17 -
Quote:I will be on Virtue with Ninjak (my very first build in my very first MMO) somewhere near Ms. Liberty in Atlas Park.My first character started in Galaxy City, back when the Arena was just a big hole in the middle of the map that no bad guys would ever enter and my pc didn't have A) The memory to run the game for more than 5 minutes and 2) A graphics card that could run the game at any level of quality. I'll be there, in the shard version from Ourobourous, where Back Alley Brawler used to stand.
I have taken a few hours and move all my heroes (close to 75) to the same spot on in Atlas Park, on the steps in front of Ms. Liberty where they came in to the world. All my villains (close to 50) are standing next to Lord Recluse in Grandville. I figure if anyone has figured a way to survive the end of the world its one of those two! -
I will also be on Virtue with Ninjak (my very first build in my very first MMO) somewhere near Ms. Liberty in Atlas Park.
I have taken a few hours and move all my heroes (close to 75) to the same spot on in Atlas Park, on the steps in front of Ms. Liberty where they came in to the world. All my villains (close to 50) are standing next to Lord Recluse in Grandville. I figure if anyone has figured a way to survive the end of the world its one of those two! -
Whoa, I just noticed my join date is December 2004!
There is no other game on the market that handles teaming as well as this one does. Whether it be just you and a friend or a whole team the auto-sidekick system is awesome! And the fact that any eight players can for an effective team regardless of their builds is good too. In the old day there was no team more powerful than eight Controllers in the high 20s.
Pick up groups are also huge fun. Not just for the above reasons but because 95% of the time they really worked out well. I stayed up much later than I planned more often than I care to admit just because I got on a team that was blowing through levels like Kleenex!
This is the first MMO that I ever played and every game from now on will be measured against it. -
Quote:Sorry, Im having trouble with something. You met him in January, and he was just starting. And now in the first part of March he leaves the game and sends you 999,999,999 INF?Back in January I came across a toon called True Blood wandering around Atlas park rather forlornly, he asked me a couple of questions and seeing as he was completely new to Paragon city I took a couple of hours to show him around, explain how everything works and gave him some influence to get him started and off I went. I thought no more of it until yesterday morning when I checked my in-game email and was gobsmacked to see an email from him saying goodbye as his ATI powered computer didn't like CoX and so he wasn't going to renew his sub. He had attached 999,999,999 influence! So if any of you know @true blood in real life please tell him @virtue says thankies.
Have any of you had anything like this happen to you?
Am I the only one wondering how he made that much INF in 2.5 months? -
Quote:Thats kind of where I am too. Its a week from tomorrow! I figured the pre-loads would start about now. I was under the impression that i18 was still aways off yet.Going Rogue is almost here! Going Rogue is almost here! Hooray!
Of course I dont usually play the week of any update or expansion. I let the first patch hit then Ill log back in. -
I took an elec/elec blaster to level 25(ish) without training him. Every time I logged in I would start with him and fight a dozen or so mobs (street sweeping) then switch to another character. I didnt use contacts so I didnt need to go to a hazard zones.
It took me about three years. I might still have him around somewhere. I dont remember ever training him. -
When I can get a big team together I love my defenders. Not the pure healers only, but my FF and Sonic as well. I love the moment when the team realizes how Ive been able to keep them alive without being an Empath.
Quote:You were dead on Blast. Here's his email back to me:Did he use a program like Driver Sweeper (http://www.guru3d.com/category/driversweeper/) when updating the video drivers? Using it after uninstalling the drivers can help as it will clean out leftover bits. Helps keep any old driver components from interfering with the new ones.
HOLY CRAP!!! I found the problem. Looks like there was a remnant of the old video card driver f-ing things up. Not only is the game running now, nut my video card qualifies for Ultra mode. Thanks for you help <confidential>. Now if you send me the invite a friend back stuff I can get you some free game time.
Thanks for the input - we have another player! -
Im going to jump on this thread. My buddy is having the same error message when he tries to load CoH. Im going to include his first email to me and once he forwards the CoH helper data to me Ill post it as well.
Ive had him update his video and mother board drivers and hes still getting the same error.
His email to me:
Not sure what I can send here is what I get.
I have a MSI N250GTS Nvidia card with the Geforce 250 GTS chip and 1024 Mb DDR3 memory. That is the only change in my system since I last played.
I start the game and get
Error message #1
Your card or driver doesn't support ARB_multitexture
hit OK
Error message #2
Your card or driver doesn't support ARB_texture_compression
Hit ok
Then I get a message about my detected video card or driver is not currently supported.
If I select yes, the program crashes.
I went to Nvidias website and got the latest driver. I followed your link and set everything as shown both high and low end still no good.
Ill take any help I can.
Thanks! -
Oh yes, I'm Guilty of that on another server!
And I know about FoTM, i was just saying that it was a good group - even if we had no originality! -
I have to say, I am guilty of creating a new character this weekend and it was a Demon Summoner. I was tooling around Port Oaks having just got to level eight when a blind invite popped up. Normally I refuse blind invites on principal, but it was really early on a Sunday morning and I was bored with soloing.
I accepted the invite and the leader was able to put together a full team of eight in about two minutes (that was very impressive considering the day and time). The funny part was, six of the eight were DS MMs (the other two were Spiders). When we all met at the first mission I had to laugh because everyone was in a black and red color scheme and most of us had demon wings!
We started the mission and promptly emptied out several levels of old Dantes inferno! We proceeded to pretty much destroy mission after mission with only the minimum of deaths (usually because the soon-to-be-victim went left and the rest of the team went right). But very quickly we got in a rhythm and the enemies never stood a chance.
The really fun part is every time one of the group had to leave the replacement was another DS MM! It didnt matter, we were having fun and leveling like crazy. I ended up having to quit to run some errands but I had made it to level 16 in about two hours.
Just saying it was really fun to play again on a large PUG and Ill be really upset when they nerf DS! -
Blacksmith: Hello, Some Guy. Why, yes, I do have a quest for you. I lost a shipment of special ore. See, it's special for some obscure reason that I don't think you care about.
Me: OK, gotcha. You lost a shipment of ore. I suppose thieves stole it and you want me to go kill them and get your ore back?
Blacksmith: Thieves? Oh, no! The caravan tipped over into the river and frogs ate my ore. You should go out by the river and start killing giant frogs. Some of them should have my ore.
Me: Say what now?!?
Blacksmith: I'm missing about 20 pieces of ore. Well, come on. Chop, chop! Those frogs won't kill themselves.
[/ QUOTE ]
Please make Sam an NPC and make some portion of this his quest. Trolls can be frogs and thieves! It'll be great!
[/ QUOTE ]
No joke! That was an actual mission. The blacksmith had lost a shipment of ore and frogs had eaten it, so I was supposed to kill frogs until I got 20 drops of ore.
Yeah, sure, the dialogue was all mine, but the mission is as-is
[/ QUOTE ]
Had that mission as well. Asked around if it was bugged and was told are you sure you are in the right swamp? For me that game was fun for a couple weeks and then the sameness was unbearable. "We don't want to actually show you where your missions are so you can enjoy looking at the country side" got really, really old.
[/ QUOTE ]
Half the reason I stopped playing that MMO was the lack of direction.
Kill the pig east of location X. ok, I trundle to location X and start walking east until Im sure I must have missed it and head back and check the area as closely as I can wasting about two hours. Then a buddy in game tells me its so far east that its almost to the zone border. Not to mention that its surrounded my Mobs way too high level for me to currently deal with.
The other half was fishing. I am not spend time throwing a line in a lake to increase my fishing level so I can buy better lures to take up space in my pack. Then I get a quest to recover a certain number of scales from a certain fish in a certain lake. Since I hadnt wasted sufficient time fishing up until then the lake (yes, THE LAKE) was too high level for me to even cast my line into.
/dashes back to CoH/V
Ah, level specific zones that give me a chance to fight anything and complete missions with out useless time sinks.
(BTW, that same friend once told me that I could go diving and some of the monsters in that same lake had the scales I needed but by then it was way too late)
To be honest the reason I stay with COH is that the other games are too hard. Dont laugh. I tried one fantasy game and I couldnt figure out how to slot skills and powers and what ever else they had. I mean how hard is it to decide Fly will go faster with three slots then one slot. Then what do I put in that Fly slot, either a Fly SO or an End SO. Nice and simple.
[/ QUOTE ]
A friend tried to get me into a certain Sci-Fi based MMO (rhymes with Steve).
I literally got lost in the tutorial.
/dash back to CoH/V
Ah, nice yellow and red arrows on the maps
Ill echo a few sentiments here, but since you asked
I only completed this event with one alt. I had just ran through the Winter Event with most of them and wasnt keen on taking on Snappy again, how ever many times it would take to get all the rewards.
It really was exactly the same as last year, and I did it last year a lot.
It really suffered in comparison to the Winter Event. The Winter Event had a really cool new zone to play in (the Chalet) while this Event was still in Pocket D. The Winter Event had repetitive missions, but only four, this Event had four (two hero and two villain) then up to five exactly the same (the actual Snappy missions). The Winter Event was basically soloable, here you had to have a opposing player as a team mate to get to the rewards missions. You could team with a villain, but it wasnt required like this Event.
It would also go a long way toward making the Event more fun if you could repeat the earlier missions as often as you wanted to. My two villains would be more than willing to run them over and over again to help out a hero (or group of heroes) but it was not possible.
So, while this Event was kind of a meh to me, I still play (and love) CoH/V and havent missed a weekly session yet! -
I was trying to figure out where he was standing but couldn't make much sense of it. It sorta looks like IP, but I just can't tell. I also wish that shot was zoomed out just a bit so we could see if there is a ring around States' feet.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah, looks sort of like IP to me. You can see the edge of a bridge on the left. I wonder if that's where they're putting his TF. Seems sort of odd that that would be the location.
[/ QUOTE ]
True, it does seem kind of odd that you would put it in Independence Port to get to the Rouge Isles .
[/ QUOTE ]
I mean odd in terms of making level 50s go to a level 30 zone to get their TF. It'd be a little annoying to have the TF in one place and a lot of the high level characters 2 zones away. Peregrine Island seems equally viable for taking a boat to Rogue Isles.
[/ QUOTE ]
Well, dont they currently make level 50s go to Atlas Park to enter the new PVP zone? Its not really much of a stretch.