71 -
Yeah...once again I am glad I pre-ordered through Gamestop. Pink run and a better helm for my taste
[/ QUOTE ]
I hit compusa tonight myself.. Like that helm better
[/ QUOTE ]
You win and I win. We can sit back and laugh at those players that went to EB and BestBuy
For me personally, I don't care who I pre-order from if it wasn't a matter of special things. I like the Blood Widdow helm, I looked best among the 4...(2 not shown by the time I pre-ordered...<cough>CompUSABestBuy<cough> )
I do think it is Ironic that I choose the only female helm tooThat was a laugh
Yeah...once again I am glad I pre-ordered through Gamestop. Pink run and a better helm for my taste
What is this Pen and Paper game you speak of?
Can you play that on a Tablet PC? -
I play all three.
CoH...Immersion is thekey. You feel like a hero in a struggle.
WoW...Items and such. In all honesty it comes down to having the best items...camping buying raiding it is common and frustrating. The PvP in WoW is now horrible due to the honor system and no Battlegrounds
Guild Wars...It is the type of game you break away fromall the others on. This will make it a long term game. You can only get level 20 at the moment. The crafting is not there. I can solo, mix and mach you class. I play a Warrior Necromancer. A death knight if you will. It is fun...but I only play it for an hour or so at a time.
CoH has taken me in for days without knowing. Wow has maken me angry and happy in the same session.
There is little else that matters to me. I like all three for different reasons. -
No, you were pretty much opinionated and incorrect as I thought you were.
Thank you for playing Opinion Vs. Fact. Your prize is crow. -
Corlax sounds and looks like Gorlax...the lazy sleepy Pokemon! -
Seriously...the Taunting needs to stop...I know people that know people that know how to do things...you know what I mean...I know you know.
Bullies need to be ignored...they will stop teasing you if you don't pay mind to them...damn you and your power Statesman!
So Corlax is like a Pokemon? -
How dare you be human Gaffer!
Those crossdressers need special consideration. He shaved his armpits, that alone shows lovefor the game.
Wax man wax next time -
I know how you feel
I predict that the year 2038 will spell doom. No one believes me. They keep calling me Casandra
Doom is coming 2038! Hear me! Doom I say DOOOOM!
Doom14, that uses ATI Radeon X3880 XT -
It took me 6 months to learn how to fight runners
You ruined 6 months of training
I agree that feeding is a lost artform
Please don't skirt the questions.
I know Statesman's background. This is his first game, however it is not the first for the entire team. I am sure that the last 4 years have given Statesman enough knowledge to be able to get a laugh out of your comments. I am sure he has a keen understanding of the process of adding content and changing exisiting content.
You are quoting unrealistic times and boasting about talents we only have your word on. You will excuse me if I feel Statesman was LOLing at your comment. -
Oh come now. You might be able to pull that with other poster and players but I am not naive on how this works.
I know what it takes to do this. Don't mistake me for a fool because I don't agree with you. You have stated multiple times that you can do this better. Well answer me this.
What credentials do you have? What Engines have you developed on? What type of net code do you prefer? Have you submitted MODs on games before? Have you worked for a game company in a developer capacity? What do you own currently in design software that allows you to do this?
I am not calling you a liar, far from it. I do call into question your over all understanding of how it works is rather partial. You have a small perspective on industry, if you have a talent for this than please expand on it and get good at it. You cannot facilitate any measure of talent by calling into question an established games content and design and progress forward with your own. -
I am more apt to believe he found what you said funny for the misconception it implies.
Let me assist you.
Tile sets take longer than 10 mins.
Here is why and you can correct me afterwards.
Tile Sets like the new Hellion map have several changes. Fire is one thing I will point out. The fire is an animation...this cannot be done in Photoshop in less than 10 mins.
The map also includes alters, while the markings on the floor can be done in Photoshop the alter would need to be modeled and skinned...this will take longer than 10 mins.
The same goes for Frostfire's map and the pillars of ice and the physics that go hand in hand with the zone.
Yes, I can unpack certain tile sets and add minimal graphics and tweak a few things in under 10 mins. But that is only a small portion of how it works.
Maybe your example was bad, maybe you were not specific enough. But between you and I...I know what you are saying isn't 100% accurate. -
I have to laugh as well.
I have been working with Photoshop for over a decade, I can't create new tile sets in 10 mins. Give me a week or more...maybe, MAYBE.
[/ QUOTE ]
Just because you are bad doesn't mean everybody is, no?
And it does seem annoying that some things are not fixed for ever while they add other things. Of course one would assume the graphic people are not programmers.
[/ QUOTE ]
I am versed in Photoshop. I do have sometime built up...I wouldn't say I was an expert, but I am far from bad. I have been a Graphic Artist.
To be honest, I am completely lost by your reply. -
Per Statesman there are no plans to increase the level cap anytime soon.
The next Issue does not currently have a release date. I expect late November honestly. Late December seems to be a joke with the Holidays.
To release it they will have to fine tune it through the Holidays or sit on it till the 28th. Both are very unlikely.
When you hear stuff like this please feel free to check it through the Dev Digest. It will be your best friend on questions. -
Patches occure on Tuesdays or Wednesdays.
Monday is their day long meetings. -
You're the type of person that puts household items in Christmas presents to throw those who shake them aren't you!?
Okay Statesman...here is a compromise.
Can you send me a PM on the points I made as to the context if they are correct or not.
I can't say anything, I can't release it...think of it as a self-imposed NDA. If I do...you can ban my board account for a week
I mean honestly, I used Sanskrit in a post! That is SOOO brownie points right there