19 -
Bela, if someone asks if you're a god, you say YES!
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Why worry? Each of us is wearing an unlicensed nuclear accelerator on his back.
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Let's show this prehistoric how we do things downtown.!! -
Fear the power of my four year old's imagination mortals!!!
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Is it just me or is the skull hanging a little low? -
Wondering if War Witch is that "gifted" in Real Life
Let me get this straight...
You cut a deal with the retailers ... and allow each of them to have a specific "add-on" for pre-orders, which was
A) Gender Specific
B) Not even all that cool?
Frankly - I pre-ordered for the game so could not care lick one about the helmet. It's actually pretty lame as most helmets suck - the last thing I want in my customizable toon is something that'll make them look like everyone else... but Jeezus Jerrry Lewis ... what MORON thought up this PR move?
Could you possibly alienate more people with this "cool give-away"??
I can see making a deal with the retailers so each has their own different add on. But frankly - I'd have rather had some kind of cool Aura instead of the helmet I can only use on Male toons.
Sheesh ... go find your guy in Marketing and slap him. He's an idiot.
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Yea & the Prestige Run was any better. I think the helmets are a far improvement. -
Went to local Best Buy that is famous for not having stock and WOW
they had two shelves full of COV. Some nice wallpaper in now adorning my Screen. The Recluse vs. States poster will be up on my Cube tomorrow at work.
Kings Row-the Hollows has basically out done this zone. I now as soon as I say it, someone will pop up & flame me I HUNT THERE ALL THE TIME, YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOUR TALKING ABOUT. But not many people are their any more at all. I love the zone & make sure all of my alts take missions there. My main was done with those levels before the hollows was born.
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Cool! Colisseum was my favorite X-Man!
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Guessing you ment this guy http://www.marveldirectory.com/indiv...c/colossus.htm -
but just put questions here.
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Are you guys working/know about the Lag Issues that are going on? -
Make the Hero vote count, get it out. Vote & if your in Florida Vote 2 or 3 times.
Recluse/Jo take it all the way--never forget the minoin vote they out number us all.
As a Victory Dance---The Carlton dance from the "The Fresh Prince of Bel Air"
But if you want some great villain emotes, just watch an episode of WWE wrestling. Those guys are masters of the 'emote'. Right off the top, I want the Rocks "Come get some" emote. (Like the current taunt, but first point at the target.) Or Stone Colds double finger salute, which of course could become clenched fists to make it acceptable for the youngins, but the older crowed will get the idea. Lots of ideas there!
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I'll take Goldberg's Thumb right to left across the throat. The Rocks crouching come get some is good too. -
You gotta have an Evil Laugh, much darker then the current Muhaahaha.
wait, they interviewed the White Rabbit?
Lets see how deep this rabbit hole goes...
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You are NOT doing this during the day when I work. This had better be still going on when I get home or there will be hell to pay.
mission level is set as soon as u talk to your contact and get it. if your level 4 when u get a mission, the mission is level 4 (level 3-6 minions) Sidekicking doesnt change this, it lets u run with your mentor in his higher level missions.
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Got the mission when I was Lvl 6 -
Ran into this last night while Sidekicked with a friend of mine. I'm lvl 6 he SK'd me to 11. Mission was with clockworks & most of them were lvl 4. Mission not picking up the lvl of the team or the lowest in the team.