41 -
After watching the E3 movie of CoV today I realized one thing...He was getting tossed around like he was dead, Statesmen tried to see if he was alive but was interrupted before he could...So when CoV hits the stores does that mean that Synapse will no longer be in the game and maybe that new guy will take his place. Dunno really just speculating.
[/ QUOTE ]
sorry to hijack it back to a point closer to the OP but You know synapse goes SS'ing in there, and ends up dead.... 4 seconds can kill you....
*the previous post is brought to you by letters J and K -
With all do respect Statesman, the last time you posted about looking at Blasters, you said Controllers were in front of us - that's fine. However, now you're saying that Scrappers and Tankers are in front also? When exactly are the Devs going to actually take a look at Blasters? It seems we've had issues for quite some time, yet are being pushed to the back of the line in (terms of fixes) constantly.
I'm huge supporter of the Devs in most cases, but this and you're previous statements in the "Ask Statesman" thread are rather disturbing.
[/ QUOTE ]
as a blaster and a controller, I would like to point out that while the controllers were asked "what would you like to see changed" the changes that were given to us, um, by and large (not all of them) did not address the concerns we listed, and the concerns the changes have brought up have gone unanswered by dev's, plus we clearly are not going to get a free respec to fix them.
meanwhile the Blasters are getting no love and the tanks and scraps are getting squeaky wheel greased all they want, to the nerf and detriment of other AT's
(not pointing fingers at scraps and tank, but rather raising the question of "If dev's are going to bend over backwards for 2 AT's only, then what's the point of posting on any other?" things were wrong with tankers and scrappers, you guys spoke up, and got fixed (or at least the old college try at a fix, not sure where you guys all stand on your respective issues now) yet when the blasters and controllers stand up and say "This ain't working out well" we get told "Blasters, maybe someday" and "Controllers, here's the changes we are forcing on you regardless of what you asked for" followed by dead silence...
grrrr -
Cuppa's lil helper
[/ QUOTE ]
awe sheesh.... my dorky bio and everything.... *blush*
[/ QUOTE ]
sorry, that looked to be the best pic I took of you... want me to swap it for your power list or badges? ^_^ I might have some others too, I'll have to go through the few hundred I took
[/ QUOTE ]
Ami, I think you have a stalker...
[/ QUOTE ]
heh heh I'm collecting stalkers... it's reverse stalking... Get in the box sleepy kitty! -
Cuppa's lil helper
[/ QUOTE ]
awe sheesh.... my dorky bio and everything.... *blush*
[/ QUOTE ]
sorry, that looked to be the best pic I took of you... want me to swap it for your power list or badges? ^_^ I might have some others too, I'll have to go through the few hundred I took
[/ QUOTE ]
well I am pretty proud of all my monster badges... that is why I am wearing the Seeker of Monsters badge on her.... -
Okies here's the shots I got
Interesting Bug...can you see what's wrong with this picture?
Cuppa Clones with Names
CuppaClones with no names
CuppaJo Speaks! -
Cuppa's lil helper
[/ QUOTE ]
awe sheesh.... my dorky bio and everything.... *blush* -
I ahve a level 34 grav buddy.
he chain holds everyone in the arena
We did test, I got pwnzored everytime
There was no immunity, the change, no hope
Stop complaining, you rule
[/ QUOTE ]
thanks for reading the entire thread /end sarcasm
to get to the point where we "pwnzor" in the arena, there is something that has to happen first, and that something is called leveling.
We can't do that in the arena, and we can't do it easily in PvE. It is a long haul to pets for grav controllers and we are discussing things that would make that process easier.
we are discussing, in this thread, the control gap that gravs have and the "fix" the devs gave us that actually removed an element of control from us.
Our single target tp fow+disO+ knockback has been changed to an AoE that has inferior dis-o and when it misses mobs aggroes them so instead of pulling one without aggroing a group, we now alert the entire group and the ones we don't pull come running over all annoyed and ready to kill us.
we also can no longer move mob's pets (cairns, trees og life Auto turrets, etc.)
this thread is not about whether or not we can hack it in the arena (believe it or not, not everyone cares about that the most out of all the changes in the game) This thread is about some much needed and long awaited changes to a powerset that we were finally asked our opinion on even though it is beginning to look like we were not listened to in the original thread, and it also looks like our concerns are going unaddressed in this thread.
also zorrazian...
There are a couple of simple ways to fix this problem without redesigning the whole powerset, or damaging the effectiveness of existing powers. 1) add a disorient to crushing field that would last for the duration of the immob. 2) Remove the agro generation from CF. This would make it less of a suicide tool at higher levels. 3) Significantly drop the recharge timer on GDF, enabling it to be used more often during a battle.
[/ QUOTE ]
while I like your suggestion about Crushing field (a lot) I don't think they will give that too us, mainly because "heaven forbid we get a group lock down that damages" they will most likely see that as over powered...it's too much to hope for really althou Personally I say "drool" for that
I don't see how they could remove the aggro generation from it without making it a lock down... every other controller gets a group immob and they have to deal with aggro, so unless they change all of these to lock downs, Again I don't see it happening.
I think lowering the recharge time on GDF is an Excellent Idea though, we need to slot it for accuracy and Hold, and have very few (if any) slots we can spare on it for recharges
If they gave it an inherent acc boost (equal to one slot) and a Hold duration increase (equal to two slots) then I would pop recharges in it, but I would prefer they just lower the recharge...I find it silly that I can get 2 sings out before GDF recharges. I shudder to think how slow it would recharge without hasten.
I think even though I Love all your suggestions, the most we can hope for is a drop on the recharge time for GDF.
and of course I still say Propel should be a cone and dis-O
and I might keep saying it.. -
Wormhole Seems less accurate even enhanced the same on test, and I will bet here's why.
It rolls on each mob... maybe if there was a way to make it roll on the group... you know if you get one, you get them all, instead of 75% chance on each mob (base)
That way if you hit you hit; that's control.
If you miss, you miss all and have the space to throw out your nice long GDF animation.
I still prefer the single target version, and I feel like we are not being listened to on what we need, and I notice in the dev digest that the Tankers and Scrappers have gotten several replies on their concerns, and yet we have no replies on ours,
Also when the changes in I3 made the tanks and scraps cry out that now they needed a free respec (I know there were other reason, like the epp's for them too but the scraps and tank changes were a sited reason in dev posts) BAM free respec, and On this point I would just like to say Bravo for the controllers...instead of whining "Give us a freebie" those of us who could went and earned one (I actually have banked 2 in the last week, and have gotten MANY invites to join respec teams from other controllers)
Of course if you can't earn any more, there's nothing you can do, but bravo to you for still not demanding a freebie.
I read through this thread and I see very little whining, I see for the most part well thought out, TESTED reasoning and examples. It's a shame we can't get a dev response.
My vote is for old wormhole...It wasn't broken, and the change doesn't fix what was broken with grav. It's a change, not a fix.
I like the Idea of making Propel a cone, as someone earlier said, how does a chevy only hit one guy? I also think there should be a disorient on it, I mean...you hit them with a pool table, there should be concussion involved.
so them's my thoughts. -
Just wanted to pipe in quickly and mention that Activation Accelerations, also known decrease interupt time..do not actually accelerate activation
Here's what they do
Let's say you have Energy Snipe
the Activation time as proven above (thank you BTW) is 4 seconds
Unenhanced, of those 4 seconds the first 2 seconds, anything that hits you (think things that would interupt a tp attempt) can cause you to abort the snipe.
If you enhance this aspect, it still takes 4 seconds to go off, but for only 1 of those seconds you are interuptable.
the name Activation Acceleration is VERY misleading, as it does not speed up the activation or the animation for the activation, all it does is shrink the interuptible portion of the activation time.
It still takes 4 seconds, it just makes the window of oppertunity for someone to stop you smaller.
(my numbers are approximate and rounded off for ease of example)
If you build a hero with an interuptible attack in Hero Planner and slot it with AA's you will see that the act time does not change. for NRG Snipe ( sorry Arcanville just quoting the hero planner) it Always stays at 6.... what you are decreasing is what percentage of that 6 seconds you can be interuptted for, unfortunatly Hero Planner doesn't give that stat, and I can't think of a reliable way to get numbers for it till there is PvP, and I can get a friend to stand still while I shoot him while he brawls me.
Anyone heard if we are going to get a free costume repec with the release or the ablity to adjust size and features at least once for all current characters.
Maybe a tailer mission for the feature readjustment for example.
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This is what I have been wondering for weeks. Since red names are posting in this thread, maybe this is the place to ask. We must be allowed to adjust body type with old heroes. I'd prefer if we were given it once for free, but we definitely need the option. I've got 14 heroes across 2 different servers, and I'm not about to re-start any of them just to redesign them with new costume options.
And thanks to Megajoule for the link to the screenshots. Very informative, getting to see some of the new menus and options and how it will work. Some nice shots of the body and head sliders in there.
[/ QUOTE ]
I agree.. I even don't care if they charge us or don't give us a freebie (althought that would be nice) Because my grav controller is supposed to be like 13, but she's got a larger chest and more hips than any 13 year old would have. My main is supposed to be a little less endowed too, she's supposed to be 16 or so. I'd also Like the chance to adjust the facial features on one or two of my alts a little.
and it would be a shame to throw away 39 levels of work to remake Lain to look 13 and there's no way I'd throw out 50 Levels on Ami... but I would still like her to look right. -
in the MMO I worked on we had shoulder chickens, shoulder Golems and something else for the shoulder (can't remember what is was, but I wanna say it was one of the mobs you could hunt, like maggots or something)
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You brought the memories BACK! Begone Horizons! Back to the depths of my brain with thee!
One of the others was a shoulder Cow with party-hat.
[/ QUOTE ]
That's right the Cow... I always used the Chicken cause I was infamous for making an indestructible chicken to test the rooting spells on, (and by Chicken I mean several, at once...um like 1000 there were chickens all over that patch till the server wipe...we never did catch them all..heh heh) -
in the MMO I worked on we had shoulder chickens, shoulder Golems and something else for the shoulder (can't remember what is was, but I wanna say it was one of the mobs you could hunt, like maggots or something)
Granted these were something we palyed around with using our GM Uber Powers and we were required not to wear them when we were on the other servers...because they weren't sure they were ever going to make them available to the customers... just like the tie die boxer shorts... lol yes we had special clothes, not because we were GM's it was special Items you were supposed to be able to get if bought the game in certain stores, it was going to include a code that would unlock that option. the deals all fell through, I think, cause one day word came from on high that we weren't even supposed to call them into existence anymore and we had to delete the ones we had.
Although I did get a pretty good shot of all of us dressed in Tie Die Boxer shorts and funny t-shirts with shoulder animals in the GM area before we deleted them... I'll have to see if I can find that shot. -
Yes , that's a fair trade, just so I can use a defensive power I have to allow my opponent to be able to fly, ss, sj, and tp out of range every two seconds... Hover is not a travel power, it's one of the few things a blaster can use to stay out of melee range and still be able to keep accuracy and give themselves defense... if a hovering (yes and I know not every blaster uses hover, but some of us do) Blaster enters a match where travel powers are not allowed, and everyone is stuck on the ground...which is a dangerous place to be for a blaster if you can't hover or ss joust, much more dangerous than any other AT.... it does not really make for any even field, someone can basically start the match off by one shotting the blaster with a punch.
If you have done the sewer trial then you know that some things can kill you just by standing on shaking ground. (I don't think anyone Hero will be able to do Kraken damage in one shot or anything, I am just saying there are times when off the ground is your only defense)
the defensive buff we'd get to keep from hover is capped very low, all powers that give defense are capped extremely low for blasters. so we go in there, no one can use travel powers, and if hover is considered a travel power, you are up against 2 AT's with mondo defense and 2 AT's with Mondo holds and Heals and if you want to keep any of them in range for fighting you say No travel powers, but if you want to not be the first thing to die you have to say yes to travel powers so you can hover? -
Currently, if you set up a match with the "No Travel Powers" ground rule then:
Your ground speed is capped at Sprint speed.
Your jump height is capped at slightly above normal jump height.
No beneficial teleportation (Teleport, Recall Friend, Warshade/Dwarf 'port, etc.). Wormhole and Teleport Foe still work.
No flight.
You -still- recieve any of the other benefits those powers give you, like Combat Jumping and Hover add to your defense. You can toggle them on for the defense bonus, but you won't get the movement power.
Things that were put into powers as side effects to counter certain game-created condiitions (off the top of my head, the stealth inherent in Super Speed) are NOT given to you in the Arena. If you want any stealth in PvP, you need to be using a stealth-based power.
Of course, this is all subject to change.
[/ QUOTE ]
No hover?!?!?!?! well why don't you just kill all the blasters automatically when they enter the arena, it would save time.
The defensive Bonus from hover even fully slotted is worthless... the Defense from Hover comes from staying out of melee range. It's an interactive defense, you have to use your brain instead of relying on the systems math to protect you. If you can't hover in there and you are a blaster who relies on hover, you may as well just kill us when we walk thru the door.
Hover isn't a travel power unless you are level 6-14 and trying to cross the hollows or a dangerous zone and you have 45 minutes to spare. -
I remember I came in here for a reason... now I can't remember what it was...
*shuffles off to stand clueless in the kitchen and then go search for her glasses, wait what's that on my head?* -
Again Ami, if you were smart enough to check the other boards, ive already explained that i went scrapper and did not TOUCH the Fitness pool.
Im voicing my opinion here. Whoever said that im looking for attention is stupid- arent toe boards made for this? This is my chance to talk to the devs.
Now lets SAY that i am a noob who has not a clue what hes talking about...you can go on all u guys want about how stupid and dumb i am.
Does that take away from the fact that the WLers are still makuing the game a real pain for alot of people?
No im sorry but its still an issue and i am curious about what the devs about. Attacking my personal credibility just shows your own incapability to have a DISCUSSION and turn it into an argument.
Im not attacking the DEvs. I really apretiate everything theyve done for the game. But I still have a say, just like every one else has.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yes I saw where you said that, what I don't get is why you think being a scrapper automatically means you don't need or haven't thought about trying the Fitness pool?
Most of the Scrappers I know have it and love it, it makes them more indestructable...actually I can't remember a single team I was on post 40 where the players did not have three if not four of the Fitness Pool powers. I tend to watch the status effects on team, just to see what everyone has and to read the info on various powers when there's down time. And I have not been on a team in the last 10 levels where anyone did not have some fitness powers.
and as far as Clear Mind goes Haven't you ever seen it used?
Have you ever been held by a mob? Of course you have since you claim to have reached 50. Didn't it ever occur to you that Clear mind might be handy?
Look, every post you have made in this thread only underscores that you are most likely the problem on these teams... you are demanding apologies for what you percieve as a slight to your gameplay, you are not allowing others to state their opinion without attacking them, you are complaining about every team you have ever been on, you are disputing the usefulness of team friendly powers ( Health and stamina are team friendly as they keep the poor defender from having to babysit you) Clearly you just do not like to team, and do not want to team.
Why on earth would you post this after asking tolerance in another thread for WL PL'ing?
If you were smart enough to remember what you had already posted elsewhere on these borads and that people can go read it...
As far as PL'd n00bs go... they will learn or they won't ...if they don't learn they will stop playing, or not. For now, they are kind of entertaining, and everyone was a n00b once. They will either learn in game or come to the boards and read up on stuff, or they will mess around, get bored cause no one will team with them cause they can't play and quit the game, go to another mmo and do the same thing there. -
You know what doesn't make sense? You claim you had multiple level 50s, and yet a few days ago you post a gem like this:
So i got a respec and cant decide on something-
I originally got Clear Mind which, although helpfull at times, isnt very necessary. I can also give up Gloom, being that im going more for an Emp Defender. Id much rather get Stamina which I hear is awesome.
However, to get stamina, id have to get 2 other powers in the Fitness power pool- but besides Stamina, it seems like a wasted Power Pool and id hate to waste 2 powers just to get stamina.
So my question- Is it worth it to get Stamina?
[/ QUOTE ]
You know what I think? Since the WL event, I've seen more people trying to feign coolness by bashing the "n00bs" than actual WL newbies. It's amazing.
[/ QUOTE ]
Stamina?? Stamina??? What the... How could you ask if Satmina is worth it and then claim to have 50's??? How the heck did you get to 50 without it??? How did you survive Malta without it? How did you kill a single AV without it? what?? WHAT??? How did you travel with out it? DId you waste slots for end reduction in everything???? how did you do any damage or healing that was worth anything or got you anywhere with end reducers where heals and holds and damages and accuracy were needed???
Wasted power? How about Swift (slotted for 2 or 3 run speeds you can remove sprint from your tray completely, it uses no end and is always on, and counteracts most of the movement penalties from stealth and such, plus it speed enhances EVERY travel power!) Hurdle it also handy, hurdle and SS are an awesome combo,
AND Health??? How is Health not useful??? Faster than normal regen of hp?? with Health and stamina six slotted it is faster to just stand in a safe spot than activate rest!!
CM isn't Useful??? Have you NEVER fought a single Boss... did you get to 50 without a CoT Mage or a Vampyr?? WHAT???!!! -
Now that the WL is finally gone, I look back and think-
"What do the Devs think about all the issues it caused?"
I havent seen a post by the Devs discussing its impact or admitting its failure.
So what do they have to say about it?
[/ QUOTE ]
here here... I want to know what the devs are gonna do about the fact that I was able to breeze through the most boring levels of the game with my Khel and level from the end of the Khel specific story arc at the begining to the point where I could right away start enjoying all the lovely new content in Striga Isle in the course of a week!! Curse you for making me X down for my negotiator badge!!!
um... wait... oh you're serious? um....nevermind. -
good point... but (Taking your Devil's advocate Hat for a sec...don't worry I'll give it back)
Would that be so bad? I mean what if you haven' promoted anyone, but that guy who was your first member at level ten and has played his way up to 50 when you disappeared off the face of the earth... I mean it could happen that that is the best thing for the group.
[/ QUOTE ]
You're right, it could happen that way, but as a betting man I'm putting my money against that possibility. If I didn't see fit to make them an Officer in the first place, do I want them making leader just because they've been there a long time? 2nd spot in 2 days I can make the Rimmer reference (yes, from R E D Dwarf, me have brain by Superadine!).
Here's your hat back, and nice job on sewing the souls of the damned into such a flattering chapeau. The Ostrich feathers are a nice touch too.
[/ QUOTE ]
See, that's the key, using the whole ostrich. You wore it well, too, yay for women in hats...
[/ QUOTE ]
/emote Rimmer Salute -
Ownership passes to the next Oldest ( been in group the longest) player
[/ QUOTE ]
I'd say passes to next oldest Officer. As written your method is possibly giving someone a 2-rank bump.
[/ QUOTE ]
good point... but (Taking your Devil's advocate Hat for a sec...don't worry I'll give it back)
Would that be so bad? I mean what if you haven' promoted anyone, but that guy who was your first member at level ten and has played his way up to 50 when you disappeared off the face of the earth... I mean it could happen that that is the best thing for the group.
Here's your hat back, and nice job on sewing the souls of the damned into such a flattering chapeau. The Ostrich feathers are a nice touch too. -
If I may play Devil's Advocate here on a request I've seen a few times here...
What do more ranks buy you? Can you really think of ten functionally different levels of membership, or is this just a "pecking order" thing?
I'll add my voice to logo and color changeability as well.
[/ QUOTE ]
I have to say this is a valid point, but the only other rank I really think needs to be there is Owner or Founder, for the person who started the group, and this person should be able to kick everyone, and if they need to transfer Ownership, and after the owners account has been inactive for 90 days, Ownership passes to the next Oldest ( been in group the longest) player -
I'd like to see a Super Group bank where members could deposit influence and enhancements for common use.
[/ QUOTE ]
I think this would only work if you had a 1-for-1 trade-in system, or a log/limit of who took what and how often. I'm all for helping out alts and lowbies, but without checks and balances it would get abused by some people who would just take and take with replinishing the stock. Make the limits customizable by the leader. A SG of 5-10 would probably want higher limits than a SG of 50-60...
Otherwise I like all of the suggestions so far. Particularly the SG Costume slot and SG specific content.
[/ QUOTE ]
This is why I was suggesting an in-box feature, like this
I get a drop of a Level 40 Magic SO when side kicked with my Khel to Usagi, I can't use it, Sagi can't Use it... and I don't really NEED the money, ( Ami-Chan can just give me some)
But I know Nezzer could use it, But Nezzer is not on, and my rack is full so I have to get rid of it somehow.
Now without the in box I would just go sell it a the first place I can.
but with the in box
I would right click on Nezzer in the SG window,
choose leave offline trade, get a trade window,
drop the Enhancement in the trade window and Click Done...
Now when Nezzer comes on (Even if I am not online) he gets a message
"Kurai Ami has left you an Offline Trade"
he opens the SG window,
clicks on inbox or Offline trade button,
and sees what I have left for him...
At this time he can trade me something for it,
Decline it (Maybe he doesn't need it /can't use it/doesn't have room in his inventory for it right now)
Accept it
This system would allow for leaving welcome packages for new members ( Maybe a couple of Kora sized inspirations an enhancement and some Inf )
And ALSO have the benefit of laundering money frome your Level 50 to your alts without worrying about someone getting to the vault before you and thinking the inf is left for them...
and also guard against people joining SG's and Cleaning out the vault quitting the SG and transferring the stuff to another alt and never being heard from again. -
Oh I thought of one more
I would like to be able to read the info of my members from the sg window when they are offline or at least see a picture of them ( had a few I never even saw...lol) -
Ability to demote by SG owner (original hero who registered the group)
Ability to change colours
Ability to change emblem
Ability to assign EACH costume with an SG mode, so you don't have to readjust your costume EVERY time you change
Ability to display emblem somewhere other than covering your chest (I'd like to see the ability to put it on the capes myself)
Ability to choose NO emblem or Letters and numbers for Emblems (I'd like to get the initials of my group)
Ranks visible (maybe a bar system for the arm of the character or special rank badge in accolades, owner, commander, lt., and member ranks)
E-mail to SG
An ingame posting system so all members can leave a message to the entire group ( I like to leave upcoming changes and tips on new features in the message of the day, and I would like to have everyone be able to do this, or leave a note when they are planning a raid or TF or when they want to say they leveled)
edit: And a way to leave stuff for other members, like an enhancement or a bit of influence or some inspirations... like a locker system or "in box"