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  1. I particularly enjoy playing and roleplaying my international heroes, at the moment EuroForce, representing a united Europe.

    Any Supergroup which operates with international heroes would be great to get into! Just send me a global message.
  2. I couldn't make it to the last Valentines event, and neither to the recent Christmas event, so it was all actually new to me, and pretty fun. The only lack being that sometimes there weren't enough of the other side to team with, but I did manage to do it on several of my characters.

    I'd be up for something different next time, but I don't think it was horrible. I'm just rather sad that I missed the previous events.
  3. Another zombie bit the dust, Tricolore's kick sending the head... way out, and the rest of it collapsed. It was a real mess fighting here. Grease was *everywhere*.

    "Mon dieu! More heroes! They've really got it coming now!" She laughed, then turned towards the villains. "Best give up now, eh? Maybe you get a better bed in the Zig!"
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    "It's good to see that I have such resistance. I see that my reputation has preceded me. In case any of you don't know, I am Urban Dead, and I will be your executioner." He paused and smiled, turning his eyes to the floor. He suddenly shouted, "Think fast!" and threw the three disks at Tricolore, El Guapo Grande and Ainurauco.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Tricolore didn't think. Her Inner Will did it for her. The disc flew over her, exploded, and out of a mish-mash of luck and skill, she came out unscathed, in time to swoop out a zombie's legs (literally) and send it sailing into a wall with a high powered kick.

    She noticed the ringleader pull back, even with the gaudy speech, and shouted "'Ey! You came for a heist, ah? Leaving already?" before confidently gliding (this time flying) after him.

    ((.. Yeah it's late here. I won't post for a while since I desperately need sleep. So feel free to knock her out cold or consider her happily entertained by beating up zombies.))
  5. Tricolore concentrated on the zombies. They lurched after civilians, and... Well someone had to. Swift kicks and smacks were the word, and zombie arms were very, very easy to dodge for her, her Inner Will channeling her movements, giving her strength.

    The music was blaring though. She swore she heard Queen. Slightly distracted, a spinning kick sent a gyro flying randomly into the newly formed mist...

    ((Post quick, short and sweet, avoid the traffic!))
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    ((Okay, seeing as it's me (and soon Varius) against like all the heroes in a 5 mile radius, can I buff myself or something? I don't want to godmod, but this is rediculous!))

    ((EDIT: Hal posted since I typed this. He's fast. I'll be doing better now.))

    [/ QUOTE ]

    ((Elite boss or AV? ))
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    ((Gah! Soo... many... heroes! And Hal is on the way!

    Someone else bring a villain! Quick!))

    [/ QUOTE ]

    ((You're gonna need more Zombieeees ))
  8. A not-quite-forgotten gyro lay on the floor, now punctured by a caltrop. Marie had gone, leaving the bathroom door swinging. It was pretty embarassing to change in a toilet stall, but options were limited. It was a good thing she'd stopped by Icon today.

    Tricolore flew out. Red, White, Blue and the Fleur de Lis bright, she swung a kick at a zombie by the door, sending it to the ground. "Arret! In the name of the law!" She shouted. Someone had to remember that heroes abide by such a thing.

    "I don't know who would be so stupid to rob City of Gyros, but you're finished now!" Cue the magnificent poses, the flashes, the angles! ((Activating all her toggles and Practiced Brawler ))

    ((Tricolore is a flying MA/SR scrapper, powered by her Inner Will. Like Statesman, before we found out he was a godly avatar.))
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    He found himself behind the counter at the restaurant City of Gyros. He was amazed at how lifeless and oblivious the staff seemed; first he blew something up, then he kicked a door open, and still no one noticed? Or cared? He created more clouds of black to hide his zombies, then had everyone hide in ambush. A fast food place wasn't the best place to start a heist, but whatever.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Marie got in line like the rest of the customers. She'd fallen to temptation. One couldn't hurt, but then as it were, two wouldn't be enough.

    She looked over at the menu displays, with their bright pita pictures and juicy, juicy meat and vegetables, covered in grease and death-in-40-years... My there was a lot of staff today... Look practically like zombies...
  10. Marie Auberge glided on her feet out of the local Icon store. Meaning, of course, that she walked very smoothly. It pays to be exact, in Paragon City.

    Her arms were weighted by shopping bags, but this didn't ruffle her classy expression, and her short red hair was, as usual, perfect. People expected things of French women. French men might well be smelly, disheveled, romantic fellows, but French women were thought... known, to be sharp and unattainable.

    It wasn't a secret that she flew through other days as Tricolore, but she was still one among many heroes and her presence went mostly unnoticed, except as the kind of woman not to idly approach looking for dates.

    She walked by the City of Gyros and... hesitated. They did taste very good...
  11. Take Sam Vimes' advice. Clues can be damned confusing. You take a few words here and there about the sea and a wooden leg and a ballet shoe, and you might come up with the theory that we'll be fighting pirates performing Swan Lake underwater. With Sharks.
  12. I'd also swear that Kraken is smaller than he used to be...

    I first fought him with a level... 12? ANd he seemed absolutely massive.

    Adamastor is still as big as he always was though.
  13. I miss Paragon Dance Party. Sure, Pocket D is a massive impovement, but that had its little charm.

    But remember when Giant Monsters had levels? In the last few days before that came about we all went hunting around with our high levels to lay out the seriuos smackdown on Grey-ed Kraken, Babbage and the rest...
  14. A shadow crept across a rooftop. It moved silently, smoothly. Cats weren't this quick. The slim figure slipped down the wall, pitter pattering against the walls on its way down, and in the shadows, snuck through a doorway. The moonlight had seen less than the victims would tonight. All that might have suggested its presence were the small sharp notches in the walls... But this was the Rogue Isles. No one ever stopped to look.

    The assignment was simple, and so were her thoughts on the matter. Very little actually travelled through her mind in coherence or even at will. Here was a creature of instinct, and a deadly one.

    Quite unlike the men on the job tonight. Goldbrickers. Shiny brass buttons. Shiny jetpacks. Shiny, loud weapons. Little more than well equipped thugs, but presumably, they were also well paid thugs, and well paid thugs usually have something to show for it. They did handle the technology effectively. They wore goggles for the high winds, and earphones to help protect themselves against their own sonic weaponry.

    Neither were much use against her. She was blind, and yet inexplicably, she sensed. The prickle of hairs on one's neck, which for milennia had told humanity of natural danger behind them, told her everything. A tingle was a wave for her. It told her everything she needed to know. Two guards, their surprised faces still locked in death, bled quietly in the dark corner of a warehouse corridor.

    But they weren't the objective. She could feel it. Him. The voices, the strange sensation that there it was, ahead, up the stairs...

    Most of the guards weren't so savvy. They never heard their boss fall.

    And when it was done, and her claws were sheathed and she quietly pitter pattered her way out, she felt the completion that here was another job for her master done. Quickly, silently, efficiently... Perhaps not in Arachnos' usual methods, but style was, sometimes, a good thing to mark for respect.

    Shivaree waited in a corner for the clouds to cover the city, before melting into the shadows once more, as unnoticed as a gust of wind.

    ((I've been trying to write a good fanfic for a while, but I always get stumped, because often I'm trying to write origin stories, or something significant. So a friend told me one day just to do a quick, throwaway situation, just to get the creative juices flowing.

    So this is my Claws/Ninjitsu Stalker on Liberty, named Shivaree.

    Hope you enjoy it! Let me know what you think.))
  15. Jack_Daniels

    Your Opinion

    Not that long ago (I'm still young enough), I kept my gaming to just my time. With some guy friends at school, sure, but it wasn't a conversation topic with (most) girls.

    Then I went to college and found, wow, people who are proud of it and really don't care. It was a nice break. And then I got on CoH. And these forums. You guys are great. I mean, what better way to help your confidence as regards these hobbies as people who take very seriously a discussion about who would win between Batman and Captain America?

    Anyway, at this point in time, I'm quite proud of it as a hobby. I feel like gaming and comics are misunderstood, and shouldn't need justification. It's a common misconception that it's just for kids (something I still need to tell my parents) but it's just as much a hobby as anything else, and probably more fulfilling than looking up the latest news about celebrities.
  16. We'll miss you Cuppa! Come back and visit your clooones, because after you're gone we'll just be weird people with a prefix. With you around, we're cool by association.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Thanks all!

    So can I call myself an RP'er? Or is there some rite of passage? :P

    And yes... SoaP is going to kick.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    first you must hunt the great buffalo, then the great polar bear, then the great saltwater crocodile, and then the great hippo.
    then you must flee from the great Greenpeace Hippies.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    And then, and only then, you would discover that the path to being an RPer is one only in the mind. If you would see your character as truly a character, and play that character as it would live, then you have become an RPer.

    *nods sagely*
  18. Jack_Daniels

    "I got a rock"

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    So does anyone still have a rock?

    Will the rocks return someday?

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Several on several characters.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yea, what he said.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Likewise. *nods informatively*
  19. Back on, so I figure I should post my girl here.

    CHARACTER NAME: Kinetic Force (Carla Livelle)
    DORM ROOM/LOCATION: Unspecified dorm room
    STORYTELLER: Jack_Daniels
    THEME SONG: ... Nope. Sorry.

    SHORT DESCRIPTION: A young 20 year old mutant who rose from the ashes of the Rikti War and made her way into Paragon City. Her father was a formerly famous hero who went into hiding to raise his daughter quietly, and the Rikti war changed this with tragic results. It was during the war that her powers began to develop, and she arrived in Paragon City at the age of 18. Since then she's become quite famous as a mutant posterchild, showing people the good things about them.

    Her power is the ability to absorb, store and focus any kinetic energy from around her. Bullets, fists, anything can fall uselessly from impact from her as its kinetic energy during movement is absorbed into her. She can then redirect this energy into, say, her fists, and give her attacks much more force.

    Tall, slim Caucasian with dark red hair. Her eyes glow red as a side effect from the mutation. Carla has strong beliefs about the rightness of being a hero, and before enrolling as a student was able to be one full-time. Becoming a student has made both her life on and off duty difficult, as she has problems balancing the two, and feels responsible for those around her who get hurt by knowing her.

    PHOTO (URL): Lovely art from a friend
    More art, KF in standard hero costume

    CREY INDUSTRIES FILE (URL): http://www.creyindustries.com/viewhero.php?id=5110

    KNOWN ASSOCIATES (SG): Co-leader of "Cemetery Gates" Supergroup.
  20. Good luck to your brother Jack.

    And regardless of tone, we really appreciate any and all input that the devs post in here. And heck, you guys post a lot comparatively, so it's allll good in my book.
  21. He has indeeed. So has Taser, though he had a different forum name then.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    If this is the last post that WAS on page 16.. why are there 109 blank pages?


    [/ QUOTE ]

    ... Did you just do a Vahzilok on this thread?

    It was a shock to see Icarus_Factor's posts.
  23. Works that way for me. I slot what I can use whenever I get a nice drop, but generally it's all from the store. Especially considering that most of the possible enhancement drops (and so the drops you tend to actually get, though depending on which group you're fighting) aren't your origin.

    Most of the time, I sell. I don't consider it a bad part of the game, because it works, but it is a little less heroic than one might imagine. I don't think that justifies a change.