Pocket D Jubilee comments and feedback!
ah, as I just said in another thread on this subject, I'm really tired of facing down Snaptooth.
I understand why the event from last year was re-used, but It would be nice to see a new threat in the next event. enough of that annoying Red-cap!
I enjoyed the event because my main character has laurel and sandals. Yay!
I created a joke character espcially for the event, an Empathy/Archery defender, named Roman Love Deity. Now he has an outfit to match his name.
I loved it! It was a bit exhausting to have to do the same battle five times in a row (The DJ Zero Mission).
Five times you had to do that mission to get the prizes. Snaptooth appeared three times in that mission.
Fifteen Snaptooth fights.
I, personally, didn't mind, but I can see why people wouldn't like him.
He's a great antagonist, because he has no goals besides "be an jerk". It works out well, because he can unite heroes and villains constantly.
I like him, but it may be time to shake things up a bit.
Other than that, the missions ruled!
i am split about it... on one hand it is nice... on the other hand the whole you HAVE to team with a villain feels abit drab... I'm on the fence here... Winter event was better... And next year it would be nice to see a new event.
I tend to agree with Harbinger. Endlessly fighting Snaptooth in multiple events gets dull really quickly. Also having to do the event multiple times per character is also pretty annoying when you have multiple characters.
It was much nicer last year when you got something for just logging in and Snaptooth was new. This time it was dull and honestly annoying.
I didn't enjoy the recycled event. I already had everything they had to offer from the last years event. I got a new badge and a costume piece (yay?). Let's hope the next one isn't this bad. Also, since the login/mish badge were used again for this event, does this mean we will get scrooge/jet-setter for x-mas?
I'm afraid I have to give the event this year a less than stellar review. Not because it was significantly different than last year; it wasn't. It's because the participation was lower, no doubt BECAUSE it was substantially the same as last year.
That was a problem because the hero I wanted to grab a heart costume for, one that I designed specifically to use the heart costume, never got it. She was "gated" by a lack of any willing villains in Pocket D during the times that I had a chance to play her. My main hero got a couple of badges primarily because he still had a couple of snaptooth missions left over from last year.
Heart Throb, on Freedom (the highest pop server), was unable to get past her own co-op mission. She was never able to find a Scratch mission to help with. This was attempting it at a variety of times, and days over the course of a week or so. I was tempted to re-open one of my kids' currently retired accounts just to get it done, but in the end I couldn't justify spending $15 just to get a costume.
In the future, I'd respectfully ask that the devs avoid creating missions that require a particular kind of teammate in order to advance to the end of the story.
i am split about it... on one hand it is nice... on the other hand the whole you HAVE to team with a villain feels abit drab... I'm on the fence here... Winter event was better... And next year it would be nice to see a new event.
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Having to team with the opposite side was part of the charm for me. Personally, it provided great roleplaying opportunities to have to work with people that my character normally wouldn't like.
My villain verbally abused his hero partner out of bitterness for having to work with them.
My hero tried to understand her partner better, giving him a pep talk and such.
All in all, that was quite delightful! Besides, it was only for one mission.
I'm really hoping for something new for next year. I appreciate the work that went into it the first time around, but like others, I'm really tired of Snappy.
Also, as I have one of the V-Day missions active... AND it counts as a storyarc, AND it can't be dropped because it gives a badge I already have... how do I get rid of it?
The Defenders of Paragon
KGB Special Section 8
Well, my answer is in spawning two threads. (Why did I get a thread started before the redname?)
Did you enjoy it? Short answer, no, see inside for why, and since this is quite honestly *dead last* in my "enjoyed events" list, Suggestions for future events.
I am totally burned out on it because I have too many alts. (This is all my fault.)
I do not like the necessity to get a villain to do a hero's second mission and vice versa because many people take it then look for someone of the other faction to clear it. Then they find out they needed to be part of clearing the second mission for someone of the other faction. I think this is a problem for many people who do not know.
total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.
I only used the missions a few times - not necesarily because I couldn't find a villain to team with (which was the case ALL too many times) but because the costume options are limited by the legs and bodies chosen. While I have one character who really should have gotten all the badges and such, I didn't bother with half the rewards for her because she's got Monsterous legs.
I don't mind fighting Snaptooth - but I do mind not having the option to even get to him, unless there happens to be a person with a villain sitting around who ALSO wants to. Apparently, at least in Protector and a number of other servers, the heroes outnumber the villains by about 5 to 1. And once that 1 villain has done their missions there's no more opportunity for the rest of us with alts to get the prizes. That's pretty much unfair based solely on numbers.
I have a TOTAL of 3 active villains and I did this mission on only 1 of them. I have over 100 characters. 3 villains I care about or would break out during this event.
Maybe some datamining would be necessary to figure out the player balance issues here. That seems to have been the limiting factor for a lot of people in Pocket D.
"Looking for villain!"
"Looking for a bad guy, please!"
"Any villain not done their missions?"
Etc. It was actually kind of sad. Back a year ago, it was a little different because frankly the numbers weren't quite so skewed. But I suspect that this is an essential team-up problem. When I did do the team missions (all of maybe 5 times around all servers) I was seeing only 1 villain and lots of heroes.
Too many heroes, not enough villains.
Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!
I think the "required team member from the Other Side" was a mistake. A year ago, I had less characters, so I was easily able to do this will all of my toons. This year, the hero/villain team requirement slowed me down considerably. Let's just make a rule and say that you should be able to solo (within reason) an event that you have to run 5 times to get all of the goodies.
Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."

I like the event because I could group with villains. Wish it wasn't the same as last year but anything which brings both sides together , I like.
My biggest problem with the Valentine's Day event is that it came so shortly after the the Winter event. I didn't mind fighting Snaptooth last year during Valentine's Day. When he popped up again to cause more trouble during winter, I cracked my knuckles, chuckled to myself, and thought "I guess he just didn't learn his lesson last time". But when the Jubilee started up this year, all I could think about is how I'd have to defeat him 3 times in each mission, over 5 missions, in order to get all the goodies for a single character (excluding my main, who had most from last year's event). So I ran through the whole thing with my next-highest hero and villain, and left it at that.
Conversely, there's the experience of fighting off Eochai during the last Halloween event with a then-lowbie hero, and only just recently having fought him again in Croatoa with the same hero. I liked it because there'd been enough time between the two for the experience to feel relatively fresh again. I imagine that if I had to fight him multiple times with each character I have every couple of months, I'd eventually get burned out.
My suggestion is to come up with a different villain for either the Jubilee or the Winter event. That way, we'll only see said villain once a year and there will hopefully be enough time for the experience to not be so heavily ingrained in people's minds.
Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."
I'm glad we were able to get the laurel and sandals costume pieces. As others have said, it was a bit repetitive, in that you had to fight Snaptooth multiple times and the event was exactly the same as last year.
In general though, having themed events is really cool and keeps things fresh. Please keep it up.
I would give it a silver medal. Not gold, and better than bronze. The fact that my characters that I wanted togas for have them is nice. The fact that the laurels clip with Nylonus' signature visor, BAD .
I understand the use of Snaptooth as DJ Zero's foil, but seemed a bit too much after the Winter Event.
Sad thing is now we have to wait till October for the next event.
I just don't like this event -- it's the only one that I don't do. I'm tired of fighting Snaptooth -- Oy -- enough with the Snappish One KK! Also, I really don't like missions that require a team mate! If I can help it I usually avoid these missions. It just takes too long to find someone to team with. Some players (myself included) primarily solo missions and, to some of us, missions like these are a drag. Sure I team sometimes, but I hate forced teaming! The solution, make the missions soloable, but give a significant bonus of prestige, salvage or inf and maybe some awesome invention salvage if you do team in a co-op mission.
I got the badges and costume pieces on my two 50s and three other characters. That was about all I could stand of it. Last year it was fun. This year, not so much. I'd go so far as to say it was flat out drudgery.
I made a villain on Protector for the express purpose of helping some friends there get through the Ganymede/Scratch missions - and then deleted him.
I ran through it with my main, and otherwise left it alone.
It was a lot easier to offer a heroside mission on Triumph than it was to find a villainside one, too.
I have to agree with the complaints about this event. I did enjoy it a little bit (and I'm glad I got Darkonne the Heart of Light badge at last), so I don't want to sound all negative. But in the end, the logistics involved in it were, at least for me, way too much for me to fully enjoy.
First off, the fact that you NEED a hero/villain to open up the content at all is just terrible design. It instantly means you'll be spending as much time sitting around TRYING to do the holiday event as you will actually running the event. I like being able to team up with the other side, but REQUIRING a specific team up is a lot less fun. Moreover, you not only need your opposite for the first mission in the chain, it's also a 1 time per character thing. That was just asking for supply shortages, and that seems to be what happened. Not fun.
Second, the missions are just too damn tedious when you want to run them for more than 1 character. This was a problem with the Winter Event too, but it was greatly magnified here. This event not only required a new hero/villain team up for every character, but also added 4 extra missions to the list, and required you to fight Snaptooth 3 times in a row. Now, it's possible to team up with someone with the Snaptooth mission directly (if you don't mind skipping the Handsome Badge and Nectar), but that still leaves you looking for a specific group to join. So whereas I was simply happy to be done with my alts during the winter event, I was downright sick of this one. I never did get the Nectar with some of them.
Finally, this event is too close on the heels of the Halloween and Winter events. They all involve lots of mind-numbing repetitiveness, and this was just one too many. And I was someone who missed last years Jubilee, so it was all new to me.
So, my suggestions for the future:
1) If you simply must have *mandatory* hero/villain team ups, make sure that mission is at the END of the event chain, not the beginning. Also, make sure a given character can spawn the mission as often as needed, not just once.
2) Make most of the rewards either available on log in, or apply to all the characters on an account. Running the same event missions with various alts once would be fine, but 5 times each is way too much.
3) Space your events out better. Halloween is a natural fit for the game. If you're going to have a Winter Event too, that means you should probably retire (or greatly downscale) the Valentines Event and work on something else. The summer solstice, for example, would be a fine time for a big event.
That's my advice. Hope it helps.
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#161865 - Aeon's Nemesis
Granted, I kind of came to the event late specifically to get the laurel, toga, and sandals for a couple of my characters I thought would wear them well. I personally had a little trouble finding villians to hook up with to do the appropriate missions and usually ended up with someone much lower or much higher than me so the missions were often sans xp. Yes, we could have sidekicked or exemp'd but nearly everyone I teamed with complained, "I've been trying to get a partner for an hour. I don't care about the xp...let's just get it done." Or words to that effect.
And, yes, Snaptooth again was a little dull. Personally, I'd prefer facing a villian specifically created and appearing for this event....but maybe that's just me.
Attache @ deviantART
Attache's Anti-401k Art Collection
It was boring. Please do not bring back the exact same event next year. I ran through it with my 50 to get what I didn't last year then that was it.

"Sorry bucko, but CoH and CoV are the same game." -BackAlleyBrawler
"Silly villain, CoX is for Heroes!" -Saicho
Also having to do the event multiple times per character is also pretty annoying when you have multiple characters.
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You didn't have to do the event multiple times - you chose to do the event multiple times. Nobody forced you.
Open topic to discuss the Pocket D Jubilee that was hosted in pocket D from Feb.13 Mar. 4. If you experienced an event worth sharing and would like to send us your stories please email it to Lighthouse@ncsoft.com.
Give us your feedback and comments here.