Pocket D Jubilee comments and feedback!




There's a big difference between DOOOOOMMMMMM and politely explaining why you didn't like something when you were asked how you feel. No need to mix the two up. One is whining and/or ranting. The other is constructive criticism, particularly when you include thoughts about how to make things better.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Yeah, unfortunately, I have to join in on the dissent as well. My biggest complaint with these events has to be how repetitive they become. For Christmas, you had to save Baby New Year 4 times. For this event you had to defeat Snaptooth 5 times. It wouldn't be so bad if there were different tilesets or different villain groups or even some sort of story here. It's repetitive, because we're expected to do the exact same mission multiple times to get all the rewards. It's even worse when you have alts, which most people do, that want the rewards as well. I ran the Winter Event over a dozen times, and I know some that ran it significantly more than that. It really sucks the fun out of these events when it's the same missions over and over and over and over. At least the Valentine's event tried to give some reasoning behind this. There was none I could discern for why I had to keep rescuing that dumb baby.

I don't expect them to change these events from the ground up or even add to all of them to the degree they did with the Winter Event, but it really can't be asking too much for these events to have a little variety in them or to not require so much tediousness.

I think something also needs to be done so veterans of this game aren't cut out of so much of the event. I'm not really complaining about badges from previous years being available, but when there's so little that's new, those of us who have been here since release have barely anything to do in the event. For this one, all I had to do was defeat Snaptooth twice. Halloween was even worse.

So, I suppose the nominative thing here is: variety. Either have it so these events have some randomness to them or make is so we don't have to do the same mission several times.



not as fun as other events. snaptooth is old hat, and i was surprissed to see him again in this event. is variety no longer the spice of life?
it was ho-hum at best



I just don't like this event -- it's the only one that I don't do. I'm tired of fighting Snaptooth -- Oy -- enough with the Snappish One KK! Also, I really don't like missions that require a team mate! If I can help it I usually avoid these missions. It just takes too long to find someone to team with. Some players (myself included) primarily solo missions and, to some of us, missions like these are a drag. Sure I team sometimes, but I hate forced teaming! The solution, make the missions soloable, but give a significant bonus of prestige, salvage or inf and maybe some awesome invention salvage if you do team in a co-op mission.

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I don't like this year's V-Day event since it is the same as last year.

Thank you.



I think the big problem is we have all these events this time round within a very short space of time, it just feels like burnout to me.



Well let's see. Forced to have to get someone of the opposite faction to help you with the precursor mission was kinda lame. Well, forcing anything is lame.

CoTs for the villains? Friggin' CoTs? The CoTs suck. Nobody likes them, and most everybody goes out of their way to avoid them if they can. CoTs just have no place at all in an event that is supposed to be enjoyable. There's plenty of other mob types you could use. Hell, use the Igneous or the Luddites, or any other mob type rarely used in the game.



Linking say, Partygoer and the Hearts costume, would have helped a great deal with the repetitiveness of having to run Snaptooth, reducing the number of required runs from 3-5 down to 2-3.

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This is a damn good point.

Why couldn't the Toga have been tied to the Heart of Light/Darkness badge? And Partygoer tied to the Hearts costume? This was done for the Winter Event.

Very very good point and definitely something for the Devs to think about for next year and future events in general.

"A good Defender is the battle hardened Corpsman who will kill a Nazi with a tongue depressor while putting a splint on your leg, then hand you a fresh clip of ammo." ~Jock_Thompson
Repeat Offenders, TNT Profile, My little hero



I think maybe the idea was to have five rewards, so that people doing the mission five times to get Tooth Breaker(Defeat Snaptooth Five Times) would have some reward for each mission.

I don't think it was a *good* idea, but that may be what it was.

Sam Steele
Pressure Wave
Rhiannon Bel
Syd Mallorn

Jotunheim Skald
Saer Maen
Jen Corbae
Venator Arawn
Taiga Dryad



I think maybe the idea was to have five rewards, so that people doing the mission five times to get Tooth Breaker(Defeat Snaptooth Five Times) would have some reward for each mission.

I don't think it was a *good* idea, but that may be what it was.

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But there were only four rewards for the Winter mission and last year, there was only one reward for the Valentine's mission. As long as it's repeatable, badgers will run it. They did it last year during this event.

It's weird for them to change after that.

"A good Defender is the battle hardened Corpsman who will kill a Nazi with a tongue depressor while putting a splint on your leg, then hand you a fresh clip of ammo." ~Jock_Thompson
Repeat Offenders, TNT Profile, My little hero



I enjoyed it - It was my first Valentines on CoX

With your player base growing or continuing to grow i really recommend doing this event again and also adding stuff for the people who have done it in the past to gain something new.

It was fun playing with friends who had villans on the same server as my heroes

It was cool getting badges on my heroes that aren't available all the time.

The Tongues on the Hordelings cracked me up. It was my first time encountering them.

The Toga costume I love, the hair style and shoes are fun too

The heart's costume isn't my personal preference but it was fun seeing Doug the Troll (funnest rp'er to encounter EVAR!) in Pocket D on justice server wearing it.

I got all my badges on my main the first day that this event was out on the live servers, so i got to help friends and enjoy getting costumes here and there with my other alts.

This is a bug, nothing more. Please put away the tin-foil hats, there's nothing sinister going on here.-Protea





Speaking of the "Hearts Costume", I may be in the minority here, but I find the Male pattern vastly superior to the Female pattern- any chance I'll ever get to use it on my female characters? And hopefully without having to kill Snaptooth again next year? (Also, why isn't the Female version availible as a "Tops with Skin" option?)

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Quoting this because this is one of the reasons I avoided this event this time around- the female version was WEAK to the male version.

Also, I think this was a re-do because people were expecting an event this year- but hot off the heals of the winter event, which was new and exciting, to face Snaptooth again was just too much.

Thanx for asking for the feedback. This event would get the bronze- Winter gets the Gold (cause of the chalet), Holloween coming in a close second for the giant monsters and the craziness of the event.

Also, a "temp non-power" bow and arrow ala' the snowball would be freakin'sweet- Shoot someone with an arrow and little hearts float up around their head for a few seconds would be neato. You could use the animation of the temp bow and arrow you get from the Croatoa arc.

"I'm not scared of anyone or anything Angie. Isn't that the way life should be?"
Jack Hawksmoor, The Authority.



It was kind of boring to have the same old Snaptooth mission again. I especially hate the ambush waves on that one.

Character index



If this event gets recycled again, might I suggest that different maps get used rather than the same bit of Nerva?

Would fit in with Zero's claim that Snaptooth is shutting down his portals all over the place.

And the female version of the hearts costume is seriously icky - almost as bad as the original 'Excess'.

#2409 - The Mystery of the MAGI vaults. Azuria has contacted you to help her stop the thefts from the MAGI vaults.
#68054 - Out of the gutters. Left for dead, you swore that you were through with being a victim (alt villain beginning story)



Didn't enjoy it this year - only did it enough for the badges on my badger, and on one other character that needed the costume options. After that, I was done.

1. Get rid of the defeat all on the Hero Side. No love for that.

2. Oranbega. Gods, why?

3. Could we get different maps, please?

4. Snaptooth *again*?

Currently playing:
The Domestic: Broom/WP
Shadowhex: Dark Control/Dark Affinity
Defenestration Lass: Grav/Kin

"See, this is what happens when you have to shove all this stuff into your pockets: it's easy to misplace a suborbital warhead." -Arcanaville, on how crowded our power trays are getting lately



Open topic to discuss the Pocket D Jubilee that was hosted in pocket D from Feb.13 – Mar. 4. If you experienced an event worth sharing and would like to send us your stories please email it to Lighthouse@ncsoft.com.

Give us your feedback and comments here.

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Get rid of Snaptooth or relegate him to an inferior position. I find it implausible that he's able to counter DJ Zero.

Perhaps introduce someone as Snap's boss?

At the same time, give the good DJ some life. Have him out walking around the place, chatting with folks, floating up higher cranking out some tunes on a VR DJ rig (looks a lot like the inventions cube in terms of wireframe).

The idea of Pocket D is nice, but it needs more life.

I also want to add that I only bothered to get the badges and costume parts on the characters they made sense for.


Cryptic needs to grasp that folks like to play alts... lots of alts. So why in Atlas Park's manicured green lawns are the events MADE FOR SINGLE CHARACTERS rather than account based? Event mission design is based on people having just a couple of characters. The fact that people have lots of alts is completely ignored.

Hell, bringing back the Chalet would have been a better Valentine's Day event than the crap we had. Snaptooth is old and worn out.

Lastly, something needs to be done about the Red Caps. They were made excessively powerful for the powerlevels of I3 & I4. We all got reduced but the Red Caps never did. As a result, even AFTER tank level resistances (ED Slotted), you are going down in a matter of a few seconds, even on solo play.

Virtue: multiple characters.

CoH/V: Woot! Maybe Fun is to be had once again.

Ack! RUN! Regen is glowing mean & green!

If it reduces you, it's a nerf.
If it buffs the mobs, it's challenge.
They are not the same.



Add me to the disappointed list.

- As said above, once the first week is past, it's very hard to find someone willing to team from villains side. Suggestion, allows something to work one temporarily to respec as the closest AT opposite side, out of love if you want some justification. So even two heroes can manage to finish the first part if needed.

-Snappy!!!. Boy, he's being tiresome. Not only we saw him before, but I'm still scratching my head as to what connexion does he have with all this. Makes us fight Tibald or Mercutio, at least those should be funnier.




I had fun with it, I always enjoy teaming up with the other side. I had an especially fun group with 2 Doms and 3 Controllers. Nothing was moving, nothing.

That said, if you are going to have Villain/Hero teaming it would be really helpful if we could find each other without yelling over broadcast.

I loved the sandals/hair reward, I've been envious of those costume pieces for a while. The 'hearts' costume was a bit too silly for my taste.

The only real drawback, for me, was the repetition of the event. I don't mind repeatable events but I'd prefer you would spice them up a bit. For example, I loved the Halloween event there were so many alts that I had that wanted the costume pieces, my main wanted the ghost touched badge, and it seemed like there was a lot going on in terms of teaming and GM Hunting. The Valentine's day event, felt less dynamic even though both were repeated. Perhaps an instanced Zone where Villains/Heroes would team up to go fight something GMish (more than one team perhaps?).

One last thought, I would love to see the Winter chalet again. Even if only for the treat of being able to ski.

Thank you for coming to us to ask our opinions, it's appreciated.



Whoa..After reading all this, here's my two inf..
For starters, ENOUGH with snaptooth! I can understand keeping him around for the winter event- there he actually fit in, and since he only had the EB form, instead of going from lieutenant to boss to EB, you only had to kill him once, and no huge, overpowered aggro spawns.
For next year's V-day event, get a new boss.

Also, don't make forced cross-faction teaming. It's fun playing with the other side, but damned annoying when there's nobody of the required faction to play with. I had to make a throwaway villain to help a friend do his missions, then he had to make a throwaway to help me out. Huge pain in the butt there, and people who couldn't find a villain to play with got hosed.

I would have liked it ALOT better if we got the toga and heart of light badges for logging in, like last year. That would have cut down on the grind-fest.

The halloween event was great, going around door to door and collecting salvage, which could be traded with others, and stored up and saved for future alts. The trick or treating, combined with themed giant monsters roaming around, and eochai's pumpkins that appeared wherever he was really added to the ambience of the event.

The winter event had those presents and snowbeasts around outside of pocket D, and inside there was that sweet chalet which was alot of fun to play with. That, and it was ALOT easier to quickly run the missions if you wanted the goodies for several alts. Inside and outside of pocket D, it felt like a winter event. There were also those fun powers, including the ability to give somebody a present.

For V-day? Meh. I only ground the missions to get the costume pieces, and even that was a pain, due to forced cross faction teaming, and other aforementioned issues. Next year, offer salvage that can be traded for costume parts, global costume unlocks after a certain amount of mission completions on an account, and for the love of Isis, another mission boss besides snaptooth and his groupies.
Also, maybe do something outside of pocket D, to add to the holiday feel of the event- being able to give valentines to other players, stuff like that.

A (Golden Gate) Bridge Too Far- arc 299315
Crazy NIMBY's, Railroad robber barons, and kickboxing Engineers, Oh My! Go back in time and join the fight to save a San Francisco icon!



Just to add a suggestion...maybe it would be cooler if these holiday events seemed to have a little more to do with the holidays themselves? One of the reasons the Halloween and Winter events are a little more fun is that they're firmly rooted in the holidays.

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What could be more firmly rooted in the tradition of Valentines day than the desperate search for someone to "team" with and the resulting frustration and depression of failing to do so?

Sorry... couldn't resist.

On a more serious note, I think the only really bad move here was requiring each side to complete the other side's mission in addition to their own. Once done, you can't help anyone else. This was mentioned elsewhere in the thread as the "supply shortage" problem and I just wanted to echo it.

If you absolutely must do away with cross-teaming to appease the folks who insist on "soloing" Valentine's Day (*snicker* okay.. last time, I promise!) then at least put in incentives to cross-team. The dimension drops are one, but it might be nice to have others.

I'd still like to see at least one badge or reward *require* cross-teaming, but it shouldn't stand in the way of earning all the other rewards the way it does now.

Villains: Annie Alias, Dr. Amperical, Shade Golem, Knight Marksman
Heroes: The Clockwork Mime, Soccerpunch, The Fissioneer, Samurai Houston, Oversteer

Join The X-Patriots on Virtue!



I thought it a majorly flawed event and here's why:

There is a serious disparity in the number of heroes vs. the number of villains. If you had a stable of heroes you wanted to get these badges/parts on then you needed to be prepared, depending on server, to stand in what was essentially a line as the few vilaains playing slowly cycled through the HEAP of heroes needing a villain to run a missions.

Conversley, as a villain, you had your choice of heroes to accompany you.

So it was a bit maddening, and saw me give up pretty quick trying to run a lot of my Triumph and Guardian heroes through it - just wasn't worth the wait for the smattering of villains.

When you base an event on two different player bases, you sort of need them to be relatively equal.



Soooooooooooooo sick of Snaptooth. And endless multiple runs of the same missions.

Here are my problems with this year's event. First, Snaptooth. I never saw any connection between Red Caps and St. Valentine's Day, and after the Winter Event he looks even more like Generic Villain That You Are Sick Of Looking At.

Second, doing the same missions over and over. I realize this saves on dev time, since they don't have to design unique missions for each reward, but to be honest I'd rather have fewer rewards than have to do some of those missions one... more... time.

Third, the farming was next to impossible. It took forever for my alts to get Coldblooded, and I didn't get Weed Whacker on a single toon. Why? Because they not only required villains, but villains of at least a certain level. Weed Whacker teams were rare and always full.

Fourth, no funsies. No trick or treat inspirations, no snowballs, no chalet, no gifts, no fun! There was nothing about the event that was whimsical or romantic or anything that fit the holiday at all. It was just, "Wow, I sure am glad I'm finished grinding those Winter Event missions. So what's next? Oh. Joy. More grinding."

"Home is where, when you have to go there, they have to let you in."



It may have been OK if the maps used were not some of the most hated. I mean, come on, the multi pool council map, oranbega, and arachnos base? Jeez Louise! I tried running it with my son, he has a 31 stone/kin 'troller, I have a 34 ss/stone brute. Lovely combo until he died and I could not give him an awaken. I could not pass enhancements that he could use and vice versa. Once we had to search all over the place for a runner, in the FIRST mission, we both said "this is pointless".

In the future, if you are going to force teaming, do not have restrictions on the team. Trying to pass an awaken, it says that I cannot give things to an enemy... What the Heck???? I thought it was my teammate /e boggle.

I did it on my 50 since he needed one mission to complete the set from last year.

Other than that, a big BOOOOO!!!!

It's the exact same event from last year. Last year it was fresh because it was new. The concept was new, and now it is just tired. Not only was it tired, but it was specifically No Fun!

"Sorry bucko, but CoH and CoV are the same game." -BackAlleyBrawler
"Silly villain, CoX is for Heroes!" -Saicho



<Copied from the Suggestions Forum>


- Costumes. C'mon - account wide.

- Costumes - if they're not account wide, do what was done last halloween. I could get on a good team and *stay* on that good team, whether friends, SG, or a PUG, talking, laughing, getting salvage and trading for as much as I needed. None of this "Well, I have it on this character now, I have to log and - can we SK a level 5? Wait, you're going too, what level... did I get this last year?" stuff.

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Please. Too many of the costumes granted would be great for concept characters, but are pretty much worthless on a pre-built toon, unless you make the concept toon, run the missions and change the costume instantly.


- In-zone stuff. For christmas,it was obvious we had presents. Halloween, Jack and Eochai. Valentines' is tougher, true, but why isn't, say, Cupid hiding and making people find him? Then shooting someone at random giving them a "valentine" on his way to the next hiding spot? In zone stuff is visible, it had people excited (or at least wondering what was up,) and got people involved.

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I could take or leave this one. Halloween stuff was fun, but Christmas just got annoying after awhile, running around trying to click on a ton of presents for the badge.

- New areas. OK, not needed, and theyr'e a treat, but hard to do (and take up a lot of time.) Still, the ski slope was fun.

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Another one I could take or leave. I'd rather time and effort was spent on the other parts of the events than this. The Ski-Slope was pretty cool though.

- Badges. OK, I like "I was there" stuff - I see them as marking what a character has done. One at login, and others that can be done as part of the mission for those who want to collect - they'll be running the missions to farm them anyway if they're obsessed with badges. The login badge is another "reminder" that "Hey, we hve something going on!"

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I love my badges, but I got tired during Christmas of running the same mission over and over for the different badges. Can we at least change the missions?

- Give snaptooth a year or ten off. I'm so sick of seeing him now...

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/signed. A million times, /signed. Snaptooth is just annoying now. It was interesting last V-Day, odd that he'd be back for Baby New Year, and now just annoying.

- Encourage cross-side teaming in PD, but don't force it. People will want to do so anyway when they find out they can. And when it's possible... let the sides trade inspirations (only.) Having two villains and six heroes on the team - no empaths, nobody who can rez, and having all the respites in the hands of the heroes when a villain falls is annoying.

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Also agreed. Options are nice, being forced is bad. (See the Christmas event. At no point did you HAVE to have an opposite member on the team)

I'm also going to harp on the missions. After the first or second run through, it just became a formula. Run in, beat LT Snappy, run away, deal with spawns, come back, deal with Boss Snappy, run away, deal with spawns, come back, deal with EB Snappy.

Can we please have the mission change as we go through? Heck, even if Snappy had spawned somewhere different each time, it would have helped (although then it would have been stand by the portal, beat LT snappy, etc...)

Repeated Missions != FUN.



I’ll echo a few sentiments here, but since you asked…

I only completed this event with one alt. I had just ran through the Winter Event with most of them and wasn’t keen on taking on Snappy again, how ever many times it would take to get all the rewards.

It really was exactly the same as last year, and I did it last year a lot.

It really suffered in comparison to the Winter Event. The Winter Event had a really cool new zone to play in (the Chalet) while this Event was still in Pocket D. The Winter Event had repetitive missions, but only four, this Event had four (two hero and two villain) then up to five exactly the same (the actual Snappy missions). The Winter Event was basically soloable, here you had to have a opposing player as a team mate to get to the rewards missions. You could team with a villain, but it wasn’t required like this Event.

It would also go a long way toward making the Event more fun if you could repeat the earlier missions as often as you wanted to. My two villains would be more than willing to run them over and over again to help out a hero (or group of heroes) but it was not possible.

So, while this Event was kind of a ‘meh’ to me, I still play (and love) CoH/V and haven’t missed a weekly session yet!

Nin-Jak level 50! (Kat/Regen Scrapper)

Hank Venture:
"*sigh* Why must you be the screen door on my submarine Brock?"