17 -
Hello all.
I admit that I don't have the love of numbers I used to have, but I do want to play the most viable toon I can. So would someone please create a KM/DA brute for me with Mids?
Here are the criteria:
Must be a Kinetic Melee / Dark Armor Brute
I prefer to use the Death Shroud extensively
I want to solo/duo and farm a LOT with this toon at x8
I don't PvP.
Your help is appreciated. If I choose a build here, I will be happy to put your name in my Character's bio. This toon will play on the Justice server.
Thanks again
-Deathmasque -
Quote:We asked for this back in CoH beta. We were told it couldn't be done because it was "baked into" the game.It's just another way to promote the game. It should be pretty easy to pull the creator out of the game and make a stand alone version, and it would be a significantly smaller download. People are more likely to download a few hundred megabytes rather than 3 GBs. And then the creator hopefully builds some excitement to further entice people to do that huge download.
They said the same thing about power color customization. -
Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Domacett
Global Contact: @Domacett
Level of Classification: 34
Origin: Magic
Super Rank & Super Group: Artirrhun of The Legion of Tirrhunost -
I play crab and my buddy plays bane. It's our first time through with SoA toons. He'll want to see this. Thanks for the info!
CoX, hands-down, without a doubt the bast chargen of any MMO I've ever played.
I remember in beta, a lot of people (myself included) thought it would be great to package the chargen separately in an off-line version and stick them in gaming magazines for promotion. I still think its a great idea, but was told that it wasn't possible because the chargen was "baked" into the game code.
-D -
There's a big discussion going on over at the WoW boards about a Blizzard employee that plays under the name of Nebu.
Apparently this guy is a jerk and many people believe he's abusing his position.
Thank you to all the Cryptic-NCsoft employees that play the game and are not Nebu's -
I find I have the most fun when in a group of 5. Not too overwhelming and not too confusing.
I think it would be a good idea to make "baseline" a group of three. -
Seems to me that "Incarnate" is simply meant to represent an embodiment of something, like good, evil, pancakes, etc.
"Coralax" could be a derivative of correlate. It's a bit of a stretch but it does have a meaning of being complimentary or comparable. Not quite as strong a reference as "Incarnate" but has the same feel.
But then again it could be in reference to a gazelle with diarrhea -
That means we already have it in the future! So we just have to wait so they can add it...but we already have it in the...future...but not...yet...I mean...
Ow, paradoxes always give me a headache.
[/ QUOTE ]
No we don't "have" it in the future, that would imply that it's here, which it isn't. But it's really too late anyway since we already know that Statesman has/is/will screw up the space-time continuum for the rest of us anyway by even telling us that we will see time travel .. later.. Of course, he could just go back in time and tell himself not to mention it, which he obviously hasn't/isn't/won't do or we wouldn't be having this conversation.
[/ QUOTE ]
Your syntax is all wrong. You need to read The Restaurant At The End Of The Universe for a proper example. -
Let's sing the song of Doom!
(shameless Invader Zim reference)
[/ QUOTE ]
http://www.siberkat.com/thedoomsong.html -
Martin Rocks!
If this doesn't make Issue 3, please consider a supplimental patch for this before Issue 4. This change will have a HUGE positive impact on combat.
You know how frustrating it is to be chasing a Freak Tanker that is gunning for your controller and not able to hit him until he's stopped and gutted your crowd control guy. -
6. We're done with Blizzard - for the moment.
[/ QUOTE ]
And all this time I thought it was a tornado that squished their server. I should have known it was a Storm Shaman hit squad. -
I'm glad they are fixing it, because I like to solo, but I did have some fun with the bug.
Couple days ago I had to take out a Devoured Lawyer. Normally I would have laughed and walked away enjoying the irony, but I had a mission to accomplish.
Well, the short of it is that at level 31, with a +1 boss, it takes a lot of patience, a little bit of tactics, and about 16 trip mines to take that MF'er out! Mwahahahaaa!!! That bastige killed me three times before I blew the snot out of him. And good riddance too, dirty bloodsucking lawyer. -
Hey, why didn't Holsten Armitage mention this to me? I thought we were buddies.
In fact, if this invasion is suppose to hit Brickstown pretty heavy, why is he standing there in the open?
I know! That senator dude that Holsten told us about is really an invader spy!!!11!!1 If we had let the Rikti kill him, he never would have reported back to his waiting armada of slave ships with Kill-O-Zap death rays!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ONE!!!!!!!!!! -
thwart! thwart! thwart!
...thwart! -
Whatever it is, I'm sure we'll thwart it!
We spend countless hours thwarting things and we've gotten pretty darn good at it.
thwart! thwart! thwart!