5th Column Activity High: New Threat Coming?
the last section is a repeat of the section before it, just wanted to let yall know.
I need a bigger Axe.
I guess that last paragraph was so good you had to say it twice?
I have seen Wolfpack bots in lower level areas even today..
I have seen Wolfpack bots in lower level areas even today..
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Sidekick: What does it mean...?
Hero: I don't know...
Supplemental Galactic Protectorate Fanfic
Wait, who the hell is that helmetless guy in the brown?
Robin: holy crap balls batman! Whats it mean?
Batman: I don't know robin, but im going to find out.
This... isn't good... Robin... If I'm correct... and I always am... this spells trouble for Gotham City... er, Paragon City...
Wait, who the hell is that helmetless guy in the brown?
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got to be there new leader, or lower level leader.
Wait, who the hell is that helmetless guy in the brown?
[/ QUOTE ]
got to be there new leader, or lower level leader.
[/ QUOTE ]
Wait... there are 2!
Must get back on and... DESTROY NAZIS!!!!
Sweet merciful crap!
Great! Nothing needs killin' like nazis... except zombies... and zombie nazis are right out!
The Caf-Fiend
I hate Illinoi...er...Paragon City Nazis...
wait, they interviewed the White Rabbit?
Lets see how deep this rabbit hole goes...
Hmm, is this a prelude to the next issue? Or a super neeto nifty spiffy event? Either one would be nice.
Yeah, that guy on the soap box looks new to me, too.
[/ QUOTE ]
Good question...
We... just... DON'T have enough information right now...
For now, this is all we have:
1) 5th Column activity is on the rise
2) Whatever it is, it's changing the entire STRUCTURE of the 5th Column hierarchy ("...as if they were GRATEFUL to me for BRINGING THEM IN...")
We just don't have enough info...
Supplemental Galactic Protectorate Fanfic
I think this calls for a Council of War...
This could only be the work on Nazi Zombie Shakespeare!
I certainly hope what this means is there will be more spots where vampires and werewolves spawn since FF is like a free for all zone now hehe
Is it possible this is somehow related to the previous Rularuu invasion? I can't see the Rularuu invasion being nothing, I expect it's part of the whole storyline... The 5th troops are spooked by something, perhaps there's some sort of Rularuu/5th alliance now?
The name The White Rabbit hints at three things:
1) Possible Time Control powerset.
2) Rabbit Ears costume detail.
3) I have too much time on my hands and read too deeply into things.
We should just leave it up to The White Rabbit...
I mean afterall....
"It's got fangs!" *Makes fang motions with his hand*
I joined the 5th Column. Cause I REALLY like the Uniforms.
This just in from the Paragon Times: "The heroes all agree: something is stirring within the 5th Column. According to several hero reports, 5th Column activity is at an all-time high within the city limits." Read the full article here.