lvl 75 december 28th ????
I get the feeling the stuff about the 28th of December was told to you by Spaniards...
Players' Choice Awards: Best Dual-Origin Level Range Arc!
It's a new era, the era of the Mission Architect. Can you save the Universe from...
The Invasion of the Bikini-clad Samurai Vampiresses from Outer Space? - Arc ID 61013
Don't believe everything you hear, especially in-game.
When the cap was upped to 50, the devs said rather specifically that that would be IT.
As far as I know there are *no* plans to raise the level cap.
Photoshop doesn't make a good artist.
ive been hearing that on the next update that is due on december 28th???? that max level will be extended to 75. but i can not find anything about it. i would have dismissed it but i've heard it from 3 other people. on 2 different servers..????
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I wish those guys would use that overactive imagination to make interesting characters that they would play well.
Mr. Lithuania
Jessica to Nathan in bed: "I'm not really bad, Isaac just drew me that way."
Per Statesman there are no plans to increase the level cap anytime soon.
The next Issue does not currently have a release date. I expect late November honestly. Late December seems to be a joke with the Holidays.
To release it they will have to fine tune it through the Holidays or sit on it till the 28th. Both are very unlikely.
When you hear stuff like this please feel free to check it through the Dev Digest. It will be your best friend on questions.
I heard it was Feb. 30th
I also heard that a new E-AT was going to be released on 12/25. Aparently, it can walk on water, create infinite amounts of food and if it falls in combat, after three days it self rez's...
Ew! 4 years till Issue #3?!
You're both wrong, it's coming out November 31st.
~Virtue Server~
Naomi Lynx - lvl 50 Claws/Super Reflexes Scrapper
-Paradox - lvl 21 Empathy/Dark Defender
Callous Jane - lvl 10 Ice/Energy Blaster
Wander Wraith - lvl 12 Dark/Dark Defender
I heard the sky was falling.
And I heard that Elvis is still alive.
Spirit of the firebird
Justice Server
Its already on internal testing. so the training room should get it within a few weeks.
Watch, i bet this wendesday they will release all of the information on the Update.
And I heard that Elvis is still alive.
[/ QUOTE ]
Elvis is alive! He took me up in his space ship where we hung out with the ewoks and made fun of starbuck and ensign crusher.
My Pre-Order Coh box.
My character in coh beta.
My character in a coh beta mission.
And I heard that Elvis is still alive.
[/ QUOTE ]
Elvis is alive! He took me up in his space ship where we hung out with the ewoks and made fun of starbuck and ensign crusher.
[/ QUOTE ]
Which starbuck: male, female, or coffee chain?
I play all my toons like a blaster: I die a lot.

global handle: @Pepsiman
Wii Code: 5292 9629 8964 1440
XBL: IndyBanzai
And I heard that Elvis is still alive.
[/ QUOTE ]
Elvis is alive! He took me up in his space ship where we hung out with the ewoks and made fun of starbuck and ensign crusher.
[/ QUOTE ]
Which starbuck: male, female, or coffee chain?
[/ QUOTE ]
And I heard that Elvis is still alive.
[/ QUOTE ]
Elvis is alive! He took me up in his space ship where we hung out with the ewoks and made fun of starbuck and ensign crusher.
[/ QUOTE ]
Which starbuck: male, female, or coffee chain?
[/ QUOTE ]
Starbuck isn't just a name, Starbuck is an integral cog in the universe of Battlestar Galactica. The character was created by Glen Larson to be specifically played by Dirk Benedict who, in turn, based his performance on James Garners' "Maverick". Dirk Benedict was and is Starbuck. I mean---would you want to see a female actress as Clark Kent/Superman? How about a female lead in the next Spiderman movie? Get my drift? Ron Moore's argument that he just wanted strong female characters' is a flimsy one at best! Has he never heard of Athena or Cassie or Sheba? I mean he's already turned the Galactica universe upside down. Why have a Starbuck at all? Actually, now that I think about it, there really isn't a character NAMED Starbuck in the new show (fiasco). An actress named Katee Sackhoff is playing Kara Thrace who happens to have a "Call Sign" that is Starbuck. Same goes for a character with the "Call Sign" of Boomer. So much for the mythological references that everyone loved from the original. They've been reduced to "Call Signs". Maverick and Goose anyone?
My Pre-Order Coh box.
My character in coh beta.
My character in a coh beta mission.
Dang, cannot find the post, but Statesman did say, that he saw no raise in the level cap for quite some time. They are still working on content and other issue's to make things more enjoyable and entetaining for the higher level characters as it is. Plus the Epic Arch-Type's are suppose to help this a little. Even though most arent excited about leveling up another hero, epic or not.
And I heard that Elvis is still alive.
[/ QUOTE ]
Elvis is alive! He took me up in his space ship where we hung out with the ewoks and made fun of starbuck and ensign crusher.
[/ QUOTE ]
Oh. No. You. Did. Not.
Wesley Crusher was my very first crush. What a geek!!! Um, both that character and myself. I recently watched past episodes of TNG and it only made it more painfully evident just HOW MUCH of a dork I must have been to have wanted the Ensign. My friends were all into Saved by the Bell type crap and all I wanted to do was see if Wesley could reconfigure the Holodeck settings in time to save the crew....hehe....
Great post! I laughed out loud at this one!
Raising the level cap would mean the creation of lv 50+ content and I would imagine a great deal of content at that. Didn't EQ raise their lv cap to 60 but release a new product/expansion to account for lvs 50-60? I can't remember too well...I've blocked those two lost years out of my memory.
I would LOVE to see the cap raised because I'd like more powers on my primary toon. When you're kinda handcuffed to certain powers and power pools, there's just some stuff I'd like to take later on, but don't have room for. Sigh...
Ok, first off, calling the new Battlestar Galactica....errrr, Battlestar Galactica, is like calling that God-awful Starship Troopers movie....errrr Starship Troopers.
Both are sad hack jobs that totally ruin the concept of the original. Now, Starship troopers is far worse in this respect(I mean, that movie is an exercise in taking a concept, turning it 180 degrees and slapping a name on it)...but how can you be soooo cheap that to save on your budget you make Cylons look like...people?!
Good God, you take one of the coolest parts of the original campy show and just throw it out the window.
At the time, the Cyclons were pretty cool, armor, big guns, robotic voices, cool sliding eye light thingy.
Yep, cool back we get an update deserving of 2003? Think of the toy sales alone! No, we get some chick in a nighty.
Oh, BTW, the old Cylon Raider ships were cool too. 8)
Ok, first off, calling the new Battlestar Galactica....errrr, Battlestar Galactica, is like calling that God-awful Starship Troopers movie....errrr Starship Troopers.
[/ QUOTE ]
OMG you should see the second Starship Troopers movie if you thought the first one was bad...(it was even bad for a "straight to DVD" movie).
OMG you should see the second Starship Troopers movie if you thought the first one was bad...(it was even bad for a "straight to DVD" movie).
[/ QUOTE ]
Actually, my GF, who loves Sci-Fi movies rented it. I said I would have nothing to do with it cuase the first one was soooo bad, how could a straight-to-video movie be worth the $2 rental?
While she thought the first movie was ok, she didnt even finish that one, so it must have been bad. 8)
Now, can somebody out there make a REAL Starship Troopers movie?
If I was a billionaire, I would do it with my own money just as a favor to mankind.
I know that ...
Ew! 4 years till Issue #3?!
[/ QUOTE ]
was in response to ...
I heard it was Feb. 30th
[/ QUOTE ]
I'd just like to know what calendar you're using. There is no Feb 30th, even during a Leap Year. I know that G_Tanker was kidding about the day..and I know that Fleo_DP knew he was kidding...but..still...Feb. 30th?
There I was between a rock and a hard place. Then I thought, "What am I doing on this side of the rock?"
I'd just like to know what calendar you're using. There is no Feb 30th, even during a Leap Year. I know that G_Tanker was kidding about the day..and I know that Fleo_DP knew he was kidding...but..still...Feb. 30th?
[/ QUOTE ]
That was, of course, the whole joke =P. Go back and reread my post, there isn't a November 31st either. November only has 30 days.
~Virtue Server~
Naomi Lynx - lvl 50 Claws/Super Reflexes Scrapper
-Paradox - lvl 21 Empathy/Dark Defender
Callous Jane - lvl 10 Ice/Energy Blaster
Wander Wraith - lvl 12 Dark/Dark Defender
Why would they raise the cap? So you can grind out billiions of XP to get to 60? What's the benefit of leveling past 50? You'd need new powers and whatnot to make it worthwhile which cost time & money for Cryptic/NCSoft.
It would be much better for them for you to just go buy City of Villians and play that.
ive been hearing that on the next update that is due on december 28th???? that max level will be extended to 75. but i can not find anything about it. i would have dismissed it but i've heard it from 3 other people. on 2 different servers..????