Villain Emotes
The infamous cracking of the neck, where you tilt your head to one side and it pops, then to the other side and it pops. And maybe a knuckle cracking emote.
1. Something akin to a "Foiled!" or "Curses!" emote... that exasperated villain look when the meddling kids stop him/her yet again.
2. A "brooding" stance. Basically kneeling down while on the balls of the feet (a certain Dark Knight comes to mind for this stance.)
3. "Shush"... placing an index finger to the lips as if to quiet a "victim"
4. The arching of an eyebrow sinisterly.
... and the Dr. Evil pinky thing
You gotta have an Evil Laugh, much darker then the current Muhaahaha.
Flipping the bird while smoking a cigarette.
how about having the character rub his hands in a crafty fashion, or something a la Mr. Burns going "excellent"
if the villian has a sword, is there any way you can get him to use the sword to draw a line on the ground as if to challenge the hero
Something with "You'll rue the day ..." and finger pointing.
three words:
the people's elbow
A "Foiled" emote sorta like a super angry version of the Drat emote but with foot stomping.
Something with "You'll rue the day ..." and finger pointing.
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Ooh hell yeah! But make it the villain's version of the heroes' "battle cry". I'd defintely wear out my F10 key!
make it so if the villian has a cape he can throw the cape over his face a la dracula
-The edge of the hand drawn across the the throat.
-The good old chin-flip with the fingers. *feh*
-The dismissive 'hand-out-palm-down-flick-of-the-fingers'. as in "take the body away".
I want to see the ability to hover in an upright position with arms crossed.

Ooh.. howzabout a "POOF" emote... the villain throws down a little smoke gernade thingie, which does nothing but make smoke for a moment for a dramatic entrance!
- Pointing, and then drawing the hand closer to the body and clenching a fist.
- Pointing at a target, then at the ground... "You're going down!"
- A dismissive gesture with a wave of the back of the hand.
- Maybe a bit graphic, but running the index finger from left to right across the throat.
1) The infamous stance while revealing your evil plans to (the hero you caputered) to take over the world. Cheesy music before the hero spoils your plot.
2) Taken from Pink and the Brain. "What do you want to do tonight Pinky?" I dunno. What do you want to do? "TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD!" Didn't we try that last night and fail?
Explanation - unique font that is very large.
How about a villian gets knocked down and while sitting on his butt checks his jaw to see if its broken while giving the hero an evil glare.
A scream of frustration at being defeated
the villian stands back up stumbles around throwing weak punches clearly "out of it"
I think there should be two types of laughs, the current hero one (arms on waist) and a new one with the arms crossed
Flipping the bird while smoking a cigarette.
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Someone is a Spike (From Buffy: The Vampire Slayer) fan.
But if you want some great villain emotes, just watch an episode of WWE wrestling. Those guys are masters of the 'emote'. Right off the top, I want the Rocks "Come get some" emote. (Like the current taunt, but first point at the target.) Or Stone Colds double finger salute, which of course could become clenched fists to make it acceptable for the youngins, but the older crowed will get the idea. Lots of ideas there!
- Maybe a bit graphic, but running the index finger from left to right across the throat.
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I think this one is a good idea
Distraction - pointing, looking scared and saying "what's that behind you?" so you can high-tail it or kick the hero in the bollo**s whilst they are looking around.
Chinny beard - the ominous stroking of the beard/moutache
gun sign - making a gun with your hands, pointing at the target and pretending to shoot them
dancing - instead of that stupid wiggle, do headbanging a la beavis and butthead
Various evil laughs:
- Joker-esque, head thrown back, clawed hands up cackle.
- Insane hunched-over giggling, wringing hands
- Thoughtful chuckle, arms crossed, hand pensively on chin.
Expressions of contempt
- Finger waggling.
- The slow clap. *clap* "Very good, hero." *clap* "Very good indeed." *clap*
- Sarcastic "well, duh." Fingers brush the temple and away to an open palm.
- Cracking knuckles, neck, back in preparation for a fight.
- "Get them!!" Clenched fist raised, other hand pointing aggressively
- Feral rage. Slamming the ground like a primate.
- The slow burn. Elbows tight to side, fists held up clenched, neck bent slightly.
The Jim Carry Pet Detective "Pelvic Thrust." CAN YOU FEEL THAT HUH!? FEEL THAT BUDDY!
Well, I've been reading through the threads and wearing out my brain working on Base issues (no, I'm not revealing our secrets yet!), so thought it was time for a fairly simple question.
What emotes do you want for your Villian?
I, for one, want a large gun that pops out a "Bang" flag.