Time Travel




This question is more for the Devs, though is anyone can point out a link for me that would be cool too.

I remember a few months back Statesman had mentioned that not only will we be able to travel to other dimesions and eventually space, but also travel through time. Is this still on the books or has it been put aside for other ideas?

Will Portal Corporation eventually be able to crack the Time Barrier and send heroes into the future to stop threats to the past? (Or vice versa) Will we be able to travel through time and meet ourselves in the future or past? Or even get lost in time?

I hope the whole Time Travel aspect is still being developed and something we will eventually see in game.



Sounds familiar... It's likely to have been in an interview rather than a Dev Digest comment...

Time Travel is pretty popular in Comic Books, I don't see any reason why we shouldn't be allowed to do it. After all, it was good enough for Ubelman.



The closest thing I have read/heard was flashback mode. which allows us to finish old contact missions (in case you out level them)



Time Travel is pretty popular in Comic Books, I don't see any reason why we shouldn't be allowed to do it. After all, it was good enough for Ubelman.

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I loved the Ubelman storyline. I just wish we could have traveled back/forwards in time as well during that arch. Maybe we will get our chance for Update #4.

The Teen Titans are currently stuck in the future in their book and met up with their future selves. Things aren't going well either. I suggest to other comic readers to pick up that series, it's extremely well written and the art is always top notch.



We already implemented Time Travel...

Wait, we haven't yet? What year is this? 2004! Oh... um, ignore me.

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We already implemented Time Travel...

Wait, we haven't yet? What year is this? 2004! Oh... um, ignore me.

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All Statesman's "Soon" comments are beginning to look rather suspect...



Id like to beable to go play in the hazard zones before they were hazard zones doing missions there and so forth.



We already implemented Time Travel...

Wait, we haven't yet? What year is this? 2004! Oh... um, ignore me.

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That means we already have it in the future! So we just have to wait so they can add it...but we already have it in the...future...but not...yet...I mean...

Ow, paradoxes always give me a headache.



Id like to beable to go play in the hazard zones before they were hazard zones doing missions there and so forth.

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That'd be pretty awesome... Faultline pre-Faultline....



During the PCC event, didn't Cuppajo and the crew ask a few times whether us heroes would like the chance to travel back to fight during the Rikti Invasion?



During the PCC event, didn't Cuppajo and the crew ask a few times whether us heroes would like the chance to travel back to fight during the Rikti Invasion?

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Oh my God that would rock so much. If that happens I've got a few words of advice; If Hero 1 ever says "Hey! Y'know what'd be a fun idea? Going through this big portal to the Rikti homeworld!" DON'T GO WITH HIM.
That's pretty important to remember...



During the PCC event, didn't Cuppajo and the crew ask a few times whether us heroes would like the chance to travel back to fight during the Rikti Invasion?

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My answer to that would be a resounding hell yes!



That means we already have it in the future! So we just have to wait so they can add it...but we already have it in the...future...but not...yet...I mean...

Ow, paradoxes always give me a headache.

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No we don't "have" it in the future, that would imply that it's here, which it isn't. But it's really too late anyway since we already know that Statesman has/is/will screw up the space-time continuum for the rest of us anyway by even telling us that we will see time travel .. later.. Of course, he could just go back in time and tell himself not to mention it, which he obviously hasn't/isn't/won't do or we wouldn't be having this conversation.



During the PCC event, didn't Cuppajo and the crew ask a few times whether us heroes would like the chance to travel back to fight during the Rikti Invasion?

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My answer to that would be a resounding hell yes!

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Hmmm Im having flash backs. Didnt we do this already?

Im remembering tons of Hero's in Atlas and Some one by the name of Storm Sage leading the defense of the capital as Rikti beamed down from there Ship hovering over the Blimp.

Im remembering hords of lvl 1-15 Heros swarming lvl 30 and 33 Rikti Mentalists and there minions.

To do that again would be a blast.

They would have to rull back the purple patch for the event tho.

edit: Now I know why some times some one posts a quote but does not say anything. (it was in teh quote that they quoted)



We already implemented Time Travel...

Wait, we haven't yet? What year is this? 2004! Oh... um, ignore me.

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"These tachyons...they're muddling everything up."
- Dr. Manhattan (Watchmen; read your classics)



Not long ago I finished a story arc about a 5th column agent that is being sent forward in time in order to collect information and then return to his present, our past, this means time travel IS possible in the CoHverse.

And now to the day dreaming: Imagine having a story where you FAIL a mission (yes, you FAIL, even Superheroes have their bad days) and then you must go back in time to either:
A ) Help yourself in order to achieve victory.

B ) Return with vital information that will enable you to stop said event before it even started.



During the PCC event, didn't Cuppajo and the crew ask a few times whether us heroes would like the chance to travel back to fight during the Rikti Invasion?

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You're standing over the fallen archvillain, apparently foiling his diabolical plot. Suddenly the klaxons ring, clarion, throughout the metal hallways. A portal opens violently. Energy torrents from the rip in space-time sending your team to the hard, plate-steel floor. A form falls through, torn and gasping, sillouheted in the shimmering gateway.

Hero 1, fallen legend of Paragon City, heaves his weight from the floor. His breathing labored, his body beaten, he stumbles toward you. He falters and falls, propping his body up by his arms alone.

"I made it. You must help, there's no time. I've come forward to find heroes..."

You kneel down and your teammates gather around.

"Go through the portal, go back and save Paragon... the battle is lost without you... But be warned... If you lose, you will never return..."

You look at your friends.

"It is more than anyone should ask," gasps Hero 1, his eyes fluttering, "it's more than anyone should give..."

The legend's eyes focus on something more distant than the cavernous ceilings of the chamber. His body shudders and all light leaves his face.

You have witnessed the end of Hero 1. He has given his life to find heroes who can stop the Rikti. He has told you that if you fail, you will not be coming back to the hospital. You will simply cease to be.

Your friends look at each other, and then to you, the leader of the Task Force. You know this one if for keeps. You look down at the cape worn by Hero 1. Your own cape flutters around your calves in the breeze generated by the portal.

Well? What say you... hero?




"These tachyons...they're muddling everything up."
- Dr. Manhattan (Watchmen; read your classics)

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Watchmen is one of the best books there is/was. Every comic book fan should own or read a copy of those books.



Time travel could practically be en entire CoV-sized expansion unto itself. Imagine making a Silver Age version of Paragon in its glory days: art deco, neon and 50s-60s modernist architecture. No war walls, no rubble, just the occasional incursion of bizarre, Kirbyesque villains from a time when comic-book villainy was more fanciful and less painfully "modern/realistic" for the '00s (evil corporations and posthuman eco-hippies are fine as far as they go, but some of us want more pure four-color adventure).

Let's have mole people! Mad scientists with weird rays that bring coffee tables and armoires to life! Villains with goofy costumes and concepts staging improbable world-dominating schemes!

... And then you can have the players explore the seamy political underside, with the Might For Right Act and all the Cold War maneuvering.

So much potential here.



That means we already have it in the future! So we just have to wait so they can add it...but we already have it in the...future...but not...yet...I mean...

Ow, paradoxes always give me a headache.

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No we don't "have" it in the future, that would imply that it's here, which it isn't. But it's really too late anyway since we already know that Statesman has/is/will screw up the space-time continuum for the rest of us anyway by even telling us that we will see time travel .. later.. Of course, he could just go back in time and tell himself not to mention it, which he obviously hasn't/isn't/won't do or we wouldn't be having this conversation.

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Your syntax is all wrong. You need to read The Restaurant At The End Of The Universe for a proper example.

Justice server



We already implemented Time Travel...

Wait, we haven't yet? What year is this? 2004! Oh... um, ignore me.

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't care if it's time travel, dimension travel, flashback, flash-foward.... I just wanna fight a DINOSAUR!

Yes, a Dinosaur.




It's Caveman or nothin'!



During the PCC event, didn't Cuppajo and the crew ask a few times whether us heroes would like the chance to travel back to fight during the Rikti Invasion?

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She may have, but with as starry-eyed as everyone on the board is regarding her, it was probably mis-interpreted as "Take me now, big boy!".



lol.. restaunt at the end of the universe.. there was a RPG game for that.. love it! :0

as long I can see the sign.. I can breath and act normally in space



Im remembering hords of lvl 1-15 Heros swarming lvl 30 and 33 Rikti Mentalists and there minions.
To do that again would be a blast.
They would have to rull back the purple patch for the event tho.

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There's no way that autologout could have cured that lagtastic epic battle. I look at that fantastic amateur long-form music video of the beta Rikti Invasion every couple of months wistfully.