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  1. empha

    Villain Emotes

    have the villian pull out two roosters and some dollar bills, he sets the rosters down and they go at it, then random npcs come to the villian placing their bets on the cockfighting
  2. empha

    Villain Emotes

    [ QUOTE ]

    - Maybe a bit graphic, but running the index finger from left to right across the throat.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I think this one is a good idea
  3. empha

    Villain Emotes

    I think there should be two types of laughs, the current hero one (arms on waist) and a new one with the arms crossed
  4. empha

    Villain Emotes

    make it so if the villian has a cape he can throw the cape over his face a la dracula
  5. empha

    Villain Emotes

    three words:

    the people's elbow
  6. empha

    Villain Emotes

    if the villian has a sword, is there any way you can get him to use the sword to draw a line on the ground as if to challenge the hero
  7. empha

    Villain Emotes

    how about having the character rub his hands in a crafty fashion, or something a la Mr. Burns going "excellent"
  8. I say we all swap work numbers with each other and call in bomb threats to each others work