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  1. I'm just looking forward to Evil Eddy
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ura Hero View Post
    *throws a wadded ball of paper at Bob's head* No capes!

    Metaman, express elevator! Dynaguy, snagged on takeoff! Splashdown, sucked into a vortex!
    Don't forget Dollar Bill: gunned down at point blank range during a bank robbery when his cape got stuck on the revolving door
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ObiWan View Post
    I'm not dead yet!
    Must be a fake account or a body double
  4. Silverado


    She's a very, very unlikeable character once you do find her and start paying attention to the things she says
  5. Silverado

    Slow Resistance

    IIRC Ice Armor has 100% slow resistance right off the bat. It negates slows completely
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Boomie View Post
    I thought you could use any tier 3's to make a tier 4 but I have two already crafted and I have all the other pieces and the tier 4 is still greyed out. I might have to take a pic.
    Scroll down
  7. According to some article I read, the South Park episode "It's a Jersey Thing" (you know, the one where Bin Laden gets shot by an american spec-ops) aired on sunday (yes, that same day) in Australia
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kelenar View Post
    Achievement: One-shotting my team's Dominator while my Brute was confused by a Succubus.

    (Dis)Achievement: One-shotting my team's Dominator while my Brute was confused by a Succubus.
    I chuckled
  9. Silverado

    Power Boost?

    Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
    It's like slotting endurance modification enhancements: recovery buffs and debuffs will both be affected.
    PB affects endurance drain/gain, not recovery buffs/debuffs

    Same as it affects heals, but not regen buffs/debuffs.
  10. It has been a long time since I last cared about these things, but I do seem to remember -res debuffs work off your current resistances, not the buffed/unbuffed values
  11. Don't be silly Nihili, I'm sure you've accomplished more tangible and less bitter feats than the one you listed, Mr. I-soloed-9-AVs-at-the-same-time-with-a-lol-scrapper-using-no-temps-and-no-insps
  12. Achievement: Soloed Lusca and most other AV/GMs ingame with my Defender and my Controller

    Disachievement: I haven't updated those screenshots since I upgraded my computer
  13. Silverado

    Class Project

    Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
    I've always seen it as that the job of Aggro Management in Villains was split across Masterminds (absorb the alpha with henchmen) and Brutes (maintain the aggro afterwards) with the Domi providing Crowd Control.
    I've never viewd MM henchmen as disposable (guess I'm not villanous enough), since it's very impractical to summon, buff, resummon, rebuff, etc (even worse when you had to upgrade each henchman individually).

    I also view Aggro-Management and Crowd Control as two different things; Aggro-Management being a subcategory of Crowd Control which focuses on drawing the aggro to yourself so you can a.- do more damage (as a Brute) and b.- prevent your squishy allies from being squished
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
    It is without any doubt whatsoever - Fire/Dark corruptor.

    You can run at level 10 - 0 x 8.

    Get these powers:

    1. Tarpatch
    2. Rain of fire
    3. Howling twilight
    4. Fireball
    5. Fire Blast
    6. Darkest night
    7. your heal Twilight grasp

    This isn't the order you can get them it just is the powers you need.

    To play - Run forward put darkest night on a group and turn a corner, drop tarpatch and wait until they are on it - use Howling twilight to stun them and slow them - drop rain of fire - fireball and clean up with blast.

    Slot rain of fire, your heal, howling twilight and tarpatch until you are 12 with recharge only.

    You will burn - pun intended through the enemies like nothing you have ever seen. You will be 22 getting SO before you know it.
    Originally Posted by Comicsluvr View Post
    Hurm...this sounds tempting...
    And very impractical, seeing as how you'd be out of endurance halfway through said AoE chain (not to mention HT is on a loooong timer)
  15. Silverado

    Class Project

    Originally Posted by Chyll View Post
    I have always been under the impression that MMs were meant to be more Crowd Control (-> Aggro-Management) rather than Support.
    edit: I mean I seem to remember reading that in the past related to design intent.

    And Stalker has to be damage, right?
    And I tend to think of Brutes as damage first, also.
    edit: these two are my thoughts.
    Like I said before, ALL villain ATs can be considered damage first, so their role in a team is defined by that which they can do that others can't.

    Why I don't think that MMs were intended as Aggro-Management? because they don't have any aggro-managing tools (ie. Taunt) in their main powersets
  16. Silverado

    Power Boost?

    Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
    ...unless the power is set to ignore buffs. For example, +heal is buffed by Power Boost, but +heal powers which also grant damage resistance (Earth's Embrace, for example) are set to ignore buffs, so PB won't affect it.
    Yes, there are certain specific exceptions such as the one FW mentioned, and also for Cold Shields (which are set to ignore buffs supposedly because they also buff resistance to cold)
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark_Tower View Post
    I guess I was over estimating the power of this proc but I was expecting to hit a x8 group with fire cages and see around 1/4 of the minions and Lt's hit the ground.
    Fire Cages immobilizes enemies while also preventing them from being knocked down or knocked back. Putting a knockback proc IO in that power is very counter intuitive; it's like slotting an attack with a proc that heals the enemy.
  18. SS/Fire Brute is the absolute best, but if you wanna be different and still very effective you could go Fire/Shield Scrapper, Elec/Fire Tanker or even Fire/Dark Brute (all of which are also far more survivable)
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Silas View Post
    Much like the current Lore pets, they wouldn't be PPD mobs, they'd be Well echoes of PPD mobs
    I don't know how much sense it would make for a villain to be running around with PPD echoes
  20. Silverado

    Power Boost?

    It affects all the attributes it lists in the detailed info, both for buff and debuff values.

    A powerboosted "clickie" power will see the effects of PB for its entire duration, while a powerboosted toggle will only see the effects of PB for the duration of PB (usually 15 seconds)
  21. Silverado

    Class Project

    Originally Posted by Silverado View Post
    Hero ATs are pretty much cut clear into the classic D&D archetypes

    Tanker: Aggro Management
    Scrapper: Damage Dealer
    Blaster: Damage Dealer
    Defender: Support (buff/debuff/heal)
    Controller: Support (crowd control)

    Note that while Tankers, Defenders and Controllers can deal damage, their role in a team isn't that of "Damage Dealers" because they don't (typically) excel at it and there are better things they can do that define their role in a team (such as aggro management, buff/debuff and control, respectively).

    Now, for villain archetypes it's a bit more complicated since they all can be considered profficient damage dealers, so each archetype's role in a team is defined by that which they can do that other's can't

    Brute: Aggro Management
    Corruptor: Support (buff/debuff)
    Mastermind: Support (buff/debuff)
    Dominator: Support (crowd control)
    Stalker: ???
    It has come to my attention, after reading other poster's insights, that Control and Aggro-Management would fit better grouped together in the Crowd Control category (instead of listing Control under Support)
    Which would leave us with

    Tanker: Crowd Control (-> Aggro-Management)
    Controller: Crowd Control
    Scrapper: Damage Dealer
    Blaster: Damage Dealer
    Defender: Support

    Brute: Crowd Control (-> Aggro-Management)
    Dominator: Crowd Control
    Corruptor: Support
    Mastermind: Support
    Stalker: ???
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Breog View Post
    Only reason I really botherd to hit T4 on my Main was... well hes a Praetor from Praetoria, whos a Loyalist agest what Cole is trying to do. So this toon is probley 1 of only a handful of Toons in the game that the Lore pets make sense on.

    I dont understand why we can't "swap" the icon palt and just keep the stats of the pets the same.

    Clockwork.... Choose Praetorian or Normal Clockwork (Like Clockwork king stuff)

    IDF.... Choose IDF or PPD (from Primal Earth. K-Suits etc hello!!)

    Warworks.... Choose Warworks or Vanguard Robots

    Seers.... Choose Seers or PPD seers (forget thier names)

    Thats a pretty simple selection and would make EVERYONE a lot happier.
    I don't know how much sense it would make for a villain to be running around with PPD pets
  23. Silverado

    Class Project

    Hero ATs are pretty much cut clear into the classic D&D archetypes

    Tanker: Aggro Management
    Scrapper: Damage Dealer
    Blaster: Damage Dealer
    Defender: Support (buff/debuff/heal)
    Controller: Support (crowd control)

    Note that while Tankers, Defenders and Controllers can deal damage, their role in a team isn't that of "Damage Dealers" because they don't (typically) excel at it and there are better things they can do that define their role in a team (such as aggro management, buff/debuff and control, respectively).

    Now, for villain archetypes it's a bit more complicated since they all can be considered profficient damage dealers, so each archetype's role in a team is defined by that which they can do that other's can't

    Brute: Aggro Management
    Corruptor: Support (buff/debuff)
    Mastermind: Support (buff/debuff)
    Dominator: Support (crowd control)
    Stalker: ???
  24. Also, the correct nomenclature is "typed" (for smashing/energy/fire, etc) and "positional" (melee/ranged/aoe) defense