174 -
Ah thanks, and someone just noted that I must have not added cutscene to any of my chat tabs. Feel like a maroon now, oh well. 'Preciate the reply.
Just that: I get no cutscene talk or sounds. I just resubbed after a long time and forgot how this can be fixed. I see nothing in options, though I may have easily missed something.
If it went down like that, the Brute the Op is talking about was just a jackass then.
If you join a tf, realize you are the only tank/brute, and see no heavy support bubblers and Emps, then still act like a 'tard....well, it's just griefing, incompetence or stupidity tbfh.
Quote:I hope to hell I never get to the point where this attitude pervades my life. Not being narcissistic, it's unlikely.the only person you can count on is yourself, and even then you are bound to be dissapointed on occasion -
Roll up a Peacebringer, stay Human form only (ignore the gasps of dismay from the many purists), take all the shields and slot them. Its now blapblastroller funtime and you look cool/shiny/OOO! doing your thing.
Finished an ITF with my Ice Tanker that had lots of random banter not long ago.
Don't recall how the funniest started, but there was some riske' remarks and eventually the obligatory "is that an icicle in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?"
"These just look like Icicles poking out all over, how else do you imagine I get and hold so much aggro??"
Oh, nm, it was funny to me. -
Working as intended, according to a senior GM response.
Annoying, WAI in this instance is highly annoying because I can see no gain in any way/shape/manner/form whatsoever from it by anything or anyone. -
I'm going to petition it, again, for whatever small worth that will be.
I like the Shadow Shard and particularly the Storm Palace (45+), but it REALLY REALLY sucks that port, shield charge, lightning rod and who knows what else will not work at the Storm Palace.
Does anyone know why this is? Will it ever be changed? -
Yeah, anymore I'll just watch the three or four globals chans I frequent and just try to work from there.
Do people look at them anymore?
Back not long ago, even when the server was less populated, a LFMission flag would invariably get you a couple invites, after a while. A LFAny tag would get you more than you wanted, most likely.
Lately? The server is red but when I am afk and not looking, the blind invites fly.
When I am LFT, LFA, LFTF I see a billion people running around, yet get nothing but silence.
*Shrugs* it's almost like the RNG, (which hates me), it just seems completely random.
Do you use, view and pay attention to flags? I do, or used to anyway.
14 Blaster LFT! (LFA tag). I meen crapola, don't make me actually man up and start a team. -
Just let me strap my Time Bomb onto a willing teammate (Tank maybe) so he can run in and detonate, or let me throw it like a stachel charge. Also, if the Gun Drone wants to melee, let it explode with moderate AOE damage when it dies.
edited: sp -
Yeah the Rikti bosses, but I thought it was 4.
My 2 worst (and favorite) builds were petless Masterminds, I just got tired of getting kicked.
One was an undead gunfighter, wihtout all that nancy panzy DP flipping/dancing annoying gunfu ridiculousness.
The other just used his pulse rifle, and WHEN are we gonna get a decent high tech Praetorian style animation rifle, btw?! -
Hi, I've got 2 large porter rooms in my base with 14 Porters (yes I overcrafted in the wild and overconfident assumption that SOME day they will be tied to new Zones). 10 are tied to the zones below, 4 unused. Am I missing any?
I also think I have them arranged in order of ascending level range.
Atlas Park
Dark A
Terra V
PI -
Sent. I suppose I need to seriously start looking at locking one in myself and figuring out the best way to use him. Thanks all, btw.
Yeah, like Procs and globals. Seems like zero supply, ever, until 50, even when I put up huge bids.
edit: I hate chasing merits tbh, but maybe I have to force myself to AE I guess. -
I mean nothing is available, ever, it seems like anymore since GR. A billion people bidding on everything but the utter crap and nothing ever available. Wth.
Is this a permanent situation do you supppose or will things chill out? -
I admit it, I love laser type rifles so much I much rolled up a mostly petless Mastermind. Yeah, he was fairly useless in comparison but, damn, the style!!
Got tired of getting booted though.
Those fools just have no vision!
I had high hopes with DP and tracer like amunition, but the animations are just incredibly ridiculous and annoying to me (and a lot of other people). Sorry, they just are.
Now with Praetoria, it seems like every NPC group has the coolest looking weapons. Powersuits, pulse rifles, WRIST GUNS! even.
This may be an old and much discussed request, but cmon Devs, throw us bone here! Is there ANY chance this has been seriously looked at by the development team? -
I have and use an ice/Fire Tank for both farms and teaming, TF's, Storm Palace sweeps and anything else I want to do. It works great, you just have to take Tough and Weave and I also took CJ. Also, proc up the pbaoes and Icicles and have fun.
It's very tough, has a decently recharging heal (with Hasten) and free End + extra Defense with fast recharging EA which is often double stacked. Set bonuses to taste and wallet.
Ice/Fire won't be a min maxers dream, but it's versatile and /fire/cold does great Aoe/Pbaoe damage. I decided to go the Ice Storm route instead of Fireball and don't regret it. -
I disliked my PB until I went Human form only, took all the shields and Tough and Hasten. Much fun and tail kicking. When things get really flaky and people are dying around you is when you can really strut your stuff.
Just don't be a jackass and Solar Flare all over the place while on teams.
I have actually had a person tell me "You're doing it wrong, Tri-form is the ONLY way to play Khelds." -
Gawd, the hair back then. Wost ever was that guy from Flock of Seagulls.
Air Sup / Fly is for my Ranger type Blasters, mostly.
CJ / SJ is for my Tanks and Scrappers, mostly.
SS is only for any super tight builds but I don't much like it.
Teleport... I never take it.
Now, with Ninja Run / Swift, I rarely take any travels so I can get more AT powers or pools I want. With the advent of inherent Fitness even more choices will ensue.
Quote:Most temps bug the hell out of me too. It detracts bigtime from secondaries like Devices and Traps and even a couple ancillary powers.I'm fine with Fly itself. What bugs me is that temp fly is easy to get, lasts so long, and moves so fast. -
Kryptonite by 3 Doors Down.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPU8OAjjS4k. Ignore the 10 second add beforehand.