Discussion: Seven Years of Super Rewards




Originally Posted by UltraTroll View Post
So let me get this straight. I work my tail off earning these things and now you are giving them away?

What the bloody hell?!

I am completely getting disinterested in the game. I feel right now you publish a lot of bells and whistles hopefully no one notices you have done nothing about the real issues with the game.

Base Builders being ignored. Bad content. Prometheans not able to contribute to SGs until level 20 crippling SGs, we have made our lists.

Releasing something you already have avail. Way to go! 7 Years and this is your best idea?

This makes me a sad, Troll.
Your "real issues" are someone elses "bells and whistles", and vice versa. I guess it only works one way with you, though, right?

You forgot to mention PvP, AE, and end game content, btw. Slipping on your DOOM posting.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
I'm a little disappointed about the free
Disappointment directed at anything free is kinda silly, no? Free is free. And when you add in the unexpected and non-obligated nature of this, I think being disappointed at all, even if you're underwhelmed by it, is a bit ridiculous.

I can't wait for Talsorian weapons on my lowbies. It may actually get me to play a Katana scrapper beyond level 10.




Originally Posted by Shadow State View Post
I got a 1280x1024 capture from the video if your interested.

Why yes, yes I am.

You rock!

Captain Den'Rath 53* Merk/Traps MM, Rivona 50Energy Blast/Time Cor,Victoria Von Heilwig 53* Dual Pistols/Traps Cor, Crab Spider Webguard 53* SOA, Accela 53* Bot/FF MM,Valkyrie's Executor 53* Broadsword/Shield Def Scrap. On FREEDOM! @Knight Of Bronze
"Hypocrisy, the human inherent." "Let not this work be wasted, apply yourself always."



Originally Posted by UltraTroll View Post
So let me get this straight. I work my tail off earning these things and now you are giving them away?

What the bloody hell?!

I am completely getting disinterested in the game. I feel right now you publish a lot of bells and whistles hopefully no one notices you have done nothing about the real issues with the game.

Base Builders being ignored. Bad content. Prometheans not able to contribute to SGs until level 20 crippling SGs, we have made our lists.

Releasing something you already have avail. Way to go! 7 Years and this is your best idea?

This makes me a sad, Troll.

  1. You worked your tail off for them. You got to enjoy them a hell of a lot longer than others who're going to be activating the packs just now. And, in the future, you'll be able to employ the costume accessories on NEW characters as well.
  2. The bloody hell is that they're giving you something. You've been staring at equine molars for too long.
  3. If you're disinterested in the game, let your sub drop for a while. Also, you won't be "burdened" by the Vanguard pack then.
  4. Actually they're giving you lots of content in the game and giving you this stuff as an afterthought. AND YOU'RE WHINING ABOUT IT?!?!?
  5. Bases are something that have been set aside. It's been stated previously that there's going to need to be something drastic done to get bases going and as a development concern again. Right now, they'd rather burn the programming hours on the new game systems for Incarnates. As much of a base-***** as I am, I can't fault them for this.
  6. That's "Praetorians". If you're going to whine, at least fact-check your whine first. Otherwise it's just sour vinegar.
  7. If all you do is play a toon to 50 and stop playing them afterward, yeah, I can see how you'd think the toon's contribution to their SG was "crippled". I'd still disagree though.
  8. As for the "releasing something already available". Yeah, but they're doing it in a different way, empowering their users' choices for costuming. AND THEY ARE DOING IT FOR FREE.
So yeah, this is a "quityerbitchin" post.

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Originally Posted by deadlydemoncoh View Post
its meh.. just release i19.5 already
You know, every time someone asks for this, they delay it another day, don't you?

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That's some nice stuff.

I have to say that I'm personally not a big fan of 'limited time only' ingame items in games (preorder goodies fall under that too. I did like how that was handled for GR).

But since this type of stuff is rather entrenched in the games business nowadyas and doesn't seem to be going anywhere (probably because it works) and because I wasn't planning on cancelling my account any time soon, this post is as far as my protest is going to go.

Originally Posted by Dekar View Post
I must be weird, cause I LIKE the vanguard grinding. I like the idea of having to help vanguard to be able to get the armor they use. It ties you to the story.

From a purely unlock point of view, Yes it is helpful, but it kind of throws me off a lil.

This is just me.
I'm not against unlockable stuff like some here, but the sheer amount of vanguard merits required to unlock the complete costume always miffed me a bit. And it got worse over time with the addition of the weapons and costume change emote.

From a story viewpoint I always found it a bit strange that you first had to save the world and raid half a dozen motherships before the Vanguard considered you cool enough to wear their complete uniform ...

At least now I can put my merits into the more useful temp powers.

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



.......just wow

This is a huge vat of freemness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love every last bit of it....love it, love it! Devs, you guys rock to infinity.

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



Originally Posted by DustRaven View Post
I'm under the impression the loyalty stuff above is account wide. It's only the anniversary event badge that's per character and based on login. Hell, I assume that so long as you have an active (meaning paid for) account for the specified duration, you don't even have to log in and you'll get the free stuff.
This is how it worked for the previous loyalty badge.

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



Very cool. I've always felt that the Vanguard Costume pieces required way to much effort to get (especially for people who dislike MS raids). Getting them at level 1 will be cool, I just hope you (eventually) either put the pack in the store for a few bucks or just give it to everyone so that people who aren't playing at this time can also benefit.



Originally Posted by UltraTroll View Post
This makes me a sad, Troll.
Well played, sir. Truly deserving of your name.

Also, woot at energy weapons from level 1. I always thought twice about using those weapons, not least because I have a total of two characters above 35, one of which doesn't use weapons. Now I'll get to actually use those shinies, and don't have to justify a major visual overhaul once I get them.



Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
I appreciate the idea but...maybe have the option for us to choose an actual booster pack that we could get for free?
Not bad. 78 posts before the first real free-gripe came up.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by UltraTroll View Post
So let me get this straight. I work my tail off earning these things and now you are giving them away?

What the bloody hell?!

I am completely getting disinterested in the game. I feel right now you publish a lot of bells and whistles hopefully no one notices you have done nothing about the real issues with the game.

Base Builders being ignored. Bad content. Prometheans not able to contribute to SGs until level 20 crippling SGs, we have made our lists.

Releasing something you already have avail. Way to go! 7 Years and this is your best idea?

This makes me a sad, Troll.




I've had some ideas for a few of those weapons that I never bothered with 'cause they unlock so late in the game. And I don't really remember seeing that costume emote before -- I like it, and think I'll get some use out of it. This is great news, indeed.




Out of all the crap I've missed from account hopping, deactivating and reactivating, etc. over the years, I know I won't miss this!



is the new pet in addition to any i have already picked? or just a new choice?

Fluffy Bunny 1 Person SG
Rabid Bunny 1 Person VG
Both on Pinnacle
Hobbit's Hole 1 Person SG
Spider's Web 1 Person VG
Both on Freedom



Me likey.

Thank you, Paragon Studios.

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"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer



Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
All City of Heroes® players who maintain an active, uninterrupted account
You know, despite being set up to auto-renew, one of my accounts failed to do so last month. I have no idea why, since it was on the same credit card as my main account and the billing fell in a different month so it couldn't have hit any cap.

I will be really cheesed if I fail to get these goodies because NCSoft borks my billing.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



I'm just wondering, since it says its account-wide, is the "Vanguard Pack" retroactive?

IE: if we make new characters in the future, will it apply to them like normal booster
packs do? Or is the "vanguard pack" just flipping the unlock flags on the characters we
already have, and new ones made after the anniversery, will have to earn them as normal?



Originally Posted by Puppycrusader View Post
I'm just wondering, since it says its account-wide, is the "Vanguard Pack" retroactive?

IE: if we make new characters in the future, will it apply to them like normal booster
packs do? Or is the "vanguard pack" just flipping the unlock flags on the characters we
already have, and new ones made after the anniversery, will have to earn them as normal?
You'll never ever have to grind out merits for Vanguard costume pieces again. It just like every other booster.



My account expires on Feb 1, and I'm set up for a payment of 12+2 months right now since I set that for my subscription plan. Will I be exempt from this offer since I may not have an account for a little time during the promotion (like, maybe a couple of hours), or will I be fine?

ATs to 50 - TA/A Def, Nrg/Nrg Blaster, EM/EA Brute, WS,ELM/ELA Stalker



Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post
You'll never ever have to grind out merits for Vanguard costume pieces again. It just like every other booster.
Can you point me where a redname or the official announcement says that?

No offense intended, since it's what I assume booster pack should mean too. But
the announcement is also carefully worded, and looks to me like it may be more of a
temporarily-available unlock and a booster in name only.

I'm cool with it either way. I'd just like some clarity.



Awesome! A Booster Pack with costume pieces we already have! Alright, Yeah! Amazing use of development resources. Are you sure you can spare the time to put this together? I mean, someone is gonna have to skip a coffee break or something crazy like that!

"If a system can be exploited, it will be exploited. And if a developer thinks their system cannot be exploited, it'll be exploited like a new actress in her first porn movie." Sanya Weather MMORPG Examiner



Originally Posted by James_Donner View Post
Awesome! A Booster Pack with costume pieces we already have! Alright, Yeah! Amazing use of development resources. Are you sure you can spare the time to put this together? I mean, someone is gonna have to skip a coffee break or something crazy like that!
They're hard at work on I20

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by CrashTofu View Post
Disappointment directed at anything free is kinda silly, no?
Yeah, you'd think that those NPCs would appreciate all those free bullets and lasers and firebolts I'm giving them! Sheesh!

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth