65 -
If the devs want to make even a partial effort to be genuine to the spirit of what the veteran reward system is intended to be there for they need to bite the bullet and side with the veterans.
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I'm sure you wouldn't be saying that if you were back at the bottom rung of the VRs, instead of sitting on top of that mountain of VRs you have now.
"The grass is always greener on the other side of the meadow" -
Violent Flatulence
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Tier 9, Explosive Diarrhea! -
I still think that Ghost Widow cosplayer looked like a dude...
BTW Ex, your next mission is sneak into the offices of War Witch and Ghost Widow
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I'm pretty sure the GW cosplayer WAS a dude.
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Well that just makes Castle having an autographed picture of "him" all the more creepier
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And why on earth would a guy dress up as Ghost Widow?! That's just...not right.
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Why not?
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Well, would you dress up as Statesman or Manticore? -
I still think that Ghost Widow cosplayer looked like a dude...
BTW Ex, your next mission is sneak into the offices of War Witch and Ghost Widow
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I'm pretty sure the GW cosplayer WAS a dude.
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Well that just makes Castle having an autographed picture of "him" all the more creepier
And why on earth would a guy dress up as Ghost Widow?! That's just...not right. -
I still think that Ghost Widow cosplayer looked like a dude...
BTW Ex, your next mission is sneak into the offices of War Witch and Ghost Widow -
Now, back to the design grind... anyone know a good way to pick a handcuff with a mechanical pencil, a Hero Clix, and a poker chip?
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Which Clix is it?
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Statesman of course. Those things are a dime a dozen. -
As for the testimonials - there were something like 80-100 to read over!
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If you think that's bad, just wait til you do the Circle of Thorns -
If i'm not mistaken, Eden/Sewer were moved to TF's instead of Trials. So you will get the TF drops not Trial drops.
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Got a lv40 Trap of the Hunter: Chance for Lethal when I did the Sewer Trial tonight. So whatever drop pool that's in, there ya go. -
Agreed with both of them.
BTW, Tundara, if you're on Freedom, I'd be willing to try and organize a Sewer Trial with ya. -
Yeah I miss the RED invasion messages. The GREEN ones are easily missed as they blend in with almost all other generic messages.
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Yeah me too. It gave you a sense of urgency, which added to the imersion. That's gone now. Putting it in System was a bad idea. Too easily missed and that sense of urgency has been neutered. -
I'd just like to point out that the random toggle dropping while zoning(in or out of a mission, between zones, etc) is still happening.
I also hate the change to the Invasion Alerts. Being in System, they're just too easy to miss. Unless you're just standing there, doing nothing at all to trigger any other System messages. Otherwise it gets lost in all the "You have defeated..." messages, etc.
Liked it the way it was before. And I second hijacking the Friends channel and using it. No one uses it anyway! -
It's still showing special treatment to them. You're right, name purging is a nessecary evil. But at the same time, how is it right for names to still be taken up by accounts that have been inactive for a year, two years, since CoH launch? Compared to all the other MMOs and their inactive account policies out there, inactive accounts here are practically pampered to.
... yet you want to affect paying customers too.
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If they're camping names, damn right.
How do *you* know why I have level 1-6 characters? Some are RP (level doesn't really matter to your typing,) some are concepts I want to try, but am working on other characters, some are spur of the moment. But they're *mine,* and I'm paying for them, so tough.
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I said "for the sole purpose of camping names". In your example you're actually playing. Name campers are not. -
There are a LOT of names being "camped" by inactive accounts on characters under level 5.
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And how many names are being "camped" by active accounts? Freeing up names on inactive accounts is fine and all, but it doesn't solve the problem of name "camping" entirely. It's totally absurd for someone to make a bunch of lv1's for the sole purpose of reserving a name that they may never even use. This policy should cover both inactive and active accounts.
It's also equally absurd for characters above level 6 on inactive accounts that have been that way for a year or longer to be safe from this. If a player has been gone that long, odds are they are not coming back. I used to play FFXI, and if I remember right their policy was that if your account went inactive for 90 days, your account, and characters, get purged. Atleast with Co* the account and characters are still there. Now I'm not saying you guys should get that harsh, but you guys are gonna have to get tougher about it. Because you're favoring long gone customers that may never come back, over your current paying ones. And that just isn't right. -
Also, has anyone been experiencing all their toggles dropping while zoning? Was just on for a few before the server shutdown, and half the time all my tanker's toggles(SJ and Defense) kept dropping while zoning.
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No one else is experiencing this problem? -
Can we get one of Vanguard for the win? I named my new laptop after them! <_<
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Yeah, a Vanguard one would be sweet. -
We had an issue with that mission too. Loaded into it, rounded the first corner and started fighting the first group of mobs, and the mission suddenly failed barely 5 minutes into it :/
Also, has anyone been experiencing all their toggles dropping while zoning? Was just on for a few before the server shutdown, and half the time all my tanker's toggles(SJ and Defense) kept dropping while zoning. -
Got my own bug to report. Rikti Conscripts are apparently not giving XP in RWZ missions. Did several missions with some friends last night, mixed team(1 tanker, 1 brute, 1 corr), and every Conscript beaten wasn't giving a reward. Just a "You have defeated Conscript" in the log. No XP, and no Influence/Infamy or Prestige. Absolutely nothing. I assume this is a bug, because I see no reason why a particular type of Rikti would give no rewards.
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Working as intended--and as it has been for quite a while. Mobs generated by a portal or summoned by another NPC, (Ritki portals, CoT portals, BP Death Shaman) don't give XP; the portal or summoning NPC gives XP instead. (I've been told that this is to prevent 'portal farming', but since it was introduced before I started playing, I don't know firsthand.)
Now, if you're defeating Ritki Conscripts that were *not* summoned via portal and they didn't give XP, that would be a bug. But IME, those Conscripts *do* give XP, whereas the ones summoned through a portal do not.
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It was just the Conscripts though. Everything else that came out of the portals gave rewards. Which is why we thought it was pretty odd. -
Got my own bug to report. Rikti Conscripts are apparently not giving XP in RWZ missions. Did several missions with some friends last night, mixed team(1 tanker, 1 brute, 1 corr), and every Conscript beaten wasn't giving a reward. Just a "You have defeated Conscript" in the log. No XP, and no Influence/Infamy or Prestige. Absolutely nothing. I assume this is a bug, because I see no reason why a particular type of Rikti would give no rewards.
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Be sure that the Conscripts aren't Comm Officer portal spawns, as they are not supposed to give out XP and Conscripts and Rikti Monkeys make up a large part of portal spawns in my experiences.
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Hmm, that very well could be the case. However, I fail to see the logic behind that. They don't infinitely spawn from the portals like those CoT Behemoths do that they nerfed. -
Got my own bug to report. Rikti Conscripts are apparently not giving XP in RWZ missions. Did several missions with some friends last night, mixed team(1 tanker, 1 brute, 1 corr), and every Conscript beaten wasn't giving a reward. Just a "You have defeated Conscript" in the log. No XP, and no Influence/Infamy or Prestige. Absolutely nothing. I assume this is a bug, because I see no reason why a particular type of Rikti would give no rewards.
When fighting Rikti in an invasion cycle, the bound key ... targets an area, displays the target name say, 'rikti monkey', but the crittter isn't there. At least not yet. It seems to anticipate where the Rikti will be, and ignores Rikti that are already on the ground.
The normal Tab targeting thing works as it always has.
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Actually, my TAB key does the same thing your target key does. It's probably lag-related.
Actually, it's kind of nice to have the mobs suffer getting pounded while zoning in for a change.
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Actually the reason for that is that the Rikti spawn in around you invisible, then a few seconds later they appear with the porting in effect and can be attacked. -
Why was this unstickied?
EDIT: And now it's stickied. What the hell, it wasn't a minute ago... -
I'd like to mention that these powersets are NOT for Issue 10, as we are nearly locked down on that issue already.
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That's rather disappointing. Tankers and Scrappers are absolutely starving for new powersets. How about the in the meantime you guys port some powersets from other ATs over to them? Elec Armor would be a nice Tanker set, as would Dark Armor.
Elec Melee for Scrappers. Fire Melee, maybe Ice Melee too. And hell, Energy Melee for Scrappers too. Someone mentioned Energy Aura for defensive. Fire Armor would be cool too.
Brand new sets are great and all, but you guys got all these sets that could be easily ported over with minimal work. Seems like a waste.