What are the requirements for getting into closed beta?
The reason you will get insulted or nagged about this post is not because the readers of this thread are less than intelligent.
It is because none of us know, and the devs will not tell us. You are about the billionth person to ask this question.
Good luck on your quest, but you are better off waiting for open beta.
P.S. You come off as less than intelligent yourself by not doing some basic research on this subject.
I want to know what the requirements are to get into closed betas?

Meet me on Guardian!
Science Phreak: lvl 50+3 Bots/Dark/Soul MM
Kratorian: lvl 50 Ill/Storm 'troller
Moongara: lvl 50+1 Warshade
MA arc ID: 226524 "A Man Divided"
There is only one requirement for getting into Closed Beta. It's contained in an email, and will be from Paragon Studios.
one requirement for invite was, having been active in the betas test of I15.
Leader of the Paragon Punishers SG and the Phantoms of War SG
check your email, if you get the magic invite your in closed beta
Anyway, What are the requirements or guidelines you put in place to judge someone qualified for closed beta?
No one probably does know EXACTLY what gets you into the closed beta. You'd *think* that being a loyal customer and spending (in my case) over $1300 might do the trick, but I'm sure that some that made it into the open beta have spent less, played less, and have only 1 account.
I'd guess it's more or less a crap shoot with a small percentage getting in because they "know" somebody, and the overwhelming majority getting in through some sort of "lottery" type random selection thing.
Nothing to get bitter over, although I feel that little sting every time it's announced and I don't make it...and I'm sure I'm not alone...
Nothing to get bitter over, although I feel that little sting every time it's announced and I don't make it...and I'm sure I'm not alone... |
Us in Europe have to wait till Open. It's as if they don't WANT feedback and bug testing...
Oh, maybe thats why Issues come out still riddled with bugs? /sarcasm
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Grunts..... umma... hmmmmm ... nope I don't know sorry.
Many Sg's
3 Accounts
Over 60 toons
Endless Loyalty Art commissions! and wordpress!
True Story:
My husband was in all the Closed Betas since they had Closed Betas.
Then he really tried to get me in with him... because he prefers to play the game with me.
So, he PMed someone... And shortly there after he was REMOVED from all the Closed Betas.
So, A requirement for getting into Closed Beta is not loving me.
I think one of the requirements is to not be interested in closed beta.
All the people I know who are in them are never interested in actually being on the server.
I've never been invited to one, but I know people who have been invited to several of them even without participating in any of them.
I know people who got invited while their accounts were inactive.
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.
There is only one requirement for getting into Closed Beta. It's contained in an email, and will be from Paragon Studios.

Seriously, they take people that are discrete and provide timely feedback and good bug-reporting. They also invite assorted others to add to the current mix. There are users that have proven reliable and indefatigable in testing and they are likely there right now, making things better for all of us.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes
So, A requirement for getting into Closed Beta is not loving me.

Anyway, OP, nobody is going to tell you for two very big reasons:
A) Players won't tell you because we don't bloody know.
B) Devs won't tell you because then they'd be swamped with people gaming the system in order to get an early peek instead of finding people who are good testers.
We don't know what their criteria are and they're not inclined to elaborate.
Head of TRICK, the all Trick Arrow and Traps SG
Part of the Repeat Offenders
Still waiting for his Official BackAlleyBrawler No-Prize

Okay here how they pick who gets into a issue closed beta.
They have this monkey you see and he throws this stuff onto these boards with all the players names on them. If your name doesn't get hit with the stuff, you're in.
The one time I got into a issue's closed beta was because, the monkey was in one of his moods and started throwing the stuff at Posi and other people in the room. That's why alot of people got into that issue's closed beta.
True story...
I've been in the Mac Beta (which really ended up being the issue 13 beta since they overlapped a bit), and Issue 14 beta. My guess is the only reason I got into the Mac Beta was because (surprise) I had just gotten a new unibody MacBook at the time they started testing so I volunteered when they asked for people who had Macs. Issue 14, I'd bet it was just I was in the beta list from before and they just used a the same list. Unfortunately no invite to issue 16 (yet?), but I didn't have time to do much play testing with issue 15, which they stated that they would use people that were helpful in that beta to determine future closed beta access priority, which sounds perfectly fair since they want helpful testing.
Now I have no idea how they really do, but if were running it this would be my choice of implementation: Chances are they have an internal list of players and statistics possibly including players that have A) been in and/or helpful with previous closed and open betas; B) been helpful in tracking issues on the live game; C) been helpful on the forums and don't come off as a complainer and genuinely try to constructively contribute to them.
IF they need more players after that, they probably just start grabbing random names out of the hat of the active player pool. While I enjoy getting the privilege of being on closed beta, its really not all that. As I heard someone before say, its not like being an elite player, its closer to jury duty. In betas, as many saw during issue 15's beta, its not all just fun and games. Some things don't work. It takes time away from playing the 'real' game that you can't take with you (issue 14 being a slight exception because you could take SOME missions with you). Its not just a preview of the new stuff. In closed beta they want you do help them test. On top of that, all the new stuff you see and want to talk about...you can't, at least not outside of the beta without risking losing access. If you're really looking for a preview of the new issue, you honestly would be better off and happier with what you see if you wait until open beta anyways when things are more hammered out.
Good lord, Aqua, your sig.
Anyway, in the spirit of G.I.Joe, remember the phrase, "Knowing is half the battle." Then ask yourselves why you would want to give half the battle to people trying to sneak into the beta for a sneak peek instead of testing.
Good lord, Aqua, your sig.
Anyway, in the spirit of G.I.Joe, remember the phrase, "Knowing is half the battle." Then ask yourselves why you would want to give half the battle to people trying to sneak into the beta for a sneak peek instead of testing. |
If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.
Black Pebble is my new hero.

<《 New Colchis / Guides / Mission Architect 》>
"At what point do we say, 'You're mucking with our myths'?" - Harlan Ellison
I was invited to every close beta until I poed Castel. It was back when he nerfed rage with a -end, -recovery upon the crash and my toggles dropped and I face planted. Castle defended the decision and a bunch of blasters agreed.
At least until I told them I hoped they fired off their nuke/aoe right after my toggles dropped and an av killed me. Soon after that the nerf was fixed and I never got into the 1st wave of a closed Beta again. Or the 2nd.
It was worth it though.
The Case Against Hardcase- arc id: 438272
Clowning Around- arc id: 408447
Down the Rabbit Hole- arc id: 193055
I want to know what the requirements are to get into closed betas? I've been playing this game since about a year after it launched. My account is a 51 veteran awarded account with just a few downtimes due to other financial commentments. Whenever I see a problem, I utilize the petition system to report it.... But I have yet to be invited to any closed betas. I know this thread will be read by less than average intelligent people and they will no doubt choose to insult me about this post, or nag about it. But I would like to know. My whole family are CoH players. My main toon is Kravist, my wifes toon is Agent Monroe, and my daughter plays various characters as she is still learning to play. So we are avid players who want to contribute.
Anyway, What are the requirements or guidelines you put in place to judge someone qualified for closed beta? |
ArchRex Dojhrom x ?
* Sidus Loricatus: B-NRG2, S-BS/Reg, T-Fire/Ice, MM-Bots/FF, St-NRG2, Dom-Psi/NRG, Cor-Son/Traps, Cor-Ice/Kin, Ctrl-Fire/Kin, PB-LB/LA
* Arachnos Loricatus: Soldier, Widow
* Praetoria Loricatus: B-DP/Dev, Cor-Elec/Elec
A requirement for closed betas is not asking about closed betas
The duck and take the lucky 8 would always work for me but as soon as I start giving feedback no more betas.
Aka never give "bad" constructive feedback when in a closed beta.
But remember, "It Sucks" isn't constructive feedback at all.
Note, sometimes (like ED, for example) the developers have come up with something that *will* happen. Now, unless you come up with something (say, ED somehow instead of soft-capping enhancement bonuses made them roll-over and start back at zero) on those that would totally screw up the game (not totally change, aka ED or PvPi13) then don't try to get it canned. Post ideas maybe to lesson the impact, etc, but don't try to get them to not do it. To do otherwise can lead to beta ejection and outright forum banning because those who have done so in the past tend to end up like rabid dogs.
Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.
Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.
I want to know what the requirements are to get into closed betas? I've been playing this game since about a year after it launched. My account is a 51 veteran awarded account with just a few downtimes due to other financial commentments. Whenever I see a problem, I utilize the petition system to report it.... But I have yet to be invited to any closed betas. I know this thread will be read by less than average intelligent people and they will no doubt choose to insult me about this post, or nag about it. But I would like to know. My whole family are CoH players. My main toon is Kravist, my wifes toon is Agent Monroe, and my daughter plays various characters as she is still learning to play. So we are avid players who want to contribute.
Anyway, What are the requirements or guidelines you put in place to judge someone qualified for closed beta?