A question about Specified and Generic Defense
No, different defenses do not stack. Each attack has a number of "vectors", normally (but not always) has one positional vector (melee, aoe, range) and one or more typed vectors. The game will select your highest defnese and use that to determine if the attack hits.
Thank you very much.
Also, the correct nomenclature is "typed" (for smashing/energy/fire, etc) and "positional" (melee/ranged/aoe) defense
My main is a spine/sr and I've looked for a long time but have not found my answer. How does specified defense such as fire/ice/smashing/lethal apply with generic defense such as melee/aoe/range. Lets say for instance on my spine/sr I have 45% on melee/aoe/range and 10% across the board on all the other defenses. Would they stack and give a total of 55% or is there diminishing returns. sorry if this is a very basic question to some but have had a hard time finding the answer.
The way it basically works is every power is "tagged" with a set of flags that identify its basic nature. Usually, this is one vector tag (AoE, Ranged, or Melee) and one or more typed/elemental ones (Fire, Slash, Lethal, Cold, etc). For example, most single target Ice Blast powers are tagged Ranged, Ice, Smashing.
When defending against a power you always use whichever defense you have that is highest. So, if an enemy throws an Ice Bolt at you, and you have 20% Cold Defense, 10% Smashing defense, and 30% Ranged defense, you defend using 30% Ranged defense.
[Note that Resistance works differently. If the power actually hits you, your Smashing resistance resists the Smashing damage in the power and your Cold resistance resists the Cold part independently.]
My main is a spine/sr and I've looked for a long time but have not found my answer. How does specified defense such as fire/ice/smashing/lethal apply with generic defense such as melee/aoe/range. Lets say for instance on my spine/sr I have 45% on melee/aoe/range and 10% across the board on all the other defenses. Would they stack and give a total of 55% or is there diminishing returns. sorry if this is a very basic question to some but have had a hard time finding the answer.