VIP Badge: Debunking the Myth




I have to say one thing. I don't know about anyone else but i think we deserve to be GIVEN this add-on stuff.

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Not to be rude, but thanks for reading some of this thread before posting. I don't think I've heard someone voice this sentiment before.

Since you've just joined the discussion I throw this old counter-argument at your older argument:

What do you say to the people who didn't pre-order, but have been playing since May, who want the Prestige Powers?

Here's a fresher one:

The regular version of the game is still for sale at a reduced price - why should current subscribers get something for free when new subscribers are paying a premium to get these pieces of in-game tinsel?



I have been play since beta and have the prestige power quick and don't even use it. It was a nice little thank you for playing the beta or getting a pre-order but it hasn't given me a edge in anyway at all over other players. I do feel that like I've read in other post here that the DVD xtraz should have been given in the last update and maybe the VIP badge given 2 all after I don't know a year of having their account with NCSoft would make more since other then trying to make people pay for it...But that's just what I think



What would you have done to make the CE CoH more desirable with a higher price than the normal box? What would you have added to the game for that person buying that box that they couldn't get any other way? I'm curious to see what marketing route some of you would have taken to get the CE box sold.



I heard it gives you 30% resistance to untyped and psionic damage. Also, it makes pie.

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Holy crap, before this starts any rumors, I posted that AS A JOKE. Please please please don't believe that it actually does that. The VIP badge does nothing.

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Oh you want to be the only one to ripe the benefits of the VIP badge won't you??!?!?!?!?! I AM ON YOU!



I don't necessarily think that veterans should get the DVD extras for free. On the other hand, I think it would be cool, and quite classy of Cryptic/NCSoft, to institute player rewards for long time players. Nothing big, but maybe a prestige sprint-clone for characters more than 6 real months old, or an opportunity to re-choose your character's titles after 6 months or something. Just a reward for loyal customers, the way the DVD extras are lures to acquire new customers. 6 months is just a number I pulled out of thin air, nothing special except that that would be about what the oldest characters are right now.




HA! Travel power!! So basically the Bug that happened when you left a store with fly on and the foward key held down, has been "removed" or "fixed" from the normal game to be sold to suckers willing to pay 50$ for it?

well why not, I mean selling bugs as features has kept Microsoft alive for years...

Incidentally, I loved that bug, and I am annoyed that I now have to pay to get it back! I once street surfed from the magic shop all the way around Talos island till I hit a set of steps I couldn't get around, very fun!



Well one reward for long time play will be first picks for the CoV beta testing.



Pssst! I tell you a secret. If you put on the Translucent Cape, turn on Power Slide, and make V.I.P Badge your title it unlocks the Ubah-God mode. You are guarantee to pwnz anything in the game. But dont spread it around its suppose to be a secret.



Hey guys try to keep this in mind.

For every V.I.P badge you see out there, the sooner Venom/Poison damage makes it into the game ... then no more untyped damage! (more $$$ for dev time) so in a way you are correct.

although you just know deep down that the moment they finaly put poison damage in, they are going to make something new like "Cosmic" damage and thats going to be the new 'untyped'.



Well one reward for long time play will be first picks for the CoV beta testing.

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A point, and I appreciate the gesture, even though my interest in City of Villains would have to increase substantially to be nonexistent.

I think that some props to veterans in game, who've stuck with things for a long time, would make folks feel appreciated, even if we don't really play enough (or efficiently enough) to hit 50.




Funny thing... sometimes when I go into or leave the Atlas Park city hall, I get the powerslide animation and people freak out... hehehe... mmmm pie..



What would you have done to make the CE CoH more desirable with a higher price than the normal box? What would you have added to the game for that person buying that box that they couldn't get any other way? I'm curious to see what marketing route some of you would have taken to get the CE box sold.

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Well hear me out now. I've read most of these so I apologize if I repeat something. Here is my idea. I'm hoping it'll make everyone happy as it should make a nice compromise. My marketting stratedgy - well there's two of them one will require some work on the dev's part the other is easier to implement .

I agree that those who did not buy the DVD shouldn't be given the prestige powers, they shouldn't get them at all. From what I read, what they really want is the badge. If I'm wrong here please tell me. Anyways, why not let those who don't want to buy, can't afford to buy (me), etc., a chance to earn the badge? Perhaps at lvl 10 goto the City Representative in Atlas and be given a mission to earn the VIP badge. Something similar to the cape mission would be cool . In the end the difference between DVD owners and non-DVD owners is that we'd all have the VIP badge but the DVD owners still retain their prestige powers. True I would like to have those too but I just can't afford them atm. Maybe this Christmas.

Now to sell the DVD. Here's my first idea on that.

Idea number 1:

The lower priced CD should still be on the shelves. Offer the DVD version in CD as well, not everyone has a DVD in their computer. Both the DVD/CD version would be sold at the same price. Offer a coupon for the first month of CoH free. It's like offering a trial, or make it one month to current customers, two weeks to new customers. You'll sell more, a lot more if you offer the one month free to new customers, since they've bought the program chance are they'll stick with the program.

Idea number 2:

Some modifications would have to be made to the game I know that. Because what I'm proposing is a CoH trial. Like the old EQ trial (I say old because I don't know that it still exists sorry ). That one was downloadable, but this one isn't. My thought is to take the lower priced CoH and make it a free disk available at computer store checkout registers for people to play for about 2 weeks. This is where the modifications need to be made. ATM CoH cannot move toons from one account to another. I don't know that they are making any progress towards this or not, but I'm sure anyone playing a trial would want to move their toon to the DVD version. And not everyone has a DVD either. You'd need a CD version even if it takes up more than one disk. You can still have the lower priced CD on the shelves but I think it would take away from the DVD/CD sales.

Other modifications would need to be made too. Such as if after the two weeks and someone doesn't return, toon deletion would have to be considered, atm CoH doesn't delete any toons, they commented that they don't do this on another thread Re: Account Deactivation: Characters Saved or No? Nevertheless, in a situation with a trial that will bring in users who may or may not return after a few months of trial users not returning, chances are they are not going to return. Also need to make sure CoH terminates their account after 2 weeks. Most likely can mimic AOL's trial disks, since the point is to "grow" a toon, if they setup the moving of toons from a trial to a permanent account, not able to move from a trial to a trial, it should work. Or you can go with the rule of "this is a trial account any toons created here will be deleted at the end of your trial. If you want a permanent toon, purchase the DVD/CD version."

Anyways these are just my thoughts. I gave two ideas to market the DVD. Personally, I like the first idea the best. Overall, the people who bought the DVD still have their prestige powers while everyone ends up happy with the VIP badge. Personally, I like collecting the badges, it's fun to do. I know other's like to do it also I think people feel at a disadvantage knowing they are missing out on a badge.



You could view the VIP badge as giving you the power slide and the new cape. If you don't have the badge, you don't have the slide or cape

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50 bucks is quite steep for a slide, cape,DVD,heroclick and 30 days of play for a current acount. A new acount I agree with the market price. If they gave me 60 days free play I'd install it today to upgrade my account. It cost me only 10 clams for the prestige power dash for my beta pre-order and a 3 day head start. This offers very little to those with established accounts. Also, with issue 3 nearing completion, it should bring the price down anyway. heck I can buy ALL eq expansions together for 20 bucks ....

ArchRex Dojhrom x ?
* Sidus Loricatus: B-NRG2, S-BS/Reg, T-Fire/Ice, MM-Bots/FF, St-NRG2, Dom-Psi/NRG, Cor-Son/Traps, Cor-Ice/Kin, Ctrl-Fire/Kin, PB-LB/LA
* Arachnos Loricatus: Soldier, Widow
* Praetoria Loricatus: B-DP/Dev, Cor-Elec/Elec



Okay, is it just me, or do the DVD features kinda suck? I mean, as a consumer, those wouldn't make me go, "Oh, well NOW I'll buy that game!"

Powerslide- Ugly purple puddle under my hero? Not if I have anything to say on the matter! Seriously, I'm more impressed with Star Wars: A New Hope's use of Vaseline on the lens to hide the landspeeder's wheels. This power could be cool if you could change the color and make it look like ice, a la Iceman, but with the Marvel suit going on... perhaps not such a good idea.

VIP Badge- It does nothing. NOTHING! If you're one of those completists who have to have EVERY Badge, then it might be worth it to spend the money. Me? Not spending one extra cent for it.

Cape of the Four Winds- Oooh... transparency. You can't change the design on it though! And honestly... the use of transparency on the cape seems kinda weird anyway... but that's just me.

So yeah... its not worth my hard-earned money for these features. If you want them enough, put up your cash. If you don't want to pay, shut it.



VIP Badge does nothing.

It isn't an Accomplishment, so I couldn't put it there.
It isn't an Achievement, so I couldn't put it there.
It has nothing to do with Exploration, so I couldn't put it there.
It has nothing to do with History, so I couldn't put it there.

That left Accolade. I couldn't give it an effect, or the playerbase would be upset that we are "charging money to give some Heroes an advantage over others", and rightly so.

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Will this philosophy remain steady for expansions and related material? I wouldn't want someone paying $50 to upgrade their account to get features I can't have for free.

EDIT: I thought about this a little more... I think the thing that really irks me is that I get more messages about how I wasted my money when I have powerslide on than I can count. Random people I don't know take the time to tell me what a waste of money my purchase was.

Then I get on the forums and hear from a Dev that I don't deserve something just because I spent money I earned in the real world on it.

I am willing to admit that this post is borne of anger and, therefore, probably not objective. I don't know how someone can help but be angry blowing $50 for cloud-sprint and a cape, though.

*I do enjoy my heroclix... it sits on top of my monitor*



If player affluence determines the power of the avatar, this creates a real problem by allowing players to show off their superior financial status to others in game. One of the great aspects of City of Heros is that we're all superheros, working together to help protect the city. No matter who you are in your day to day life, when you log on you're a superhero just like the other players. I encourage all MMO developers to move away from this trend of charging players more for in game perks to show off the fact that they're willing to spend more money on the game.

Thanks for your time.

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Dude...........caaaaaaalllmmmm down, no one here is trying to rub in your face that they have more money than you.
A) Siphon Speed is just a fancy sprint
B) IT'S ONLY $50 BUCKS, its not like someone is spending 500 on it
C) Why do u care so much that other people have a fancy sprint?

It's not about the money or getting players to dish out cash for new powers, its about attracting more players to the game, if i didnt already have this game, the dvd edition would've made me get it BECAUSE of the FEW extras that give absolutely NO ADVANTAGE in any way. And the statesman statue is pretty cool



I heard that there's going to be a package available at a lower cost that allows you to buy all those items offered in the DVD edition, excluding the actual DVD itself.

Pricing hasn't been indicated yet. I think thats the package intended for current players. I'm guessing the DVD edition was put out for the holidays, to entice people into trying out CoH. They need to keep the game fresh in the consumer's mind, especially with so much else out there.



..... heck I can buy ALL eq expansions together for 20 bucks ....

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Not when the expansions first came out you couldn't.

Once the production costs have be recouped then prices start dropping. The reason EQ stuff is so cheap is because they've been out for a long long time.



The V.I.P badge does have one very special power.
It magically makes $50 disappear from your wallet... $39.95 if you get it at game Spot.





This power forms a frictionless field of energy beneath the user that allows rapid transit while close to the ground.

A free travel power for those willing to spend the money is an advantage over the other players. I've been very disappointed about the DVD release because I feel that if I do not purchase this expensive "extra" then my characters will not have the same options for customization as everyone else.

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Powerslide is a substitute for sprint. When you turn one on the other goes off. You can put a run speed enh in it just like sprint. You travel at the same speed as sprint (assuming equal enh's) with the same limitations (still have to jump over fences, etc).

It is just sprint without the moving legs and with the pink glow around your feet. It gives NO in-game advantage over any hero without it. It is all cosmetic (it is fun to play with and looks neat, though).

It also takes another spot on your powers bars. Seeing as how many high-level heroes cannot get all their power buttons on the 2 visible bars anyway, this is a disadvantage.




Here's a screenshot, to let others decide how they'd interpret the phrasing: VIP Badge

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The celebrity badge says something to the effect that you will be pursued by the media because of your exploits. Well, I have never (in game) been pursued by any media reporters. Its just a "game flavor" thing. Same with the V.I.P badge.




I just bought CoH, like 1 week ago. First week of December in 2004.

Sorry cats, but it was REGULAR version for $30 or DVD version for $35 (with some extras.) Statesman Heroclix thingy is l33t.

WOW! $5. What a hard decision. Duh. [OH! Note to sales/marketing team at NC, very nice pricing. Donald Trump would be pleased. The value added made the extra $5 an easy decision.]

You stupid crack smokers just need to consider that your job at Taco Bell (cheap tasty fast food for you non U.S. folks) is just not financially fulfilling.

I say.. [censored]! If you want powerslide, shell out the $35. It's only $35. How the hell do you afford the $15/month if you cannot afford to shell out $35. Talk about shoe string budget for life.

Oh, it seems every time I put on my VIP badge, some high level character gives me 90000 influence. May be coincidence, but it sure is awfully cool. (It's only happened about 5 times so far.)




I just bought CoH, like 1 week ago. First week of December in 2004.

Sorry cats, but it was REGULAR version for $30 or DVD version for $35 (with some extras.) Statesman Heroclix thingy is l33t.

WOW! $5. What a hard decision. Duh. [OH! Note to sales/marketing team at NC, very nice pricing. Donald Trump would be pleased. The value added made the extra $5 an easy decision.]

You stupid crack smokers just need to consider that your job at Taco Bell (cheap tasty fast food for you non U.S. folks) is just not financially fulfilling.

I say.. [censored]! If you want powerslide, shell out the $35. It's only $35. How the hell do you afford the $15/month if you cannot afford to shell out $35. Talk about shoe string budget for life.

Oh, it seems every time I put on my VIP badge, some high level character gives me 90000 influence. May be coincidence, but it sure is awfully cool. (It's only happened about 5 times so far.)

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What a charming second post.

-edit- Heh, his first one isn't much better.

It's the most wonderful time of the year.......



I couldn't give it an effect, or the playerbase would be upset that we are "charging money to give some Heroes an advantage over others", and rightly so.

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I've a hard time describing how proud I am to be subscribed to a game whose developers publicly state the fact it'd be bad to give uberness in exchange for money.

I know it wasn't so for games I had been subscribed in the past. Which is why I'm not there anymore. /em clap

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Unfortunately, they do. How long does it take an average player to reach level 50? How many months of subscribing will I need to PAY in order to try the new Kheldian? All the new "Epic ATs" are the same. People are PAYING for these. If it is not avaliable at creation to everyone, you pay for it through monthly subscriber fees. Makes sense, since many level 50's are possibly thinking of leaving, so this is CoH's "upper level content" fix.