CoH needs more blades...




... like I need a hole in the head.

Ever since dual blades was "announced" I've been racking my brain trying to think of heroes that would use a pair of knives to arrest criminals. I Haven't thought of one. Looking back on all those comic books that I collected as a kid, the only one I can remember using a blade of any kind was the Black Knight (Sorry Electra uses two Sais... they don't have blades).

The way I see it, there are more comic book heroes that use boomerangs, then those that use broad swords, katanas, battle axes, maces, and dual blades combined.

"But Tarmac, the people voted for dual blades!"

So what. The people voted for Nixon (twice). The people voted to kill Socrates. The people said O.J. was innocent. In other words, the people are morons.

This power set has NOTHING to do with comic book heroes. Sure it's fine in WoW, EQ, and LotR, but those are sword and sorcery games, this is a super hero game. States, do the right thing, suck it up and make dual blades a CoV only power. Come up with a power for heroes that fits the bill and makes use feel like the good guys. Not some knife wielding, blood thirsty villain.

Nuking the world since 1972



they never said they were knives, they said blades... it could be a blade of any length...

Personally im fine with botha knife and a longer weapon but seeing as brutes are able to use them too... im guessing its going to be longer



Current Thunderbird

Just off the top of my head.

And now add to the list:

Me, on a scrapper and a brute as of I-11.

Sucks to be you.

Be well, people of CoH.



Get lost. Dual Blades are cooler than Willpower. And just because something has no precedent in a comic book, doesn't mean it must be excluded simply for that sake.

Go get a clue, come back.



This is really doom.



And to continue my persistent disagreement, willpower is just as cool as dual blades in my mind.

That's why the aforementioned dual-bladin scrapper and brute will both have willpower as well.

Be well, people of CoH.



And Deadpool does make it look awesome...shame Liefield created him...means i cant hate that bastid unequivocally :/

Furio--Lvl 50+3 Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster, Virtue
Megadeth--Lvl 50+3 Necro/DM/Soul MM, Virtue
Veriandros--Lvl 50+3 Crab Soldier, Virtue
"So come and get me! I'll be waiting for ye, with a whiff of the old brimstone. I'm a grim bloody fable, with an unhappy bloody end!" Demoman, TF2



... like I need a hole in the head.

Ever since dual blades was "announced" I've been racking my brain trying to think of heroes that would use a pair of knives to arrest criminals. I Haven't thought of one. Looking back on all those comic books that I collected as a kid, the only one I can remember using a blade of any kind was the Black Knight (Sorry Electra uses two Sais... they don't have blades).

The way I see it, there are more comic book heroes that use boomerangs, then those that use broad swords, katanas, battle axes, maces, and dual blades combined.

"But Tarmac, the people voted for dual blades!"

So what. The people voted for Nixon (twice). The people voted to kill Socrates. The people said O.J. was innocent. In other words, the people are morons.

Statesman, im calling you out. This power set has NOTHING to do with comic book heroes. Sure it's fine in WoW, EQ, and LotR, but those are sword and sorcery games, this is a super hero game. States, do the right thing, suck it up and make dual blades a CoV only power. Come up with a power for heroes that fits the bill and makes use feel like the good guys. Not some knife wielding, blood thirsty villain.

[/ QUOTE ]

Excuse me while I use some similar circular logic:

1) Nixon was an amazing president, he just got caught.

2) Socrates was an idiot. He was wrong, amirgith?

3) If Elvis is still alive, OJ is innocent dammit!

That said, I still hate dual blades, but people voted for it. And plurality * $15 > minority * $15, and thats what it comes down to.



I will never stop saying that we need a Scythe powerset.



Current Thunderbird

[/ QUOTE ]

Nightcrawler: uses his fists and feet
Thunderbird: dead
Deadpool: who? some noob? Oh, the guy with the machine gun

But there are more heroes that use machine guns then dual blades..

Nuking the world since 1972



I will never stop saying that we need a Scythe powerset.

[/ QUOTE ]

Wonder why youd possibly say that...

erm either way, nightcrawler also used swords, just usually fists and feet to avoid killing people. and deadpool was a mercenary who had *both* a machine gun, pistols and dual swords...

The fact is, you voted for something else and are displeased that dual blades is more popular. A good deal of the other powers have been discussed as still major interests to the dev team such as shield melee/defense and street fighting, so maybe maybe itll be more then just dual blades and willpower




Also, This game is also about playing bad guys.

Snake Eyes

These last three use all manner of weapons but I've definitely seen two knives in their hands.



Sucks to be you.

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree with this general statement. This game has been inspired by comic books, but it's not ONLY about comic books. I never saw a warning when I made any of my characters, I never found that they didn't belong or didn't fit and I've never found myself suffering for not having anything to do with comic books whatsoever. The game accepts all kinds of concepts. It's people here on the forums who can't see past their own noses that are the only problem with the concepts I use.

Are we looking for characters who use blades? Let's see...

The Cartoon Network's Samurai Jack
Devil May Cry's Dante
MegaMan X and MegaMan Zero series Zero
Metal Gear's Grey Fox
The Prince of Persia
Connan the Barbarian
Darth Lord Revan (depending on player choices)
Capcom's Strider Hyriu
Marvel's Silver Samurai (oops!)
Just about anyone from the Kill Bill movies
Shaman King's Yoh Asakura
Half the people from the Guilty Gear games
Blood Rayne
The Matrix's Morpheus
Star Craft's Dark Templars
Warhammer 40 000's forces of Chaos and the Space Marines
Vampire Hunter D
Silent Hill's Harry, or at the very least his daughter, to say nothing of Pyramid Head.
Peter Pan...

Comic book heroes? Maybe not. I'll let you in on a little secret, though: I don't care. The fit the GAME and they're cool. And that's good enough.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Current Thunderbird

[/ QUOTE ]

Nightcrawler: uses his fists and feet
Thunderbird: dead
Deadpool: who? some noob? Oh, the guy with the machine gun

But there are more heroes that use machine guns then dual blades..

[/ QUOTE ]

Nightcrawler actually used three blades on many occasions. Read his own limited series sometime.

Your reading comprehension sucks. I said CURRENT Thunderbird. The original's little brother, apparently.

Deadpool has been around for years.

Your comic knowledge sucks, and I haven't bought a single comic in well over 15 years.

You lose.

And since you comic knowledge sucks, we can now ignore your OP for being baseless and devoid of fact.

Be well, people of CoH.




Did I fail? Is the big guy in the new X-Force Warpath? Ahh, I see, he changed his name but was Thunderbird for a spell.


Be well, people of CoH.



Could the OP cry more please? I didnt know that was a superpower now but apparently he has it. Funny cause I don't know of any superheros who cry a lot in the comics. Guess he got beaten by his own argument huh? Owned.



Other dual blade wielders:

Shatterstar (Marvel)
Punisher - I swear I've seen him pick up two knives (Marvel)
Zealot (Wildstorm)
Grifter - yeah, trained by Zealot (Wildstorm)
Warblade (Wildstorm)

Dual Blades may not be the most exciting powerset, but they certainly have their place in comic books.



Not to mention CoH/Cov Isnt ONLY influenced by comic books. It's got Anime influences too and TONS of anime characters use two weapons. There is also a bit of a martial arts theme with most scrappers and two blades is a perfect example of it. But I guess the OP thinks this game was made for him and him alone and that only what he wants matters and if the doesn't get it and something he doesnt like is in the game that crying about it will help. There's that super power no one's heard of in a comic before...



I'll be frank, it is true that there are not tooo many chars that use dual blades in comic books. however if you look at some of the power choices... there are alot of stuff that is from left field. Just because it isn't your style of power don't get pissed off that the majority of people wanted it cause its cool.



To be honest (And this is just a guess), I figure Dual Blades were actually intended to be for villains, but they decided to give 'em to Heroes too just to pre-emptively stop would be the inevitable cries of "ZOMG! WHY DO VILLAINS GET <Insert powerset name here> AND WE DON'T?!? THE DEV'S ARE DISCRIMINATING AGAINST HEROES! WHY ARN'T THEY MORE LIKE THAT SEXY LIQUIDX, WHO HATES EVERYBODY EQUALLY, AND IS VERY SEXY. IN FACT, HOW CAN HE BE SEXIER THEN SEXYJAY?! I DEMAND A RECOUNT! WHY WON'T ANYBODY THINKG OF THE CHILDREN???????????!!!!!!!!11111misskittywilleataf ordtoyota11111"



To be honest (And this is just a guess), I figure Dual Blades were actually intended to be for villains, but they decided to give 'em to Heroes too just to pre-emptively stop would be the inevitable cries of "ZOMG! WHY DO VILLAINS GET <Insert powerset name here> AND WE DON'T?!? THE DEV'S ARE DISCRIMINATING AGAINST HEROES! WHY ARN'T THEY MORE LIKE THAT SEXY LIQUIDX, WHO HATES EVERYBODY EQUALLY, AND IS VERY SEXY. IN FACT, HOW CAN HE BE SEXIER THEN SEXYJAY?! I DEMAND A RECOUNT! WHY WON'T ANYBODY THINKG OF THE CHILDREN???????????!!!!!!!!11111misskittywilleataf ordtoyota11111"

[/ QUOTE ]




... like I need a hole in the head.

Ever since dual blades was "announced" I've been racking my brain trying to think of heroes that would use a pair of knives to arrest criminals. I Haven't thought of one. Looking back on all those comic books that I collected as a kid, the only one I can remember using a blade of any kind was the Black Knight (Sorry Electra uses two Sais... they don't have blades).

The way I see it, there are more comic book heroes that use boomerangs, then those that use broad swords, katanas, battle axes, maces, and dual blades combined.

"But Tarmac, the people voted for dual blades!"

So what. The people voted for Nixon (twice). The people voted to kill Socrates. The people said O.J. was innocent. In other words, the people are morons.

Statesman, im calling you out. This power set has NOTHING to do with comic book heroes. Sure it's fine in WoW, EQ, and LotR, but those are sword and sorcery games, this is a super hero game. States, do the right thing, suck it up and make dual blades a CoV only power. Come up with a power for heroes that fits the bill and makes use feel like the good guys. Not some knife wielding, blood thirsty villain.

[/ QUOTE ]

leonardo of the ninja turtles uses two swords, which are bladed weapons.

Jay Doherty: Yes, there was this one night that I was ready to go home but had to drop the browns off at the super bowl before I left for home. While on the throne it hit me. I stayed for a few more hours and that why we have the pain pads in the game.



You mentioned Leotardo ... and the stupidest mutant concept EVER.
To me anyway.

Masterminds annoy everybody, sooner or later. Heck, Masterminds annoy themselves.



You mentioned Leotardo ... and the stupidest mutant concept EVER.
To me anyway.

[/ QUOTE ]

he asked for dual blade using comic characters. Leonardo fulfills this.

Jay Doherty: Yes, there was this one night that I was ready to go home but had to drop the browns off at the super bowl before I left for home. While on the throne it hit me. I stayed for a few more hours and that why we have the pain pads in the game.



... like I need a hole in the head.

Ever since dual blades was "announced" I've been racking my brain trying to think of heroes that would use a pair of knives to arrest criminals. I Haven't thought of one. Looking back on all those comic books that I collected as a kid, the only one I can remember using a blade of any kind was the Black Knight (Sorry Electra uses two Sais... they don't have blades).

The way I see it, there are more comic book heroes that use boomerangs, then those that use broad swords, katanas, battle axes, maces, and dual blades combined.

"But Tarmac, the people voted for dual blades!"

So what. The people voted for Nixon (twice). The people voted to kill Socrates. The people said O.J. was innocent. In other words, the people are morons.

Statesman, im calling you out. This power set has NOTHING to do with comic book heroes. Sure it's fine in WoW, EQ, and LotR, but those are sword and sorcery games, this is a super hero game. States, do the right thing, suck it up and make dual blades a CoV only power. Come up with a power for heroes that fits the bill and makes use feel like the good guys. Not some knife wielding, blood thirsty villain.

[/ QUOTE ]

/cry moar

Get over yourself, it's what the playerbase wanted, next powersets we're getting is street fighting and shields. When those are coming up you going to piss and moan because "Shields aren't heroic"? Seriously, you just need to get over yourself.

@ShoRyu Kusanagi

The Unoffical Anime Junky of Justice



You mentioned Leotardo ... and the stupidest mutant concept EVER.
To me anyway.

[/ QUOTE ]

Did you read the orignal TMT? Or are you going on the crappy cartoon fromt the 80s and 90? There was nothing childish about the orginal TMT.

As for the OP, others before me have proven you wrong already, I will not bother.

Types of Swords
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