awesomest! We can still unlock these items per character with merits OR we can unlock them account-wide via a micro-transaction. Everybody wins.
And the fact that us active players get the global unlock FREE just for being loyal customers is even MORE awesomer!
I don't think I could be any more excited, unless you were to sneak us a peak at a new animal head...
Um, okay.
There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.
/e thumbsup
I approve!
"We must prepare for DOOM and hope for FREEM." - SirFrederick
The 7 year detail? Pretty neat.
The new emote thingy for your alignment? Interesting, not sure when to use it but hey thats kinda cool.
The vanguard pack? Wow! New vanguard themed gear? This is totally awesome and Oh it's just a global unlock of the vanguard gear... Um... Well... Thanks i guess? -_-
Mini robot pet? Woot. *thumbs up*
For a free thing? Yay, cool stuff. But I REALLY hope we do NOT see the vanguard pack becoming a micro purchase, simply because it's silly. I was looking forward to some new themed parts but eh.
And as for the animal pieces, cool for the people who use em. /e thumbs up. Not for me, but good to see new stuff.
Oh, Agent Tavarisch is SO nabbing that mini VAS.
And LOVING the new cheetah look! Now THAT is style!
EDIT: by the way, can I just say that whoever did the artwork for the Vanguard Pack ad itself (the soldiers saluting) did a fantastic job? That really belongs in-game as a recruiting poster for the Vanguard...
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The 7 year detail? Pretty neat.
The new emote thingy for your alignment? Interesting, not sure when to use it but hey thats kinda cool. The vanguard pack? Wow! New vanguard themed gear? This is totally awesome and Oh it's just a global unlock of the vanguard gear... Um... Well... Thanks i guess? -_- Mini robot pet? Woot. *thumbs up* For a free thing? Yay, cool stuff. But I REALLY hope we do NOT see the vanguard pack becoming a micro purchase, simply because it's silly. I was looking forward to some new themed parts but eh. And as for the animal pieces, cool for the people who use em. /e thumbs up. Not for me, but good to see new stuff. |
This means you can save your merits for the salvage pack, incarnate salvage and other such things.
If that isn't a good thing compared to having to unlock it on all the characters you want Vanguard gear on, then I don't know what is.
Also, free robot pet!
The vanguard pack? Wow! New vanguard themed gear? This is totally awesome and Oh it's just a global unlock of the vanguard gear... Um... Well... Thanks i guess? -_-
EDIT: efb
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.
Thank you, yet again!
Amazing idea. Now bring the animal pack out!
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I must be weird, cause I LIKE the vanguard grinding. I like the idea of having to help vanguard to be able to get the armor they use. It ties you to the story.
From a purely unlock point of view, Yes it is helpful, but it kind of throws me off a lil.
This is just me.
I've said it before, I'll say it again! You guys are so good to us! I appreciate it, deeply! Thanks devs!! I love you, too!
I'm seriously appreciating all of these gifts! The emblem is gorgeous, the full account Vanguard pieces is going to be highly utilized for all of my Vanguard heroes and villains and more badges! Wooot!
Lastly, more chibi mini-pets! Big. Time. SQUEE!
You have NO idea how much I have been wanting more vanity pets in this game! It's an indulgent obsession of mine. *hangs head, embarassedly, but happily* Chibi Vanguard heavy sounds incredibly cute!
I still want a chibi Hamidon, though, too Am I alone in wanting more vanities?
Also, that cheetah head and the new dragon feet are looking really awesome! Can't wait for that pack to go live! Teases! XD

GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Are we there yet?
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
Free stuff? How could anyone possibly complain?
*cue complaints in 3... 2... 1...*
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City of Heroes is about to celebrate its 7th year of super-powered adventures, and it wouldn’t have been possible without the support and loyalty of our players. So this year we’re offering a special bonus to our current customers.
All City of Heroes® players who maintain an active, uninterrupted account for the time period beginning February 1st, 2011 (12:01 a.m. EST / 5:01 a.m. GMT / 6:01 CET) and ending April 18th, 2011 (11:59 p.m. EST / 4:59 a.m. GMT / 5:59 CET) will receive a set of special rewards for their loyalty to Paragon City™ The Rogue Isles,™ or Praetoria™.
Seven Years of Super Rewards
These rewards will only be offered for a limited time. All eligible players will have these unique rewards unlocked on their account on 28th April 2011.
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