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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    Holy crap, before this starts any rumors, I posted that AS A JOKE. Please please please don't believe that it actually does that. The VIP badge does nothing.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Haha I know it was a joke, something like that would take a nerf bat to the crotch if it ever did make it live
  2. Holy crap yeah $50 is cettainly worth not having your a** handed to you when you fight Rikti and AV's like Malaise and Mother Mayhem!
  3. As far as i could tell the V.I.P. bagde let you put that below your name as a title nothing more . It seems purley for looks.
  4. Jaden_Kor

    Villain Emotes

    How about an evil Ganandorf type emote where you spin in the air then thrust your chest forward with arms back and laugh evilily, like the taunt emote he does in super smash brothers?
  5. Jaden_Kor

    Exemplar Aggro

    When exemplared i have to be careful when running through zones cause things will attack you now that are at your exemplar lvl or higher (well and a little below, but who fears those little greys anyways )